Increasing Community College Graduation Rates: A Synthesis of Findings on the ASAP Model From Six Colleges Across Two States

2021 ◽  
pp. 016237372110367
Cynthia Miller ◽  
Michael J. Weiss

This paper presents new estimates of the effects of the City University of New York’s ( CUNY’s) Accelerated Study in Associate Programs ( ASAP) model, evaluated using a randomized controlled trial first in New York and later through a replication in Ohio. It presents longer-term effects of CUNY ASAP in New York, showing that the program’s effect on associate’s degree receipt persisted through 8 years and likely represents a permanent increase in degree receipt. It also presents an analysis from the pooled study samples in New York and Ohio. The findings indicate that the program had consistent effects on degree receipt across the two states but also for somewhat different levels of service contrast, such as the number of additional advising visits.

2011 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-206 ◽  
Nabila El-Bassel ◽  
Louisa Gilbert ◽  
Elwin Wu ◽  
Susan S Witte ◽  
Mingway Chang ◽  

David Koffman ◽  
David Lewis

Four techniques are described for forecasting the demand for paratransit required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): surveys, intuitive comparison with other systems, cross-sectional econometric analysis, and time-series econometric analysis. The application of these methods in Seattle and New York is described, illustrating the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The ADA leaves considerable room for localities to determine the level of trip denials that can be tolerated. The econometric models provide a quantitative forecast of the effects of different levels of service availability as measured by trip denial rates. It demonstrates that the importance of service availability varies among communities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 473-481 ◽  
Ellen Meier ◽  
Bruce R Lindgren ◽  
Amanda Anderson ◽  
Sarah A Reisinger ◽  
Kaila J Norton ◽  

Abstract Introduction This 8-week multisite, randomized controlled trial of snus examined the differential effects of instructions on (1) snus use, (2) smoking and smoking-related measures, and (3) exposure to tobacco-related constituents. Method US adult daily cigarette smokers (n = 150; 43.3% female; Medianage = 43.5) were recruited from Minneapolis, Minnesota; Columbus and Coshocton, Ohio; and Buffalo, New York. Following a 1-week sampling phase of snus, participants who used at least 7 pouches were randomized to either (1) partial substitution (PS; “use snus as you like with your cigarettes”), (2) complete substitution (CS; “avoid cigarettes”), or (3) usual brand cigarettes (UB). Analyses included between-group analyses (eg, PS vs. CS) using Wilcoxon rank sum test of cigarettes per day and snus pouches per day, and a linear mixed model (biomarkers). Results Compared to the PS and UB groups, smokers assigned to CS reported greater reductions in cigarettes per day (ps < .001), using more snus pouches per day (p = .02), and more smoke-free days (CS median = 14.5, PS and UB medians = 0, p < .001). In addition, results demonstrated reductions in carbon monoxide (p < .001), total nicotine equivalents (p = .02), and four out of five measured volatile organic compounds (ps < .01) over time among the CS group. Exposure to N′-nitrosonornicotine increased by trial end only among the PS group (p < .04). Phenanthrene tetraol increased among all groups by trial end (p = .02) with no difference between groups. Conclusions Instructions to completely switch from cigarettes to snus resulted in the greatest reduction in cigarettes and exposure to harmful constituents. Implications Directly instructing smokers to switch completely to snus, rather than using ad libitum (with no instructions to avoid cigarettes), is necessary for reductions in smoking and subsequent exposure to harmful constituents.

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 197-204 ◽  
D. Aherne ◽  
A. Fitzgerald ◽  
C. Aherne ◽  
N. Fitzgerald ◽  
M. Slattery ◽  

ObjectivesThis study aims to investigate existing evidence for the effectiveness of psychological treatments and/or antidepressant medication as a treatment for those diagnosed with moderate levels of depression.MethodsA PRISMA systematic review of articles using electronic research databases (2000–2014) was conducted to identify studies investigating the effectiveness of psychotherapy and/or medication as a treatment for people with moderate levels of depression. Search terms included moderate depression, psychotherapy and/or medication, depressive disorders, antidepressants, psychotherapy, mental health services, and randomized-controlled trial (RCT). The included studies were then assessed, extracted, and synthesised.ResultsA total of 14 studies met the inclusion criteria (11 RCTs and three additional studies) for this review. The findings of the systematic review indicate that there is limited evidence available specific to the treatment of moderate depression and that this research seems to suggest that psychotherapy or combined treatment has a beneficial effect.ConclusionsGiven that depression is one of the biggest challenges the world faces at present, further research is required to examine the effectiveness of treatment for different levels of depression severity.

2020 ◽  
Jacqueline A Odgis ◽  
Katie M. Gallagher ◽  
Sabrina A. Suckiel ◽  
Katherine E. Donohue ◽  
Michelle A. Ramos ◽  

Abstract BackgroundIncreasingly, genomics is informing clinical practice, but challenges remain for medical professionals lacking genetics expertise, and in access to and clinical utility of genomic testing for minority and underrepresented populations. The latter is a particularly pernicious problem due to the historical lack of inclusion of racially and ethnically diverse populations in genomic research and genomic medicine. A further challenge is the rapidly changing landscape of genetic tests, and considerations of cost, interpretation and diagnostic yield for emerging modalities like whole genome sequencing.MethodsThe NYCKidSeq project is a randomized controlled trial recruiting 1,130 children and young adults predominantly from Harlem and the Bronx with suspected genetic disorders in three disease categories: neurologic, cardiovascular, and immunologic. Two clinical genetic tests will be performed for each participant, either proband, duo or trio whole-genome sequencing (depending on sample availability) and proband targeted gene panels. Clinical utility, cost and diagnostic yield of both testing modalities will be assessed. This study will evaluate the use of a novel, digital platform (GUÍA) to digitize the return of genomic results experience and improve participant understanding for English- and Spanish-speaking families. Surveys will collect data at three study visits; baseline (0 months), results disclosure visit (ROR1, + 3 months), and follow up visit (ROR2, + 9 months). Outcomes will assess parental understanding of and attitudes towards receiving genomic results for their child and behavioral, psychological and social impact of results. We will also conduct a pilot study to assess a digital tool called GenomeDiver designed to enhance communication between clinicians and genetic testing labs. We will evaluate GenomeDiver’s ability to increase the diagnostic yield compared to standard practices, to improve clinician’s ability to perform targeted reverse phenotyping, and to increase the efficiency of genetic testing lab personnel.DiscussionThe NYCKidSeq project will contribute to the innovations and best practices in communicating genomic test results to diverse populations. This work will inform strategies for implementing genomic medicine in health systems serving diverse populations using methods that are clinically useful, technologically savvy, culturally sensitive, and ethically sound.Trial, Identifier: NCT03738098. Registered on November 13, 2018, Sponsor:Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiContact Name:Eimear Kenny, PhD (Principal Investigator)Address:Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, One Gustave L. Levy Pl., Box 1003, New York, NY 10029Email: [email protected]

2020 ◽  
pp. 153-160
Sri Yatmihatun ◽  
E Estuningsih

Penuaan atau aging merupakan perubahan manusia yang diakibatkan oleh faktor usia, psikologi, dan sosial. Penuaan juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor reactitive oxygen species (ROS) yang dihasilkan dalam sel. Tindakan akupunktur pada titik Zusanli (ST36) untuk anti aging mempunyai efek dalam melawan penuaan dengan meningkatnya aktivitas serum SOD dan penurunan serum Malondialdehyde (MDA).  Kefir merupakan minuman susu fermentasi oleh mikroba atau bakteri asam laktat (Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. kefir, L. kerfigranum, L. parakefir) sehingga dikenal sebagai minuman probiotik karena mengandung mikroba yang baik untuk sistem pencernaan sehingga diketahui dapat berperan sebagai mencegah penuaan (aging). Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara antara aplikasi terapi akupunktur dengan susu fermentasi kefir untuk menghambat proses penuaan dini di Kota Surakarta. Metode penelitian adalah Quasy eksperimental dengan pendekatan Randomized Controlled Trial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor anti oksidan pada kelompok  sebelum  terapi akupunktur  sebesar 22.823,53 dan kelompok pemberian susu fermentasi kefir  sebesar 20.352,94,  dan gabungan kelompok pemberian terapi akupunktur dan pemberian susu fermentasi kefir sebesar 23.411,76. Skor anti oksidan pada kelompok setelah terapi akupunktur 18.176,47 kelompok pemberian susu fermentasi kefir, 17.764,70,  dan gabungan kelompok pemberian terapi akupunktur dan pemeberian susu fermentasi kefir 19.294,12. Kesimpulan  tidak ada perbedaan antara ketiga perlakuan yaitu pemberian terapi akupuntur; susu fermentasi kefir  maupun kombinasi pemberian terapi akupuntur  dan susu fermentasi kefir untuk menghambat proses penuaan dini di Kota Surakarta namun perpaduan akupunktur dan pemberian kefir mempunyai hasil yang lebih bagus. Manfaat dari penelitian yaitu aplikasi akupunktur dan kefir minuman fermentasi dapat dijadikan referensi untuk inovasi sebagai terapi alternatif pada kasus penuaan dini.   Aging is a human change caused by age, psychology, and social factors. Aging is also influenced by the Reactitive Oxygen Species (ROS) factors produced in cells. The acupuncture action at the Zusanli point (36) for anti-aging results has an effect against aging with increasing serum SOD activity and decreasing serum Malondialdehyde (MDA). Kefir is a fermented milk drink by microbes or lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. kefir, L. kerfigranum, L. parakefir) so it is known as a probiotic drink because it contains microbes that are good for the digestive system so that it is known to play a role as preventing aging (aging). The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between the application of acupuncture therapy with kefir fermented milk to inhibit the process of premature aging in the city of Surakarta. The research method is an experimental Quasy with a Randomized Controlled Trial approach. The results showed the anti-oxidant score in the group before acupuncture therapy was 22,823.53 and the group giving kefir fermentation milk was 20,352.94, and the combined group giving acupuncture therapy and giving kefir fermentation milk was 23,411.76. Anti-oxidant score in the group after acupuncture therapy 18,176.47 group giving kefir fermentation milk, 17,764.70, and combined group giving acupuncture therapy and giving kefir fermentation milk 19,294.12. Conclusion there is no difference between the three treatments, namely the provision of acupuncture therapy; Kefir fermented milk and a combination of acupuncture therapy and kefir fermented milk to inhibit the process of premature aging in the city of Surakarta. The benefits of the research are the application of acupuncture and fermented beverage kefir can be used as a reference for innovation as an alternative therapy in cases of premature aging.

2016 ◽  
Vol 106 (2) ◽  
pp. 359-365 ◽  
Jeannette R. Ickovics ◽  
Valerie Earnshaw ◽  
Jessica B. Lewis ◽  
Trace S. Kershaw ◽  
Urania Magriples ◽  

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