First Scientific Conference of the Nordic Society for Radiation Protection

1966 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 11-11
K. Liden
ANRI ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-25
Aleksandr Panfilov

In connection with the 75th anniversary of the nuclear industry, quite large-scale events were planned, including the XI-th Russian scientific conference «Radiation protection and radiation safety in nuclear technologies». At this conference, as well as at a number of other events, it was planned to make a report on the radiation impact on personnel at different times of the creation and development of the main facilities of the country’s nuclear industry. A report was prepared, in which first an attempt was made to analyze the radiation impact on the personnel of the main nuclear and radiation-hazardous facilities of the nuclear industry in the historical context, given the past over the years, significant organizational and structural changes and to assess progress in the field of radiation protection of personnel during its 75 years of existence of industry of Russia (USSR). Recent events have made certain adjustments to the plans for the anniversary events, however, the publication of historical data on personnel exposure to these materials seems relevant. This article is a logical continuation of the publication «Evolution of the radiation safety system of the country’s nuclear industry and its current state» [1], which provided information about the formation and transformations that have occurred in the domestic nuclear industry over 70 years, the evolution of the radiation safety system, the current state of radiation safety in the industry, as well as current issues of regulatory and methodological support for radiation control at industry enterprises. In this publication, on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the industry, an attempt is made to assess the radiation impact on the personnel of the main nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities of the nuclear industry in different periods of their activity.

2020 ◽  
S. Economides ◽  
C.J. Hourdakis ◽  
C. Pafilis ◽  
G. Simantirakis ◽  
P. Tritakis ◽  

This paper concerns an analysis regarding the performance of X-ray equipment as well as the radiological safety in veterinary facilities. Data were collected from 380 X-ray veterinary facilities countrywide during the on-site regulatory inspections carried out by the Greek Atomic Energy Commission. The analysis of the results shows that the majority of the veterinary radiographic systems perform within the acceptable limits; moreover, the design and shielding of X-ray rooms as well as the applied procedures ensure a high level of radiological safety for the practitioners, operators and the members of the public. An issue that requires specific attention in the optimization process for the proper implementation of veterinary radiology practices in terms of radiological safety is the continuous training of the personnel. The above findings and the regulatory experience gained were valuable decision-making elements regarding the type of the regulatory control of veterinary radiology practices in the new radiation protection framework.

2002 ◽  
Vol 41 (06) ◽  
pp. 245-251 ◽  
M. Knietsch ◽  
T. Spillmann ◽  
E.-G. Grünbaum ◽  
R. Bauer ◽  
M. Puille

SummaryAim: Establishment of radioiodine treatment of feline hyperthyroidism in veterinary routine in accordance with German radiation protection regulations. Patients and methods: 35 cats with proven hyperthyroidism were treated with 131I in a special ward. Thyroid uptake and effective halflife were determined using gammacamera dosimetry. Patients were released when measured whole body activity was below the limit defined in the German “Strahlenschutzverordnung”. Results: 17/20 cats treated with 150 MBq radioiodine and 15/15 cats treated with 250 MBq had normal thyroid function after therapy, normal values for FT3 and FT4 were reached after two and normal TSH levels after three weeks. In 14 cats normal thyroid function was confirmed by controls 3-6 months later. Thyroidal iodine uptake was 24 ± 10%, effective halflife 2.5 ± 0.7 days. Whole body activity <1 MBq was reached 13 ± 4 days after application of 131I. Radiation exposure of cat owners was estimated as 1.97 Sv/MBq for adults. Conclusion: Radioiodine therapy of feline hyper-thyroidism is highly effective and safe. It can easily be performed in accordance with German radiation protection regulations, although this requires hospitalisation for approximately two weeks. Practical considerations on radiation exposure of cat owners do not justify this long interval. Regulations for the veterinary use of radioactive substances similar to existing regulations for medical use in humans are higly desirable.

1996 ◽  
pp. 41-45
Mykhailo Babiy

This is extremely relevant and very important both in theoretical and practical dimensions, the problem was at the center of the discussions of the international scientific conference, which took place on May 6-7, 1996 in Lviv. The mentioned conference was one of the main events within the framework of the VI International Round Table "History of Religions in Ukraine", at its meetings 3-6, as well as on issues of outstanding dates in the history of the development of religious life in Ukraine on the 8th of May: "400 "the anniversary of the Brest Union", and "400th anniversary of the birth of Peter Mohyla"

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