The Total War Strategy through Optimizing the Understanding of Pancasila Values in the Millenial Era
The Indonesian nation is a large nation, has a very dense population. Inside there is the millennial generation who will play an important role in the continuation of the life of the nation and state. However, with the development of technology, the millennial generation has begun to be influenced and the understanding of the values of Pancasila has begun to fade. In writing this article, the author uses several defense theories to strengthen the results of research and methods by collecting data and information through the help of various materials contained in literature (books) or also known as types of phenomological research associated with qualitative descriptive. From the results of the literature research, the writer finds that the understanding of the values of Pancasila from the millennial generation is mostly starting to fade due to the influence of foreign technology and culture, so that intolerance, radicalism and speech of hatred appear between fellow children of the nation. Therefore, the role of the government, institutions and society is needed in optimizing the understanding of the values of Pancasila for the millennial generation so that they are ready to be involved in Total war.