2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-14
R.L. Akchurin ◽  
I.O. Chanyshev ◽  
R.K. Nafikov ◽  
V.S. Sergeev ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 01002
Boris Dokin ◽  
Oleg Elkin ◽  
Anna Aletdinova ◽  
Argen Mozonov

The purchase of agricultural machinery should be determined by technological and technical policies. The purpose of the study is to increase the efficiency of grain production through the use of innovative resource-saving technologies and equipment. The solution of this problem includes the definition of model farms that characterize the soil and production conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Siberia, the development of mathematical tools, the calculation of promising compositions of the machine and tractor fleet and alternative options for grain production technologies, depending on the availability of agricultural producers with resources. It allowed us to establish that if a commodity producer can spend 10-12 thousand rubles per 1 ha of grain crops on chemization and has 4 machine operators per 1000 ha of grain crops, then it can work on the classical intensive technology based on dump plowing and or deep loosening; if at the same level of chemization per 1 ha of grain crops and has 3 machine operators per 1000 ha of grain crops,then it must switch to intensive resource-saving technology at minimum or zero tillage. Switching to more energy-intensive tractors and resource-saving technologies allows you to save fuel by 30-35%, personnel by 1.5-2.5 times, and operating costs by 10-15%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 03007
D.V. Eremina

The influence of various levels of mineral nutrition on the accumulation of plant-root residues of spring wheat and oats in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia is studied. The natural agricultural background of leached chernozem was taken as a control. The research was carried out at the station of the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals. In the experiment, various doses of mineral fertilizers were used, ensuring the yield of grain crops from 3.0 to 6.0 t/ha. It was found that the mass of plant-root residues of spring wheat and oats has no significant differences and depends on the level of mineral nutrition. On the natural agricultural background, the mass of plant-root residues is 3.24-3.88 t/ha. Fertilization increases the yield of grain crops to 6.0 t/ha, and also increases the amount of plant-root residues: spring wheat - 4.47; oats – 6.04 t/ha. Increasing the doses of mineral fertilizers reduces the ratio of yield to the mass of plant-root residues from 1:1.6 to 1:1.10 units. It was found that almost half of the root system of spring wheat and oats is located in a layer of 0-10 cm, while the share of roots in a layer of 30-40 cm accounts for no more than 16% of the mass.

2006 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 204-212 ◽  
Frédéric Bourgoin

AbstractIn France the absence of a comprehensive soil protection system was in part compensated by public policies issued by the Ministry for Environment and environmental authorities. The effect of these policies was to establish pollution prevention and monitoring criteria as well as public registers for (potentially) polluted industrial sites. The industrial regime (Installations Classées pour la Protection de l'Environment, 'ICPE') has been a key instrument in the development of soil protection, not only in the context of prevention but also in terms of liability for soil contamination which, in the absence of specific legislation, has relied on other liability regimes. The last fifteen years has also seen a rash of often contradictory case law, in particular concerning the definitions of liable persons and remediation levels. However, these definitions, in particular concerning liable persons, appear to have been settled by recent case law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-35
O. T. Andreeva ◽  
N. G. Pilipenko ◽  
L. P. Sidorova ◽  
N. Yu. Kharchenko

The possibility of increasing the yield of fodder-grain crops in single-species agrocenoses to provide livestock with nutritious highquality feed was studied. The results of field and laboratory studies (2016–2018) on the cultivation of traditional (barley, oats, spring and winter rye) and uncommon fodder crops (triticale, corn) sown as single crops in the forest-steppe zone of Trans-Baikal Territory are presented. The objects of the research were the following recognized varieties of the crops under study: local winter rye Zhitkinskaya, spring rye Onokhoyskaya, oats Metis, barley Anna, triticale Ukro, corn hybrid Obsky 150 CB. The experiment was conducted on meadow chernozem mealy-carbonate soil (light loam by particle size distribution). Poaceous fodder crops were assessed in terms of their adaptability to growing conditions, yield and nutritional value of grain. Their economically valuable characteristics were shown. On average over the years of research, when cultivating traditional and uncommon poaceous crops for fodder grain in single-crop sowings, triticale and corn had an advantage. The grain yield in the experiment was 3.0-5.8 t/ha, collection of fodder units – 3.39-6.13 t/ha, digestible protein 287-494 kg/ha, gross energy – 34.7-60.5 GJ/ha, availability of digestible protein – 85–77 g per one feed unit. Traditional crops were inferior to uncommon crops in terms of grain yield by 0.5-3.3 t/ ha, (on average for the variants of the experiment), feed units – by 0.99-3.73 t/ha, digestible protein – by 85-292 kg/ha, gross energy – by 0.99–35.7 GJ/ha.

I. N. Ilinskaya ◽  
V. A. Kulygin ◽  

Purpose: to determine the efficiency of mineral fertilizers and the agricultural crops response degree for the main groups (cereals, fodder, legumes and industrial crops, potatoes and vegetables) during irrigation in the aspect of resource saving. Materials and methods: the research was carried out in the Central irrigated zone of Rostov region (FSUE “Semikarakorskoe”). The object of research is different groups of agricultural crops, their reaction to the nutrient status at different levels of moisture supply. The soils of the experimental site are represented by ordinary chernozems. Field observations, research and data processing were carried out according to generally accepted methods: B. A. Dospekhov, A. N. Kostyakov, M. M. Goryanskiy. Results: as a result of the research, it was revealed that regardless the fertilizer status, the calculated water regime contributes to the agricultural crops yield increase by an average of 1.6–3.2 times in comparison with dry conditions. The calculated soil water regime contributed to a significant increase in the efficiency of fertilizers relative to rainfed growing conditions. Under different mineral fertilizers backgrounds, the maximum effect from their use increased: in the group of grain crops (spring barley) by 3.09 times, fodder (alfalfa of previous years) by 2.93 times, legumes (peas) by 2.86 times and potatoes by 4.25 times. Conclusions: the greatest effect from the fertilizers application under irrigation conditions was shown by potatoes, vegetables and grain crops. The highest return on fertilizers by an increase in yield was noted in the cultivation of alfalfa (12.67–13.83 kg) and Sudanese grass (22.00–23.44 kg), as well as potatoes (26.37–24.22 kg) and vegetable crops (22.6–33.4 kg). A severe water regime with a slight decrease in the yield of agricultural crops contributes to the irrigation water saving up to 1050–1580 m3/ha, which is very urgent under conditions of water scarcity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 875 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
T N Kramareva ◽  
E N Tikhonova ◽  
A I Gromovik ◽  
N S Gorbunova ◽  
V A Korolev

Abstract The influence of various tree species of forest plantations on the soil properties of the “Kamenno-Stepnoye Experimental Forestry” (Talovsky District, Voronezh Region, Russia) is considered. The aim of the study is to reveal the degree of transformation of the properties of chernozems under various perennial plantations, since forest reclamation is the most important measure to optimize the agroecological state of soils. The researchers note that different tree species have different effects on soil properties. However, this issue is still insufficiently studied and relevant. The research results showed the positive role of tree species on the structural and aggregate state of soils and their water-physical properties. It was found that tree species contribute to the optimization of soil density, humus and moisture reserves. It was revealed that the influence of different tree species on the agroecological state of chernozems is not the same. Thus, under larch (Larix siberica Ldb.) And maple (Acer platanoides L.), the maximum increase in the level of soil humus was observed, as well as a significant improvement in the physical and water-physical properties of soils. What makes this breed the most promising for use in soil protection of the steppe zone.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (12) ◽  
pp. 70-78
V. Koliada ◽  
O. Kruglov ◽  
A. Achasova ◽  
M. Shevchenko ◽  
O. D'omkin ◽  

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