2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (18) ◽  
pp. 81-90
R.L. Livshits ◽  

Greed is regarded as a human characteristic that occurs naturally in the course of social evolution. Under capitalism, unlimited desire of possession acts as the main motive of economic and any other activity, which leads to a number of objective technical, ecological, social, cultural and moral consequences – both positive and extremely negative. Greed has influenced the development of civilization constructively but it slowing down the social process increasingly in the modern era. Greed should be taken away from the historical stage. Curbing the demon of greed is required not only for the modern world reality, but also for the challenges that are expected by humanity in the future. The experience of the Soviet project implementing, based on an appeal to the over-utilitarian motives of the individual, demonstrates the objective possibility of building a collectivist society in which greed is perceived not as a norm, but as a deviation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Edita Josefa Franco Alonso

Dentro del protagonismo social estudiantil es la educación el principal eje rector para la integración del individuo y su relación con el contexto. Es así que contribuye a consolidar un  sistema  que  de  manera  intencional,  resalta     las  potencialidades  del  individuo modificando así su conducta a partir de los conocimientos adquiridos. Este artículo, permite mostrar e identificar cuál es el rol protagónico que el estudiante debe tener para hacer frente a un proceso social, marcado por los avances de la ciencia y la tecnología, permitiendo generar alternativas de formación, instrucción, enseñanza, capacitación, actualización e información,  que  ayuden     desarrollar  integralmente  las  capacidades,  habilidades  y destrezas, para trabajar en  la vida. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en la escuela "Colegio Rocafuerte", ubicado en Manabí, Ecuador, donde hay una necesidad de profundizar en los problemas, las características del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje   y las nuevas posibilidades de la instrucción con el fin de contribuir a la formación integral del estudiante para enfrentar el trabajo en la sociedad. Palabras claves: Potencialidades, estudiantes, protagonismo social, contexto, educación,  comunidad  Potential social role of student community relationship    Abstract  The education is the outstanding axis in the individual integration of the student formation process and his/her relationship with the social context as well. This is the way that it contributes to the consolidation of a system that intentionally,  highlights the potentiality of the individual. Thus modifying its behavior from the acquired knowledge. This paper lead to an understanding and to identify the important role that the student should have to face in the social process in a modern world, marked by the progress of science and technology, and hence allowing to generate alternatives for the formation, tools for the instructions, the learning, the training, the upgrading and skills through which the individual have to face life. This research was carried out in “Colegio Rocafuerte” school located in Manabí, Ecuador, where there is a need to deepen in the problems, features of the teaching-learning process a new possibilities for the instruction in order to contribute to the overall formation to face work in society. Keywords: Potentiality, students, social role, context, education, community.

Samir Okasha

Inclusive fitness theory, originally due to W. D. Hamilton, is a popular approach to the study of social evolution, but shrouded in controversy. The theory contains two distinct aspects: Hamilton’s rule (rB > C); and the idea that individuals will behave as if trying to maximize their inclusive fitness in social encounters. These two aspects of the theory are logically separable but often run together. A generalized version of Hamilton’s rule can be formulated that is always true, though whether it is causally meaningful is debatable. However, the individual maximization claim only holds true if the payoffs from the social encounter are additive. The notion that inclusive fitness is the ‘goal’ of individuals’ social behaviour is less robust than some of its advocates acknowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-20
A. V Kiriakova ◽  
V.V. Moroz ◽  

Interest in creativity as a subject of research has been growing exponentially since the second half of the 20th century in all areas of human history. A wide range of both domestic and foreign studies allows authors to assert that creativity is a personality trait, inherent to one degree or another. Whereas the development of such trait becomes an urgent necessity in the new reality. The entire evolutionary process of the social development illustrates its dependence on personal and collective creativity. The aim of this research is to study the phenomenon of creativity through the perspective of axiology, i.e. the science of values. Axiology allows us to consider the realities of the modern world from the perspective of not only external factors, circumstances and situations, but also of deep value foundations. Creativity has been studied quite deeply from the point of view of psychology: the special characteristics of a creative person, stages of the creative process, the relationship between creative and critical thinking, creativity and intelligence. Some psychologists emphasize motivation, creative skills, interdisciplinary knowledge, and the creative environment as the main components that contribute to the development of creativity. The authors of the article argue that values and value orientations towards cognition, creativity, self-realization and self-expression are the drivers of creativity. In a broad sense, values as a matrix of culture determine the attitude of society to creativity, to the development of creativity of the individual and the creative class, and to how economically successful a given society will be. Since innovation and entrepreneurship are embodied creativity. Thus, the study of creativity from the perspective of axiology combines the need for a deep study of this phenomenon and the subjective significance of creativity in the context of new realities

2019 ◽  
pp. 128-148 ◽  
Miriam Noël Haidle

Cumulative culture is widely seen as a uniquely human characteristic involving distinct cognitive and behavioral performances. In searching for its origin, different factors have been suggested as crucial, based on comparative studies, and dates proposed as to when cumulative culture may have emerged in human evolution. This chapter reviews possible factors, suggesting that several are necessary, not only in the social sphere but also in the individual and environmental spheres. These interdependent factors have developed in three developmental dimensions (evolutionary-biological, ontogenetic-individual, and historical-social) in interaction with the specific environment. The interplay of basic factors and developmental dimensions shows a slow and gradual development of cumulative culture from its basis to simple and advanced donated culture. The onset of cumulative culture is concluded not to have been a single-trait event that occurred in a relatively short time but rather, the result of multifactorial and gradual processes that unfolded over millions of years.

Bob Hodge

Semiotics refers to an intellectual tradition that deals with processes of making and interpreting meaning in all kinds of text, in all modes. However, semiotics was never integrated into mainstream disciplinary structures. Because of this marginal status semiotic tendencies flourished outside and between the major disciplines. As a discipline semiotics seems small, vulnerable and out-of-date. But as a broad intellectual tradition semiotics can be seen as a meta-theory which encompasses literary theory. This second perspective makes semiotics more useful for literary readers, and hence is emphasized in this chapter. Semiotics’ value is enhanced when it is seen as a complex, heterogeneous field with fuzzy boundaries and productive entanglements with literary objects and theories. “Semiotics” comes from Greek semeion (sign, omen, or trace), something that points towards important, often hidden meanings. Signs in this sense go beyond words and verbal media. This scope gives “semiotics” a radically disruptive quality. Western culture in the modern era has been based on the primacy of words as carriers of all meaning and thought. Semiotics is the site of a radical challenge to this dominance. Semiotics sees signs and meanings everywhere, in every mode, not just in words. The changing media of literature in the present and past raise many semiotic issues for literary theory. Poetry always carried meanings through sound as well as words. Drama needs to be performed. Film and multimedia carry the role of print fiction in new contexts. In the multimedia 21st century, literature has gone beyond writing, and its theories need a semiotic dimension. Semiotics has a divided history, with two founding fathers. Peirce emphasized complexity and flow, and Saussure emphasized structure. Before 1960 structuralism dominated, but by the end of the 20th century post-structuralism prevailed. Semiotics went underground, but left traces everywhere of the intellectual revolution it participated in. It helped to trigger the turn to meaning across the social sciences and celebrated the irreducible complexity and diversity of forms and meanings in literature and life in the modern world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (110) ◽  
pp. 155-163
Martha Lorena Mendoza Navarrete ◽  
Yenny Alexandra Zambrano Villegas ◽  
Lilia del Rocio Bermudez Cevallos ◽  
Yanina Alexandra Viteri Alcivar

New technologies represent novelty depending on the era in which they are viewed, but in all cases they represent social evolution in some way. At present, new technologies are associated with the use of computer tools that strengthen processes, mechanisms, and undoubtedly, social communication. This paper evaluates new technologies focused on social transformations, their impact on human behavior and the social repercussions they may bring with their prevalence over time. Several academic documents of a scientific and technical nature are evaluated, with a view to defining the paradigms of technologies in their evolutionary process through societies. The most outstanding results show that the modern world is subject to a significant impact of information technology, that it encompasses not only educational aspects but also family, personal and economic aspects, and that the implications of traditional substitution by technology may be detrimental to mankind. Keywords: Technological implications, new societies, technological impact. References [1]C. Renfrew y P. Bahn, Arqueología: Teoría, métodos y práctica., Madrid: Akal, 1993. [2]Y. Laniuk, «Freedom in the Society of Control: Ethical challenges,» Ethics and Bioethics, vol. 10, nº 34, pp. 203-220, 2021. [3]J. Chaves, «Desarrollo tecnológico en la Primera Revolución Industrial,» Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones, Extremadura, 2004. [4]A. Bessarab, O. Mitchuk, A. Baranetska, N. Kodatska, O. Kvasnytsia y G. Mykytiv, «Social networks as a phenomenon of the information society,» Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, vol. 14, nº 1, pp. 35-42, 2021. [5]E. Popkova, A. Bogoviz y B. Sergi, «Towards digital society management and ‘capitalism 4.0’ in contemporary Russia,» Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, vol. 8, nº 1, p. 77, 2021. [6]A. Núñez, «Riesgo e Incertidumbre en las Sociedades Tecnológicas complejas.,» Cuaderno del ateneo, pp. 44-57, 2007. [7]wikipedia, «Accidente del transbordador espacial Challenger,» 1989. [Online]. Available: [Last access: 2021]. [8]J. Martínez, «La innovación tecnológica en las sociedades cooperativas y otras organizaciones de participación,» Rev.Est. Coop., vol. 48, 2001. [9]J. Echeverría, «Ética y sociedades tecnológicas,» Isegoría, vol. 41, pp. 217-229, 2009. [10]R. Pardo, «La cultura científico-tecnológica de las sociedades de la modernidad tardía,» Comunicar ciencia, vol. 51, pp. 35-86, 2001. [11]A. Zatls, «Metales, ambiente y las sociedades tecnológicas: ¿hacia dónde nos dirigimos?,» Química viva, vol. 10, nº 2, pp. 1-20, 2011.  


У статті подано виклад сучасних теоретичних засад соціальноїполітики українських православних церков і практичної діяльностірелігійних громад в умовах процесів глобалізації. Показано взаємозв’язоксоціального вчення церкви з державним управлінням, політологією,філософією та соціологією. Осмислено актуальні проблеми в реалізаціїсоціального служіння церков та можливі шляхи модернізації соціальноїполітики церкви. Автор вважає, що соціальна сфера не лише суспільства,але й церковного буття являє собою складну й динамічну парадигмудуховного й соціального розвитку сучасного світу. Вонахарактеризується низкою різнобічних параметрів, які окреслюютьпарадигми життєдіяльності людства. Оскільки особисте життя,професійна діяльність і місія християнина відбуваються у життідержави, то й будь-які зміни у ній приводять до змін у становищіокремої людини, і навпаки. Соціальна політика церкви є одним з головнихнапрямів місії церкви у сучасному світі і має відповідати теологічнійдумці християнства. Ігнорування релігійними громадами питаннясоціальної політики може призвести до втрати конструктивного йпозитивного впливу релігії на життя суспільства. The article describes the modern theoretical foundations of social policy ofUkrainian Orthodox Churches and the practical activities of religiouscommunities in the conditions of globalization processes. The interrelation ofthe social doctrine of the Church with public administration, political science,philosophy and sociology is shown. The actual problems in implementing thesocial service of Churches and possible ways of modernizing the social policyof the Church are comprehensively understood. The author believes that thesocial sphere not only of society, but also of Church life is a complex anddynamic paradigm of spiritual and social development of the modern world. Itis characterized by a variety of versatile parameters that outline the paradigmsof human life. Since the personal life, professional activity and mission of aChristian occur in the life of the state, then any changes in it lead to changes inthe situation of the individual and vice versa. The social policy of the Church isone of the main directions of the mission of the Church in the modern worldand should correspond to the theological thought of Christianity. Ignoring byreligious communities the issue of social policy can lead to the loss of theconstructive and positive influence of religion on society

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-42
KD Upadhya

Mental health is not merely an absence of mental illness. It’s also a relationship between an individual and the society that the individual dwells and all the social process and institutions that a society embodies within. There exist several personal and environmental factors culminating into some form of mental illness. Therefore prevention of these factors helps prevent mental illness or delay their onset for timely intervention. Various public health strategies have genuine implications in day to day life an individual and population at large. The combination of mental health with such public health strategies will have synergistic effect. DOI: J Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal Vol .2, No.1, 2013 39-42

10.26458/1414 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Gabriela IOSIF

From the point of view of Durkheim, institutions are ways of acting, feeling and thinking, expressing any social act. Institutions have stringent action on the individual, have its own existence, independent of individual manifestations, which are distinctive for a given group, being accepted by all members. Types of social institutions are economic institutions, educational, political, cultural and family. Within institutions, communication is an inherent phenomenon.For Katz and Kahn "communication is a social process of great relevance to the functioning of each group, organization or society," the very essence of the social system or organization. The organizational structure provides stability for human communication and facilitates administrative tasks. (Rogers Everett M. and Agarwala-Rogers Rekha, 1976, p. 6). Therefore, an effective institutional communication adds value to any institution. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Tatiana V. Fanenshtil ◽  
Irina V. Sadykova ◽  
Sofya Y. Sukhanova ◽  

In the conditions of transformation of sociocultural reality, its processes, levels, spheres, and new integrative social phenomena emerge, the meaning and role of which in the modern world have yet to be clarified. One of such phenomena is serious play. Traditionally, the playful and the serious, at the intersection of which serious play arises, are positioned as independent and mutually exclusive elements of the social world. We examine what changes in the social reality, in the relations of the playful and the serious, in the position of man in modern social processes make serious play possible and how serious play redetermines the conditions of its occurrence. For this, we used methods of philosophical analysis and hermeneutics: interpretation, conceptualization, comparative analysis. As a theoretical and methodological basis, we used the categorical apparatus of social philosophy, theory of practice, pragmatism, and social epistemology. As a result, we found that serious play is thought of as a social process in the range from an individual to global scale. In serious play, the subject, through the generation of meanings, performs both the production and reproduction of culture in predetermined ontoaxiological bases, and constructs these bases, while realizing the degree of his freedom, responsibility and immersion in the world he creates through his practices. The significance of the results of our research lies in the fact that the concept of serious play at the intersection of serious and game relations reveals the potential of serious play as an element of sociocultural reality. Serious play reflects the level of complexity of modern reality and ensures that a person adapts to the ever-increasing dynamics of this complexity. The trend of gamification registers this in the space of higher education, which causes a change in the role of the university in the modern social world. Serious play redefines the position of a person in the modern, dynamic and individualized social world. For the first time, serious play is conceptualized at the intersection of the playful and the serious as independent and mutually exclusive elements of sociocultural reality and is analyzed in the trend of the gamification of higher education.

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