Pembuatan Rumah Pangan Lestari di Desa Midang Making of Sustainable Food Houses in Midang Village

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-56
Fahruddin Fahruddin ◽  
Fortuna Syahna Syaqillah

Food is anything that comes from biological sources and water, either processed or unprocessed, which is intended as food or drink for human consumption. This includes food additives, food raw materials, and other materials used in the preparation, processing and or manufacture of food or beverages. This food is very attached to the theme we are currently taking, namely "Sustainable Food Homes. Just like the theme we took, we finally built a sustainable food house in Midang Hamlet, Midang Village, Gunung Sari District. In making sustainable food houses, we are also assisted by local residents ranging from men or women, both young and old. We obtained land in Midang Hamlet which is also one of the lands leased by the village to be managed by POKDARWIS (Tourism Awareness Group). The purpose of making this sustainable food house is to optimize the existing land as a place for providing food for the local community. So that people can consume vegetables and some other food for free, easy and close. In addition to the POKDARWIS area, we also socialize with local people to take advantage of their respective yards. Besides being able to optimize their house yards, they can also save more for certain costs. Sambal builds a sustainable food house and does not forget that we also do counseling or presentations on plant care, nurseries and so on. So that local residents have knowledge about plant care and do not forget we also invite residents to carry out joint planting and distribution of planting seeds that they shared previously so that they can be taken home and cared for privately in their respective homes.

Wahid Hasyim TRA Beni ◽  
Eko Hardipurnomo ◽  
Nurdin Nurdin

This paper discussed about the social solidarity that exists between local people and Bugis-Makassar trader in Oeteta, Futuleu District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. This paper is to answer the question of how the solidarity between them intertwined, and how does the Bugis-Makassar trader agree in Oeteta ?, and what are the forms of social solidarity between them? To answer that, the research method used is qualitative. The research location is in Oeteta Village, Futuleu District, Kupang Regency. In general, this paper discusses the social solidarity in the village of Oeteta due to community awareness of changes and improvements in life. Therefore between the locals and the Bugis-Makassar merchants, they worked hand in hand to join forces. Likewise, Bugis-Makassar traders are good at adjusting or regulating with local residents so that a sense of solidarity arises between them. As forms of social solidarity between local residents and Bugis-Makassar traders can be seen in the social, economic and religious fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Ilham Junaid

Understanding determinant factors in community participation is essential in encouraging community participation in tourism activities. However, community participation studies mainly focused on identifying community participation issues and reasons to advocate community participation. This research aims at 1) exploring factors that affect community participation in tourism, and 2) proposing strategies to encourage active participation by the local community. This paper employs a qualitative methodology conducted in 2019. The research reveals that community participation around Dutungan Island has three categories: supportive participation, micro business-based creation participation and passive participation. The determinant factors for community participation include; 1) private management of tourism attraction; 2) lack of collective awareness by the local community, and 3) lack of skills and knowledge in tourism. This paper proposes the importance of implementing communitybased tourism village; strengthening cooperation between the owner or manager of Dutungan Island and the local community; and optimising Dutungan Island management’s role to help the local people who reside the village. Dutungan Island’s manager should be able to share profit to help the local people through social programs that may include training for the local people and providing investment for micro business. This paper provides insight into how to encourage community participation through the role of different stakeholders, including the island and the local community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Rafical Cahaya Utama ◽  
Indra Gumay Febryano ◽  
Susni Herwanti ◽  
Wahyu Hidayat

Marketing channel is one of the influencing factors for sustainability sawmills managed by local people that use sengon timber as raw materials. The research objective is to explain the marketing channel for sengon sawn timber derived from sawmills managed by local people. Data were collected through interviews and observation; where the fifth respondents for interviews; were selected by purposive sampling. The collected data were then analyzed qualitatively to determine the marketing channels of sengon sawn timber. The results show that there are four marketing institutions, namely: sawmill, woodshop in Kotabumi, industry outside of the Kotabumi, and broker. The four institutions form three marketing channels: (1) sawmill –  woodshop in Kotabumi – industries outside of the Kotabumi, (2) sawmill –  industry outside of the Kotabumi, and (3) sawmill – broker – industry outside of the Kotabumi. A business will be more profitable when the sawmill owner purchased logs directly from the farmers, henceforth the benefits of both the farmers and the sawmill owner will be maximized.Keywords: marketing, marketing channels, Falcataria moluccana, sawmill, sawn timber

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. e37078
José Vaz Pinheiro Neto

Biodiesel is a clean and cyclical energy resource that is derived from animal and/or vegetable fat. As it blends well with petrodiesel, biodiesel is added to Brazilian commercial diesel. The main raw materials used to produce biodiesel in Brazil include soybean, corn, and sunflower oils. However, these are also used for human consumption and hence, have a high market value. Therefore, pinhão manso oil, which exhibits high productivity at low cost, is a promising alternative. However, the high acidity index of this oil results in a low transesterification yield and the produced biofuel does not meet the requirements imposed by the ANP. Thus, this study intends to demonstrate that a large part of the free fatty acids in pinion oil are present in the seed endocarp. For the development of the project, the oil was extracted by hot solvent, using the soxhlet equipment and the hexane solvent, to determine the acidity index, the titration technique was used, the titrant used was sodium hydroxide. So the acidity index of the oil extracted from the seed with its shell is 10.9 mgKOH/g, while the lipid obtained without the shell exhibits a value of 0.95 mgKOH/g, proving the influence of the endocarp.

Dian Kinasih

Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengeksplorasi interaksi antara masyarakat keturunan Arab dengan masyarakat setempat di Kelurahan Klego Kota Pekalongan serta mengetahui faktor pendorong dan penghambat terjadinya interaksi antara masyarakat keturunan Arab dengan masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara masyarakat keturunan Arab dengan masyarakat setempat dengan intensitas dan kegiatan kebudayaan tertentu. Faktor pendukung terjadinya interaksi adalah adanya perkawinan campuran, terutama pada masyarakat keturunan Arab non-sayyid, dengan masyarakat setempat serta adanya kerjasama dalam bidang perdagangan. Sedangkan faktor penghambat terjadinya proses interaksi adalah adanya prasangka dan stereotip pada masyarakat keturunan Arab yang merasa masyarakat setempat kurang Islami, sebaliknya masyarakat setempat merasa masyarakat keturunan Arab itu sombong. Keturunan Arab yang tinggal di Kelurahan Klego terdiri dari golongan sayyid dan golongan non-sayyid. Keturunan Arab dari golongan non-sayyid sudah dapat berbaur dengan masyarakat setempat sedangkan keturunan Arab dari golongan sayyid belum berbaur dengan masyarakat non-Arab. Masyarakat keturunan Arab memiliki simbol-simbol seperti bahasa, pakaian, bangunan yang sangat mempengaruhi interaksi antara masyarakat keturunan Arab dengan masyarakat setempat. In this study, the author explores the interaction between people of Arab descent and the local people in the village of Klego Pekalongan city and also the factors that drive and inhibit the interaction between them. This study uses qualitative methods. The technique of collecting data are interviews, observation, and documentation. The results show that there is a pattern of interaction between people of Arab descent with the local people. Factors supporting the occurrence of interactions are the presence of mixed marriages, especially in the Arab non-sayyid descent, with the local community as well as the cooperation in the field of trade. While the factors inhibiting the interaction process is the existence of prejudice and stereotypes of people of Arab descent at a local community as less Islami. On the other hand, the local people feel that people of Arab descent are exclusive. The Arab descent living in the Village Klego consists of groups and classes of non-sayyid and sayyid. Arab descent from the class of non-sayyid are able to mingle with the local people, whereas Arab descent of sayyid cannot mingle with non-Arab communities. Society of Arab descent has symbols such as language, clothing, and building that strongly influence the interaction of people of Arab descent with the local community.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Ani Iryani ◽  
Sutanto Sutanto ◽  
Muhammad Fathurrachman

PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT NON PRODUKTIF MELALUI KETERAMPILAN PEMBUATAN TAWAS DARILIMBAH KALENG BEKAS MINUMANABSTRACT Leuwiliang Village, Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency, is a village that has a fairly dense population with diverse livelihoods. Village Government information is known as 25% of the population has not had a job, so classified as a non-productive society with a very limited educational background and skills. The people of this group are right as partners of abdimas to be given an advanced skills in order to be independent. In this abdimas given the skill to make alum from waste used drink cans. The existing hope can transform into a working society and become a productive society. Instead it can improve the economic prosperity of the village. Abdimas this time was chosen from RW 10 residents of Leuwiliang village with potential both men and women. In addition, also selected the Foundation of Islamic Education Saefulloh Assa'diyyah (YAPISA) which can provide a means of producing alum from the raw materials used tin cans. Implementation of this program is done through training and demonstration skill of alum making from raw materials of beverage cans for household scale until finished product with good alum quality, this training had be done 4 time in July and August 2017. The results are very satisfying, the community was very enthusiast, they able to make alum products well and able to demonstrate how to use alum products for purification of turbid water.Keywords: abdimas, alum, KOH, waste used tin cans. ABSTRAK Desa Leuwiliang Kecamatan Leuwiliang Kabupaten Bogor, adalah desa yang memiliki jumlah penduduk cukup padat dengan mata pencaharian yang beragam. Dari informasi pemerintah Desa Leuwiliang diketahui sebanyak 25% penduduk belum memiliki pekerjaan, sehingga tergolong sebagai masyarakat non-produktif dengan latar belakang pendidikan dan keterampilan yang sangat terbatas. Masyarakat kelompok ini tepat sebagai mitra Abdimas untuk diberikan keterampilan lanjut agar bisa mandiri. Pada abdimas ini diberikan keterampilan membuat tawas dari limbah kaleng bekas minuman. Harapan yang ada dapat mengubah menjadi masyarakat berkarya serta menjadi masyarakat yang produktif. Alih-alih dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi di desa tersebut. Abdimas kali ini dipilih dari warga RW 10 Desa Leuwiliang yang potensial baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Selain itu dipilih juga Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Saefulloh Assa’diyyah (YAPISA) yang dapat menyediakan sarana berupa tempat memproduksi tawas dari bahan baku berupa kaleng bekas. Pelaksanaan program ini dilakukan melalui pelatihan dan demontrasi keterampilan pembuatan tawas dari bahan baku kaleng bekas minuman untuk skala industri rumah tangga sampai dihasilkan produk jadi dengan kualitas tawas yang baik. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan 4 kali pada bulan Juli dan Agustus 2017. Hasil yang didapat sangat memuaskan, masyarakat sangat antusias mengikuti tahap demi tahap pelatihan dan mampu membuat produk tawas dengan baik dan mampu memperagakan bagaimana menggunakan produk tawasnya untuk menjernihkan air keruh.


ABSTRACT Potential Study of Subak Area for Ecotourism in Belimbing Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency Tabanan regency is the highest rice producing regency in Bali. The suvvess in agricultural production is inseparable from Subak organization existency. This past few years, Tabanan experiencing an increase land conversion. It becomes a threat to the existence of Subak. Developing ecotourism in Subak area is an effort to reduce numbers of land conversion and Subak degradation. Belimbing village has a potential to be developed as ecotourism. The potential identification in Subak area of the village shows there are some Subak values as well as environment potentials that can be developed as area for ecotourism. The beautiful landscape of rice field terrace, Tri Hita Karana (THK) based agricultural and local community social cultured activities are potential for tourist attraction. However, there is a need to educate the local people in order to support the implementation of ecotourism in Subak area of Belimbing village. By developing Subak area as ecotourism, it is expected to improve the welfare of the local people, especially former and Subak organization also preserve the environment as well. Keywords: ecotourism, identification of potential, subak areas

2016 ◽  
pp. 59-64
Kelly J. MacKay ◽  
J. Michael Campbell

This paper illustrates an innovative approach to enhance rural livelihoods through community tourism in Uganda. Following pro-poor tourism principles of local participation and linking with existing systems, Gorilla Friends Tented Camp opened in Ruhija village, where mountain gorillas were recently habituated for gorilla tracking tours. In a village that had no previous tourist accommodations and few opportunities for villagers to earn income, a percentage of profits from Gorilla Friends Tented Camp are returned to support other livelihood enhancement initiatives in the village. While much of our previous research has focused on identifying and developing local capacity to participate meaningfully in Uganda’s tourism industry, attention must also be paid to tourists’ experiences at the site to ensure continued viability. Findings based on interviews with tourists to Ruhija illustrate the need for national partnership networks to support local community tourism. Additionally, understanding how tourists came to and experienced the community will assist the local people with sustainability of their operations and activities, and inform continued innovation in community tourism development in Ruhija.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Irawan Setyabudi ◽  
Ade Rohan ◽  
Wahidyanti Rahayu Hastutiningtyas

Human understanding of nature and forms of human behavior due to its closeness to cultural elements, shape the local wisdom of the community. Cultural values, attitudes, and behaviors that are culturally oriented in the life structure of local communities shape the cultural intelligence of a community, which is formed in the existing traditional rituals. Customary rituals have different meanings and procedures in each region, specifically in Pangkalan Buton Village, Sukadana Subdistrict, the surrounding community interprets it as a tribute to their ancestors or ancestors as a form of gratitude. Based on observations made by researchers, there are several traditional rituals such as the tradition of Nyambut Tamu, Tepung Tawa, Betangas, and Mandi Safar. The problem is the tradition is rarely seen because of the rapid progress of the times, making the behavior or knowledge of an object that is Malay culture increasingly fade, especially among teenagers. The purpose of this study was to identify the local wisdom of Malay culture through several traditional rituals in the village of Pangkalan Buton. This research method is a qualitative study, using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method as a data processing tool that has been collected previously in the traditional rituals of Nyambut Tamu in the village of Buton base. The stages of the research began from the identification of problems, permits, observational studies in the form of data collection and interviews to the process of analysis-synthesis associated with the Malay cultural traditions. The results of the study were in the form of descriptions of various forms of local community cultural traditions, especially in the residents of Pangkalan Buton village, Sukadana District, Kayong Utara Regency. The study concludes that each region in the archipelago has a unique tradition that is different and needs to be preserved, with the results of this identification will bring up a 'sense of belonging' for local residents.

Max Bergholz

In the spring of 1956, a plaque was hung in the Orthodox Church in the village of Brezna, located in western Serbia. On it were carved the names of local men who had been killed fighting during the Second World War. However, contrary to Communist policy, the list included not only those who had fought with the Communist-led Partisan resistance movement, but also those they had fought against, the Chetniks. Based on archival documents, the contemporary press, and interviews with local residents, this essay reconstructs the experience of the war years in this region, the factors that led to the hanging of the plaque, and the consequences faced by the village priest for its creation. The purpose is to examine how a local community, composed of combatants and their families from both sides of the wartime and postwar ideological divide, dealt with the mandate to simultaneously remember and forget the war dead. The main argument is that the incident in Brezna was a clash between traditional local practices of inclusive commemoration of the war dead and new exclusionary forms that emerged after the Second World War, due to the fratricidal nature of wartime violence, which were supported by Communist political elites as well as many local villagers.

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