Olga Ruzakova ◽  

This article is about trends and main directions of development of Russian legislation on intellectual property rights, it analyzes the problems of its application in practice and its compliance with international treaties of Russian Federation, in particular, recent changes in legislation relating to the protection of rights to a «live performance», prospects for recognizing geographical indications as intellectual property, the creation of registries of copyright and related rights based on the blockchain technology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 16-21
Ekaterina Yu. Andreeva ◽  
Moisey I. Lifson ◽  

The article is devoted to the institution of challenging the normative legal acts of Rospatent in the Court on Intellectual Rights on the example of several cases examined by the Court. The authors highlight a number of problems in this area. Since the consideration of a public objection to a patent for a controversial utility model or invention and the decision on the results of the consideration of such an objection is within the competence of Rospatent, and the PIS performs only a supervisory function, it is difficult to solve this problem within a reasonable time. The authors propose: all disputes related to intellectual property after issuing a security document should be resolved not in an administrative - judicial manner, but only in a judicial one, by analogy with the violation of the patent of the Russian Federation for intellectual property objects.

S. S. Burchik

The growing importance of intellectual property as an asset raises the question whether exercising of the intellectual property rights shall be regulated by antitrust law to protect against possible abuses and ensure the efficiency of the economy. The study aims to improve the existing regulation in the Russian Federation and align it with the idea of balancing private and public interests while fostering competition and encouraging innovation.

O.V. Boychenko ◽  
O.Yu. Smirnova

The article considers the legal aspects of the existence of intellectual property on the Internet. The main regulatory documents governing the relationship between the use of intellectual property on the Internet are analyzed, such as: the WIPO international convention, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2012; The latest edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In the form of a structural and didactic scheme are presented: objects of intellectual property, means of individualization; an algorithm for the interaction of participants in the legislative process to seize illegal content. Features of the problems of protecting intellectual property rights on the Internet, the main causes of violation of intellectual property rights and ways of protecting intellectual property are presented. The losses of various sectors of society from Internet piracy are given. The basic tools of copyright infringement on the Internet are described, as well as existing methods of confirming copyright in content.

2021 ◽  
Тамила Магомедовна Нинциева ◽  
Селима Тимуровна Исламова

В настоящей статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с наступлением юридической ответственности за нарушения в области права интеллектуальной собственности, а именно авторского и смежных прав. Отмечается, что в Российской Федерации за нарушения в указанной области предусмотрены гражданско-правовая, административная и уголовная ответственности. Делается акцент на раскрытие диспозиции каждого правонарушения авторского и смежных прав. This article discusses issues related to the occurrence of legal liability for violations in the field of intellectual property rights, namely copyright and related rights. It is noted that in the Russian Federation civil, administrative and criminal liability is provided for violations in this area. Emphasis is placed on disclosing the disposition of each violation of copyright and related rights.

Russian judge ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 3-6
Yuriy F. Bespalov ◽  

The article presents the roadmap of the Russian judge for the consideration and resolution of intellectual disputes and other requirements in the intellectual and legal sphere. The author defines the list of actions of the judge at the stage of acceptance of the statement of claim (application) for court proceedings and at the stage of consideration and resolution of the case. The circumstances that are important for the proper consideration and resolution of an intellectual dispute include: 1) infringed intellectual property rights; 2) the substance of the violated right and its legal nature; 3) the person committed a violation of intellectual property rights; 4) the circumstances under which committed such violation; 5) whether the plaintiff is a person whose right is violated; 6) it is determined the way of protection; 7) the rules of law to be applied; 8) other, depending on the situation. Proposals were made to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in the intellectual sphere.

Татьяна Алексеевна Безгодкова ◽  
Людмила Дмитриевна Туршук

В статье рассматриваются особенности наследования исключительных прав. Обращается внимание на отсутствие унификации норм о наследовании прав на результаты интеллектуальной деятельности. Предлагается включить в часть третью ГК РФ отдельную главу, посвященную наследованию интеллектуальных прав. The article discusses the features of the inheritance of exclusive rights. Attention is drawn to the lack of unification of the rules on the inheritance of rights to the results of intellectual activity. It is proposed to include a separate chapter on the inheritance of intellectual property rights in Part three of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Inggrit Fernandes

Batik artwork is one of the treasures of the nation's cultural heritage. Batik artwork is currently experiencing rapid growth. The amount of interest and market demand for this art resulted batik artwork became one of the commodities in the country and abroad. Thus, if the batik artwork is not protected then the future can be assured of a new conflict arises in the realm of intellectual property law. Act No. 28 of 2014 on Copyright has accommodated artwork batik as one of the creations that are protected by law. So that this work of art than as a cultural heritage also have economic value for its creator. Then how the legal protection of the batik artwork yaang not registered? Does this also can be protected? While in the registration of intellectual property rights is a necessity so that it has the force of law to the work produced

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-339 ◽  
Caroline Joan S. Picart ◽  
Caroline Joan S. Picart ◽  
Marlowe Fox

Abstract This article is the first part of a two-part piece, which considers the intellectual property rights of indigenous peoples. After establishing pragmatic working definitions of who “indigenous peoples” are and what folklore (or “traditional cultural expression”) is, as compared with, but dialectically related to, “traditional knowledge,” this article does the following: 1) explains why western assumptions built into intellectual property law make this area of law a problematic tool for protecting traditional knowledge (TK) and expressions of folklore (EoF) or traditional cultural expressions (TCE) of indigenous peoples; and 2) creates a general sketch of human rights related legal instruments that could be and have been harnessed, with varying degrees of success, in the protection of the intellectual property of indigenous peoples.

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