scholarly journals Tahap Define dalam Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis STEM untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Mahasiswa

Kappa Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-157
Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Chairunisyah Sahidu ◽  
Kosim Kosim ◽  
Sutrio Sutrio ◽  

The purpose of this study is to describe the results of the Define stage in the development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) -based learning devices to improve students' higher order thinking skills. The learning device development model used is the four D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The Define stage is carried out to define and define learning requirements. The steps that have been taken at the Define stage are front end analysis, student analysis, task analysis, concept analysis, and formulation of learning objectives. The results of the research for needs analysis are a description of the competencies that students must have after taking physics lectures, the learning approach used is based on STEM, the profile of graduates to answer future challenges and demands. The results of research for student analysis are descriptions of student characteristics which include reasoning abilities, background knowledge, and levels of student cognitive development. The results of research for task analysis are in the form of module position maps. The results of the research for concept analysis are in the form of a concept map about oscillations. The results of the study for the formulation of learning objectives were a description of the competencies consisting of attitudes, knowledge and skills. The conclusion from this research is that the Define Stage has been completed so that the development stage of learning devices can be carried out to the next stage, namely the Design stage

Intersections ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Birru Muqdamien ◽  
Umayah Umayah ◽  
Juhri Juhri ◽  
Desty Puji Raraswaty

Educational play tools (APE) have become a necessity during AUD learning because they are full of educational materials that can be adapted to their growth. This development research aims to produce a product in the form of a ladder snake APE in improving the cognitive abilities of children aged 5-6 years in the fields of science and mathematics at RA Mafatihul Ulum, Serang City, Banten Province. This type of research involves using a number of methods and types of research and going through various stages of research sessions, so each session is carried out to achieve its respective objectives. The Four-D Model development model suggested by Sivasailam This model consists of 4 development stages, namely; Define (defining), Design (Design), Develop (development) and Disseminate (deployment). The definition stage offered in the 4D model consists of several stages of analysis, namely curriculum analysis, needs analysis, student analysis, concept analysis, task analysis and formulation of learning objectives

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Isnaini Nur Azizah ◽  
Muhammad Khoirul Amri ◽  
Fertilia Ikashaum ◽  
Mispani Mispani

This study aims to produce a calculus module using geogebra software on limits, derivatives, and integrals. This research uses the 4D Thiagarajan development. This method is modified into 3D, thats define, design, and development. This research begins with a need’s analysis covering student analysis, material analysis, task analysis, analysis of the formulation of learning objectives. The results of the needs analysis that the calculus module using geogebra applications needs to be developed. Based on the results of the student and teacher questionnaire responses said the module developed was very good with a value of 81%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Syarif Lukman Hakim ◽  

This study aims to 1) produce a HOTS assessment instrument; 2) knowing the quality of the test instrument in terms of the feasibility of construction, material feasibility, and language feasibility according to the expert; and 3) knowing the quality of the test items in terms of validity, reliability, difficulty level and distinguishing power based on the test results. Research and Development ware used as a research method with 4D procedural development model consists of four stages, namely: the define stage, the design stage, the development stage, and the dissemination stage. The questionnaire was used for expert judgment validation. The characteristics measurement of the HOTS items instrument including the validity, reliability, difficulty level and distinguishing power of the questions. The HOTS assessment instrument developed was in the form of multiple-choice options with a reason based on HOTS in aspects of analyzing, evaluating and creating. The results of expert validation show that the average item with criteria is very good in terms of content, construct and language aspects. Instruments that have been validated and revised were tested on students who had studied vibration and wave material and the test results showed that 77% of the questions developed were of good quality with valid criteria, good distinguishing criteria, level of difficulty at moderate and easy levels and very strong reliability so that feasible and ready to be used to measure students' higher order thinking skills in vibrations and waves material. Keywords: HOTS, Instruments test, Vibrations and waves

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Tuti Patmawati ◽  
Abd. Kholiq

This study aims to describe the validity of E-FIST (Ebook Fisika STEM), namely the STEM physics ebook as e-learning teaching materials on temperature and heat material. The stages of development in this study were limited to the validity of the media, not up to practically and effectiveness trials in learning by students, this was due to the PSBB which was carried out in the prevention of the spread of Covid-19. The ebook was developed by integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This research was developed with the DDD-E model. The stages of the DDD-E model consist of the planning stage (decide), the design stage (design), the development stage (develop), and the assessment stage (evaluate). At the initial stage, namely planning, determining the learning objectives, material, knowledge analysis, and prerequisite skills was carried out so that a draft E-FIST was produced for further evaluation. The next stage is the development stage. After an assessment was carried out at the development stage, three expert lecturers were validated for E-FIST. The aspects that are validated are viewed from the aspects of learning, material, language, and media. The analytical method used is descriptive quantitative analysis. Based on the research results it can be concluded that E-FIST obtains a percentage of validity in terms of aspects of learning, material, language, media suitability with the principles of good learning media, media work processes, and media display respectively were categorized as very good, so that the E-FIST developed was declared very valid and suitable for use in learning. This research implies that it can provide further knowledge for educators regarding the use of ebook technology as the development of teaching materials. Also, further researchers, it can be carried out to test the effectiveness and practically to produce teaching materials that are suitable for use in supporting learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-37
Imtikhana Nur Khofifah ◽  
Mitarlis Mitarlis ◽  

This study aims to describe the feasibility of the student worksheet developed in improving critical, creative, collaborative, and communicative thinking skills of students on acid-base material by using natural product. The student worksheet developed refers to the project-based learning model, which is integrated to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Method of this study uses a 4-D model (define, design, develop and disseminate), which is limited only to the development stage, and limited trials are carried out to nine students at senior high school. The feasibility of student worksheet is viewed from three aspects, namely validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The validity is viewed from the results of content and construct validity. The results obtained on each criterion show that the percentage score of 92.95% and 91.15% on very good category. The student worksheet's practicality in terms of activity observation and student response for each component obtained a percentage score of 95.18% and 88.09% on very practical category. The student worksheet's effectiveness in terms of the completeness of student learning outcomes showed an increase in the average N-Gain score of 0.84 on very high category and declared effective. Thus, the feasibility of the developed student worksheet in terms of all aspects such as percentage of scores obtained ≥ 61% in the aspects of validity, practicality and N-gain ≥ 0.3 in the aspect of effectiveness. So, the developed students worksheet oriented to STEM with PjBL model on acid base matter by using natural product is feasible for use in the learning. Keywords: acid-base, PjBL, STEM, student worksheet

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-78
Meryani Lakapu ◽  
Wilfridus Beda Nuba Dosinaeng ◽  
Samuel Igo Leton

Mathematics and culture are two different things, but they have a very close relationship in everyday life included in learning activities. Therefore, this research aims to describes the process and results of developing student activity sheets based on local culture on Simple Trigonometric Function Graphs. This research type is research and development. The product developed in this research is a student activity sheet based on local culture on Simple Trigonometric Function Graphics. Student activity sheets are developed based on a modified 4-D development model, which consists of defining, designing, and developing. At the definition stage; conducted a preliminary analysis, student analysis, material analysis, task analysis and specification of learning objectives. At the design stage; The preparation of student activity sheets based on local culture is carried out, selecting the format and then doing the initial design. At the development stage; The design results are validated by the expert and then revised according to the expert's notes. From the results of the research and data analysis conducted by researchers, it was found that the student activity sheets developed had met the criteria for good learning tools because they were declared valid, practical and effective.

Nyoman Sugihartini ◽  
Kadek Yudiana

Curriculum and teaching courses do not have learning media that can support the implementation of blanded learning. This study aimed to: design and implement Educative Instructional Media courses in Curriculum and Teaching. The development model used is the ADDIE model consisting of five stages: 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation and 5) evaluation. In the analysis phase, analysis is done related to the needs of the system and the analysis of learning objectives curriculum and teaching courses in accordance with the syllabus. Based on the analysis of the material was divided into 7 chapters. At the design stage, a systematic design of curriculum and teaching modules is carried out and the system, database, and interface design stages are carried out. Development stage is the continuity of what has been designed, compiling the content in accordance with the syllabus, in this case LMS (Learning Management System) used Moodle. The implementation phase is to enter content into Moodle by presenting the learning process following the stages of the project based learning (PjBL) model.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Sri Wahyu Widyaningsih ◽  
Irfan Yusuf

<p>The research is motivated not yet using CTL approach. In addition, the study provided yet foster the character value of students. This study aimed to the development of learning materials by using CTL approach with the integration of character value are valid, practical, and effective. The type of this research is research and development by using 4-D models. The stages of this research are define, design, and development. The define stage consists of analyzing of curriculum, students, and concept. Then, the learning materials as lesson plan, handout, student’s worksheet, and evaluation, were designed at design stage. The development stage was doing validity, practicality, and effectiveness test. The data of this research was collected by using validation instruments, questionnaire of students and teacher, observation and test instruments. The result of research with validity of the test results showed that the syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, worksheets and assessment sheets (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) developed very valid. The test results showed that the learning practicalities developed very practical. Based on the results of efficacy trials, it was stated that the developed learning very effectively used as learning tools are developed to improve the activity and competence of students in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor and behavioral character. And Those, learning materials by using CTL approach with the integration of character values are classification of very valid, very practical, and effective.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Diah Sulistiyowati ◽  
Nur Fauziyah ◽  
Fatimatul Khikmiyah

ABSTRAK The purpose of this research is to develop ODOPOS (one day one problem one solution) program in realistic mathematic that is based online. By application of realistic mathematics is expected to have students the ability to understand mathematics in real life.            The sample of this study is 33 students at V grade of Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Manyar at 2019-2020 academic years. The research instrument is a pretest-posttest test and student response questionnaire sheet.            Result of the study: (1) Development of ODOPOS (one day one problem one solution) program in realistic mathematic based online is: (a) Analyze stage, includes analysis of student characteristics and material analysis (b) Design stage, there is a use case diagram that is: home, profile, log in, summary and examples of problems, exercises, scores and class progress (c) Development stage is developing the ODOPOS program design based on the use case diagram. (d) Implementation stage, is the result of the development ODOPOS program being applied in learning for one week (e) evaluation stage, is giving a pretest-posttest test and student questionnaire response sheet (2) there is an increase in student achievement 84 , 84%. The students get an n-gain score of  0.7 for the high category from the use of the ODOPOS (one day one problem one solution) program. (3) Students responses to the ODOPOS program, based on the content criteria, the result is 93.49% or very feasible

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