scholarly journals Boundaries and borders gone! But life goes on

2022 ◽  
Kathryn Nave

Unlike machines, living systems are distinguished by the continual destruction and regeneration of their boundaries and other components. Stable Markov blankets may be a real feature of the world, or they may be merely a construction of particular models, but they are neither a feature of organisms nor of any model that can capture the necessary conditions of their existence.

Martin A. Lipman

This paper proposes a theory of time that takes the notion of passage as its basic primitive. Any notion of passage that is worthy of that name should make for real change across time. It is argued that real change across time in turn requires the obtaining of incompatible facts. The proposed theory will therefore be a form of fragmentalism, which makes room for the obtaining of incompatible facts by taking the world to exhibit a type of fragmented structure. The preferred form of fragmentalism and the primitive notion of passage are elucidated in some detail. It is argued that the resulting picture resolves the problem of change and meets the puzzling yet necessary conditions for the reality of passage

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1385
Irais Mora-Ochomogo ◽  
Marco Serrato ◽  
Jaime Mora-Vargas ◽  
Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei

Natural disasters represent a latent threat for every country in the world. Due to climate change and other factors, statistics show that they continue to be on the rise. This situation presents a challenge for the communities and the humanitarian organizations to be better prepared and react faster to natural disasters. In some countries, in-kind donations represent a high percentage of the supply for the operations, which presents additional challenges. This research proposes a Markov Decision Process (MDP) model to resemble operations in collection centers, where in-kind donations are received, sorted, packed, and sent to the affected areas. The decision addressed is when to send a shipment considering the uncertainty of the donations’ supply and the demand, as well as the logistics costs and the penalty of unsatisfied demand. As a result of the MDP a Monotone Optimal Non-Decreasing Policy (MONDP) is proposed, which provides valuable insights for decision-makers within this field. Moreover, the necessary conditions to prove the existence of such MONDP are presented.

2021 ◽  
pp. 073889422110152
Rob Williams

There are many regions that meet the necessary conditions for sovereign governance in the world, but few secessionist conflicts. I argue that this relative paucity of secessionist violence is the result of government preemption of potential secessionist movements. Using cross-national geospatial data from 1992 to 2013, I find that governments invest more, measured via nighttime light emissions, in more secession-prone regions. The same factors that make territory attractive for secession, such as large populations and international borders, also make governments willing to work to retain control of that territory, contributing to the scarcity of separatist civil conflicts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 1043-1049
Ziyoda Yakubovna Turabaeva

Significant work is currently being done around the world to protect the rights of the child, pay special attention to the upbringing of minors, create the necessary conditions for them to organize their time properly, take measures to prevent them from interfering in crime and to impose penalties and impunity on juvenile offenders. In this article analyzed features of inflicting of penalties to a juvenile, peculiarities of criminal prosecution of minors, improving institutions which discharge from liability and penalty based on international experience, in particular, convicting other noncustodial penalties and other legal measures at the period of COVID-19 and further development, introducing special principles for juvenile in criminal law, the impact of punishments imposed on juvenile offenders, As well as, issues of prevention and prophylaxis of youth delinquency, measures should be taken to prevent youth delinquency, problems and solutions on this field, reforms, the forms and methods of work of government agencies involved in the prevention of delinquency among young people, causes and conditions of juvenile systemic crime, domestic legislation on prevention and prophylaxis of youth delinquency and peculiarities of appointing punishment to minors are studied. The following article expresses a number of suggestions for improving the legislation system of juvenile delinquency, features of imposing them punishment and release of them from punishment. 

2021 ◽  
Mahina-a-rangi Baker

<p>The aim of this thesis is to assess genetic engineering (GE) through the values that the Confederation of Te Ati Awa, Ngati Raukawa ki te tonga and Ngati Toarangatira (the ART Confederation) associates with ngarara. The Korowai Framework was developed to conduct this assessment. Interviews were conducted with 14 participants from across the ART Confederation on the values they associate with ngarara and their interpretations of GE. The values associated with ngarara that were identified in the interviews, were used constitute the kaupapa of the Korowai Framework. The key values identified are: mauri, whakapapa, tohu, tapu, and kaitiakitanga. It emerged from the interviews that ngarara appeal to us to be conscious of our intricately bound connection to and dependency on living systems. The assessment through the Korowai Framework found that the outcomes of GE do not uphold the values associated with ngarara. Participants articulated significant concerns that GE confounds the ART Confederation's control over their relationship with the world around them. This thesis has demonstrated that the Korowai Framework can be used as a tool for the Confederation to get to the decision making table with a comprehensive evidence based understanding of the people's position on GE from which they can negotiate. It demonstrates that robust and legitimate assessment of GE can be conducted using theories, methodologies, kaupapa, tikanga, and frameworks that are specific to the ART Confederation.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-86
Charlotte Nunes

This article examines how P.E.N., an organisation born in imperial Britain, endeavoured in some cases and floundered in others to create conditions for collaboration between Indian and British writers. Drawing on the P.E.N. archives at the Harry Ransom Center (HRC), I examine communication among and between Indian and British writers in P.E.N.'s orbit during the World War II era and leading up to the Indian Independence Act of 1947. As a forum for collaboration among writers internationally not only to develop writing and editing projects together, but also to forge a unifying conception for the modern era of the relationship between literature and political freedom, P.E.N. aimed to create opportunities for exchange among Indian and British writers. Analysing Indian writers' articulation of the necessary conditions for cross-imperial collaboration, I consider how mutuality was compromised under political conditions of imperialism hinging on hierarchal notions of culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 18
Eurydice-Maria D Kanellopoulou ◽  
Maria Darra

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to review the effectiveness of the implementation of the lesson study in higher education through the review of 28 empirical researches conducted both inGreeceand the world over the past decade (2008-2018). In particular, the benefits, the difficulties and the conditions of effective implementation of the lesson study are examined. The results of the research revealed that the development of co-operation, reflection and professional development of preservice teachers are seen as important advantages due to the implementation of the lesson study. The preparation time, the tensions and the stress resulting from the monitoring of the teaching of their fellow students are mentioned as main difficulties, while participation and cooperation of preservice teachers and their support by trainers are seen as necessary conditions for its successful implementation. There is also a need for further research on the implementation of the lesson study in higher education, mainly inGreece, compared to the international field.

1975 ◽  
Vol 189 (1096) ◽  
pp. 277-289 ◽  

The environmental behaviours of the heavier halogenated hydrocarbons such as DDT and its residues and the polychlorinated biphenyls are known in general form. One unexpected aspect involved their atmospheric transport in the vapour phase about the Earth. Although the production and use of these compounds has been restricted in some northern hemispheric nations, there appears to be a continuing steady use of DDT in the world as a whole, but with a decided shift southwards. As a consequence of their alleged impacts upon living systems, of their continued movements about the surface of the Earth, of their persistance in the environment and of their high rates of production, there is still a continuing need to study these compounds and other synthetic organic halogenated hydrocarbons in our surroundings and their involvements with life processes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (36) ◽  
pp. 01-22
Renato Noguera

This brief Afroperspectivist study explores the articulation between the education of ethnic-racial relations and childhood studies. The generational issues of childhood are not dissociated from racialization. Therefore, racism is a phenomenon that needs to be tackled in children's contexts. This essay makes some complaints about situations of racism that afflict children in Brazil, and offers what we call pronouncements. We postulate that it is important to propose anti-racist paths. Afro-perspectivist philosophy operates on the assumption that childhood – approached as a philosophical concept - is the existential and political key to the promotion of afrotopia, which the Senegalese economist Felwine Sarr understands as a real historical possibility. We argue that the Western project promotes adulthood, which implies the colonization of life and the world. Our hypothesis is that through the promotion of childhood we can create the necessary conditions for anti-racist societies, and offer an afro-perspectivist understanding of childhood as a proactive indicator of the possibility other realities.

Anila Jaleel

Since the WHO has declared the Covid 19 pandemic, number of cases is on rise but not attained peak in Pakistan. Although people are affected by COVID-19 throughout the world but the impact of, the disease is different in various countries, which may be attributed to different factors. Scientifically it is point to ponder that though the official figures are in thousands but there may be many asymptomatic patients in our communities due to closed family living systems in Pakistan. There are more than 12 to 13 people living in single small apartments in Karachi, who are in so close contact with each other and the local transmission cannot be avoided in them. However, the positive thing is that the severity of disease and number of deaths in Pakistan are not as much as in developed countries. There could be a number of reasons, which are needed to be explored by researchers in Pakistan and world over.

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