scholarly journals Community Participation of Fishermen in Following Family Planning Program: A Case Study of Gender Relations in Village of KB Dusun Bagan Percut Sei Tuan

Osi Karina Saragih ◽  
Ratih Baiduri ◽  
Esi Emilia
1982 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-182
T. H. Sun ◽  
George P. Cernada

This case study describes how an action-oriented research program served as the base for national expansion of the Taiwan family planning program; what kind of organizational setup and approaches expedited getting research results utilized; and how the results were disseminated to other countries considering starting similar programs.

Aditya Bintang Aji ◽  
Prahastiwi Utari ◽  
Yulius Slamet

The purpose of this paper is to describe how messages in new media, about the family planning program can be interpreted by the ambassadors of family planning and acceptors. The discussion was carried out with the perspective of symbolic interactionalism introduced by Blumer. The research method is qualitative descriptive with case study pattern on family planing ambassador and acceptor in Bekasi city. The results showed that the information emitted by the new media was responded by the communicant ( family planning ambassador and acceptor) by showing conformity with what was said by Blumer. The family planning ambassadors who were Y and Z generation see the family planing information through new media is a matter that needs to be addressed with due regard to the social environment and social interaction that they do.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Dilla Indriasari

This study examines the role of the youtube media and understanding of the family planning program, the research problem is how the role of the youtube media in enhancing the understanding of the family planning program. Family Planning is an effort to plan also to control the population through the use of contraceptive methods in an effort to create economic and social benefits for all levels of the population. By increasing community participation in the use of KB MKJP. KB counseling is expected to help fertile age cuouples in choosing the right contraception. The use of Non MKJP is very dominating, meaning that many people still do not understand the importance of KB MKJP. Because family planning counseling has not been reached at all levels of society because of the limited extension workers. YouTube media can provide family planning information and help people choose the right contraceptive method for themselves. This study aims to find out the description of the family planning program and how the use of YouTube media in enhancing the understanding of family planning in the Insan Sejahtera family planning family planning company. In this study, researchers used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The population of the study was 327 fertile age cuouples with a sample of 10 fertile age cuouples using Non MKJP. The results showed that youtube media was effective in increasing understanding of the family planning program, as seen from the difference between before and after the introduction of the youtube media. Understanding of the family planning program is demonstrated by community participation in the use of the MKJP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Citra Riyani

This study is to find out family knowledge about family planning (KB) and mothers want to do family planning program, to increase family knowledge about the types of methods and contraception. This research is a type of research with a case study design by conducting studies aimed at an information-gathering technique that is done by compiling a list of questions. The results showed two problems in the family, which were found in mothers who had not had a family planning age of 31 years and the age of the last child of 5 months. After a systematic review is made in determining the priority of the problem, health education is needed by the mother and family. The husband advised the mother to use contraception and only use natural contraception methods.

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