scholarly journals Autentificando el discurso de la verdad en El casamiento engañoso y El coloquio de los perros

Miguel Ángel Zamorano Heras

In Casamiento-Coloquio, the opposition between the narrator’s discourse and the discourse of the characters plays with a minimal initial presence and a total final absence of the authorised narrator’s discourse, and with the progressive emergence of characters eager to narrate their own lives, and impose their voice over the frame story – whose power is none other than to regulate and qualify their interventions, – thus leaving them with complete freedom. By situating the enigma of the intrigue of both stories, the miracle of two talking dogs, in a fictional possible not authenticated by the authorised narrator but, paradoxically, by a shady character like the witch Cañizares, Cervantes executes the most complex and astonishing technical pirouette possible. For by means of establishing the absence of an authority in the ordering of the story (an authority from which the ever-reassuring promise of a single version emanates), he makes possible the diverse perspectives offered by the characters with their stories and, with that, he sets off the impossibility of deciding on the truth of the related events.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-77
Sarah Weiss

This article examines Rangda and her role as a chthonic and mythological figure in Bali, particularly the way in which Rangda’s identity has intertwined with that of the Hindu goddess Durga— slayer of buffalo demons and other creatures that cannot be bested by Shiva or other male Hindu gods. Images and stories about Durga in Bali are significantly different from those found in Hindu contexts in India. Although she retains the strong-willed independence and decision-making capabilities prominently associated with Durga in India, in Bali the goddess Durga is primarily associated with violent and negative attributes as well as looks and behaviours that are more usually associated with Kali in India. The reconstruction of Durga in Bali, in particular the integration of Durga with the figure of the witch Rangda, reflects the local importance of the dynamic relationship between good and bad, positive and negative forces in Bali. I suggest that Balinese representations of Rangda and Durga reveal a flux and transformation between good and evil, not simply one side of a balanced binary opposition. Transformation—here defined as the persistent movement between ritual purity and impurity—is a key element in the localization of the goddess Durga in Bali.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-176
Simon Brodbeck

2013 ◽  
Francesco Bosello ◽  
Enrica De Cian ◽  
Licia Ferranna

Elia Nathan Bravo

The purpose of this paper is two-fold. On the one hand, it offers a general analysis of stigmas (a person has one when, in virtue of its belonging to a certain group, such as that of women, homosexuals, etc., he or she is subjugated or persecuted). On the other hand, I argue that stigmas are “invented”. More precisely, I claim that they are not descriptive of real inequalities. Rather, they are socially created, or invented in a lax sense, in so far as the real differences to which they refer are socially valued or construed as negative, and used to justify social inequalities (that is, the placing of a person in the lower positions within an economic, cultural, etc., hierarchy), or persecutions. Finally, I argue that in some cases, such as that of the witch persecution of the early modern times, we find the extreme situation in which a stigma was invented in the strict sense of the word, that is, it does not have any empirical content.

Per Faxneld

Chapter 6 provides a reading of how the subversive potential of the figure of the witch was utilized to attack the oppression of women. It commences with a discussion of Jules Michelet’s La Sorcière (1862), then considers how medical discourse on historical witches as hysterics was conflated with slander of feminists as hysterical and caricatures of them as witches. After that follows a treatment of American feminist Matilda Joslyn Gage, who presented the early modern witch cult as a Satanic rebellion against patriarchal injustice, and folklorist Charles Leland, who drew approbatory parallels between witches and the feminism of his day. The chapter demonstrates how Gage borrowed from both Michelet and Blavatsky in her texts. Finally, visual representations of the witch are discussed, focusing on how she was a symbol of female strength in both positive and negative ways in the sculptures and paintings of male as well as female artists.

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