scholarly journals Administrasi kurikulum

2019 ◽  
Kurnia lisda

The curriculum in an education system is a very important component because the curriculum is a role model in the implementation of teaching and learning in the school. The curriculum is a set of learning experiences designed for school students in an effort to achieve educational goals.

2019 ◽  
Ledy sintia

The curriculum in an education system is a very important component because the curriculum is a role model in the implementation of teaching and learning in the school. The curriculum is a set of learning experiences designed for school students in an effort to achieve educational goals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Sunayana Garg ◽  
Diwakar Aggarwal ◽  
Sushil Kumar Upadhyay ◽  
Gautam Kumar ◽  
Gulbir Singh

Purpose of Study: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), deals with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has instantly spread worldwide, leading to an episode of intense irresistible pneumonia. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a phenomenal change in educational teaching-learning framework globally. Other than financial and social effects, there is a difficulty in adopting new online education systems by stakeholders of academic institutions. Methodology: The review presented here is based on the platinum open access literature focusing on the adoption of the online education system during the current pandemic situation. This compilation of the findings is based on a systematic review published by the scholars of the relevant field of research targeted to opportunities and challenges in adopting ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and online teaching-learning pedagogy.  Main Findings: Specifically, school students need to deal with various sorts of ecological, electronic, and mental battles because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The whole education system from elementary to tertiary level has been imploded during the lockdown time of the COVID-19 in India and worldwide. The New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has been delivered by the recently renamed Ministry of Education. The approach has given another face to the Online Education System in India. Applications of this study: The finding of the current investigation is a portrayal of opportunities and challenges in receiving the online teaching-learning education system by the public and private educational institutions. It will help in the planning and development of strategies to handle the challenges and opportunities of e-learning during the current global epidemic. Novelty of the study: The authors endeavored to address the web-based learning and teaching in the school training system in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The capacity of offered resources in academic organization effectively changed conventional education into online schooling with the help of virtual classes and other urgent online gadgets in this reliably moving instructive scene.

2019 ◽  
yola pramika

The curriculum is a very important and decisive component in the delivery of education. the curriculum functions as a tool for the achievement of educational goals, if educational goals change then automatically the curriculum must also be changed. In Law Number 20 of 2003 it is stated that the curriculum is a set of plans and regulations regarding the content and learning materials as well as the methods used as guidelines in implementation of the teaching and learning process. For children the curriculum is useful as a tool to develop all the potential they have towards a better direction under the guidance of teachers at school. For teachers, the curriculum functions as a guide and reference in organizing learning in schools. In curriculum administration, according to Prof. Soetjipto and Drs. Raflis Kosasi, MSc in his book entitled Teaching Profession (1999: 148) that the curriculum is a set of student learning experiences with all the implementation guidelines systematically arranged and guided by schools in the activities of educating their students ".

Hanggara Budi Utomo

Teachers, as one of the elements in the teaching and learning process, play multiple roles, not only as teachers transferring knowledge but also as guides who encourage the potential of students to develop alternatives in learning. This means that teachers face complex tasks and responsibilities in respect of the achievement of educational goals where they are required to not only master the subject area being taught but are also required to display a personality suitable foracting as a role model for students. Therefore, teachers are required to optimize their performance in carrying out the task. The complex tasks and responsibilities of achieving educational goals relate to teachers’ motivation, so that good intentions will encourage teacher activities. Teachers become educators based on their motivation to teach. If a teacher has no motivation then they are unlikely to be an effective educator. The factors that influence a teacher’s motivation are focused on personal expectations, need satisfaction, and work climate. This paper comprises a literature review of several research findings aimed at deepening self-determination theory as one of the motivational theories that can be used to analyze the motivation of teachers based on both internal and external factors. In particular, it aims to explore the role of personal expectations, need satisfaction, and work climate, which can serve as a basis for further research into optimizing teacher motivation to teach.As the implication, different work climates mean that teachers must adapt to the condition of the school in which they teach. It is important that teachershave this ability as when they are able to adapt to a school’s performance atmosphere, they are in turn able torealize personal expectations according to their needs and thus feel psychologically satisfied, which has a corresponding further impact on their motivation to teach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-112
Eni Nur Anisah ◽  
Evita Widiyati

School is one of the educational institutions that organizes the teaching and learning process to guide, educate, train and develop student’s abilities to achieve educational goals, including human character at MI Al-Falah Kuncung there is a habit, especially in carrying out daily habits.The focus of research on this thesis is as follows: 1) How is the learning of aqidah akhlak in grade IV at the adiwiyata school MI Al-Falah Kuncung Banyuarang Ngoro Jombang?, 2) How is the implementation of the habit forming learning model in the adiwiyata school MI Al-Falah Kuncung Banyuarang Ngoro Jombang?, 3) What is the holistic personality of the fourth grade personality of the fourth grade students at MI Al-Falah Kuncung Banyuarang Ngoro Jombang adiwiyata school?The approach in this research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. The research setting took place at MI Al-Falah Kuncung Banyuarang Ngoro Jombang. Meanwhile the data sources are teachers of aqidah morals, classroom teachers, students, and directors. Way of unifying data using interviews, observation, and archiving.The research results obtained by the researcher are as follows: 1)  learning aqidah akhlak is carried out by applying a habit that is in accordance with the personality that you want to build on learning aqidah morals, namely by opening greetings, greeting students at the core of reading, listening, and discussing. After that, the cover held a reflection and concluded together, 2) the application of the habit forming learning model starting from (the habit formation model sequence) the steps of habit forming in students habits are carried out continuously and someone or role model, and 3) a holistic personality what is seen in grade IV students is that they are able to apply moral behavior, and also position their behavior as a student, but they have not been able to control their own behavior, this can be seen from the attitudes of some students when learning aqidah morals takes place they do not concentrate and tend not to pay attention to the teacher.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (32) ◽  
Yoyo Supriono

The curriculum is pretty basic guidelines in teaching and learning in education. Knowingly or not that the success or failure of an education, success or failure in achieving educational goals more or less dependent on the curriculum. Curriculum 2013 to develop learning experiences that provide opportunities for students to master the competencies required for the life of the present and the future. If the curriculum is designed well, systematic, comprehensive, and integral to all development and learning needs of learners to prepare themselves to face life in the future, then the expected goals would be realized. In reality the provision of education tend to cognitive, intellectual intelligence priority, and lack of education of character and personality. Keywords: Study of Social Sciences (IPS), Learning,  In Curriculum 2013.

Nurhidaya Mukhtar ◽  
Mawardi Pewangi

The purpose of this article is to look at Curriculum Policy Formulation to find out curriculum policies at the level of education units because in the curriculum not only goals must be achieved so as to clarify directions, but also provide an understanding of the learning experiences that each student must have. Curriculum and education are two things that are closely and interrelated, inseparable from each other, because in education, of course, the teaching and learning process (teaching) requires the outlines of educational directions that lead to the achievement of educational goals, as well as the content that must be learned. The article was written with literature review with the result that the curriculum and the teacher must establish a system of assessment that can reveal the learners as a whole, both at the cognitive, affective, and psycomotor levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Bradley Setiyadi ◽  
Revyta Revyta ◽  
Ayunda Fadhilah

ABSTRACTThe curriculum is the core of the education process in schools. The implementation ofthe curriculum directly influences the educational outcomes. The curriculum reallydetermines the process and results of an education system. The curriculum is adescription of the material presented in learning, is also a very important component inan education system, the curriculum is a tool to achieve educational goals and at thesame time as a guide in the implementation of teaching at all types and levels ofeducation. Curriculum development is a process that plans, produces a better tool basedon the results of an assessment of the curriculum that has been in effect, so that it canprovide good teaching and learning conditions. In other words curriculum developmentis an activity to produce a new curriculum through the steps of curriculum preparationbased on the results of the assessment conducted over a certain period of time.Curriculum principles can also be regarded as rules that animate curriculumdevelopment. This principle has the aim that the curriculum is designed or produced inaccordance with the demands of all parties, namely students, parents, community andnation. In general, curriculum experts view curriculum development activities as acontinuous process, a cycle that involves several curricula, namely components,objectives, materials, activities and evaluations. This paper uses the method oftheoretical study of the principles of curriculum development. The theories put forwardin this paper are understanding the curriculum and its developers, plus theories aboutthe sources and principles of curriculum development, learning and evaluation ofcurriculum development.Keywords: curriculum concept, curriculum development, curriculum principles

Khairah Nuraishah Haleman ◽  
Hamidah Yamat

The past years have seen a strong focus in Malaysia on the increase of infusion of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in educational institutions to stimulate innovations and strengthen global economic competitiveness. The integration of ICT has transformed the Malaysian education system by reshaping the landscape of education, from teacher-centred to learner-centred education. However, the COVID-19 crisis has changed the landscape of the education system drastically. The educators have turned their focus on online learning as an alternative means to replace the face-to-face classroom. Therefore, this paper focuses on the investigation on the perception towards e-learning among ESL primary school students. This study also determined the level of acceptance towards e-learning. A set of questionnaires was distributed via Google Form to 100 upper primary students in Sibu, Sarawak. The results revealed that the perception towards e-learning was positive, and the level of e-learning acceptance among ESL primary school students was high due to its features of e-learning, such as flexibility, user-friendliness, and the students’ attitude towards using as well as the intention to use in the future. It was recommended that teachers should utilize student-friendly digital tools to deliver their teaching and learning materials so that the students, especially at the primary level find it easy and enjoy learning English via e-learning.

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