2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Osisanya Wasiu ◽  
Alile Monday ◽  
Eze Stanley ◽  
Ibitoye Abel ◽  
Oyanameh Olufemi

Hydrocarbon play assessment of any field involves the evaluation of the production capacity of hydrocarbon reservoir unit in the field. This involves detail study of the reservoir petrophysical properties and geological interpretation of structures suitable for hydrocarbon accumulation in the field as observed from seismic reflection images. This study details the assessment of hydrocarbon play in OSWIL field onshore in Niger Delta, with the intent of appraising its productivity using a combination of seismic, well logs, petrophysical parameters and volumetric estimation using proven techniques which involves an integrated methodology. Two reservoir windows ‘R1’ and ‘R2’ were defined from five wells OSWIL-02, 04, 06, 07 and 12. The top and base of each reservoir window was delineated from the wells. Structural interpretation for inline 6975 revealed two horizons (X and Y) and eight faults labelled (F1, F2, F6, F8, F10, F16, F17 and F18). Five faults (F1, F6, F10, F17 and F18) were identified as synthetic faults and dip basin wards while three faults (F2, F8 and F16) were identified as antithetic faults and dips landwards. Time-depth structural map at top of reservoirs R1 and R2 revealed structural highs and closures. These observations are characteristics of growth structures (faults) which depicts the tectonic style of the Niger Delta. Results of petrophysical evaluation for reservoirs ‘R1’ and ‘R2’ across the five wells were analysed. For reservoir ‘R1’ effective porosity values of 27%, 26%, 23%, 20% and 22% were obtained for wells OSWIL-04, 12, 07, 06 and 02 respectively with an average of 23.6%, while for reservoir ‘R2’ effective porosity values of 26%, 22%, 21%, 24% and 23% for wells OSWIL-04, 12, 07, 06 and 02 were obtained respectively with an average of 23.2%. This porosity values correspond with the already established porosity range of 28-32% within the Agbada formation of the Niger Delta. Permeability index of the order (K > 100mD) were obtained for both reservoirs across the five wells and is rated very good. Hydrocarbon saturation (Shc) across the five wells averages at 61.6% for reservoir ‘R1’ and 67.4% for reservoir ‘R2’. Result of petrophysical model for porosity, permeability and water saturation reveal that the reservoir system in R1 and R2 is fault assisted and fluid flow within both reservoirs is aided by presence of effective porosity and faulting. Volumetric estimation for both reservoirs showed that reservoir R1 contains an estimate of 455 × 106 STB of hydrocarbon in place, while reservoir R2 contains an estimate of 683 × 106 STB of hydrocarbon in place. These findings impact positively on hydrocarbon production in the field and affirm that the two reservoirs R1 and R2 are highly prospective.

K. A. Obakhume ◽  
O. M. Ekeng ◽  
C. Atuanya

The integrative approach of well log correlation and seismic interpretation was adopted in this study to adequately characterize and evaluate the hydrocarbon potentials of Khume field, offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria. 3-D seismic data and well logs data from ten (10) wells were utilized to delineate the geometry of the reservoirs in Khume field, and as well as to estimate the hydrocarbon reserves. Three hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs of interest (D-04, D-06, and E-09A) were delineated using an array of gamma-ray logs, resistivity log, and neutron/density log suites. Stratigraphic interpretation of the lithologies in Khume field showed considerable uniform gross thickness across all three sand bodies. Results of petrophysical evaluations conducted on the three reservoirs correlated across the field showed that; shale volume ranged from 7-14%, total and effective porosity ranged from 19-26% and 17-23% respectively, NTG from 42 to 100%, water saturation from 40%-100% and permeability from 1265-2102 mD. Seismic interpretation established the presence of both synthetic and antithetic faults. A total of six synthetic and four antithetic faults were interpreted from the study area. Horizons interpretation was done both in the strike and dip directions. Time and depth structure maps revealed reservoir closures to be anticlinal and fault supported in the field. Hydrocarbon volumes were calculated using the deterministic (map-based) approach. Stock tank oil initially in place (STOIIP) for the proven oil column estimated for the D-04 reservoir was 11.13 MMSTB, 0.54 MMSTB for D-06, and 2.16 MMSTB for E-09A reservoir. For the possible oil reserves, a STOIIP value of 7.28 MMSTB was estimated for D-06 and 6.30 MMSTB for E-09A reservoir, while a hydrocarbon initially in place (HIIP) of 4.13 MMSTB of oil equivalents was derived for the undefined fluid (oil/gas) in D-06 reservoir. A proven gas reserve of 1.07 MMSCF was derived for the D-06 reservoir. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of 3-D seismic and well logs data in delineating reservoir structural architecture and in estimating hydrocarbon volumes

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 601-615
Tokunbo Sanmi Fagbemigun ◽  
Michael Ayu Ayuk ◽  
Olufemi Enitan Oyanameh ◽  
Opeyemi Joshua Akinrinade ◽  
Joel Olayide Amosun ◽  

AbstractOtan-Ile field, located in the transition zone Niger Delta, is characterized by complex structural deformation and faulting which lead to high uncertainties of reservoir properties. These high uncertainties greatly affect the exploration and development of the Otan-Ile field, and thus require proper characterization. Reservoir characterization requires integration of different data such as seismic and well log data, which are used to develop proper reservoir model. Therefore, the objective of this study is to characterize the reservoir sand bodies across the Otan-Ile field and to evaluate the petrophysical parameters using 3-dimension seismic and well log data from four wells. Reservoir sands were delineated using combination of resistivity and gamma ray logs. The estimation of reservoir properties, such as gross thickness, net thickness, volume of shale, porosity, water saturation and hydrocarbon saturation, were done using standard equations. Two horizons (T and U) as well as major and minor faults were mapped across the ‘Otan-Ile’ field. The results show that the average net thickness, volume of shale, porosity, hydrocarbon saturation and permeability across the field are 28.19 m, 15%, 37%, 71% and 26,740.24 md respectively. Two major faults (F1 and F5) dipping in northeastern and northwestern direction were identified. The horizons were characterized by structural closures which can accommodate hydrocarbon were identified. Amplitude maps superimposed on depth-structure map also validate the hydrocarbon potential of the closures on it. This study shows that the integration of 3D seismic and well log data with seismic attribute is a good tool for proper hydrocarbon reservoir characterization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Ubong Essien

Well log data from two wells were evaluated for shale volume, total and effective porosity. Well log data were obtained from gamma ray, neutron-density log, resistivity, sonic and caliper log respectively. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of shale volume, total and effective porosity form two well log data. The results of the analysis depict the presence of sand, sand-shale and shale formations. Hydrocarbon accumulation were found to be high in sand, fair in sand-shale and low in shale, since existence of shale reduces total and effective porosity and water saturation of the reservoir. The thickness of the reservoir ranged from 66 – 248.5ft. The average values of volume of shale, total and effective porosity values ranged from 0.004 – 0.299dec, 0.178 – 0.207dec and 0.154 – 0.194dec. Similarly, the water saturation and permeability ranged from 0.277 – 0.447dec and 36.637 - 7808.519md respectively. These values of total and effective porosity are high in sand, fair in sand-shale and low in shale formations. The results for this study demonstrate: accuracy, applicability of these approaches and enhance the proper evaluation of petrophysical parameters from well log data.    

Janvier Domra Kana ◽  
Ahmad Diab Ahmad ◽  
Daniel Hervé Gouet ◽  
Xavier Djimhoudouel ◽  
Serge Parfait Koah Na Lebogo

AbstractThe present work deals with an interpretation of well log data (gamma ray (GR), resistivity, density, and neutron) from four wells, namely P-1, P-2, P-3 and P-4 in the study area of the Rio Del Rey basin. The well logs analysis indicates five potential sandstone reservoirs at the P-1, two at the P-2, four at the P-3 and six at the P-4. The neutron–density-GR logs highlight the sandstone gas reservoir characterized by high resistivity and crossover between neutron density. The neutron–density-GR cross-plot confirms the presence of sandstone containing hydrocarbons by a displacement of the cloud of points, from low to medium GR values, from the sandstone line to the left. Petrophysical parameters exhibit the value 12–41% for a volume of shale, 15–34% for effective porosity, 29–278 mD for permeability and 3–63% for water saturation. The three potential hydrocarbon reservoir saturation ranges from 22 to 45%. The study will contribute to future offshore oil and gas exploration and development in the Rio Del Rey basin, based on the geological and geophysical characteristics of the reservoirs delineated.

Mfoniso U. Aka ◽  
Johnson Cletus Ibuot ◽  
Francisca N. Okeke

<p>In Niger Delta region of Nigeria, reservoirs are mostly loose and unstratified sands to hold fluids. In this paper, three different wells in central Niger Delta were assessed for shale volume and actual porosity. The results of the analysis delineate the presence of sand, sand-shale and shale formations. Hydrocarbon prospecting was found to be strong in sand, moderate in sandshale and shallow in shale respectively. However, existent of shale lessens effective porosity and water saturation of the rock formations. The extent of the formation extends from 1300 to 2500 m. Shale volume and actual porosity values extend from 0.00 to 0.302 dec and 0.047 to 0.302 dec which decrease with increasing depth. Comparably, the water saturation and water resistivity extend from 0.432 to 0.779 dec and 0.106 to 2.918 Ohm respectively. These values of actual porosity are strong in sand, moderate in sand-shale and shallow in shale formations. The results from this assessment proof well log a vital and easier tool in assessing of reservoir properties.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Victor Cypren Nwaezeapu ◽  
Izediunor U. Tom ◽  
Ede T. A. David ◽  
Oguadinma O. Vivian

Abstract: Aim: This study presents the log analysis results of a log suite comprising gamma ray (GR), resistivity (LLD), neutron (PHIN), density (RHOB) logs and a 3D seismic interpretation of Tymot field located in the southwestern offshore of Niger delta. This study focuses essentially on reserves estimation of hydrocarbon bearing sands. Well data were used in the identification of reservoirs and determination of petrophysical parameters and hydrocarbon presence. Three horizons that corresponded to selected well tops were mapped after well-to-seismic tie. Structural depth maps were created from the mapped horizons. The structural style is dominated by widely spaced simple rollover anticline bounded by growth faults, and this includes down-to-basin faults, antithetic faults and synthetic faults. The petrophysical values – the porosity, net-to-gross, water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation that were calculated yielding  an average porosity value  of 0.23, water saturation of 0.32 and an average net-to-gross value of 0.62. Three horizons H1, H2 and H3 were mapped. The three horizons marked the tops of reservoir sands and provide the structures for hydrocarbon accumulation. Hydrocarbon in-place was estimated. The total hydrocarbon proven reserves for the mapped horizons H1, H2, and H3 were estimated to be 39.04MMBO of oil and 166.13BCF for sand E. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 14-28
Lawson Jack Osaki ◽  
Alexander Iheanyichukwu Opara ◽  
Chikwendu Njoku Okereke ◽  
Uche Petters Adiela ◽  
Ikechukwu Onyema Njoku ◽  

3-D seismic interpretation and petrophysical analysis of the Osaja Field, Niger Delta, was carried out with aim of carrying out a detailed structural interpretation, reservoir characterization and volumetric estimation of the field. Four wells were correlated across the field to delineate the lithology and establish the continuity of reservoir sand as well as the general stratigraphy of the area. The petrophysical analysis carried out, revealed two sand units that are hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs (Sand_A and Sand_B).The spatial variation of the reservoirs were studied on a field wide scale using seismic interpretation. Time and depth structural maps generated were used to establish the structural architecture/geometry of the prospect area of the field. The depth structure map revealed NE-SW trending anticlinal structures with F5and F6as faults assisted closures to the reservoir. Furthermore, reservoir parameters such as net pay, water saturation porosity, net-to-gross etc, were derived from the integration of seismic and well log data. The structural interpretation on the 3-D seismic data of the study area revealed a total of seven faults ranging from synthetic to antithetic faults. The petrophysical analysis gave the porosity values of the reservoir Sand_A ranging from 18.1 - 20.3% and reservoir Sand_B ranging from 13.1-14.9% across the reservoir. The permeability values of reservoir Sand_A ranging from 63-540md and reservoir Sand_B ranging from 18-80md hence there is decrease in porosity and permeability of the field with depth.The net-to-gross varies from 22.1% to 22.4% in Rerservoir Sand A to between 5.34- 12% for Rerservoir Sand _A while Sw values for the reservoirs ranges from 38-42% in well 2 to about 68.79-96.06% in well 11. The result of original oil in place for all the wells calculated revealed that well 2 has the highest value with 9.3mmbls. These results indicate that the reservoirs under consideration have a poor to fair hydrocarbon (oil) prospect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
Daffa Dzakwan Shiddiq ◽  
Eleonora Agustine ◽  
Tumpal Bernhard Nainggolan ◽  
Imam Setiadi ◽  
Shaska Zulivandama

Tarakan Basin area of Bunyu Island Waters is known to have hydrocarbon potential with complex geological structures. This study aims to determine reservoir characterization and to obtain prospect of hydrocarbon reservoir zones based on petrophysical and seismic stratigraphy analysis with reference to Well DDS-1 and 2D seismic Line S88. Petrophysical analysis results 3 zones that have potential as hydrocarbon reservoirs. Based on petrophysical quantitative analysis, Zone 1 has values of 52.25% for shale volume, 18.48% for effective porosity, 39.84% for water saturation and 13.03 mD for permeability. Zone 2 has values of 54.66% for shale volume, 10.27% for effective porosity, 40.9% for water saturation and 1.14 mD for permeability. Zone 3 has values of 49.22% for shale volume, 9.33% for effective porosity, 56.33% for water saturation and 0.22 mD for permeability. Out of these three reservoir zones in Well DDS- 1, Zone 1 has the prospect of hydrocarbons which is supported by the net pay value. Based on seismic stratigraphy interpretation, the reservoir zone is correlated to the Tabul Formation, which comprises calcareous clay and limestone.

2019 ◽  
Olabode Awuyo ◽  
Abel Sunday ◽  
Adesina Fadairo

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Ubong Essien ◽  
Akaninyene Akankpo ◽  
Okechukwu Agbasi

Petrophysical analysis was performed in two wells in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria. This study is aimed at making available petrophysical data, basically water saturation calculation using cementation values of 2.0 for the reservoir formations of two wells in the Niger delta basin. A suite of geophysical open hole logs namely Gamma ray; Resistivity, Sonic, Caliper and Density were used to determine petrophysical parameters. The parameters determined are; volume of shale, porosity, water saturation, irreducible water saturation and bulk volume of water. The thickness of the reservoir varies between 127ft and 1620ft. Average porosity values vary between 0.061 and 0.600; generally decreasing with depth. The mean average computed values for the Petrophysical parameters for the reservoirs are: Bulk Volume of Water, 0.070 to 0.175; Apparent Water Resistivity, 0.239 to 7.969; Water Saturation, 0.229 to 0.749; Irreducible Water Saturation, 0.229 to 0.882 and Volume of Shale, 0.045 to 0.355. The findings will also enhance the proper characterization of the reservoir sands.

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