2021 ◽  
Nadir La Djamudi

Fokus penelitian adalah bentuk dan makna reduplikasi Bahasa Kepulauan Tukang Besi Dialek Kaledupadi Kabupaten Wakatobi. Bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan makna reduplikasi Bahasa KepulauanTukang Besi Dialek Kaledupa di Kabupaten Wakatobi. Metode penelitian adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dantergolong penelitian lapangan (field research). Data penelitian berupa bahasa lisan tentang reduplikasi dariinforman.Pengumpulan data dengan metode simak dan catat, serta cakap. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik,yaitu; (1) top down; (2) Pilah Unsur Langsung; dan (3) Teknik semantik. Penyajian hasil analisis datamenggunakan metode penyajian formal dan informal. Bentuk Reduplikasi Bahasa Kepulauan Tukang BesiDialek Kaledupa di Kabupaten Wakatobi meliputi: (1) Reduplikasi Penuh; (2) Reduplikasi Sebagian, yangterbagi atas 3 (tiga ) jenis, yaitu; (a) Dengan bentuk dasarnya bentuk tunggal, (b) Dengan bentuk dasarnyabentuk kompleks, kedua unsurnya mandiri secara semantis. (c) Dengan bentuk dasarnya bentuk kompleks, hanyasalah satu unsurnya mandiri secara semantis. (3) Reduplikasi dengan Perubahan Fonem; (4) Pengulangan Semu. Makna Reduplikasi Bahasa Kepulauan Tukang Besi Dialek Kaledupa di Kabupaten Wakatobi terdiriatas: (1) Makna Banyak yang Tak Tentu, (2) Makna Banyak Bermacam-macam, (3) Makna Menyerupai, (4)Menyatakan Intensitas; (a) intensitas kualitas (kualitatif), (b) kuantitas (kuantitatif), ataupun (c) intensitasfrekuensi (frekuentatif), (5) Kata Kerja dapat Menurunkan Arti Saling, (6) Reduplikasi pada Kata BilanganMengandung Arti Kolektif.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nadir La Djamudi

This research focused on the reduplication  form and meaningo the language of Tukang Besi Island with Kaledupa dialect Wakatobi Regency.this research aimed to describe itsreduplication form and meaning t. This research applyed descriptive-qualitative method andspecified as Field Research. The data wasconsisting of oral language related to reduplication were obtained by observing, noting, and communicating. The data were analyzed through (1) top-down analysis (2) immediate constituent analysis, and (3) semantic analysis. The reduplication form on Kaledupa dialect covered of (1) full reduplication, (2) Partial Reduplication, which  divided into three, (a) base form as singular, (b) base form as complex form, both of elements weresemantically independent, (c) base form as complex form, only one of the elements was semantically independent, (3) Phonological Reduplication; (4) Idiomatic Reduplication. The reduplication meaning on Kaledupa dialect consisted of (1) indefinable meaning, (2) various meaning (3) imitative meaning (4) intensity meaning (a) qualitative intensity (b) quantitative intensity or (c) frequent intensity (5) the counter-reformation meaning (6) collective meaning. Fokus penelitian adalah bentuk dan makna reduplikasi Bahasa Kepulauan Tukang Besi Dialek Kaledupa di Kabupaten Wakatobi. Bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan makna reduplikasi Bahasa Kepulauan Tukang Besi Dialek Kaledupa di Kabupaten Wakatobi. Metode penelitian adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dan tergolong penelitian lapangan (field research). Data penelitian berupa bahasa lisan tentang reduplikasi dari informan.Pengumpulan data dengan metode simak dan catat, serta cakap. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik, yaitu; (1) top down; (2) Pilah Unsur Langsung; dan (3) Teknik semantik.  Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode penyajian formal dan  informal. Bentuk Reduplikasi Bahasa Kepulauan Tukang Besi Dialek Kaledupa di Kabupaten Wakatobi meliputi: (1) Reduplikasi Penuh; (2) Reduplikasi Sebagian, yang terbagi atas 3 (tiga ) jenis, yaitu; (a) Dengan bentuk dasarnya bentuk tunggal, (b) Dengan bentuk dasarnya bentuk kompleks, kedua unsurnya mandiri secara semantis. (c) Dengan bentuk dasarnya bentuk kompleks, hanya salah satu unsurnya mandiri secara semantis. (3) Reduplikasi dengan Perubahan Fonem; (4) Pengulangan Semu. Makna Reduplikasi Bahasa Kepulauan Tukang Besi Dialek Kaledupa di Kabupaten Wakatobi terdiri atas: (1) Makna Banyak yang Tak Tentu, (2) Makna Banyak Bermacam-macam, (3) Makna Menyerupai, (4) Menyatakan Intensitas; (a) intensitas kualitas (kualitatif), (b) kuantitas (kuantitatif), ataupun (c) intensitas frekuensi (frekuentatif), (5) Kata Kerja dapat Menurunkan Arti Saling, (6) Reduplikasi pada Kata Bilangan Mengandung Arti Kolektif.

Mela Susanti ◽  
Imas Kania Rahman ◽  
Ibdalsyah Ibdalsyah

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris">The purpose of this research is to find out how parents were coaching activities in Raudatul Atfal (RA). Darul Muttaqien and RA. Ibn Sina. The research method used in this study is qualitative field research—data collection tool through observation, interviews and documentation. The Parenting Meeting (KPO) coaching module has been tested for validity through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with four experts: religious experts, linguists, psychologists and education experts. The results of this study are coaching parents in RA. Darul Muttaqien Parung has not been systematically planning on an activity program sheet. 80% of parents state that the child's development at home is the same as the school. While fostering parents in RA. Ibnu Sina Pamijahan has been going well, planned and systematic; 50% of parents statements is that the development of morals at home is not the same as the school.</p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana orang tua pembinaan kegiatan di Raudatul Atfal (RA). Darul Muttaqien dan RA. Ibnu Sina. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah penelitian lapangan kualitatif. Alat pengumpulan data melalui pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. The Parenting Meeting (KPO) modul pembinaan telah diuji untuk validitas melalui Focus Group diskusi (FGD) dengan 4 ahli: ahli agama, linguis, psikolog dan ahli pendidikan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pembinaan orang tua di RA. Darul Muttaqien Parung belum direncanakan secara sistematis pada lembar program kegiatan. 80% orang tua menyatakan bahwa perkembangan anak di rumah sama dengan sekolah. Sementara, membina orang tua di RA. Ibnu Sina Pamijahan telah berjalan dengan baik, terencana dan sistematis, 50% dari pernyataan orang tua adalah bahwa perkembangan moral di rumah tidak sama dengan sekolah</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Nurdyansyah Nurdyansyah ◽  
Qorirotul Aini

This study aims to determine the importance of technology role in Mathematics Class III in MI Ma'arif Pademonegoro, knowing the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the application of Mathematics Class III in MI Ma'arif Pademonegoro.Tenelitian is a type of qualitative research using Qualitative descriptive approach and using field research methods (Field Research). Data collection techniques in this study using interviews, observation and documentation and analyzed by using triangulation analysis techniques consisting of three stages namely 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) drawing conclusions.keyword: Education technology, Mathematic

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-101
Edione Teixeira de Carvalho ◽  
Odete Selva ◽  
Geysa Luiza De Souza Santos ◽  
Antonio Gomes

ResumoEm nome de muitos “modismos” pedagógicos se sacrifica a infância com práticas inadequadas à fase da criança, desrespeitando seu modo de ser e sua linguagem própria, que é o brincar. Este artigo resulta de uma pesquisa realizada no Centro Educacional Amerecilda Conceição Fernandes Rezende, no município de Campo Verde (MT), com o objetivo de averiguar na percepção dos pais a importância que estes atribuem para o ensino da linguagem escrita e do brincar na Educação Infantil. Discute-se na problemática se há pressão por parte dos pais para que os professores iniciem o ensino da linguagem escrita nas fases de Pré I, II e III (4 a 6 anos) e se os professores sentem ou não tal pressão. Nesta trajetória se buscou traduzir a posição dos pais a respeito do problema, bem como o posicionamento dos professores. A metodologia considerada nesta investigação é de natureza aplicada, com uma abordagem quantitativa, no sentido de quantificar os dados e qualitativa no sentido de explicar a realidade pesquisada. Quanto aos objetivos é descritiva, e quanto aos procedimentos técnicos se caracteriza como pesquisa de campo. Os dados foram coletados mediante a aplicação de questionário com uma amostra de cinquenta e quatro pais e entrevistas coletivas e individuais com sete professores. Ao finalizar a pesquisa, conclui-se que há uma pressão implícita, por parte dos pais, e que os professores sentem essa pressão de várias fontes, até mesmo deles próprios. Palavras-chave: Cuidar. Educar. Ensinar. AbstractIn the name of many pedagogical “fads”, childhood is sacrificed with practices inappropriate to the child's stage, disrespecting their way of being and their own language, which is playing. This article is the result of a research carried out at Centro Educacional Amerecilda Conceição Fernandes Rezende, in the municipality of Campo Verde (MT), with the aim of ascertaining in the parents' perception the importance they attach to the teaching of written language and playing in early childhood education. . The issue is discussed whether there is pressure on the parents’ part for teachers to start teaching written language in the Pre I, II and III phases (4 to 6 years) and whether or not teachers feel such pressure. In this trajectory, it was sought to translate the parents 'position regarding the problem, as well as the teachers' position. The methodology considered in this investigation is of an applied nature, with a quantitative approach, in order to quantify the data and qualitative in order to explain the researched reality. As for the objectives, it is descriptive, and for technical procedures, it is characterized as field research. Data were collected through the application of a questionnaire with a sample of fifty-four parents and collective and individual interviews with seven teachers. At the end of the research, it is concluded that there is an implicit pressure from parents and that teachers feel this pressure from several sources, even from themselves. keywords: Caring. Educating. Teaching

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-54
Ilman Suhdi ◽  
Murniyetti Murniyetti

This study aims to determine the Strategy of Guiding Troubled in Islamic Religious Guidance for Teenagers in North Padang Mantinggi Village, Rao District, Pasaman Regency. This research is a type of field research using qualitative methods. Sources of data were taken from three informants consisting of coaches of trouble, five parents of teenagers, and fifteen members of teenagers using purposive sampling technique. Research data were taken through in-depth interviews with all informants. The results showed that the Guidance Strategy for Guidance in Islamic religious development for adolescents in Padang Mantinggi Utara Village, Rao District, Pasaman Regency, was by carrying out positive activities favored by teenagers, such as soccer and pencak silat training for teenage boys, marawis training. or tambourine and rhythm training for teenage girls. So that with positive activities it will be easier to direct teenagers to explore religious issues by participating in regular recitations in the hope that teenagers can have better knowledge of the Islamic religion

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Hatami Ritonga

<p><em>This study aims to discuss the empowerment of marriage guidance in realizing a sakinah family. This type of research is a descriptive analytic field research. Data collection is used by interviewing, and documentation to produce data about the object of this research study. The research data were collected through interviews and documentation. Analysis using the inductive method and also deductive analysis. The results showed that the empowerment of marriage guidance in realizing the sakinah family had not been carried out optimally, so it was impressed as an administrative requirement. As a result, many divorces occur after marriage.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-93
Cendra Cendra ◽  
Muhammad Fauzi ◽  
Arzam Arzam ◽  
Aidil Novia ◽  
Hulwati Hulwati ◽  

The purposed of this study was to analyze the influence between income and household consumption on the welfare of potatoes taffy business in Lubuk Nagodang Village, Siulak Subdistrict, Kerinci regency. This study was assessing the welfare of taffy business in Islamic economic concepts and indicators. Field research with quantitative-qualitative (Mixed Method) as the method and approach used in this research. The research data was sourced from primary data, using multiple linear regression equations as a data analysis tool. This study was shown that the income partially has a significant effect on the welfare of potatoes taffy business that assessed from the Islamic economic concept. Then, household consumption partially has a significant effect on the welfare of potatoes taffy business assessed from the concept of Islamic economics. Besides, the income with household consumption simultaneously has a significant effect on the welfare of potatoes taffy business assessed from the concept of Islamic economics with a significance value of 0.000 0.05, and both variables contribute 69.2% together, while the remaining 30 ,8% influenced or explained by other factors not discussed in this study.

2020 ◽  
pp. 026377582095870
Laura Schack ◽  
Ashley Witcher

Civil society actors aiding border crossers in Europe have been subject to systematic criminalization through prosecutions and attempted prosecutions, extensive police harassment, public scapegoating, and the imposition of bureaucratic barriers. We seek to explain why this is occurring through the analysis of field research data, collected in Greece between 2017 and 2019, through the lens of Derrida’s concept of “hostile hospitality”. We develop a theoretical framework with three key features: first, the demarcation between insider and outsider which lies at the core of notions of hospitality; second, the constitutive relationship between hostility and hospitality which is closely related to notions of sovereignty; and third, the primacy of state definitions of hospitality, which subordinate private and collective hospitality practices. This explanatory framework guides the analysis of two case studies from our fieldwork: the criminalization of solidarity initiatives providing accommodation in squats in Athens and Pikpa camp on Lesvos, and the criminalization of boat-spotting and search and rescue activities on Lesvos. We conclude that civil society actors aiding border crossers in Greece are criminalized because they challenge and interfere with state policies and practices of hostile hospitality.

Srobana Bhattacharya ◽  
Bidisha Biswas

Abstract Seven decades after the adoption of the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, how strong are the norms that the Convention was expected to institutionalize? We answer this question through the prism of the Rohingya refugee situation in Bangladesh. Using field research data and news analysis, we find that both the state of Bangladesh and the Rohingya refugees are caught up in a challenging situation. Even though Bangladesh has largely cooperated with the UN, upheld the principle of non-refoulement, and provided services to the refugees, the Rohingya continue to live displaced lives. Our article illuminates both the successes and the ongoing challenges that the global refugee regime faces. The Bangladesh-Rohingya case shows us that refugee norms have been widely accepted, but unevenly applied. Collective responsibility-sharing, which is a necessary pillar of an effective global refugee regime, is lacking. We conclude that international refugee regime is marked by responsibility-shifting, rather than responsibility-sharing.

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