scholarly journals Pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun Tentang Kebijakan Fiskal Khusus Pajak Dan Relevansinya Dalam Menghadapi Resesi Di Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Dwita Sukmalia ◽  
Ida Yuliana Saputri ◽  
Nurul Hak ◽  
Amimah Oktarina

Ibn Khaldun is an Islamic scholar with various works, especially in the muqaddimah book which explains the principles of taxation. According to Ibn Khaldun, the imposition of low taxes on the people will make the people more incentivized to do business and develop the business world. On the other hand, the imposition of high taxes on the people will be reluctant to pay taxes so that the production done by the people will decrease and affect the tax revenue itself. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Ibn Khaldun's theory and the current downturn in economic growth. This research method is library research research with a descriptive qualitative approach with the data source used is secondary data consisting of the book "muqaddimah" and other theories derived from books, journals, and official websites that are relevant to the research. The data that has been collected is analyzed using the Content Analysis Method. This study concludes that Ibn Khaldun's thoughts are very relevant when applied in facing the recession in Indonesia.

Apu Deb ◽  
Masum Alam ◽  
Mohammad Jewel Islam ◽  
Muhammad Muklisur Rahman

Bangladesh is a populated country and most of the people live below the poverty line. After the independence of Bangladesh in 1980s safety net programmes has been adopted to reduce poverty from Bangladesh. At present 30 social safety net programmes are now operation in Bangladesh. The objective of the study is to find challenges ahead to implement Social Safety Net (SSN) programmes that initiated to reduce poverty at rural areas specially. The article is based on content analysis method and secondary data has been used to conduct the study. The study found that there is various weakness in social safety net policies. There is lack of integration and coordination among different safety net programmes and providers. Political stability is one of the great obstacle to fulfill the ultimate goal of safety net programmes. The extent, nature and mechanism of safety net programs change with the change of government. Besides this, corruption, shortage of budget etc hinder the implementation of safety net programmes. However, high political commitment, increase allocation, better targeting beneficiary, involvement of NGOs, civil society, monitoring and overseeing, reduction of corruption should be ensured.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Ni’matul Lisana ◽  
Hasan Busri ◽  
Retno Purnama Irawati

The Qur'an, apart from being a basic guideline in religion, has long been a primary data source in various studies and studies because of the richness of scientific concepts contained in it. Istifhâm as one of the various sentences used as a medium of interaction in the Al-Qur'an. In this study, the researcher discusses the istifhâm in the 20th Al-Qur'an juz. This research is a qualitative research with a research library research design. The purpose of this study was to describe the types and functions of the interrogative words (istifhâm) contained in Al-Qur'an juz 20. The data was collected using purposive sampling technique. The research instruments were data cards and recapitulation sheets. The data analysis technique used the content analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the researchers found 32 data in the form of adawatul istifhâm, including hamzah, man, hal, maa, aina, kaifa, maadzaa, am, and ayyana consisting of 26 istifhâm majazi and 8 istifhâm haqiqi data which are divided into 9 functions and istifhâm goals.   Al Qur’an selain sebagai pedoman pokok dalam beragama sejak dahulu telah menjadi sumber data primer dalam berbagai penelitian dan studi karena kekayaan konsep keilmuan yang ada di dalamnya. Istifhâm sebagai salah satu ragam kalimat yang digunakan sebagai media interaksi dalam Al-Qur’an. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti membahas istifhâm pada Al-Qur’an juz ke 20. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian library research. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis dan fungsi kata tanya (istifhâm) yang terdapat dalam Al-Qur’an juz 20. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik sampling pertimbangan (purposive sampling). Instrumen penelitian berupa kartu data dan lembar rekapitulasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan metode analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peneliti menemukan 32 data yang berupa adawatul istifhâm antara lain hamzah, man, hal, maa, aina, kaifa, maadzaa, am, dan ayyana yang terdiri atas 26 istifhâm majazi dan 8 data istifhâm haqiqi yang dibedakan menjadi 9 fungsi dan tujuan istifhâm.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Mustain Mustain

The existence of majelis taklim felt increasingly important and expected to play a bigger role in addressing various problems arising in the community. However, in organizing and managing its activities, not a few problems and obstacles faced by majelis taklim. It is quite a lot of faced is the management aspects, organization, and administration are weak and less systematic review and quality of human resources (HR) is still limited. One of the root of the problem is the lack of a proselytizing missionary or ustadzah who is able to provide good, systematic and qualified congregations. The purpose of this study are: 1) Describe religious activities majelis taklim in Social House Tresna Werdha Tribuana Tunggal Dewi. 2) Describe the obstacles in the effectiveness of religious activities majelis taklim in Social House Tresna Werdha Tribuana Tunggal Dewi. This study is a research Community-based parcipatory research (CBPR) Researchers directly jumped to make changes, and see the changes that occur. The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used are documentation and observation. Data analysis in this research is done during and after data collecting by using descriptive-critical-comparative method, and content analysis method. From the explanation described, it is concluded: 1) Religious Activity Program of Majelis Taklim made the residents of Social House Tresna Werdha Tribuana Tunggal Dewi Environment Balongrawe Kelurahan Kedundung Magersari Subdistrict Mojokerto City is enthusiastic in following and deepening the religious knowledge of Islam. 2) The obstacles encountered are locations that are less representative of the narrow musholla and temat wudlu which he only point. While the people who built a lot of wide enough practice practice or praying in congregation menajadi constrained

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 206
Nana Sutarna ◽  
Agus Saeful Anwar

This study aims to explore the value of character and philosophy of life of the founder of Muhammadiyah (KH. Ahmad Dahlan). The research method used is library research. The primary data source is the philosophy of the teachings of KH. Ahmad Dahlan, and the secondary sources are other books that are relevant and relevant to the research. Analysis of the data used in this study is the Content analysis method. The author's findings relate to the question that KH. Ahmad Dahlan bequeathed seven philosophies and his messages, in which teaches to be a visionary human being able to think ahead that is to be happy in the world and the hereafter. Character Value is exemplified by him, namely the value of religious character, honesty, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland, valuing achievement, friendly or communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading social care and responsibility. The character education of KH. Ahmad Dahlan can support government character education so that it becomes an active character education.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali nilai karakter dan falsafah hidup pendiri Muhammadiyah (KH. Ahmad Dahlan). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Sumber data primer adalah falsafah ajaran KH. Ahmad Dahlan, sumber sekundernya adalah buku-buku lain yang bersangkutan dan relevan dengan penelitian. Analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode content analysis. Temuan penulis berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang ada bahwa KH. Ahmad Dahlan mewariskan tujuh falsafah dan pesan-pesan beliau, yang di dalamnya mengajarkan supaya menjadi manusia yang visioner mampu untuk berfikir kedepan yaitu supaya dapat bahagia dunia dan akherat. Nilai Karakter yang dicontohkan oleh beliau yakni nilai karakter religius, jujur, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat atau komunikatif, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli sosial, dan tanggungjawab. Adapun pendidikan karakter KH. Ahmad Dahlan dapat mendukung pendidikan karakter pemerintah sehingga menjadi pendidikan karakter yang efektif.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-49
Zenal Satiawan

The purpose of this study is to determine the urgency of the stories of the Qur’an and how the contents of the educational value in it. The research method in this journal uses the method of library research, then analyzed using the content analysis method, which is descriptive-analytic with the main source of the Qur'anic stories. The secondary sources consist of articles, journals, and other books related to the research topic. Education through stories is very important, because naturally it is liked by everyone at various ages. Verses and guidance in the stories of the Qur'an are also more numerous than verses that talk about the law. In the Qur'an there is a story about the people of the past, the story of the time of the Prophet and the stories of the future, and they all become one of the methods for conveying messages of faith and strengthening efforts to deliver them to mankind that lead to the values of monotheism, worship and morals and the values of da'wah. Regarding the repetition of the story of the Qur'an, the aim is to give great attention to the story so that messages are more stable and embedded in the soul. This is because repetition is one of the ways of confirmation and an indicator of how much attention is paid. Stories that contain role models can be used as lessons to be followed by goodness, while stories that cannot be exemplary can be used as lessons as a means of increasing awareness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Suhayib Suhayib ◽  
Muhammad Fadli Ramadhan ◽  
Ayu Azkiah

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"><span lang="EN-GB">Sufism and political expressions are often considered contradictory. Politics tends to be secular, hedonic and materialist as the reason for the Sufis to stay away from it. Politicians also view that Sufi life only curbs political creativity. Secularization in Turkey failed because it met with resistance from the Sufis spearheaded by Said Nursi. This research is limited to the four pillars of thought Sufism Said Nursi. This study aims to determine the four pillars of Said Nursi's Sufism thought and its influence on the political struggle of the Muslim community in Turkey in 1900-1960. This research is library research. Data sources consist of primary data sources, secondary data sources and tertiary data. The method used in analyzing the data is the content analysis method. The research results obtained the following findings; Through the neo-Sufism social movement, Nursi got a broad audience. His guidance for Turkish society and readers of Risalah al-Nur in particular influenced political change.</span></p>

Sadhya Permeiswari

The novel “Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window” is a novel which some parts of its story reflects concept of education that is unique and different. The concept education in this novel related with educational value according to Moleong perspective. Therefore, this research is mainly purposed to search about what are the educational values found in Tottochan: The Little Girl at the Window”? and how educational values appear in “Tottochan: The Little Girl at the Window” based on Moleong perspective. This research is qualitative one by using content analysis method. Two data sources were chosen the primary data source is the novel itself and the secondary data are books, literature, official websites and other relevant materials. In general, the result found educational values contained in the novel based on Moleong perspective. By this research, it is expected that teachers can implement the positive things that exist in this study and in the novels at school and also encourage students’ interest in literature.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Mustain Mustain

The existence of majelis taklim felt increasingly important and expected to play a bigger role in addressing various problems arising in the community. However, in organizing and managing its activities, not a few problems and obstacles faced by majelis taklim. It is quite a lot of faced is the management aspects, organization, and administration are weak and less systematic review and quality of human resources (HR) is still limited. One of the root of the problem is the lack of a proselytizing missionary or ustadzah who is able to provide good, systematic and qualified congregations. The purpose of this study are: 1) Describe religious activities majelis taklim in Social House Tresna Werdha Tribuana Tunggal Dewi. 2) Describe the obstacles in the effectiveness of religious activities majelis taklim in Social House Tresna Werdha Tribuana Tunggal Dewi. This study is a research Community-based parcipatory research (CBPR) Researchers directly jumped to make changes, and see the changes that occur. The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used are documentation and observation. Data analysis in this research is done during and after data collecting by using descriptive-critical-comparative method, and content analysis method. From the explanation described, it is concluded: 1) Religious Activity Program of Majelis Taklim made the residents of Social House Tresna Werdha Tribuana Tunggal Dewi Environment Balongrawe Kelurahan Kedundung Magersari Subdistrict Mojokerto City is enthusiastic in following and deepening the religious knowledge of Islam. 2) The obstacles encountered are locations that are less representative of the narrow musholla and temat wudlu which he only point. While the people who built a lot of wide enough practice practice or praying in congregation menajadi constrained

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-58
Miftahul Jannah ◽  
Moh Jufriyadi Sholeh

Freedom of belief is one of the human rights that is often discussed in the international community, including freedom of religion. It has been stated in the Quran very clearly that everyone has the freedom to embrace a religion they believe in, beside it has also been explained by Allah that Islam is the most blessed religion. However, there are still forces in choosing a religion in various ways. One of the gifts that Allah has given to humans is freedom of religion based on his own beliefs and freedom of speech. This research focused on how the interpretation of the Archipelago Mufassir about freedom of religion and speech in the al-Qur'an. This study used a qualitative literature approach (Library Research). This type used the thematic analysis method. The primary data source was Tafsir Nusantara, the secondary data was the writer tried to collect data related to the discussion. The results of this study indicated that freedom of religion and speech according to Nusantara Mufassir’s (as Hamka, Quraisy Shihab dan Hasbi Ash-Shidieqy) interpretations towards QS. al-Baqarrah verse 256 that Allah has ordered his people not to force someone to adhere Islam but invite people to think about the truth of Islam. Furthermore, QS. al-Isra' verse 36 implies freedom of speech, it is explained that someone is allowed to speak the truth and not spread lies; a prohibition against talking about something uncertain and to determine something based on personal prejudice and allegation. This verse also prevents from such disadvantages, as accusation, wrong prejudice, lies and false witnesses.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Jirhanuddin Jirhanuddin

This research is motivated by the thought of Ibn Khaldun regarding taxes. According to Ibn Khaldun if the tax is too low, can not lead a government function, if the tax is too high, fiscal pressure becomes too strong, so the profits traders and producers declined and there goes their incentive to work.The purpose of this study was to learn the concept of a fair tax management perspective by Ibn Khaldun in order to build a modern economy that is equitable and to find out how the tax relevance according to Ibn Khaldun with today's modern economy.This research method used literature study (library research) with descriptive qualitative type of research. The data source consisted of Muqaddimah books as primary sources, work or theory that discussed of primary materials as secondary materials and the complement of primary and secondary materials as tertiary material. The approach in this study was a historical approach and philosophic. Data collection method used existing literature and data analysis used content analysis and the hermeneutic.The study concluded that the concept of fair tax perspective of Ibn Khaldun is a tax that is withdrawn from the taxpayer in accordance with the ability of taxpayers to pay and the money tax collection should be used properly and fairly as possible, according to Ibn Khaldun when the tax burden lighter, people have an incentive to try to be more active. Therefore, the business world become more advanced, leading to greater satisfaction among the people, because of the low tax burden while tax revenue will also increase, judging from the overall resources of land tax, the thought of Ibn Khaldun regarding taxes is very relevant to be applied to the condition of modern economy of this time where the economic situation is less stable, the situation of society more complicated, the prices of expensive life needs make people’s life difficult.

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