М. А. Fomenko ◽  
А. I. Grabovets ◽  
T. А. Oleynikova

The research was carried out in 2005 – 2019 at the Federal Rostov Agrarian Research Center in the Rostov region. The material was the breeding material of various generations of the breeding center. The introduction of semi-dwarf forms into the selection process was accompanied by the involvement of medium-sized local varieties Tarasovskaya 29, Severodonskaya, Severodonskaya 5, Severodonskaya 12, which were adapted to local conditions as step crosses. Also recursive parental forms from various ekonish were used. Field experiments and censuses were carried out in accordance with the methodology of the State Commission for Variety Testing (1971, 1989) and the Methodological Instructions of the World Collection Vir (1977). Breeding of winter wheat was carried out by conventional methods using the bulk method and pedigree.The material was the selection material of different generations of FRANZ breeding. Recombinants of previous generations were used to create varieties of winter soft wheat of the new morphobiotype Donmira, Acapella, Bylina Don.  Under different stress factors, the features of the formation of agrocenoses of new phenotypes were revealed. In order to improve individual characteristics, sources of winter and frost resistance were used.  A marker sign of selection for productivity and adaptability in drought conditions is an increase in the weight of grain from the plant and ear, the yield index. Further development of breeding of semi-dwarf varieties will be associated with an increase in the capacity of the agrocenosis. The research was implemented in the creation of 20 varieties of winter soft wheat, which are included in the State register of breeding achievements, with a wide area of cultivation. 

M.M. Streltsova ◽  
, O.E. Arkhipova ◽  

The work is devoted to the study of the forests of the Rostov region, the determination of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the area of the territory covered with forest, using remote sensing data and geoinformation systems. The relevance of the study is due to the active anthropogenic impact on forests in the steppe zone, in a region with a forest deficit cover. The purpose of the study is to study the state of forests based on the use of modern geoinformation technologies, to assess the dynamics of forest cover in the forest fund of the Rostov region. The object of research is one of the most wooded areas of the Rostov region – the Verkhnedonsky. To study the state of the forests of the Rostov region, satellite images obtained using the Sentinel-2 spacecraft and data from the Global Forest Change application were used. Earth Engine. The efficiency of application of various methods of classification of space images has been investigated. It was revealed that despite the forest fires that affect the forests of the region due to climatic and natural factors, the area of gum massifs since 2015, in accordance with the classification carried out, has increased by about 300 hectares.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Yu. A. Gulyanov ◽  
A. A. Chibilyov ◽  
A. A. Chibilyov Jr.

Aim. Verification of scientific concepts regarding the spatial heterogeneity of field agrocenoses. Identification of the variability of phytometric and structural crop ndicators and determination of the degree of their influence on the yield and quality of winter wheat grain in the steppe zone of the Orenburg Urals.Material and Methods. Establishment of field experiments, related observations and counts in accordance with the methodology of state variety crops testing and B.A.Dospekhov's guidelin. Monitoring of winter wheat crops was carried by measuring the vegetation index (NDVI) with a Green Seeker Handheld Crop Sensor, Model HCS‐100 (Trimble, USA). Determination of grain quality indicators was conducted according to GOST 9353‐2016 Wheat – Technical Conditions. Microsoft Office Excel was employed for the correlation and regression analysis of experimental data. Results. Analysis of the intra‐field heterogeneity of winter wheat agrocenoses in terms of yield and grain quality was conducted. The dependences of yield and grain quality on the principal crop phytometric and structural parameters were defined and expressed in the form of regression equations.Сonclusion. The results of the studies attest to the growth of reserves of grain yield to 3.0 t/ha and grain quality to class I‐II class in zonal climatic conditions of optimization of environmental factors to the level of the best basic plots by levelling out field soil heterogeneity. This is possible by restoring the fertility of anthropogenically‐degraded soil through the introduction of landscape‐adaptive and resource saving farming systems, soil protective and soil restorative crop rotation, differentiated application of organic and mineral fertilizers and selection of the most adaptive varieties. We also advise the introduction of intelligent ‘digital technologies’ aimed at fuller implementation of the genetic potential of cultivated varieties with careful consideration of natural resources and the preservation of biological diversity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (24) ◽  
pp. 143-151
S.V. Podgorny ◽  
O.V. Skripka ◽  
A.P. Samofalov ◽  
S.N. Gromova ◽  

Improving the quality of wheat grain is an important task of agricultural production. In recent years, the production of strong and valuable wheat, necessary for the production of high-quality baking flour, has decreased. In this regard, the study of the quality of grain varieties of winter wheat in specific soil and climatic conditions of the Rostov region is becoming topical. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study the main indicators of grain quality of varieties of soft winter wheat (protein and gluten content, flour strength, bread size from 100 g of flour) in ecological variety trials to select the best under conditions of the Rostov region. The studies were carried out on the trial fields of the Laboratory of selection and seed production of winter soft wheat of intensive type of the State Scientific Establishment “Agricultural research center «Donskoy»” (Rostov region) in 2014–2016. Seventy-five varieties were studied in the course of the research. Planting dates – optimal for implementation of agricultural and agro-technical measures. Planter – «Wintersteiger Plotseed S.» Seed placement depth – 4–6 cm. Preceding crop – black fallow. Accounting square of fields – 10 m2, double replication. Seeding rate – 4.5 million seeds per hectare. Grain quality was assessed according to the methods of the national standards of the Russian Federation. Such grain quality indicators as gluten content (according to GOST R 54478-2011), protein mass fraction (as required by GOST 108460-91), baking properties of flour (in a laboratory using the remix method) were determined. The article discusses the main indicators of the quality of grain and flour of winter soft wheat varieties in ecological variety testing and compares them. Analysis of the main indicators of the quality of varieties in trials showed that in the south of the Rostov region in 2014–2016 flour strength and gluten content were the most variable indicators. In terms of protein content (> 14.5 %), 8.0 % of the studied varieties were in full compliance with strong wheat standards; by the gluten content (> 28 %) – 7.0 %; by the flour strength (>280 e.a.) – 9.0 %. Five varieties of winter soft wheat: ‘Aksinya’, ‘Tanais’, ‘Asket’, ‘Nakhodka’, ‘Yumpa’ (Russia) with a complex of economically valuable traits are of greater interest for practical breeding in terms of improving grain quality.

2020 ◽  
pp. 33-36 ◽  
O. V. Skripka ◽  
S. V. Podgorny ◽  
A. P. Samofalov ◽  
O. A. Nekrasova ◽  
S. N. Gromova ◽  

To successfully increase grain production and improve its quality, the development and introduction of new winter wheat varieties is of great importance. The winter soft wheat varieties developed by the FSBSI “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” and included into the State List of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation are able to form grain with 30.0% gluten and more, and are suitable for the first, second and third class of baking. A comparative characteristic of the grain quality of winter wheat varieties of the intensive type included in the State List and their ability to form food grain suitable for baking is currently of practical interest. There have been studied 6 varieties in the conditions of drought in 2013 and 2014 (the amount of precipitation during the growing season was 190.0–191.5 mm, the average daily air temperature was 20.3–20.9 °C), and in the conditions of excess moisture in 2016, 2017 (the amount of precipitation was 274.2–292.8 mm, the average daily air temperature was 19.5–20.4 °C). The studied varieties formed the highest productivity from 8.70 to 9.01 t/ha under conditions of excessive moisture. Under drought conditions, productivity of the varieties decreased significantly and ranged from 6.50 to 7.69 t/ha. Better grain quality of the studied varieties was formed in the conditions of the drought of 2013, 2014 with 14.9 to 15.9% of protein and 27.9 to 31.0% of gluten. Food grain close to the first class (from 30.0 to 31.0% of gluten) were formed by the varieties “Aksiniya”, “Tanais” and “Nakhodka”; the second class (more than 28.0% of gluten) was obtained from the varieties “Shef” and “Etuyd”. The ranking method according to grain quality indicators allowed establishing an average rank and identifying the varieties “Aksiniya”, “Tanais”, “Nakhodka” and “Shef” with the best baking traits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (24) ◽  
pp. 114-121
D.M. Marchenko ◽  
M.M. Ivanisov ◽  
E.I. Nekrasov ◽  
N.S. Kravchenko ◽  

Creation and introduction into production new high-yielding and early ripening varieties of soft winter wheat adapted to certain weather conditions are the principal ways to increase yield and improve general harvest volumes. A properly selected variety is one of the most effective ways of achieving crop yield improvement for any farm. To realize the potential for increasing yields, it is crucial to bear in mind specific soil and climatic conditions. The aim of the research was to characterize a new variety of winter soft wheat ‘Podarok Krymu’ by economic and biological qualities, as well as morphological characteristics. Soil of the experimental plot – chernozems ordinary with a thick humus layer (up to 140 cm). The meteorological conditions during the years of research were quite diverse, which made it possible to evaluate the new variety by a set of economically valuable features. The studies were carried out in 2015–2019 on the experimental fields of the scientific crop rotation of the Department of Winter Wheat of State Scientific Establishment “Agricultural research center “Donskoy” (SSE “ARC “Donskoy”). The object of the research – a new variety of winter soft wheat ‘Podarok Krymu’. Winter soft wheat variety ‘Don 107’ was used as a standard. Preceding crop – corn for grain. The accounting area of the variety test plot – 10 m². Field experiments were replicated six times. In 2019, variety ‘Podarok Krymu’ was submitted for State Variety Testing by SSE “ARC “Donskoy” together with the Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea. This variety has a high potential for grain productivity. The average yield in the competitive variety testing was 7.71 t/ha (preceding crop – corn for grain), which is 0.39 t/ha higher than the average yield of standard variety ‘Don 107’. According to the length of the growing season, the variety belongs to the early maturing group; its ears emerge and kernels ripe three days earlier than that of the standard. The high and stable yield of the new variety is ensured by its tolerance to drought and heat, increased winter hardiness and resistance of plants to frost, as well as resistance to the main diseases typical in the regions where studies are being conducted. Since the autumn of 2020, ‘Podarok Krymu’ has been studied to cultivate it in the North Caucasian, Lower Volga and Central Black Earth regions of the Russian Federation.

2019 ◽  
L M Khromova ◽  
A Kh Malkandueva ◽  
B R Shomakhov ◽  
Z L Shipsheva ◽  
A Kh Shabatukov

The article studies the issues of resistance of winter wheat varieties selected by the State Center of grain n.a. P.P. Lukyanenko and the Institute of Agriculture of the KBRC of the RAS to pests. The studies were conducted in the steppe zone of Kabardino-Balkaria in the conditions of insufficient moisture in 2017-2018. Main diseases of winter wheat were identified, a valuable source material resistant to the main pathogens was isolated, and dominant diseases were established. The most adaptive, highly productive varieties of winter wheat were identified. The most ecologically plastic and stable varieties of winter wheat which can be used as donors were identified. Phytosanitary monitoring of the cotton moth was carried out in corn areas; phytophagous plants and the damage share were determined; progressive diseases were assessed; the species composition and frequency of pathogens were identified in grain areas.

2020 ◽  
pp. 19-25
O. V. Skripka ◽  
S. V. Podgorny ◽  
A. P. Samofalov ◽  
V. L. Chernova

The systematic study on winter wheat breeding began in 1955 in the former Zernograd experimental station, and now the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “ARC “Donskoy”. Under these conditions, the development of the most suitable for local conditions varieties of intensive type with increased frost resistance determined the main direction of winter wheat breeding in those years. In the early 1980s, the area of black fallow increased in the Rostov region, much attention was paid to irrigated agriculture. There was planned to increase the area under irrigation in the North Caucasus to 1 million hectares. Therefore, there was set a goal to develop highly productive, low-stemmed, resistant to lodging varieties, responsive to mineral fertilizing with complex immunity to diseases. The breeding work of the laboratory for the breeding and seed production of winter bread wheat of an intensive type over the past forty years resulted in the development of 22 varieties of intensive type with good adaptability to the conditions of the Rostov region. In 2020, 17 winter bread wheat varieties of an intensive type were included into the State List of Breeding Achievements, five varieties ‘Yubiley Dona’, ‘Zodiak’, ‘Univer’, ‘Razdolye’, ‘Rubin Dona’ are currently undergoing the State Variety Testing at the SVTs of the Russian Federation. A stable productivity improvement is possible only with the emphasis on the development of varieties with broad adaptive properties, providing sufficiently high yields under various cultivation conditions. Among the breeding traits that affect productivity stability, the most significant in the conditions of the Don are winter and frost resistance, disease resistance, drought resistance, early ripeness, and grain quality. Therefore, the adaptive potential increase is the most important task for the future breeding. In order to solve this problem, intraspecific and interspecific hybridization, followed by targeted selection, remains the main breeding method of winter bread wheat of an intensive type.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 743-752
A.A. Tedeeva ◽  
D.M. Mamiev ◽  
V.V. Tedeeva ◽  

In winter wheat crops, the fight against weeds, together with the use of mineral fertilizers, which increase the yield and quality of the crop by reducing the removal of nutrients from the soil, is an urgent production task. The purpose of the research is to develop methods for increasing the yield of winter wheat with the combined use of herbicides and mineral fertilizers. Field experiments were carried out in the steppe zone of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania in 2017–2019. The soil of the plot is chestnut calcareous. Weather conditions during the years of the research were favorable. The object of research is the high-yielding winter wheat variety Utrish. Mineral fertilizers stimulate the vital activity of soil microorganisms and enhance the cycle of biological transformation of plant nutrients, and herbicides have an inhibitory effect on cellulose-decomposing microorganisms, which ultimately reduces the rate of cellulose decomposition. Cellulose decomposed most intensively on backgrounds where mineral fertilizers were used. In control variant 3, the determination period, cellulose decomposed by 29.8%, against an average background (N60P60K60) by 40.2%, and against an increased background (N90P90K90) – 43.6%. Herbicide Grench at a dose of 10 g/ha on backgrounds without fertilizers and with fertilizers in different doses ensured the death of weeds during the growing season by 76.6 ... 89.2%. The herbicide Luvaram (1.6 l/ha) also provided high weed death – 56.4–62.6%. The application of a tank mixture (Grench 5 g/ha + Luvaram 0.8 l/ha) reduced weed infestation of winter wheat crops by 85.3–89.2% on different backgrounds of fertilization. The highest yield and profitability in the experiment were noted in the variant of the combined use of mineral fertilizers and herbicides. The level of profitability against the background of medium doses of mineral fertilizers (N60P60K60) was 130–150%, and against an increased background (N90P90K90) – 149–169%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. 913-923
V.G. Vlasov ◽  
L.G. Zakharova ◽  

The results of studying the influence of elements of the technology of cultivation of spring wheat (various predecessors, methods of basic tillage, doses of mineral fertilizers) in order to obtain grain that meet the food requirements (GOST 9353-2016) are presented. The studies were carried out in 2015–2017 in the Ulyanovsk region in the forest-steppe zone on leached chernozem. The object was the Ulyanovskaya 105 spring soft wheat variety, which has been recommended for cultivation in the Volgo-Vyatka (4), Middle Volga (7), Ural (9) regions of the Russian Federation since 2017. The scheme of the experiment provided for placement after peas and winter wheat, autumn main dumping and shallow tillage. In each of the options, the sowing was carried out using three backgrounds of mineral fertilizer – N24Р6 К0 kg/ha a.i. before sowing; N64Р18К35 kg/ha d.v. before sowing + retardant “Tse Tse Tse 750” (chlormequat chloride); N50Р30К70 kg/ha d.v. before sowing + N25 in tillering + N30 after heading + retardant “Tse Tse Tse 750”, calculated for the planned yield of 4.0; 5.0 and 6.0 t/ha, respectively. The meteorological conditions in the years of research were characterized by uneven precipitation (HTC in 2015 – 0.7; in 2016 – 0.8; in 2017 – 1.4). The grain yield of the studied variety of spring soft wheat on average for the variants of the experiment ranged from 3.82 t/ha to 5.60 t/ha with its high quality. The largest amount of protein (720–760 kg/ha) and grain weight per ear (1.07–1.08 g) were formed by the predecessor of peas after plowing against the background of the introduction of mineral fertilizers in doses calculated for the planned yield of 5.0–6,0 t/ha. In terms of the content of crude gluten (28.1–30.9%), in nature (786–798) and vitreousness (87–91%), the grain corresponded to the indicators of class 2, in terms of protein content in the grain (12.5–13.5%) – indicators of the 3rd class of GOST 9353-2016. Higher quality grain with a higher yield level was formed according to the pea predecessor. The coefficient of elasticity of flour dough within the normal range for strong wheat (0.70–0.85) was observed on all variants of plowing and on 1 background of mineral fertilizers for fine processing according to the predecessor winter wheat, as well as on 1 and 2 backgrounds of mineral fertilizers according to to both methods of basic tillage according to the pea precursor. According to the general baking assessment (4.1–4.4 points), the Ulyanovskaya 105 variety corresponded to the norm for valuable crop varieties.

Жусуп Тургунбаев ◽  
Zhusup Turgunbaev ◽  
Мелисбек Тургунбаев ◽  
Melisbek Turgunbaev

The paper studies and summarizes some theoretical views on the essence and content of the management system of the agro-industrial complex in the Kyrgyz Republic: the problems, shortcomings, experience in the implementation of economic reforms and the possibility of its use in local conditions. The study features the state of socio-economic development of the republic in the current market conditions. The research on the interaction of management bodies allows the authors to reveal some tendencies of development of the agro industrial complex. The paper introduces a mechanism for improving the interaction of the management system, practical approaches to economic programming and solving management problems in agro-industrial complex and economic policy. The proposals developed for the organization of corporate management of the agro-industrial complex will contribute to the successful solution of various tasks: to increase the economic efficiency of the agricultural sector, to raise the competitiveness of agricultural products and, ultimately, to provide the food security of the Kyrgyz Republic. The paper features a methodology for the rational organization of corporate governance. The methodology takes into account the individual characteristics and parameters of enterprises of various institutional forms of economic environment, geographical location and many other macro and microeconomic factors, as well as the interests of the state and regional business.

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