scholarly journals Machine-assisted rhetorical structure annotation

Manfred Stede ◽  
Silvan Heintze
Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Desi Damayanti

ABSTRAKJepang merupakan negara dengan tiga perusahaan telekomunikasi ternama didunia, salah satunya SoftBank, sehingga perusahaan tersebut menggunakan berbagaicara kreatif untuk mempromosikan produknya, termasuk melalui media iklankomersial. Sells dan Gonzalez (dalam Astuti, 2005:3) menyatakan bahwa bahasa dalamiklan sedikit menyimpang dari kaidah tata bahasa, yang mempengaruhi keterpaduanmaknanya (koherensi). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasipenanda kekoherensian, hubungan kekoherensian serta faktor penyebab terjadinyakekoherensian pada wacana iklan komersial dalam website SoftBank yang dianalisisberlandaskan pada teori struktur iklan Bolen (1984), struktur retorika Mann danThompson (1988) serta koherensi Ramlan (1993). Penulis menggunakan metodedeskriptif analisis dalam penelitian ini. Dari hasil analisis data, teridentifikasi bahwapenanda kekoherensian yang sering muncul berjenis perturutan, contohnya seperti“maka dari itu”. Kemudian terdapat tiga jenis hubungan koherensi yang sering munculdalam kedua belas wacana iklan komersial tersebut, yakni uraian, latar belakang danurutan. Faktor penyebab kekoherensian adalah adanya pengetahuan yang dibagibersama (shared knowledge) dari pengiklan kepada konsumen, sehingga konsumendapat mengetahui dan ingin tahu lebih lanjut mengenai isi iklan.Kata kunci: wacana, iklan komersial, koherensi, struktur iklan, struktur retorikaABSTRACTJapan is a country with top three telecommunication brand companies in theworld, one of them is Softbank. This company uses a variety of methods to promote theirproducts, including the use of commercial ads. Sells and Gonzalez (from Astuti, 2005:3)declare that ads have a bit linguistic deviation that affecting the unity of meaning(coherence). The aim of this research is to identify the coherence markers, coherencerelations and coherence factors of SoftBank’s commercial adverting discourse (CAD)analyzed based on advertising theory from Bolen (1984) and rhetorical structure theoryfrom Mann and Thompson (1988) and Ramlan (1984). The writers use descriptivemethod in this research. The results of data analysis, it is identified that coherencemarkers like continuation are often used, for example “therefore”.Then, the twelve CADshave three kinds of coherence relations that often come in the CAD, such as elaboration,background, and sequence. The factor of the coherence is a sharing a knowledge fromadvertiser to consumer, so that consumer can be informed and want to know more aboutthe content of the ads.Keywords: discourse, commercial ads, coherence, ad’s structure, rhetorical structure

Ольга Александровна Морохова

В статье раскрываются задачи обучения работе с текстом в контексте формирования универсальных компетенций обучающихся. Автор статьи показывает, что обучение работе с нехудожественным текстом на начальном этапе обучения в вузе состоит в анализе его риторической структуры и выявлении внутренней логики и цели повествования. The article reveals the tasks of teaching to work with text in the context of the formation of universal competencies of students. The author of the article shows that learning to work with a non-fiction text at the initial stage of training at a university consists in analyzing its rhetorical structure and identifying the internal logic and purpose of the narrative.

Peter Lurie

This chapter culminates my earlier discussion of several works’ regretful looks back on U.S. history with Hart Crane’s plaintive lament over the country’s signal historical events, tempered by his hopefulness for the republic’s future. It uses sexuality theory to argue against a teleological, progressive sequencing—both in my study’s rhetorical structure and in ways of tracing history’s unfolding. It suggests the importance of textual erotics of painful empathy in the reader’s encounter with an indigenous past in its early sections, before turning to in The Bridge’s critique of U.S. aerial history and maritime trade. The poem’s account of displaced historical subjects encompasses this alterity in the figure of its peripatetic speaker across its several sections and historical eras. The chapter ends with a coda about Crane’s suicide as a response to his New Critical peers’ rejection of his nonironic, non-Eliotonian vision and of what they saw as his “undisciplined” style and sexuality.

1991 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-434 ◽  
Jan Nespor ◽  
Liz Barber

Authors in the field of education inevitably use rhetorical strategies that embody particular,and often implicit, theoretical, epistemological, and political positions. In this article, Jan Nespor and Liz Barber critically examine the rhetorical structure of a 1987 article published in the Harvard Educational Review — Lee S. Shulman's "Knowledge and Teaching:Foundations of the New Reform." The authors examine various textual strategies — such as"the phenomenological hook," "appropriating a constituency," and "moving on" — that Shulman used to construct "the teacher" as an object of study. Through a detailed analysis of this widely cited article, Nespor and Barber address broader issues of representation and power in the social sciences, and conclude with a call for "a more 'critical literacy' among the readers and writers of research texts."

Andrew Potter

Abstract Rhetorical structure theory (RST) and relational propositions have been shown useful in analyzing texts as expressions in propositional logic. Because these expressions are systematically derived, they may be expected to model discursive reasoning as articulated in the text. If this is the case, it would follow that logical operations performed on the expressions would be reflected in the texts. In this paper the logic of relational propositions is used to demonstrate the applicability of transitive inference to discourse. Starting with a selection of RST analyses from the research literature, analyses of the logic of relational propositions are performed to identify their corresponding logical expressions and within each expression to identify the inference path implicit within the text. By eliminating intermediary relational propositions, transitivity is then used to progressively compress the expression. The resulting compressions are applied to the corresponding texts and their compressed RST analyses. The application of transitive inference to logical expressions results in abridged texts that are intuitively coherent and logically compatible with their originals. This indicates an underlying isomorphism between the inferential structure of logical expressions and discursive coherence, and it confirms that these expressions function as logical models of the text. Potential areas for application include knowledge representation, logic and argumentation, and RST validation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 87-105
Tommy Bruhn ◽  
Joanna Doona

Public accusations often lead to controversy. Accusations have been studied as causing certain types of defense, as well as for how accusing parties persuade audiences of guilt, and amplify an act’s offensiveness. We investigate a satire programme as a strategic act, with a specific focus on how its accusatory rhetorical structure strategically invites certain responses, and counteracts others. We show how a segment in the news satire programme ‘Swedish News’ constructed a complex accusation against the Swedish private school queue system, and against the character of the educated middle class who tend to use it. The segment’s structure places the accused middle class as an addressed audience in three different subject positions, wherein the relationship between them motivates penance rather than defense. The analysis shows how a changing positioning of the same group as judge, victim and accused can perform certain functions in accusatory speech, indicating roads to redemption and opening up for possibilities of reconciliation

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-245
Muhammad Luhfi ◽  
Ansor Putra ◽  
Arman Arman

This study is intended to analyze the form of Framing of Covid-19 vaccine new on CNN website based on Discourse Analysis perspective theory of Framing Analysis by Zhondang Pan & Gerald M. Kosicki. The objective of this research is “To describe how are the forms of framing of covid 19 vaccine news on CNN website”. This research used the descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used Zhondang Pan & Gerald M. Kosicki Framing Models to analyze the data. The source of the data in this research was taken from News on CNN Website. The data was collected through reading intensively, identifying and selecting, classifying, describing, and interpreting the data to get a complete conclusion of Framing Covid-19 Vaccine News on CNN Website by Zhondang Pan & Gerald M. Kosicki theory. The researcher analyzes six pieces of data or news from the CNN website. The result showed there are framing the researcher found based on four models of framing Pan & Kosicki namely: Syntactical Structure, Script Structure, Thematical Structure and Rhetorical Structure in six data or news from CNN website.  

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