scholarly journals Pembangunan Modul Dokumentasi Aplikasi Point Of Sale Odoo Berbasis Web Di PT Belant Persada

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-87
Puji Dwi Gustiani ◽  
Rina Trisminingsih ◽  
Lufty Abdillah

ABSTRACT Odoo is an open source ERP application where there are various business programs such as Sales, Point of Sale, CRM, Human Resources, Finance and Accounting and others. One application module developed by Odoo is Point of Sale. Point of sale (POS) is a system that can help the transaction process in a business that is engaged in sales such as supermarkets, restaurants, clothing stores and so others. The use of the Odoo POS application among Indonesian people still sounds not familiar because of the lack of information related to the use of the Odoo POS application. Documentation from the Odoo POS application is available on the Odoo websiteHowever, the documentation does not yet have the function to download documentation files and has not been displayed visually in video format. From this, there is a need for documentation using the Odoo POS application that can download documentation files and display documentation visually in video format to distinguish between the original POS Odoo application documentation module and the Odoo POS application documentation module that the author made. For this reason, was built Application Documentation Module Point of Sale Odoo Based on Web at Pt Belant Persada. The Odoo POS application documentation module contains documentation about the use of the POS Odoo application for retail and restaurant fields and this documentation can be downloaded freely in PDF format and displays the documentation visually in video formatThe method used in the development of the Odoo POS application documentation module is the prototype method. This method has five stages is Communication, Quick Plan, Modeling Quick Design, Construction of Prototype, and Deployment, Delivery, & Feedback.   ABSTRAK Odoo adalah aplikasi ERP bersifat open source yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai program bisnis seperti Sales, Point of Sale, CRM, Human Resource, Finance and Accounting dan lain sebagainya. Salah satu modul aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Odoo yaitu Point of Sale. Point of sale (POS) merupakan sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu proses transaksi pada suatu bisnis yang bergerak di bidang penjualan seperti toko swalayan, restoran, toko baju dan lain sebagainya. Penggunaan aplikasi POS Odoo di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia masih terdengar asing karena minimnya informasi terkait penggunaan aplikasi POS Odoo. Dokumentasi dari aplikasi POS Odoo sudah ada di website Odoo. Namun, dokumentasi tersebut belum mempunyai fungsi untuk mengunduh file dokumentasi dan belum ditampilkan secara visual dalam format video. Dari hal tersebut, perlu adanya suatu dokumentasi penggunaan aplikasi POS Odoo yang dapat mengunduh file dokumentasi dan menampilkan dokumentasi secara visual dalam format video untuk membedakan antara modul dokumentasi aplikasi POS Odoo yang asli dengan modul dokumentasi aplikasi POS Odoo yang penulis buat. Untuk itu, dibangunlah Modul Dokumentasi Aplikasi Point of Sale Odoo Berbasis Web di PT Belant Persada. Modul dokumentasi aplikasi POS Odoo berisi tentang dokumentasi penggunaan aplikasi POS Odoo untuk bidang retail dan restaurant serta dokumentasi ini dapat diunduh dalam format PDF secara bebas dan menampilkan dokumentasi secara visual dalam format video. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembangunan modul dokumentasi aplikasi POS Odoo adalah metode prototipe. Metode ini mempunyai lima tahapan yaitu Communication, Quick Plan, Modelling Quick Design, Construction of Prototype, dan Deployment, Delivery, & Feedback.

Zulaima Chiquin ◽  
Kenyer Domínguez ◽  
Luis E. Mendoza ◽  
Edumilis Méndez

This chapter presents a Model to Estimate the Human Factor Quality in Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Development, or EHFQ-FLOSS. The model consists of three dimensions: Levels (individual, community, and foundation), Aspects (internal or contextual), and Forms of Evaluation (self-evaluation, co-evaluation, and hetero-evaluation). Furthermore, this model provides 145 metrics applicable to all three levels, as well as an algorithm that guides their proper application to estimate the systemic quality of human resources involved in the development of FLOSS, guide the decision-making process, and take possible corrective actions.

Suleyman Ozeren ◽  
Suat Cubukcu ◽  
Mehmet F. Bastug

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been unprecedentedly effective in recruiting foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs). While Turkey has been a transit country and a major hub for ISIS’s logistical and human resources, it also has become a prolific hotbed for its recruitment. Based on face-to-face interviews and open-source reports, this paper provides an in-depth assessment of ISIS’s recruitment structure and the challenges that Turkey faces in relation to ISIS’s activities and FTFs. We conclude with a set of recommendations and a roadmap for pursuing effective and sustainable policies against ISIS. Overall, Turkey should adopt a paradigm shift on counterterrorism, transform the security and intelligence apparatus, and develop rehabilitation programs that consider the specificity of individuals’ radicalization at different levels.

Martin Michlmayr ◽  
Gregorio Robles ◽  
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Most libre (free, open source) software projects rely on the work of volunteers. Therefore, attracting people who contribute their time and technical skills is of paramount importance, both in technical and economic terms. This reliance on volunteers leads to some fundamental management challenges: Volunteer contributions are inherently difficult to predict, plan, and manage, especially in the case of large projects. In this chapter we present an analysis of the evolution over time of the human resources in large libre software projects, using the Debian project, one of the largest and most complex libre software projects based mainly in voluntary work, as a case study. We have performed a quantitative investigation of data corresponding to roughly seven years, studying how volunteer involvement has affected the software released by the project, and the developer community itself.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 70-89 ◽  
Krassie Petrova ◽  
Bo Wang

This qualitative study aimed to identify the motivating factors and the challenges related to the adoption of mobile payment (mPayment) by small business retailers. Data collected from semi-structured personal interviews with a small group of participants were analyzed applying a content analysis approach. The findings indicate that retailer demand for mPayment was motivated mainly by perceived customer expectations for a convenient (faster) way to pay using the ubiquitous mobile technology, as well as by the perceived efficiency of mPayment leading to revenue increase. Challenges to mPayment adoption included, among others, the need to compete with already established point-of-sale payment technologies and the lack of information about mPayment leading to uncertainty about its comparative advantages. The study contributes to the body of knowledge by developing and exploring a merchant oriented mPayment adoption model. The factors identified as adoption drivers and challenges provide an insight into New Zealand retailer perspectives on mPayment, and the grounds for recommendations to mPayment service providers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 204-211
Tito Surogo ◽  
Revi Sunaryati ◽  

Taman Nasional Sebagau (TNS) or Sebangau National Park has been now striving to provide optimal benefits for the community surrounding its area through productive economic business development program, as it did in one buffer village, namely Sebangau Mulya. This program aims to improve community welfare, and as a form of community involvement in preserving the TNS area. However, the success of the program remains questionable. This study aims, first, to examine the development of productive economic business programs in Sebangau Mulya Village. Second, to analyze the effect of such program on the welfare of villagers. The research sample was 40 villagers who received direct assistance from the program. This figure account for 10% of the villagers. Descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression were used to study the relationship of 7 independent variables, namely facilitators (X1), institutions (X2), human resources capacity (X3), skills and knowledge of human resources (X4), type of productive economic assistance (X5), counseling and training (X6) and supervision (X7) with 1 dependent variable, i.e. community welfare. The results show that the program has been providing positive benefits, marked by the increase of cattle and goats number, compared to those provided by TNS management five years before. In addition, the program has been successfully tying villagers and TNS management in maintaining and managing the area according to the planned agenda. The factors that partially influence the beneficiaries welfare is skills and knowledge (X4), which is amounting to 26.80%. Since the community in carrying out productive economic businesses is in accordance with their skills and knowledge so that they are able to develop ideal businesses with the environmental conditions of Sebangau Mulya Village. Other six factors have no significant effect on villagers’ welfare.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 36
Nadia Oliva

<p>The aim of this paper is to analyze the Local Authorities management reports, particularly those of nine companies involved in the water distribution services in light of the changes made by the legislator to Article 2428 c.c. The new article of the Civil Code has, indeed, provided for the integration, in the management report, of a series of figures and prospective non-financial tools, regarding the environment, employees relationships and the company’s performance, and provided information on developments of management, strategies, plans and business programs. The operational methodology used has been based on a detailed analysis of the existing literature on the matter and on an empirical analysis that has been actualized in the investigation of document sources (management reports and, where possible, social balance reports). What has emerged from the analysis is that, except that for few exceptions, there is a general lack of information on environment, risks and personnel. Indeed, through the recent changes and additions, the legislator has, in effect, made mandatory, albeit in an indirect (i.e. through the editing of the management report), the drafting of a mini social statement. This was necessary in light of the fact that the recent evolution of the role played by companies, and local authorities in particular, has led to the recognition of a social and environmental dimension of their activities, which combines and integrates with the management, economic, financial and competitive profiles.</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 44-47 ◽  
pp. 3652-3656
Malihe Manzouri ◽  
Mohd Nizam Ab. Rahman ◽  
Haslina Arshad ◽  
Jaharah A. Ghani

Although management of organizations are faced with a number of problems which come up during implementing SCM projects, intense competition force them to overcome these difficulties on order to be successful in the fierce global market . In Developing countries, such as Iran and Malaysia, this matter is still considered as a major challenge due to facing several troubles for implementing SCM across their organizations. This paper presented several problems which have occurred when SCM were implemented across Iranian and Malaysian organizations and also suggested a proper framework for cutting down the most important of those difficulties. A survey questionnaire was used to gather the data needed and the review of literature leads authors to propose two frameworks. The survey reveals that both Iranian and Malaysian companies suffer from the “lack of information” as a major difficulty in implementing SCM. Framework A and B were suggested for sharing point of sale (POS) data across the SCM to overcome the lack of information across the chain. The findings of this research would give invaluable information to all managements who investigate for the proper method to conquer the SCM problems.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Sandy Kosasi

Perancangan sistem aplikasi point of sale (POS) dapat memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik kepada konsumen, seperti dalam perhitungan harga dan jumlah barang yang dibeli dapat menjadi lebih cepat dan kuantitas barang tidak lagi bergantung kepada pencatatan manual. Penelitian menghasilkan aplikasi POS menggunakan arsitektur client/server yang terintegrasi antar proses bisnis untuk bagian penjualan, kasir dan gudang. Pengembangan arsitektur client/server ini menggunakan sistem operasi Linux distro Redhat 9 dan Windows Xp Profesional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, daftar pertanyaan. Perancangan aplikasi menggunakan menggunakan diagram use case, activity, sequence dan class. Hasil penelitian meliputi modul aplikasi kasir (front office), modul aplikasi gudang dan modul aplikasi laporan (back office). Modul aplikasi antara lain mencakup pengelolaan penjualan, edit data penjualan, pengisian data barang, penentuan harga barang, dan menghasilkan laporan penjualan.Point of sale (POS) application system design can give better service to the consumer, example in the price count and sum of item purchased can become faster and quantity of the item no longer rely on the manual recording. As for the research purpose is create integrated point of sale application using client/server architecture between business process to the warehouse, sales and cashier. The development of client/server architecture is using Linux operating system with distro Redhat 9.0 and windows Xp profesional. Experiment is using research and development method with technique to gather data are observation, interview, question list. This application design is using use case, activity, sequence and class diagram. The research instrument consist of cashier application (front office), warehouse application module and report application module (back office). Application module like sales management, sales data edit, equipment data insertion, pricing of the goods and generate sales report.

Standy Oei ◽  
Ahmad Ashari

Abstract— A fault tolerant system is a system that has the ability to be able to continue its jobs properly although there is a fault in hardware or software of the system. A system that has a fault tolerant capability is usually critical or important system. For example is at Point Of Sale application. Point Of Sale Application has evolved from offline-based toward online-based. With an online-based, the existence of a central database server must be guaranteed free from failure.To get a central database server that is free from failure is impossible. Something that can be cultivated is to create a system that can tolerate a failure in the central database server. This is done with the help of a second central database server (slave), which is useful as a replication of the central database server (master). To ensure data from these two central database servers are the same, then used the concept of reading and writing "read one/write all". And to manage all the processes needed in implementing a fault tolerant application, we need the help from a coordinator.The result obtained in this research is a design of fault tolerant architecture that can be applied to various types of information system applications include Point Of Sale application. By using this fault tolerant architecture that has been built, Point Of Sale application can still run the transaction process even if there is a failure in accessing data in one central database server (master/slave). Keywords— fault tolerance, database system, point of sale application

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Lailia Cahya Putri ◽  
Suhendi Suhendi

Peran teknologi dalam kegiatan bisnis Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) pada saat ini sangat penting untuk menunjang salah satu faktor keberhasilan para pebisnis. Salah satunya peran teknologi pada kegiatan bisnis UMKM untuk mengintegrasikan data kedalam sistem. Toko Tas Apidah merupakan salah satu pelaku bisnis UMKM yang menjual berbagai macam tas. Toko tersebut sudah didirikan sejak tahun 2008 dan sudah memiliki cabang di Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pemilik Toko Tas Apidah mengatakan bahwa dalam pengelolaan barang tidak dicatat didalam buku. Sehingga masalah yang mungkin terjadi adalah tidak adanya laporan penjualan khusus yang tercatat. Toko Tas Apidah belum memiliki sistem dalam pengelolaan barang, hal tersebut sulit bagi pihak toko untuk mengetahui barang apa saja yang masih tersedia di toko dan sulit juga untuk mengetahui laba yang sudah diperoleh. Salah satu bentuk sistem pengintegrasian data yang dilakukan seperti yang digunakannya aplikasi Odoo untuk menginput data barang yang ada di Toko Tas Apidah. Aplikasi Odoo merupakan aplikasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) modern dan lengkap yang didistribusikan secara open source. Dalam penelitian ini, aplikasi Odoo yang digunakan adalah modul Point of Sale (POS). POS digunakan untuk membantu pengelola bisnis atau pemilik usaha dalam pengolahan data transaksi pembelian, penjualan dan pelaporan transaksi. Penulis melakukan penerapan Odoo pada Toko Tas Apidah dengan melalui beberapa rangkaian tahapan. Dimulai dari mengidentifikasi masalah, studi pendahuluan, melakukan analisis, membuat rancangan sistem, implementasi, pengujian dengan menggunakan metode black-box dan UAT, hingga hasil evaluasi dan perbaikan. Penerapan sistem pengelolaan barang pada Toko Tas Apidah telah berhasil dilakukan sampai tahap laporan barang yang keluar dalam perhari. Namun, ada beberapa hal yang masih belum berhasil seperti pengubahan mata uang dan penggunaan companies di dalam sistem.

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