Extension of the Applied Capabilities of the Analogue Search Method for the Shape Identification of a Projection of Abrasive Powder Grains

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 366-374
G. A. Petasyuk ◽  
O. O. Bochechka ◽  
Yu. V. Syrota
2018 ◽  
Vol 138 (11) ◽  
pp. 923-924
Ichiro Jikuya ◽  
Eriko Sano

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 4-8
Raschetina S.A.

The detailed design implemented according to a grant of the Russian Federal Property Fund is focused on the solution of the cross-disciplinary humanitarian problem connected with the analysis of purposeful and sponta-neous processes of socialization of the child, and specif-ic characteristics of the social and pedagogical activity aimed at harmonization of the relations "the child - so-ciety" in modern unstable public conditions. The frag-ment of a research of processes of spontaneous sociali-zation of the child connected with the estimated dis-course presented in a social situation of its development is reflected in article. In it short characteristic of the post-nonclassical methodology focused on the analysis of chaotic conditions of social reality and essence of the person who acts as the language personality who is not existing "to language" is presented. Possibilities of post-nonclassical methodology in a research of a phenome-non purposeful - spontaneous socialization of the child are characterized. In article the specifics of the social and pedagogical activity aimed at harmonization of the relations "the child - society are disclosed from a posi-tion of post-nonclassical approach", the place of a re-search method in its structure is revealed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 398
Mohammed Adeeb ◽  
Ahmed Sleman ◽  
Sumaya Abdullah ◽  
Belal Al-Khateeb

Recently search services have been developed rapidly especially when the social internet appeared. It can help web users easily find their documents. So that it is very difficult to find a best search method. This paper aims to enhance the quality of the search engines results and this can be done by adding a second level category search that is able to search for the keyword and its synonyms, which enables the search engines to get more users queries related results. The proposed method showed promising results that will open further research directions

Umit Can ◽  
Bilal Alatas

The classical optimization algorithms are not efficient in solving complex search and optimization problems. Thus, some heuristic optimization algorithms have been proposed. In this paper, exploration of association rules within numerical databases with Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) has been firstly performed. GSA has been designed as search method for quantitative association rules from the databases which can be regarded as search space. Furthermore, determining the minimum values of confidence and support for every database which is a hard job has been eliminated by GSA. Apart from this, the fitness function used for GSA is very flexible. According to the interested problem, some parameters can be removed from or added to the fitness function. The range values of the attributes have been automatically adjusted during the time of mining of the rules. That is why there is not any requirements for the pre-processing of the data. Attributes interaction problem has also been eliminated with the designed GSA. GSA has been tested with four real databases and promising results have been obtained. GSA seems an effective search method for complex numerical sequential patterns mining, numerical classification rules mining, and clustering rules mining tasks of data mining.

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