Optimal Dyadic Integration of Complementary Perceptual Judgments Under Condition of Prescribed Agreement
We investigated whether prescribing an agreement can result in optimal inter-individual integration of perceptual judgments in absence of verbal communication. Participants in pairs performed a localization task in a virtual 3D environment, where the goal was to make projections from an upper plane to the target on the bottom plane. Partners were provided with complementary viewpoints and could be optimal if each took over one orthogonal dimension. In the Revision condition partners saw each other’s individual judgments and could rely on them. In the Agreement condition they provided a joint response. In both conditions communication was not allowed. We found that participants could optimally distribute the dimensions, but only when agreement was mandated. Without the agreement requirement, participants failed to properly rely on their partner on the dimension where the latter were more accurate. We also found, that prescription of agreement exerts a general positive effect on individual performance.Our results demonstrate that even in absence of verbal communication, interacting in a shared environment can result in optimal integration of perceptual information under the condition that an agreement is reached.