scholarly journals Вплив строків, способів сівби, норм висіву різних сортів сої на її продуктивність

М. Я. Шевніков ◽  
О. М. Логвиненко

Запропоновані основні елементи сортової технології вирощування сої в умовах лівобережної частини Лісостепу України, зокрема строки, способи сівби та норми висіву. Норма висіву більше ніж спосіб сівби впливала на величину врожайності сої. Підвищення норми висіву до 800 тис./га схожих насінин, особливо за сівби в пізні строки, не сприяло суттєвому підвищенню врожаю. Найбільш доцільно сою сіяти звичайним рядковим (15 см) або широкорядним (45 см) способами з нормою висіву 700 тис./га схожих насінин. The basic elements of high quality technology of growing of soy are offered in the conditions of left-bank part of Forest-steppe Ukraine, namely terms, methods of sowing and norm of sowing. Norm of sowing more than method of sowing, influenced on the size of the productivity of soy. Increase of norm of sowing to 800 thousand/ha of germination seed, especially at sowing in late lines, did not assist the substantial increase of the productivity. It is most expediently to sow soy with ordinary string (15 cm) or dotted (45 cm) methods with the norm of sowing 700 thousand/ha of germination seed.

С. В. Пономаренко

Проаналізовано сучасні погляди на можливість використання екологічних чинників (сонячної активності) для прогнозування масового розмноження популяцій комах-шкідників на прикладі основних шкідників капусти в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України. Враховуючи актуальність прогнозування масового розмноження основних листогризучих шкідників капусти з ряду лускокрилих (совки капустяної (Mamestra brassicacea L.), білана капустяного (Pieris brassicacea L.), виконано ретроспективний аналіз історичних даних про масові розмноження останніх у просторі й часі та розроблено якісний прогноз їх появи на територіїПолтавської області. Modern looks to possibility of the use of ecological factors (sun activity) for prognostication of mass reproduction of populations of insect pests on the example of basic cabbage pests in the conditions of Left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine are analysed. Taking into account actuality of prognostication of mass reproductions of basic leaf-eating pests of cabbage from the order of Lepidoptera (Mamestra brassicacea L., Pieris brassicacea L.), the retrospective analysis of historical data about mass reproductions of the latter in space and time is done and the high-quality prognosis of their appearance on territory of the Poltava area is developed.

I.V. Martyniuk ◽  
Ya.S. Tsimbal ◽  
E.V. Zadubinna

Leaders of the agro-industrial complex of various forms of economic ownership must remember that the Earth is the main bioresource of mankind. Industrial, biological (organic) and ecological systems of agriculture are now introduced. The first in this list is used for 90 % of arable land. As the agricultural sector cannot immediately abandon the industrial system of agriculture, softened options for its biological direction must be developed.The information on development and introduction of systems of organic production in agro-industrial production which was formed in the world and in Ukraine during the last decades is generalized. The dependence of the distribution of organic production on the development of productive forces and production relations is revealed.The organization of ecologically balanced crop rotations with optimal saturation, ratio and location of crops should be soil-ecological approach, which combines all biological factors of agriculture and aims to ensure the rational use of land resources, soil protection and the environment.The structure of short-rotation crop rotations with 100 % saturation with grain crops (winter-wheat peas-corn for spring-barley grain) with the use of organic fertilization systems in conditions of unstable moisture of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe was developed, and the study of 3 fundamentally new models was developed and started. crop rotations with saturation of cereals, cereals and legumes (soybean-spring wheat-buckwheat; soybean-spring-wheat millet), which under different fertilizer systems (by-products of predecessors, green manures, biofertilizers and their complexes) will provide a sufficiently high yield of ecological high quality grains will contribute to the gradual growth of natural fertility of chernozems of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.The studied short-rotation crop rotations in the conditions of climate change will ensure the yield of high-quality ecological grain at the level of 3.5-4.5 t/ha of crop rotation area.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 61-77
O. Demydenko ◽  
V. Velychko

The contemporary condition of soil cover in Ukraine is characterized. The attention is focused onto widespread degradation processes in soils. The causes that determine the development of these negative processes are considered. The contemporary informational support for the condition of soil cover in Ukraine is estimated. In general, the current available information is of narrow-departmental nature, obtained by different methods and non-correlated monitoring programs. As a rule, it is stored in under-structured databases, incompatible with other information systems; mainly recorded on paper media unusable with modern technologies, whereby such information resources are diffi cult to be compiled together. These disadvantages are strong constraints against consistent usage of materials for evaluation, forecast and management of changes in the soil cover. The Soil Observation program should thereby be combined with Agrochemical Passportization and ecology-ameliora- tive monitoring; in other words, the application of innovative soil-agrochemical methodology is considered. Each individual type of surveys shall complement the others, and taken altogether, they shall constitute a con- sistent Information System, capable of solving the problems of assessing the condition, forecasting, manage- ment, usage and protection of soil resources. The monitoring procedures should be conducted on the basis of a new soil concept in line with unifi ed programs and methods, so as to meet European approaches to the maxi- mum extent. Such a technical composition enables getting information on present-day processes in soils, and is the only combination that actually helps us to “ecologize” our knowledge of soils, which is the leading trend in the scope of global soil-science. Thus obtained results will serve as a State-owned tool which would subse- quently facilitate the use and protection of soil resources all over the country, to be involved in a united global soil-information scope. The attention is focused onto social signifi cance of the information on soils and their fertility in terms of land resources optimization, as well as the formation of sustainable land use in Ukraine. Aim. To demonstrate the long-term effect of different ways of tillage of typical low-humus chernozem on the change in humus content and composition and the direction of transformation processes of organic fertili- zers. To study the changes in the structure of energy reserves in group and fractional composition of humus in typical low-humus light-loamy chernozem of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory, microbiological, computational, mathematical and statistical. Results. It was determined that in conditions of long-term subsurface tillage the most effi cient humus accumulation occurs in the 0–20 cm layer of chernozem with simultaneous increase in its content in the lower part of the processed layer without any accumulation differentiation. Surface tillage leads to expressed differentiation in humus accumulation in the 0–20 cm layer of soil (0.005 % per year). When 6 t/ha of humus are replaced by 7 t/ha of by-products the intensity of humus accumulation is decreasing regardless of the way of tillage, but humus accumulation was found to be the most effi cient for subsurface tillage. The application of subsurface tillage leads to the increase in the ratio of C HA : C FA , which is conditioned by the increase in the humifi cation of plant remains of by-products in the 0−20 cm layer of soil by 110–112 % – for subsurface tillage, and by 105 % – for surface tillage. Conclusions. It was established that systematic subsurface tillage of typical chernozem of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine leads to the structuring both of the total reserves of energy С org , and its quality content, aimed at the increase in the intensity of the processes of humifi cation and accumulation of organic carbon, and the decrease in miner- alization. The ratio of energy reserves С org of humic acids to fulvic acids in the 0−30 cm layer of chernozem is 1.85−1.87 regardless of the way of tillage, which testifi es to the repeatability of humus accumulation, but the total reserves of energy С org was higher for subsurface tillage (+ 31 Teracalorie/ha) compared to deep plough- ing. As for the surface tillage, the energy enrichment was at the level of deep ploughing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 96 (8) ◽  
pp. 5-11 ◽  
S. Bulygin ◽  
S. Vitvits'kyj ◽  
D. Timchenko ◽  
V. Didenko

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (92) ◽  
pp. 100-108
T.S. Vinnichuk ◽  
L.M. Parminskaya ◽  
N.M. Gavrilyuk

In the article the research the results of studies of the phytosanitary state of winter wheat sowing with three soil treatments - plowing (22-24 cm), shallow (10-12 cm) and zero (no - till) with various doses of fertilizers: N56 Р16 К16 , N110-130 Р90 К110 and N145-165 Р135 К150 , without fertilizers (control) for the two predecessors - soybean and rapeseed. The influence of these methods on the development and prevalence of powdery mildew, septoriosis of leaves, root rot of winter wheat, the most common pests in the area of research - cereal flies, wheat thrips and grain sawflies. The identified measures to limit the development and spread of harmful organisms above.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (91) ◽  
pp. 74-79
V.H. Kurhak ◽  
M.I. Shtakal ◽  
V.M. Shtakal

There showed the productivity, chemical composition of feed and the timing of mowing of grass and variety mixes of permanent grasses on drained peat soils of Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The presence of early rip­ ened seeded grass provides a uniform supply use mowed mass from middle May until the end of September and the productivity of lands, which ranges from 10 to 14 t/ha of dry weight, metabolizable energy – 100.0 – 130.0 GJ and feed units 7-11 t/ha. Additional manuring of N90 on the background Р45К120 is effective at the start of second year of use. On the organization of hay conveyors of different ripening time herbages is possible to extend the optimal tim­ ing of mowing of green mass to 25-35 days. Best among the early-maturing grass crops are Dactylis glomerata va­ riety Kyivska rannia-1 with Alopecurus pratensis variety Sarnenskiy ranniy or its mixture with Bromus inermis and Festuca pratensis. With medium ripening – pure sowing eastern fescue of variety Lyudmila, Phalaris arundinacea variety Sarnenski-40, Bromus inermis variety Arsen and their compounds. High productivity of late-ripening herb­ age is provided by the inclusion in the composition of grass mixtures of Phleum pratense L. variety Vyshgorodska and Dactylis glomerata of variety Ukrainka, and Agrostis gigantea Roth variety Sarnenska piznia. It is also possible organization hay conveyors of different ripening varieties of Dactylis glomerata varieties Kyivska rannia, Muravka, Ukrainka.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 282-292
S. I. Kruts ◽  
T. O. Rudych

The anthropological composition of the population buried at the cemetery of the Scythian Age near Svitlovodsk city (Kirovograd region) is analyzed in the paper. The burial ground is located on the border of the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of the Right Bank of the Dnieper. The anthropological material under study comes from cemetery without mounds. Archaeologists date the main massif of burials to the 4th century BC. The anthropological composition of the population that was buried at this burial ground was not homogenous. The male series of skulls is characterized by a long, medium-wide, high, dolichocranic skull. The face is of medium size, it is mesognathic. The horizontal profile of the face at the upper level is medium, but with a tendency to the sharp; at the middle level, the face is strongly profiled. The orbital and nasal indexes are medium. The bones of the nose are moderately protruding. The average characteristics of the male population fit into the range of variations of the Scythian series. The male series belongs morphologically and statistically to the circle of the steppe Scythian groups. The male group from the burial ground near the city of Svitlovodsk is close to the series from the Nikolaevka burial ground on the Dnister River, the group of skulls from the burial mounds near the village of Shirokoe (Left Bank of the Dnieper River), the group of skulls from the burial mounds near the village of Vyshchetarassivka, a series of skulls from the Mykhailivka burial ground. Of the forest-steppe series, only the combined group of skulls from the Trypillya region is somewhat close to it. All these statistically and morphologically similar groups originate from different territories. This illustrates the specifics of the settlement and demonstrates the mobility of the Scythian groups. The female series from the burial ground is characterized by a long, narrow, medium-high skull, mesocranic in shape. The size of the face is small, it is mesognathic. The horizontal profile of the face at the upper level is moderate, at the zygomaxilar level it belongs to the category of sharp, but with a tendency to moderate. The orbital index is medium, the nasal index belongs to the large category. The bones of the nose are medium protruding. The female series from Svitlovodsk burial ground turns out to be the most gracile among the Scythian series in Ukraine. For this reason, it differs significantly from the entire massif of the steppe Scythian series. The closest to the Svitlovodsk series is a group from mounds near Nikopol.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 274-282
N.O. Smoliar ◽  
O.R. Khannanova ◽  

V. P. Tkach ◽  
O. V. Kobets ◽  
M. G. Rumiantsev

The forest site capacity using was quantitatively assessed for the stands of the main forest-forming species of Ukraine, Scots pine and common oak, taking into account natural zones and forest types. The tables of productivity of modal and highly productive pine and oak stands have been developed. It has been found that the stands use an average of 50–75 % of the forest site capacity of lands. The average weighted value of the capacity used by pine forests was 68–76 % in the Polissya zone, 70–78 % and 68–73 % in the Right-bank and Left-bank Forest-Steppe zones respectively, and 54–78 % in the Steppe zone. For oak stands, the value was 71–75 % and 63–71 % for the Right-bank and Left-bank Forest-Steppe zones respectively and 65–75 % for the Steppe zone. The basis for increasing the productivity of forests was confirmed to be the differentiation of forest management systems and individual forestry activities on a zonal and typological basis.

V. Sievidov ◽  
I. Sievidov ◽  

One of the main factors in obtaining consistently high tomato yields is to optimize the plant nutrition area. Determination of the optimal plant density, on the one hand, prevents oppression of plants at increased density. On the other hand, to avoid unnecessary expenses from the irrational use of the cultivated area. Vegetables are one of the main suppliers of biologically active substances necessary for a good human nutrition. They give the body a lot of vitamins, fiber, hemicelluloses, pectin substances, organic acids, various carbohydrates, mineral salts and a number of other biochemical compounds. Tomato is one of the main protected ground crops for Ukraine. Compared to other crops, tomatoes give early and stable yields. The issue of planting density of tomatoes is still not fully resolved, these elements of technology are not adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the eastern part of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The objective of our research was to determine the optimal crop density of hybrid tomato of indeterminate type in order to obtain the highest yield without reducing the quality of the product. The method of research. The research was carried out during 2018-2019. In film greenhouses, spring-summer crop rotation. The experiments were carried out with an indeterminate tomato hybrid: Tobolsk F1. Producers of seeds of indeterminate hybrids recommend different plant densities for growing conditions in film greenhouses 2.5-3.5 pcs/m2. Therefore, our research was planned to determine the optimal plant density of the indeterminate tomato hybrid Tobolsk F1 for film greenhouses. The total number of plants is 312 pcs. Sowing of seeds was carried out in the third decade of February. The seeds were sown into cassettes, and the seedlings were dived into pots (volume - 500 cm3) on time. Seedlings were grown using bottom irrigation and, at the age of 3-5 true leaves, the seedlings were planted on a test plot in a film greenhouse without heating. Research results. An analysis of phenological observations of plants showed that a change in the density of plants had practically no effect on the timing and rate of passage of the stages of organogenesis in plants, that is, in all variants of the experiment, the phases of development in plants began simultaneously. Indicators of plant parameters indicate that the data obtained both in the phase of mass flowering and mass fruiting of tomatoes differ among themselves. The difference in biometric parameters can be traced depending on the density of plants. Comparing the main biometric indicators, it can be noted that in the flowering phase, the height of plants ranged from 111.0 to 134.9 cm, in the fruiting phase - from 257.0 to 275.8 cm, while the plants differed in height by the density of 4.0 pcs/m2. The vegetative mass of a plant in the flowering phase was from 1884 g with a plant density of 2.5 pcs/m2 to 1144 g with a density of 4.0 pcs/m2. In the phase of flowering fruiting, the weight of the plant ranged from 1704 g to 1574 g, also decreasing with increasing density. In the flowering phase, an increase in the value of the leaf area indicator was observed to 5.8% with an increase in plant density, and in the fruiting phase, a slight decrease in the indicator to -1.8% was observed with an increase in plant density. So, according to biometric indicators, plants develop better with a density of 3.5 pcs/m2: tomato plants have the best indicators of vegetative mass and plant height, the leaf surface area varies within insignificant limits. The size of the fruits and the yield of standard tomato production are in direct proportion to the density of plants, that is, the more of them per unit area, the lower these indicators. In general, the increase in the density of tomato plants significantly affected the yield. Conclusions. Two-year researches have established that with an increase in plant density, in terms of leaf area in tomato plants of the Tobolsk F1 hybrid, on average, there was a slight fluctuation in the indicator at the level of 0.9-1.1%. The indicator of the vegetative mass of the plant ranged from -4.1 to +1.8% as compared to the control, also decreasing with increasing density. The indicator of plant height both in the flowering phase and in the fruiting phase, on the contrary, grew with an increase in plant density and ranged from -4.0 to + 7.1% compared to the control, while the plants differed in height by a density of 4.0 pcs/m2. In general, the studies carried out give grounds to conclude that in a spring film greenhouse, according to biometric indicators, on average, plants develop better with a density of 3.5 pcs/m2: tomato plants have the best ratio of vegetative mass, plant height and leaf area. The maximum yield of tomato hybrid Tobolsk F1 at the level of 15.8 kg/m2 in the eastern part of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine was obtained with a plant density of 3.5 pcs/m2.

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