Evaluation of a set of introgressive spring bread wheat lines developed for resistance to stem rust race Ug99 + Sr24 (TTKST) at the Southeast Agricultural Research Institute

2011 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-97 ◽  
S. N. Sibikeev ◽  
T. S. Markelova ◽  
A. E. Druzhin ◽  
M. L. Vedeneeva ◽  
D. Singh
2019 ◽  
Vol 180 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-32
A. I. Abugalieva ◽  
L. T. Maltsevа ◽  
E. A. Filippova ◽  
A. I. Morgunov ◽  
Y. I. Zelensky ◽  

Background. For the Trans-Urals, characterized by unstable climate over the years (alternating droughty and excessively moist years, recurrences of colds in spring, possibility of early frosts, etc.), grain quality is a prioritized genetic trait in spring bread wheat cultivars. In Kurgan Province, the share of thirdclass wheat varied since 1994 from 43% to 96%; only in the recent unfavorable years (2015 – 2017) it dropped to 11 – 27% due to rust epidemics. The aim of the study was to characterize the genetic potential of grain quality and its phenotypic implementation in promising cultivars bred at Kurgan Agricultural Research Institute and officially released for cultivation in the region.Materials and methods. The capacities of the KASIB4 – 13 (Kazakhstan–Siberia Wheat Improvement Network under the auspices of CIMMYT) represented by 17 breeding centers in Kazakhstan and Siberia were used to assess grain quality of 14 cultivars with different maturation time bred at Kurgan Agricultural Research Institute. Quality assessment was performed with due regard to the standards of Kazakhstan, CIS, and leading exporting countries, thus combining local and international levels, and employing genetic, biochemical and technological grain quality levels under different soil and climate conditions.Results and discussion. Generally, all cultivars demonstrated protein and gluten content and the level of vitreousness sufficient for strong and valuable wheat. The selected percentage was 92% for hard grain and medium hard grain wheat forms, up to 94% for high-protein and high-gluten ones, and up to 57% for genotypes without 1B/1R wheat/rye translocation. In terms of sedimentation, 86% of the genotypes were predicted to belong to the strong and valuable wheat class; according to the composition of HMW glutenin subunits, mixing quality and flour strength (W), 30 – 42% were identified as high-quality genotypes. The in-depth study of grain quality within the KASIB environmental network revealed heterogeneity among cultivars in a number of genetic and biochemical parameters and provided an opportunity to select high-quality genotypes by marker characteristics and technological properties, which is likely to improve the efficiency of intra-cultivar selection and overall quality assessment of cultivars.

Nematology ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 1099-1104 ◽  
Adnan Tulek ◽  
Ilker Kepenekci ◽  
Tugba Hilal Cifticigil ◽  
Irfan Ozturk ◽  
Kemal Akin ◽  

The effects of Anguina tritici on wheat yields and agronomic components were investigated at Thrace Agricultural Research Institute, Turkey, during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. Evaluations during 2013 focused on the wheat cv. Pehlivan, which is widely cultivated in Turkey. In this cultivar, A. tritici led to a grain infection in infected spikes of 0-100%, with an average of 61.8%. In 2014, yield losses caused by A. tritici were investigated in four wheat cvs, Pehlivan, Selimiye, Gelibolu and Kate-A. Results indicated that there were significant yield losses averaging 55% in plots infested with A. tritici (average yields = 3.74 t ha−1), as compared to control plots (average yields = 8.38 t ha−1). Yield losses in the four wheat cvs Kate-A, Pehlivan, Selimiye and Gelibolu were estimated as 51.3, 53.2, 56.6 and 59.6%, respectively, with seed infection levels by A. tritici of 21.4, 20.9, 24.4 and 18.3%, respectively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 296-303 ◽  
O. A. Baranova ◽  
S. N. Sibikeev ◽  
A. E. Druzhin

A total of 57 introgression lines and 11 cultivars of spring bread wheat developed by All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection and cultivated in the Volga Region were analyzed. The lines were obtained with the participation of CIMMYT synthetics, durum wheat cultivars, direct crossing with Agropyron elongatum (CI-7-57) and have introgressions from related species of bread wheat, namely translocations from Ag. elongatum (7DS-7DL-7Ae#1L), Aegilops speltoides (2D-2S), Ae. ventricosum (2AL-2AS-2MV#1), Secale cereale (1BL-1R#1S), 6Agi (6D) substitution from Ag. intermedium and triticale Satu. Cultivars and lines were assessed for resistance to Saratov, Lysogorsk, Derbent and Omsk stem rust pathogen populations (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici), and analyzed for the presence of the known Sr resistance genes using molecular markers. The analysis of the cultivars’ and lines’ resistance to the Saratov pathogen population in the field, as well as to Omsk, Derbent and Lysogorsk populations at the seedling stage, showed the loss of efficiency of the Sr25 and Sr6Agi genes. The Sr31 gene remained effective. Thirty one wheat lines out of 57 (54.4 % of samples) were resistant to all pathogen populations taken into analysis. The Sr31/Lr26, Sr25/Lr19, Sr28, Sr57/Lr34 and Sr38/Lr37 genes were identified in the introgression lines. The Sr31/Lr26 gene was identified in 19 lines (33.3 % of samples). All lines carrying the 1RS.1BL translocation (Sr31/Lr26) were resistant to all pathogen populations taken into analysis. The Sr25/Lr19 gene was identified in 49 lines (86 %). The gene combination Sr31/Lr26+ Sr25/Lr19 was identified in 15 lines (26.3 %). The gene combinations Sr38/Lr37+Sr25/Lr19, Sr57/Lr34+Sr25/Lr19 and Sr31/Lr26+Sr25/Lr19+Sr28 were identified in 3 introgression lines. These three lines were characterized by resistance to the pathogen populations studied in this work. The Sr2, Sr24, Sr26, Sr32, Sr36 and Sr39 genes were not detected in the analyzed wheat lines.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-138 ◽  
V. P. Shamanin ◽  
I. V. Pototskaya ◽  
S. S. Shepelev ◽  
V. E. Pozherukova ◽  
E. A. Salina ◽  

Stem rust in recent years has acquired an epiphytotic character, causing significant economic damage  for wheat production in some parts of Western Siberia. On the basis of a race composition study of the stem rust  populations collected in 2016–2017 in Omsk region and Altai Krai, 13 pathotypes in Omsk population and 10 in  Altai population were identified. The race differentiation of stem rust using a tester set of 20 North American  Sr genes differentiator lines was carried out. The genes of stem rust pathotypes of the Omsk population are avirulent only to the resistance gene Sr31, Altai isolates are avirulent not only to Sr31, but also to Sr24, and Sr30. A low  frequency of virulence (10–25 %) of the Omsk population pathotypes was found for Sr11, Sr24,Sr30, and for Altai  population – Sr7b,Sr9b,Sr11,SrTmp, which are ineffective in Omsk region. Field evaluations of resistance to stem  rust were made in 2016–2018 in Omsk region in the varieties and spring wheat lines from three different sources.  The first set included 58 lines and spring bread wheat varieties with identified Sr genes – the so-called trap nursery  (ISRTN – International Stem Rust Trap Nursery). The second set included spring wheat lines from the Arsenal collection, that were previously selected according to a complex of economically valuable traits, with genes for resistance  to stem rust, including genes introgressed into the common wheat genome from wild cereal species. The third  set included spring bread wheat varieties created in the Omsk State Agrarian University within the framework of  a shuttle breeding program, with a synthetic wheat with the Ae. tauschiigenome in their pedigrees. It was established that the resistance genes Sr31, Sr40,Sr2 complexare effective against stem rust in the conditions of Western  Siberia. The following sources with effective Srgenes were selected: (Benno)/6*LMPG-6 DK42, Seri 82, Cham 10,  Bacanora (Sr31), RL 6087 Dyck (Sr40), Amigo (Sr24,1RS-Am), Siouxland (Sr24,Sr31), Roughrider (Sr6, Sr36), Sisson  (Sr6,Sr31,Sr36), and Fleming (Sr6,Sr24,Sr36,1RS-Am), Pavon 76 (Sr2 complex) from the ISRTN nursery; No. 1 BC 1F2 (96 × 113) × 145 × 113 (Sr2,Sr36,Sr44), No. 14а F 3(96 × 113) × 145 (Sr36,Sr44), No. 19 BC 2F3(96 × 113) × 113 (Sr2, Sr36, Sr44), and No. 20 F 3 (96 × 113) × 145  (Sr2,Sr36,Sr40, Sr44) from the Arsenal collection; and the Omsk State Agrarian  University varieties Element 22 (Sr31,Sr35), Lutescens 27-12, Lutescens 87-12 (Sr23,Sr36), Lutescens 70-13, and  Lutescens 87-13 (Sr23,Sr31,Sr36). These sources are recommended for inclusion in the breeding process for developing stem rust resistant varieties in the region.  

T.I. Mokryanskaya

Дана характеристика основным хозяйственно ценным признакам и свойствам трех новых перспективных пчелоопыляемых гибридов универсального назначения Королек, Сверчок и Вьюрок, созданных в Приднестровском НИИ сельского хозяйства. Полученные гибриды сочетают в себе комплекс признаков лучших отечественных и зарубежных сортообразцов.There was given a characteristic of the basic economic-valuable features and properties of three new promising hybrids pollinated by bees of multi-purpose Corolek, Cricket and Reel, created in the Transnistrian agricultural research Institute. The received hybrids combine a set of features of the best domestic and foreign varieties.

2012 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-13
G.A. Batalova ◽  
I.I. Rusakova ◽  
G.P. Zhuravleva ◽  
M.V. Tuljakova ◽  

Н. Зезин ◽  
М. Намятов

Исследования Уральского НИИСХ и опыт передовых хозяйств Свердловской области показывают, что для повышения эффективности и стабильности кормопроизводства необходимо в структуре кормовых культур увеличивать удельный вес высокобелковых, высокоэнергетических и засухоустойчивых культур, производить подсев многолетних трав ежегодно на площади не менее 60 тыс. га, а в перспективе 7080 тыс. га. За последние 7 лет (20112018 годы) площади люцерны в области увеличились в 2 раза (до 23 тыс. га), кукурузы по зерновой технологии в 2,4 раза (до 20,9 тыс. га) и масличных культур в 3,1 раза (до 30,8 тыс. га). Опыт СПК Килачёвский Ирбитского района показывает, что освоение научно обоснованных биологизированных севооборотов, прошедших изучение в стационарных опытах Уральского НИИСХ, позволяет ежегодно получать высокие и стабильные урожаи всех сельскохозяйственных культур. В этом хозяйстве каждая кормовая культура размещается в своём севообороте. В СПК Килачёвский и ряде других хозяйств Свердловской области большое значение придаётся возделыванию люцерны, кукурузы и масличных культур. Площадь этих культур в расчёте на одну корову мы назвали белковоэнергетическим коэффициентом (БЭК). Анализ показал тесную взаимосвязь между белковоэнергетическим коэффициентом и молочной продуктивностью. Так, в СПК Килачёвский в 2016 году при удое 10196кг БЭК был равен 1,25 в 2017 году удой достиг 10798кг, БЭК 1,43 в 2018 году соответственно 11493 кг и 1,47 при количестве коров 29002977 голов. According to the investigations conducted at the Ural Agricultural Research Institute and experience of the leading farms in the Sverdlovsk region high effectiveness and stability of Forage Production requires wide cultivation of droughtresistant crops rich in protein and energy as well as seeding over 60 thousand ha (in the future 7080 thousand ha) by perennial grasses annually. For the last 7 years (20112018) areas of alfalfa increased by 2 times (up to 23 thousand ha), grain maize by 2.4 times (up to 20.9 thousand ha), oil crops by 3.1 times (up to 30.8 thousand ha). SPK Kilachevskiy (agricultural production cooperative) reported that the use of approved crop rotations tested at the Ural Agricultural Research Institute resulted in annual high and stable yields of all the crops. SPK Kilachevskiy and other farms of the region widely grow alfalfa, maize and oil crops. Land area for the cultivation of these crops per one cow is called proteinenergy coefficient (PEC). Proteinenergy coefficient was shown to have a significant correlation with milk productivity. SPK Kilachevskiy reported that in 2016 PEC and milk yield reached 1.25 and 10196 kg in 2017 1.43 and 10798 kg in 2018 1.47 and 11493 kg, respectively under 29002977 cows.

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