2020 ◽  
Vol 60 ◽  
pp. 5-11
I. V. Verbuch ◽  
H. V. Bratkovska

Goal. To accelerate the selection process and create populations of pigs with high level of productivity to assess the most effective modern methods breeding value of large white pigs in the SE "DG" Pasichna "Institute of Feed and Agriculture Podillya NAAS" Starosinyavsky district of Khmelnytsky region on the basis of a combined assessment of repair young for their own productivity and assessment meat qualities by MD Berezovsky and B. Tyler and the most promising method BLUP. Methods. Comparison, zootechnical and biometric analyzes. Results. The breeding value of pigs of large white breed of the breeding farm of SE "Pasichna" ICSGP NAAS "Starosinyavsky district of Khmelnytsky region by modern effective methods, namely: BLUP. According to the average indicators of the combined assessment of own productivity of animals at control fattening, taking into account their live weight on the date of birth and weaning, average daily gain, live weight and age of 100 kg, body length and fat thickness, boars significantly outweighed pigs. Compared with pigs, their live weight at the date of birth and weaning (at the age of 30 days) was higher by 0.1 and 0.81 kg. The age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg exceeded by 5.43 days, the average daily gain of 0.016 kg. Live weight and body length of pigs on the date of fat thickness measurement was greater by 4.04 kg and 1.03 cm. Lifetime fat thickness at three measurement points at the level of 6–7 thoracic vertebrae, on the buttocks and in the midpoint of the back between withers and buttocks was thinner by 0.92; 0.94 and 1.06 mm. Evaluation indices of fattening and meat qualities by growth energy and fat thickness (Ia) and average daily gain and fat thickness (Iv) in boars indicate their higher level by 2.07 and 7.67 points compared to pigs and are equal to, respectively, 95.12 ± 1.95 and 152.96 ± 2.38 points. The coefficient of variability (Cv, %) of indicators of own productivity and estimated indices of fattening and meat qualities of repair boars ranged from 1.92% (body length on the date of fat thickness measurement, cm) to 15.12% (age of live weight 100 kg, days), repair pigs – from 4.63% (body length on the date of fat thickness measurement, cm) to 28.19% (index of assessment for growth energy and fat thickness, (Ia), points). The best average values of indicators of breeding value of animals are found on the basis of modern, most promising method BLUP, because it is considered in terms of mathematics, statistics and selection is the most accurate, well-founded, has the best theoretical basis and the lowest error variance. The average value of the BLUP index (parent lines) for boars of large white breed is 101.71 ± 1.681, pigs – 96.94 ± 0.724 points. At the same time, boars outweighed pigs by 4.77 points. The most positive correlation between live weight of piglets at weaning with their body length (r = 0.16), average daily gain (r = 0.19) and fat thickness (r = 0.24), the average correlation between the indices of fattening and meat qualities according to MD Berezovsky and B. Tyler (r = 0.56) P > 0.99 and the weak correlation between live weight of piglets at weaning and the BLUR index (r = 0,21) P > 0.99. It should be noted that there are almost no correlations between the fattening and meat quality indices of pigs and the BLUP index. Conclusions. In the conditions of breeding and specialized farms for the production of commercial pork in the region, to determine the breeding value of animals for further reproduction of their own herd and sale to other breeding farms of Ukraine, to systematically assess repair young animals for their own productivity and clear qualities of pigs and the most perfect BLUP index.

2020 ◽  
Vol 93 (8) ◽  
pp. 171-179
I. Verbuch ◽  
H. Bratkovska ◽  

The results of estimation of breeding value for Large White and Poltava meat pig breeds in breeding farms of the region by cost-effective methods are presented, namely: combined assessment of repair young stock on person’s productivity, estimation indices of fattening and meat qualities and new method BLUP. The best indicators for assessing the breeding value of animals were found on the basis of using the modern, most promising method BLUP, as it is considered the most accurate. The average value of the BLUP index (parent lines) for boars of Large White breed is 101.71±1.681, pigs – 96.94±0.724 points and Poltava meat breed, respectively, 106.23±2.167 and 93.65±0.719 points. The most positive correlation between live weight of piglets at weaning with their body length (r=0.16), average daily gain (r=0.19) and fat thickness (r=0.24), average correlation between the indices of fattening and meat qualities according to Berezovskyi M.D. and Tailer B. (r=0.56) P>0.99 and a weak correlation between live weight of piglets at weaning and the BLUR index (r=0.21) P>0.99.

2017 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 254-259
V. O. Melnik ◽  
O. O. Kravchenko ◽  
О. S. Kohut

Improving of fertility indicators and reproductive qualities of sows during artificial insemination in farms of different specializations is very topical issue. The introduction of artificial insemination of sows on breeding farms by the spermdoses of optimum volume, by the frozen-thawed and sex sperm requires the introduction of innovative reproductive technologies. The use of economical methods of artificial insemination of sows using a minimum number of sperm in a small volume of spermdose in order to achieve high rates of fertility and prolificacy was proven in numerous experiments of the authors. Significantly reduced spermdose may be sufficient if the sperm enters deep enough into the uterus. Vitality of sperm does not depend on the size of spermdose, but the best place for sperm to survive one oviducts where they keep the fertilizing capacity from 9 to 27 hours. So deep intrauterine insemination of sows improves conditions for sperm survival The aim was to study the feasibility and justification for widespread implementation in to production on breeding farms of intrauterine insemination of sows morder to increase their fertilization and prolificacy and  to save the boar sperm with the highest index of breeding values. Experiments were conducted in terms of selection and genetic center of Agrofirm "Mig-Service-Agro" in Mykolaiv region. In the experiment used 65 sows of live weight of 280-320 kg wiht 2-4 farrowing were. Sows in sexual hunting were showed once daily in the morning using a boar-prober. Artificial insemination was performed twice: the first time - in the afternoon and at 14-16 p.m. The second time – in the morning of the next day at 9-10 am. For artificial insemination of sows were ed using experimental spermodes with volume of 40 ml which contained 1.5 billion of a Active sperm. For the dilution of sperm was used Durasperm - KRUUSE (Denmark) the period of sperm perpetuation is 5-7 days. To enter the were semen used catheters Magaplus S, (Spain) for intrauterine insemination of sows. Analysis shows that the period from weaning to insemination has significant difference comparing sows of large White breed with Landrace breed (p <0.001), with genotype sows F1 (p <0.01) and sows of the Duroc breed (p <0.05). For all selected 65 sows duration of suckling period, was estimated which averaged 32.2 days and the average time from weaning of pigs to their sexual inclination and the first intrauterine insemination 6.8 days that meets the physiological norm. After intrauterine insemination of sows of then 48 farrowed, which wich made for 73.9%. іncluding live 5 emergency farrow  were obtained, representing 10.4% of all amount. Percentage of farrow is considered physiologically normal – 80%, or more of total insemined sows. The very low percentage of farrow 53.3% had of sows F1, and the highest percentage was found by sows of the Duroc breed – 85.7%. Pregnency of sows were received just 17, which made 26.1% and highest percentage – 46.7% was set by sows F1. Analysis of the pregnancy sows shows that on average it is 116.2 days was the longest – 117.1 days was set in Landrace breed sows and the short est 115.5 days in Large White breed, but the difference is not significant. 571 pigs were received, іncluding live 451 head, which is 78.9%. The largest percentage of іncluding live piglets obtained from sows F1 – 82.5%, and the lowest in Landrace breeds – 77.0% and Large White – 77.3%. Exit of all piglets per sow without emergency farrowings is 12.2, іncluding live – 9,8. The highest yield were obtained piglets from sows F1 – 13.1, іncluding live – 10.9, the lowest yield of sows of the Duroc breed – 10.6, іncluding live 9.1, which has significant difference compared with the control (IDPs) and other breeds.  After intrauterine insemination 8 sows showed cyclic deregulation in 20-25 days, ie repeated sexual hunt took place on average 22.3 days. These sows were inseminated by not fractional way, they farrowed and an average litter just 13.1 piglets per sow, іncluding live - 11.3 was obtained. Repeating after intrauterine insemination on 45-48-49 day in the sexual hunt came about three sows for artificial insemination by not fractional method 3 farrowed and was obtained output – 13.3 piglets, іncluding live – 11.7. It should be noted that the best sow Large White breed №12 after intrauterine insemination bore 16 pigs, іncluding live 11, sow of Landrace breed №1556 – 18 pigs, іncluding live 12, Duroc №5888 – 13 pigs, іncluding live 11, sow F1 №167 – 20 pigs, іncluding live 14 pigs. Breeding requires more careful handling with major sows taking into account their breeding value and cost, that’s why we believe that there is no need to risk causing injury genitals with intrauterine insemination if a sufficient number of spermdoses of boars-sires exist.

R. А. Fayzullin ◽  
М. R. Sayfutdinov

The investigation was carried out in the “Rossiya” LLC in Mozhginsky district of Udmurt Republic. For research three groups of piglets of large white breed at the age of 30 days after weaning from sows were formed according to live weight at birth. The live weight of hogs at birth were determined by their weighing individually. The first group consists of the pigs whit an average live weight at birth 1.25 kg in the amount of 18 heads and the second and third – pigs whit an average live weight under birth 1.45 and 1.71 kg in the amount 14 and 11 heads, respectively. The animals were kept in the group pens. Their feeding was executed fodder of the own production. The conditions of the animals feed and kept in the groups were the same. The aim of the research was to study of a growth, development, and the feed qualities of the hogs in the dependence on theirs of a live weight at birth. The growth and development study of the hogs was carried out by weighing them in 30 days, in 3 months, in 5 months, in 7 months. The study of the feed qualities was carried out taking into account an average daily gain, the expenses of fodder on 1 kg gain and a thickness of the fat over thoracic vertebrae. The obtained experimental data were processed with use of a tabular editor Microsoft Excel – 2010. The reliability of the difference arithmetic means was determined with use of a Student’s -test. Studies have shown that the piglets of the II and III groups surpassed their peers in the I in live weight in 30 days. – by 1.22-2.64 kg, 3 months – 4.56-9.52 kg, 5 months – 11.36-15.17 kg, 7 months – 15.30-15.89 kg (P> 0.999). In terms of average daily gain, fodder costs and fat thickness, the boars of the II and III groups surpassed their peers in the I by: 51.81-91.31 g, 0.29-1.67 fodder. units and 5.78-11.56 mm (P> 0.999), respectively.

V. I. Khalak ◽  
B. V. Gutyj

The article presents the results of studies of fattening and meat qualities of young pigs of different genealogical lines of large white breed and genotypes by the gene of melanocortin receptor – 4 (MC4R). The research was conducted in “Druzhba-Kaznacheyivka” LLC, the genetics laboratory of the Institute of Pig Breeding and APV NAAS and the animal husbandry laboratory of the State Institution Institute of Grain Crops NAAS. The work was performed according to the research program of NAAS №30 “Innovative technologies of breeding, industrial and organic production of pig products” (“Pig Breeding”). DNA-typing of the melanocortin-4 receptor gene (MC4R) was performed by Kim K., Larsen N., Short T. et al. (2000). Evaluation of young pigs for fattening and meat qualities was carried out taking into account the following quantitative characteristics: the average daily increase in live weight during the period of control fattening, g; age of live weight 100 kg, days; fat thickness at the level of 6–7 thoracic vertebrae, mm; the length of the cooled carcass cm; the length of the bacon half of the cooled half-carcass, cm. The length of the cooled carcass was measured with a measuring tape from the edge of the fusion of the pubic bones to the anterior surface of the first cervical vertebra; the length of the bacon half of the cooled half-carcass - from the anterior edge of the pubic bone to the middle of the anterior edge of the first rib (Berezovsky, Khatko, 2005). Conditions for feeding and keeping young pigs of the experimental groups were identical and complied with zootechnical standards. Economic efficiency of use of animals of various genotypes (МС4RАА, МС4RАG) and biometric processing of the received data (Lakin, 1990). calculated according to generally accepted methods. It is established that young pigs of large white breed of controlled population at the age of reaching live weight of 100 kg exceed the minimum requirements of the elite class by 6.73, fat thickness at the level of 6–7 thoracic vertebrae – 30.84, length of chilled carcass – 3.52 %. Significant difference between animals of different genotypes by melanocortin 4 receptor gene (МС4RАА, МС4RАG) was established by the average daily gain of live weight during the control period of fattening, the age of reaching live weight of 100 kg, fat thickness at the level of 6–7 thoracic vertebrae, length half of the cooled half-carcass and a complex index of fattening and meat qualities (B. Tyler's index). Young pigs of large white breed line Kotilo UA 8819347 outperformed peers line Azuro UA 8800557 on average daily live weight gain during the control period of fattening by 5.29%, the age of 100 kg live weight – 3.29 %, fat thickness at the level of 6–7 breasts vertebrae – 7.14 %. The longer length of chilled carcass (by 1.13 %) and the length of bacon half of chilled half carcass (by 2.68 %) were characterized by animals of Azuro UA 8800557. The correlation coefficient between fattening and meat qualities in young pigs of large white breed of the controlled herd varies ranging from –0.865 (tr = 22.26, P < 0.001) to +0.913 (tr = 35.43, P < 0.001). The maximum increase in additional products was obtained from young pigs of the МС4RАG genotype (+2.57 %) and the genealogical line Kotilo UA 8819347 (+4.86 %), and its cost is +694.26 – 1312.88 UAH/head. in accordance.

Віктор Халак

The results of studies of fattening and meat qualities of young pigs of large white breed, some biochemical parameters of blood serum (urea content, aspartate aminotransferase (AsAT) activity, alanine aminotransferase (AlAT) activity are presented), as well as the economic efficiency of research results is calculated. The study was conducted in LLC "Druzhba-Kaznacheyivka"of Dnipropetrovsk region, in the Research center of biosafety and ecological control of agricultural resources of Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economic university, meat processing plant «Jazz» and Laborator Livestock y of the State institution Institute of grain crops of NAAS of Ukraine. The work was performed according to the research program of NAAS of Ukraine №30 "Innovative technologies of breeding, industrial and organic production of pig products" ("Pig breeding"), state registration number 0116U001247. The object of the study was young pigs of large white breed. Evaluation of animals for fattening and meat qualities was carried out taking into account the following indicators: average daily live weight gain during the control period of fattening, g, age of live weight 100 kg, days, fat thickness at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae, mm, length of chilled carcass , cm, the length of the bacon half of the cooled half-carcass, cm (M.D. Berezovsky, I.V. Kha’tko, 2005). A comprehensive assessment of young pigs for fattening and meat qualities was calculated according to the B. Tailer index (P.A. Vashchenko, 2019), biometric indicators - according to the methods of G.F. Lakin (1990). Economic efficiency of research results was calculated according to the generally accepted technique (Methodology for determining the economic ..., 1983). It was found that the urea content, activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AsAT) and alanine aminotransferase (AlAT) in the serum of young pigs of the experimental group corresponds to the physiological norm of clinically healthy animals and amount to 4.77±0.576 mol/l, 68.11±6.445 units/l, and 4.22±3.209 units/l, respectively. According to the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg (days), the thickness of the fat at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae (mm) and the length of the chilled carcass (cm) of the specified production group and breed correspond to class I and class "elite". The maximum values of "average daily gain of live weight during the period of control fattening, kg", "length of chilled carcass, cm", "length of bacon half of chilled carcass, cm" and minimum values of "age of live weight 100 kg, days" and "fat thickness per levels of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae, mm "are characterized by animals in which the complex index of fattening and meat qualities (B. Tailer's index) ranges from 157.68 to 182.36 points. The number of reliable relationships between the biochemical parameters of blood serum, fattening and meat qualities of young white pigs is 26.67 %. The cost of additional products obtained from young pigs with B. Tailer index of 157.68 – 182.36 points is equal to +1732.04 UAH/head.

O. Khmeliova ◽  
R. Stavetska

The article highlights the problem of finding optimal variants of breeding process in a herd of pigs at purebred and crossbred selection. For this purpose, the control and two experimental groups were formed: ♀ Pietrain × ♂ Pietrain (control), ♀ (Pietrain × Large White) × ♂ Large White (first experimental group), ♀ (Pietrain × Durok) × ♂ Pitren (second experimental group). The analysis of the animals performance in these groups was carried out in 40, 30 and 35 parities, respectively. The research was conducted on the basis of PE «Maglevovany M.I.» in the Donetsk region. It has been established that the higher level of reproductive characteristics have sows of first experimental group, which have heredity of Large White breed, this breed is traditionally considered as a maternal form in cross-breeding schemes. For instance, their litter size at birth is higher than the same indicator in the control and second experimental group (plus 0,5, P<0,05, and 0,3 piglets, respectively); by the litter size at weaning at 28 days (plus 1,6, P<0,001, and 0,6 piglets); by the litter size at 2 months (plus 1,6, P<0,001, and 0,4 piglets). The highest piglet survival at the age of 2 months was in the litters, whose ancestor were boars of Pietrain breed (second experimental group) − plus 3,6 and 2,3 %, respectively, compered to purebred piglets of Pietrain breed and the first experimental group. For such complex indexes as the litter weight at weaning and litter weight at 2 months the first experimental group had an advantage of 18,1 kg (P<0,001) and 31,1 kg (P<0,001) over the control group (purebred Pietrain) and 5,4 kg and 7,6 kg − over the second experimental group. However, the average piglet weight of sows of second experimental group both at 28 days and at 2 months are equal to the average piglet weight of the same age of the first experimental group. The piglets, which are descendants of boars of meat breeds Duroc and Pietrain show a tendency to the faster growth even in an early age. The avarage live weight of pigs of the second experimental group at the age of 100 days and 7 months is higher compared to avarage live weight of pigs of the same age of the control and the first experimental groups – plus 8,5–21,7 kg (P<0,01 for the second experimental group) and 4,4–13,5 kg (P<0,001 for the second experimental group), respectively. At the age of 100 days, the maximum average daily gain was obtained in the second experimental group with an advantage of 190 g (P<0,001) compared to control group and 115 g (P<0,001) compared to the first experimental group. It is obvious that hybrids with the faster growth, which were obtained through crossbreeding ♀ (Pietrain × Duroc) × ♂ Pietrain reach a live weight of 100 kg in a shorter period: they need less time needed to reach 100 kg of live weight – 32 days less (P<0,001 ) compared to purebred animals of Pietrain breed (control group) and 18 days less (P<0,001) compared to hybrids ♀ (Pietrain × Large White) × ♂ Large White (the first control group). By such an indicator as the fat thickness the hybrids of the second experimental group dominate by purebred pigs of the same age of the control group (minus 0,2 mm), that characterize the low ability of meat breed for getting fat. The fat thickness of hybrids of the second experimental group was less by 0,9 mm (P<0,001) compared to the pigs of the first experimental group. Thus, in this herd in order to improve the reproductive qualities of sows, it is suggested to use the crossbreeding scheme ♀ (Pietrain × Large White) × ♂ Large White and to improve the fattening qualities of young animals the optimal is scheme of crossbreeding ♀ (Pietrain × Duroc) × ♂ Pietrain. Key words: pigs, Pietrain, Large White, Duroc, purebred and crossbred selection, reproductive and fattening qualities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Viktor Khalak

The study presents the results of research on fattening and meat qualities of store pigs of large white breed of different intra-breeding differentiation by the gene of melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R). The study calculated the economic efficiency of animals of different genotypes. The following fattening and meat qualities were evaluated: average daily increase in live weight during the period of control fattening, g; age of live weight 100 kg, days; fat thickness at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae, mm; the length of the cooled carcass, cm; length of bacon half of chilled half-carcass, cm. It was established that store pigs of controlled population at the age of reaching live weight of 100 kg, fat thickness at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae, and length of chilled carcass exceed the minimum requirements of the elite class by 13.69%. A significant difference between animals of different genotypes by the gene of the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4RAA, MC4RAG) was established according to the average daily live weight gain during the control fattening period (4.24%, P <0.01), the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg (2.18%, P <0,01), fat thickness at the level of 6–7 thoracic vertebrae (8,45%, P <0,05), length of chilled carcass (2,26%, P <0,001), length of bacon half of chilled half carcass (3.36%, P <0.001) and selection index (SI) (18.92%, P <0.05). Significant correlations in animals of different genotypes by the melanocortin-4 receptor gene (MC4RAA, MC4RAG) were identified regarding the following features: average daily live weight gain during the control period of fattening × age of 100 kg live weight (-0.475 – -0.853), average daily live weight for the period of control fattening × SI (+0.686 - +0.770), SI × age of reaching live weight 100 kg (+0.515 – -0.721), SI × fat thickness at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae (-0.944 – -0.885), length of chilled carcass × length of bacon half of chilled carcass (+0.899 – +0.861). The maximum increase in additional products was obtained from the sale of young pigs by the gene for the melanocortin-4 receptor MC4RAG – +2.02%.

Viktor Khalak ◽  
Vasyl Voloshchuk ◽  
Konstiantyn Pochernyaev ◽  
Serhii Smyslov ◽  
Maria Ilchenko

The results of studies of the reproductive ability of sows of different genotypes are given taking into account the polymorphism g.1426G> A of the MC4R gene, the factor of repeatability of characters is determined, and the economic efficiency of the research results is calculated. The experimental part of the research was carried out in the conditions of the «Druzhba-Kaznacheevka» LTD in Dnipropetrovsk region. The objects of research were sows of the Large White breed. It was determined that sows of the main herd, according to signs of reproductive ability, belong to class I and class elite. The experiment showed that sows of genotype AG exceeded their peers of others (GG and AA) in terms of “born piglets total, heads” by 1.6 and 0.7 heads, “Live piglets born (multiple births), heads - by 1 6 and 0.9 heads, “the mass of the litter at the time of birth, kg” - by 2.7 - 1.3 kg., “the mass of the litter at the time of weaning at the age of 28-35 days, kg” - by 5, 1 - 3.9 kg. The difference between animals of the indicated genotypes is: for large-foetus - 0.06-0.01 kg, the index "evenness of the sow’s litter in live weight of piglets at birth, points" - 1.05-1.84 points, index of N. D. Berezovsky - 3.75 -2.36 points. The index of the safety of piglets before weaning ranged from 84.4 to 93.0 %. It was proved that the minimum value of the index “evenness of the sow’s littar in live weight of piglets at the time of birth, points (7.76 ± 1,082 points) are characterized by sows of genotype AA, in which the rate of multiple pregnancy ranged from 8 to 14 pigs, and the value of the sign“ large-foetus, kg "equaled 1.37 kg. The repeatability coefficient for sows of the main herd and sows of the Large White breed of different genotypes for the melanocortin 4 (MC4R) receptor gene ranges from -0.916 ± 0.1418 (І-IV farrow, genotype - GG, sign - “piglet safety before weaning, %) to 0.978 ± 0.0738 (I-V farrow, genotype - GG, sign - “large foetus”, kg ”). The maximum value of the phenotypic consolidation coefficient was found in sows of genotype AA according to the following quantitative characteristics: “live piglets (multiple births), heads.”, “litter weight at the time of birth, kg”, “litter weight at weaning age of 28-35 days, kg "," the safety of piglets before weaning ,% ". The sows of the genotype GG belong to the unconsolidated group according to the signs of reproductive qualities. The use of sows of the genotype for the melanocortin 4 (MC4R) AG receptor gene provides additional products at the level of 5.15 %, and its cost is 165.41 UAH /head. Keywords: sow, breed, reproductive ability, MC4R gene, genotypic consolidation coefficient, variability, correlation, repeatability.

2011 ◽  
Vol 50 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 155-162
V. Matoušek ◽  
A. Čermáková ◽  
N. Kernerová ◽  
P. Králová

The objective of the paper was to evaluate the results of reproductive performance of sows in some elite breeding herds of the Large White breed included in experimental herds for the production of hyperprolific lines of dam breeds. The set consisted of 98 sows with the known genotypes of ESR, FSH&acirc; and PRLR genes. The dendrogram shows that on the basis of their genetic outfit the sows can be divided into two clusters. The first cluster can be described as a cluster with marked dominance of HPL sows and the second cluster with marked dominance of the sows of basic herd. The first cluster consisted of individuals in which the preferred genotype AA of PRLR gene was not detected. As for FSH&acirc; gene, the beneficial genotype BB was found out in 74.10% of sows. In ESR gene the beneficial genotype DD was recorded only in 11.10% of individuals. On average for the lifetime performance they delivered by 2.08 piglets more in all born piglets and by 1.96 piglets more in live-born piglets per litter. Differences in the reproductive traits between HPL sows and the sows of basic herd in the first cluster were statistically highly significant. On the contrary, genotype AA of PRLR gene was identified in all sows of the second cluster, 61.36% of animals possessed beneficial genotype BB of FSH&acirc; gene. As for ESR gene, beneficial genotype DD was identified within the whole cluster in 31.82% of sows. In lifetime performance the HPL sows had on average by 1.10 individuals more in all born piglets and by 1.01 more in live-born piglets (statistically significantly higher values). The unambiguous expression of a positive effect of preferred genotypes of selected candidate genes failed to be confirmed by the results of statistical analyses testing the associations of candidate genes for pig reproduction with selected parameters of breeding value and prolificacy of sows. &nbsp;

2006 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 455-462 ◽  
J. Wolf ◽  
D. Peškovičová ◽  
E. Žáková ◽  
E. Groeneveld

AbstractThe data sets consisted of field performance data from 54 848 purebred and 16 175 crossbred animals (Czech data set, CZ) and 16 610 purebred and 9 228 crossbred animals (Slovak data set, SK). Animals from the following breeds were included: Duroc, Hampshire, Piétrain, sire line of Large White (CZ) or Yorkshire (SK), Czech Meat pig (CZ) or Slovak Meat pig (SK), Belgian Landrace (SK). Two-trait animal models were calculated for average daily gain from birth to the end of the field test (ADG) and lean meat content (LM, only in CZ) or backfat thickness (BF, only in SK). The models included additive breed and breed heterotic effects. Piétrain was the breed with the highest LM and the lowest BF. The additive genetic breed effect was about 1·5% LM (CZ) in comparison with Large White or −0·4 mm BF (SK) in comparison to Yorkshire. The sire line of Large White (CZ) or the Yorkshire breed (SK) clearly exceeded all the remaining sire breeds in ADG (on average by 30 to 50 g/day). There was a clear tendency to negative heterosis in LM in all crossbred combinations (CZ). In BF, heterotic effects between −0·2 mm and +0·3 mm were estimated, mostly not being significant (SK). The estimates of the heterotic effects for ADG were positive throughout. Higher values up to 40 g/day (7%) were observed in the Czech data set. Though heterotic breed effects are of some importance especially for ADG, their inclusion in the equations for breeding value estimation will have only a minor impact on the predicted breeding values.

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