O. А. Artyukhova ◽  
O. V. Gladysheva ◽  
V. А. Svirina

The article presents the results of a study of the effect of applying doses of mineral fertilizers (N0P0K0, N30P30K30, N60P60K60, N90P90K90) when cultivating varieties of spring barley (Vladimir, Reliable, Yaromir) on the formation of the area of leaf plates, the growth of green biomass and the accumulation of dry matter by crop plants in different years of moisture in the South of the Central non-Chernozem region. It was found that the use of mineral fertilizers in doses N60P60K60, N90P90K90 contributed to the greatest increase in the area of the assimilation apparatus and the growth of plant biomass. In the phase of entering the tube, the leaf area on the above backgrounds exceeded the control variants by an average of 49,6 and 63,3 % (Vladimir variety), 62,3 and 45,4 % (Reliable variety), and 44,6 and 53,2 % (Yaromir variety). The average growth of biomass in 2017-2019 with the use of N60P60K60, N90P90K90 increased compared to the control variants by 83,3 and 182,7 % (Vladimir variety), by 68,9 and 88,3 % (Reliable variety) and by 82,0 and 107,5 % (Yaromir variety) in the beginning of earing phase with further growth of this indicator to the phase of milk ripeness of plants. The percentage of dry matter in plants depended not only on the doses of mineral fertilizers, but also on weather conditions, namely, on the value of the Selyaninov hydrothermal moisture coefficient (SCC). With an increase in the applied rates of fertilizers, at values of GTC in the range of 0,37 – 0,44, dry matter is accumulated by plants, at values from 0,64 to 1,2, due to the provided moisture and greater water consumption by spring barley varieties, the percentage of dry matter content decreased. Yield – the final indicator of all conditions. Reliable and Yaromir varieties showed the greatest stability in obtaining a good harvest, which exceeded the values of control variants on average for 2017-2019 by 89,1 and 79,0 % on backgrounds N60P60K60 and N90P90K90 respectively. Correlations were determined for all the studied indicators.

2009 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-125
G. Hadi

The dry matter and moisture contents of the aboveground vegetative organs and kernels of four maize hybrids were studied in Martonvásár at five harvest dates, with four replications per hybrid. The dry matter yield per hectare of the kernels and other plant organs were investigated in order to obtain data on the optimum date of harvest for the purposes of biogas and silage production.It was found that the dry mass of the aboveground vegetative organs, both individually and in total, did not increase after silking. During the last third of the ripening period, however, a significant reduction in the dry matter content was sometimes observed as a function of the length of the vegetation period. The data suggest that, with the exception of extreme weather conditions or an extremely long vegetation period, the maximum dry matter yield could be expected to range from 22–42%, depending on the vegetation period of the variety. The harvest date should be chosen to give a kernel moisture content of above 35% for biogas production and below 35% for silage production. In this phenophase most varieties mature when the stalks are still green, so it is unlikely that transport costs can be reduced by waiting for the vegetative mass to dry.

M. C. Padilha Junior ◽  
S. L. R. Donato ◽  
J. A. Silva ◽  
P. E. R. Donato ◽  
E. S. Souza

<p>Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar as características morfométricas e de rendimento da palma forrageira 'Gigante' submetida a diferentes tipos de adubação orgânica, química e organomineral e configurações de plantio<em>. </em>O experimento foi instalado em LATOSSOLO Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, num delineamento em blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. As parcelas constituídas por duas configurações de plantio: 1) 24.0000 plantas ha<sup>-1</sup>, dispostas em fileira tripla, no espaçamento 3,00 x 1,00 x 0,25 m; 2) 26.666 plantas ha<sup>-1</sup>, dispostas em fileira quádrupla, no espaçamento 3,00 x 1,00 x 0,25 m; as subparcelas compostas por 12 tipos de adubação orgânica, química e organomineral. Aos 650 DAP mensuraram-se altura da planta, número, comprimento, largura e índice de área de cladódios, produção de matéria verde e seca e teor de matéria seca. As características morfométricas, o teor de matéria seca e a produção de massa verde e matéria seca foram influenciadas pelas adubações (P&lt;0,05), independentemente da configuração utilizada. Das características morfométricas apenas a largura e área do cladódio não foram influenciadas pelas adubações. A ausência de adubação ou apenas 30 Mg ha<sup>-1</sup> ano<sup>-1</sup> de esterco bovino são insuficientes para obter resultados satisfatórios com palma forrageira ‘Gigante’.</p><p><strong><em>Morphometric traits and yield of forage cactus 'Gigante' under different fertilization and planting settings</em></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong>The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphometric characteristics and yield of 'Gigante' forage cactus subjected to different types of organic, chemical, and organic mineral fertilizers and planting configurations. The experiment was installed in a dystrophic Red-Yellow LATOSOL (Oxisol), in a randomized block design, in a split plot design parcel, with three replications. The plots consist of two plant configurations: 1) 24.0000 pl ha<sup>-1</sup>, arranged in triple row, spaced 3.00 x 1.00 x 0.25 m; 2) 26,666 pl ha<sup>-1</sup>, arranged in quadruple row, spaced 3.00 x 1.00 x 0.25 m. The subplots are composed of types of organic, chemical, and organic mineral fertilizers. On the 650th DAP were measured the plant height, number, length, width, cladode area index, fresh and dry matter yield and dry matter content. Morphometric characteristics, the dry matter content and the green mass and dry matter production were influenced by fertilization (P &lt;0.05), regardless the configuration. From the morphometric features, only the width and cladode area were not affected by fertilization. The absence of fertilization or just 30 Mg ha<sup>-1</sup> yr<sup>-1</sup> of cattle manure is not enough to achieve satisfactory results with 'Gigante' forage cactus.</p>

Getu Beyene ◽  
Raj Deepika Chauhan ◽  
Jackson Gehan ◽  
Dimuth Siritunga ◽  
Nigel Taylor

Abstract Key message Among the five cassava isoforms (MeAPL1–MeAPL5), MeAPL3 is responsible for determining storage root starch content. Degree of storage root postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) is directly correlated with starch content. Abstract AGPase is heterotetramer composed of two small and two large subunits each coded by small gene families in higher plants. Studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta) identified and characterized five isoforms of Manihot esculenta ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit (MeAPL1–MeAPL5) and employed virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) to show that MeAPL3 is the key isoform responsible for starch and dry matter accumulation in cassava storage roots. Silencing of MeAPL3 in cassava through stable transgenic lines resulted in plants displaying significant reduction in storage root starch and dry matter content (DMC) and induced a distinct phenotype associated with increased petiole/stem angle, resulting in a droopy leaf phenotype. Plants with reduced starch and DMC also displayed significantly reduced or no postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) compared to controls and lines with high DMC and starch content. This provides strong evidence for direct relationships between starch/dry matter content and its role in PPD and canopy architecture traits in cassava.

1992 ◽  
Vol 118 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-221 ◽  
F. Pimpini ◽  
L. Giardini ◽  
M. Borin ◽  
G. Gianquinto

SUMMARYPoultry manure and mineral fertilizers at two rates of application (medium and high) and in different combinations, together with a non-fertilized control, were tested at the Experimental Station of the Agricultural University of Padova, Italy (45° 21′ N, 11° 58′ E) in 1985–89.Compared to the control, all the fertilization treatments increased the incidence of larger-sized bulbs of onion and tubers of potato, improved the fruit colour of processing tomato and the raw protein content of spinach, but reduced the acidity and acids: soluble solids ratio of tomato and the dry matter content of spinach leaves.In addition, the application of 140 kg/ha of N, 140 kg/ha of P2O5 and 100 kg/ha of K2O as mineral fertilizer or as poultry manure gave the best scores of processing suitability of potato, both for sticks and chips. All the fertilization formulae, except for 140 kg/ha of N, 140 kg/ha of P2O5 and 100 kg/ha of K2O as poultry manure alone, showed significant decreases in the extractable sucrose ratio in sugarbeet, compared with the control. In processing tomato, the best scores of suitability for paste transformation were obtained with mixed fertilization (1/3 poultry manure and 2/3 mineral fertilizers) applying 210 kg/ha of N, 210 kg/ha of P2O5 and 150 kg/ha of K2O and the plots receiving only mineral fertilizers produced fruits with less favourable values of pH and electrical conductivity compared to the poultry manured ones.

1969 ◽  
Vol 78 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Ricardo Goenaga

There is tittle information regarding optimum water requirement for tanier grown under semiarid conditions with irrigation. A study was conducted to determine the growth, nutrient uptake and yield performance of tanier plants irrigated with the equivalent of fractions of evapotranspiration. The irrigation regimes were based on class A pan factors ranging from 0.33 to 1.32 with increments of 0.33. Tanier plants grown under field conditions were harvested for biomass production about every 6 weeks during the growing season. At each harvest, plants were separated into various plant parts to determine dry matter accumulation, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Zn uptake and yield. During the first 278 days after planting, plants replenished with 99 and 132% of the water lost through evapotranspiration (WLET) exhibited similar total dry matter content; however, their dry matter content was significantly greater than that in plants supplied with 33 and 66% WLET. The amount of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Zn taken up by plants replenished with 99 and 132 WLET was similar, whereas the content of these nutrients in plants replenished with 33 and 66% WLET was considerably lower. The yield of plants replenished with 99% WLET was considerably greater than that of plants supplied with 33 and 66% WLET, but significantly lower than that from plants receiving 132% WLET. Maximum cormel yields of 19,479 kg/ha were obtained from plants replenished with 132% WLET.

1988 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 711 ◽  
KA Meney ◽  
KW Dixon

Four species of Restionaceae and Cyperaceae from the Mediterranean-type climate region of Western Australia were studied to determine factor(s) limiting their reproductive performance. Ecdeiocolea monostachya (Ecdeiocoleaceae), Lepidobolus chaetocephalus (Restionaceae), Restio aff. sphacelatus (Restionaceae) and Mesomelaena pseudostygia (Cyperaceae) differed in the pattern of dry matter partitioning and phenological patterns. All species were moderately efficient at remobilising dry matter from senescing vegetative organs, maintaining constant tissue water to dry matter content in mature organs over the study period regardless of soil moisture availability. In situ nutrient and water supplements of study species did not elicit improved seed production or significant increases in dry matter accumulation (except for current and old culms of E. monostachya and spikelets of L. chaetocephalus). For all study species except L. chaetocephalus, seed production was low, while herbivore activity, insect predation andlor infection by a smut (Tolyposporium lepidiboli) reduced seed production potential in L. chaetocephalus and E. monostachya. Attempts at seed germination for all study species were not successful. Extracted embryos from mature seed of all species cultured in vitro grew rapidly, providing a reliable method for propagation of study species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Carel W. Windt ◽  
Moritz Nabel ◽  
Johannes Kochs ◽  
Siegfried Jahnke ◽  
Ulrich Schurr

Water content (WC) and dry matter content (DMC) are some of the most basic parameters to describe plant growth and yield, but are exceptionally difficult to measure non-invasively. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry may fill this methodological gap. It allows non-invasive detection of protons in liquids and solids, and on the basis of these measures, can be used to quantify liquid and dry matter contents of seeds and plants. Unfortunately, most existing NMR relaxometers are large, unwieldy and not suitable to measure intact plants or to be used under field conditions. In addition, currently the appropriate NMR relaxometric methods are poorly suited for non-expert use. We here present a novel approach to overcome these drawbacks. We demonstrate that a basic NMR relaxometer with the capability to accept intact plants, in combination with straightforward NMR and data processing methods, can be used as an NMR plant sensor to continuously, quantitatively and non-invasively monitor changes in WC and DMC. This can be done in vivo, in situ, and with high temporal resolution. The method is validated by showing that measured liquid and solid proton densities accurately reflect WC and DMC of reference samples. The NMR plant sensor is demonstrated in an experimental context by monitoring WC of rice leaves under osmotic stress, and by measuring the dynamics of water and dry matter accumulation during seed filling in a developing wheat ear. It is further demonstrated how the method can be used to estimate leaf water potential on the basis of changes in leaf water content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Ivan Eliseev ◽  
Lyudmila Eliseeva ◽  
Leonid Shashkarov

The purpose of the work is to study the effectiveness of using horny hoofed crumbs from the waste of the meat processing industry as an organic fertilizer, in comparison with mineral nitrogen fertilizers and zeolite-containing trepel in the Chuvash Republic. The direct effect was determined on potatoes and fodder beets, the aftereffect was determined on spring barley. The soil of the experimental plot is light gray forest with a low (2.5 ... 2.6 %) humus content. The application of horn-hoof crumbs to potatoes and fodder beets at a rate of 430 kg/ha, equivalent to N60, together with phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizers (P60K60), in terms of influence on crop yields, was not inferior to the effect of a complete mineral fertilizer at a rate of N60P60K60. In the variants with the introduction of horn-hoofed crumbs and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, both independently and with the addition of zeolite-containing trepel at a rate of 2 t/ha, compared with the use of complete mineral fertilization, on average for 2012–2016. an increase in the biological activity of the soil was noted by 7.1 ... 11.0 %; in potato plantings, the leaf surface area increased by 7.0 ... 15.1 thousand m2/ha, the dry matter content in tubers - by 1.4 ... 2.5 %, their marketability - by 0.4 ... 0.7 %, the nitrate content decreased by 1.14 ... 1.45 %. In the crops of fodder beets, the leaf surface area of plants increased by 3.3 ... 5.0 thousand m2/ha, the dry matter content - by 0.8 ... 2.8 %, the concentration of nitrates - decreased by 43.9 ... 40.3 %. The coefficient of energy efficiency of the combined use of horn-hoofed crumb and trepel for row crops was at the level of 1.0. The aftereffect from their introduction was noted the next year when growing barley, the coefficient of bioenergy efficiency was 2.0 ... 2.2

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 173 ◽  

The effects various rates of nitrogen application on accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were studied during a short growing period of 140–180 days, at MTT Agrifood Research Finland in 2000–2001. The treatments were 0, 60 and 120 kg N ha-1 and the potato cultivars tested were Van Gogh and Nicola. Four successive harvests were made during the course of the experiment to monitor changes in the accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen over the season. Applications of nitrogen substantially increased haulm dry matter accumulation and to an even greater extent their nitrogen contents. The highest dry matter values were generally registered at 120 kg N ha-1. Dry matter and nitrogen content of haulms started to decline during the later part of season and most nitrogen was relocated to tubers. The results suggest that an application of only 60 kg N ha-1 was sufficient to promote rapid canopy development and there were only small reductions in dry matter and nitrogen accumulation until late in the season when the canopy started to senesce as nitrogen supply diminished. Tuber yield, plant dry matter and nitrogen accumulation at maturity were related to crop nitrogen supply. Although application of the high rate, 120 N kg ha-1, resulted in a significant increase in dry matter accumulation, this was not reflected in the profit because the higher nitrogen application reduced dry matter content of tubers by 2.6% in 2000 and by 1.1% in 2001 relative to the use of 60 kg N ha-1. Apparent fertilizer nitrogen recovery values on a whole plant basis ranged from 53 to 75%. The proportion of fertilizer recovered in tubers clearly declined with increase in nitrogen supply.;

2003 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-305 ◽  
Edvaldo Sagrilo ◽  
Pedro Soares Vidigal Filho ◽  
Manoel Genildo Pequeno ◽  
Carlos Alberto Scapim ◽  
Maria Celeste Gonçalves Vidigal ◽  

The effect of harvest period on the quality of storage roots and leaves of cassava cultivars was determined in an experiment carried out in a randomized complete block design with four replications in a split plot scheme, with five cultivars in the plots and ten harvest times in the subplots. The IAC 13 cultivar had the highest rate of dry matter accumulation in the storage roots and the Mico cultivar the lowest. The period of least dry matter content in the storage roots occurred later for the Fécula Branca, Mico and IAC 14 cultivars, and the minimum starch content in the storage roots occurred later for the Fécula Branca and Mico cultivars. In general, the IAC 13, IAC 14 and Fécula Branca cultivars had higher dry matter content in the storage roots, while higher starch content in the dry and fresh matter were obtained in the Fécula Branca cultivar. The crude protein content in the leaves decreased as the plant aged.

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