scholarly journals Informar y contar comunicación y narración en la escritura periodística de Jorge Carrión

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 107-122
Valeria Cavazzino

In recent years, due to the rise of cultural productions through different media, an increase in the number of journalistic publications of hybrid texts has been observed, which results from the fusion of the narrative and informative functions. The spaces traditionally devoted to different types of journalistic texts which – apart from those merely informative, may include cultural-related and opinion articles – make possible the appearance of articles which distinguish themselves trough entailing both characteristics. Therefore, this paper analyses two articles written by J. Carrion and published in the Spanish edition of The New York Times in 2018. The articles will be scrutinised in relation to the narrative and essayistic works of the author. We illustrate some characteristics of what is generally referred to as narrative journalism, as defined by Herrscher (2012) and Casals Carro (2005), among others. This will allow us to trace a profile of the author, journalist and writer which is linked to the social environment and of his work.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 4748
Mustafa Şahin

This research aims to examine the reforms in social life in the early republican era in the perspective of the The New York Times (NYT) which is one of the most effective newspapers in the USA and the world. The research was made by way of analyzing documents is limited to 1923-1938; the NYT as a research source, and in the content of women rights, the development in education, the art, the transportation, and the clothing reform. The research has been prepared by scanning of the related period of NYT’s collection in the 1851-2015 years. In the newspaper, the articles about the social change of Turkey are generally newsworthy and the number of the writings as a comment about this subject is limited. Whatever the comments are related to Turkey, they were interest in Istanbul and its lifestyle. The themes of the research have been determined as women, education, art, transportation, and clothing. In the newspaper, the rational distribution of news and comments related to the period are as follows: women reform in Turkey is 30%, educational reform is 25%, art reform is 20%, recovery of transportation system is 13% and clothing reform is 12%. ÖzetBu araştırmanın amacı, erken cumhuriyet döneminin sosyal hayatındaki reformlarını Amerika’nın ve dünyanın en etkili gazetelerinden biri olan The New York Times (NYT) perspektifinden ele almaktır. Doküman inceleme yoluyla yapılan araştırma dönem olarak 1923-1938 tarihleriyle; kapsam olarak, kadın hakları, eğitimdeki gelişmeler, sanata yaklaşım, ulaşım ve kıyafet reformu; araştırma kaynağı olarak da NYT gazetesiyle sınırlandırılmıştır. Araştırma NYT’nin 1851-2015 yıllarındaki koleksiyonunun ilgili döneminin taranmasıyla hazırlanmıştır. Gazetede Türkiye’deki sosyal değişime ilişkin yazılar genellikle haber niteliklidir ve bu konuda yorum tarzındaki yazı sayısı sınırlıdır. Yapılan yorumlar her ne kadar Türkiye ile ilgili gibi görünse de ağırlıklı olarak İstanbul ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın temaları kadın, eğitim, sanat, ulaşım ve kıyafet olarak belirlenmiştir. Gazetede dönemle ilgili haber ve yorumların oransal dağılımı şöyledir: Türkiye’de kadın reformu % 30, eğitim reform % 25, sanat reform % 20, ulaşım sisteminin iyileştirilmesi % 13, kıyafet reform % 12.

Journalism ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 146488492110086
Kathleen I Alaimo

This article applies Victor Turner’s schema of ‘social drama’ to examine narrative rituals and the roles performed by a local and national newspaper in their coverage of the Umpqua Community College shooting that took place in October 2015. Textual analysis is used to compare stories from The Roseburg News-Review and the New York Times in terms of the narrative’s movement from breach, crisis, redress and finally to either reintegration or separation. This study finds that narrative patterns for the local and national newspapers do not parallel, suggesting differences in role perceptions. Instead, journalistic ritual is subject to the crisis, proximity to the tragedy and audience. The local outlet reinforces consensus with authority by focusing on victims and the grieving process to achieve the social good of healing and recovery; and the national newspaper challenges the status quo by focusing on the shooter and legislative reform. While the News-Review reaches reintegration by achieving a sense of normalcy, the New York Times stalls in a state of liminality. Both papers move the discourse on school shootings toward a societal ideal though neither narrative reaches the transformative discourse that has invoked national reflexivity noted in past instances of tragedy.

Contexts ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-15
Lee Clarke

Claudia Dreifus writes the “A Conversation With …” column for the New York Times. A long-time journalist and a “founder of the modern feminist movement,” Dreifus pulls no punches. That's how she lives her life, which she shares with her partner, the social scientist Andrew Hacker.

Temática ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
Maria Aparecida Ramos da Silva ◽  
Isa De Oliveira Teixeira

Este artigo objetiva analisar a relação entre o Brasil e a violência retratada pelo website do jornal The New York Times, tendo como contexto os jogos da Rio 2016. Considerando a questão da violência como um estereótipo frequentemente relacionado ao Brasil pelo imaginário estrangeiro. Enquanto metodologia foi adotada a análise de conteúdo com base nos conceitos de Laurence Bardin, que guiaram para a conclusão de que a publicação de Nova Iorque ao invés de trazer novos conceitos que alterassem a genérica visão estrangeira sobre o país reforçou o velho estereótipo de um Brasil violento.Palavras-chave: Brasil. Violência. The New York Times. Rio 2016. Estereótipo

1946 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 540 ◽  
Martin Kriesberg

2021 ◽  
pp. 073953292110135
Kirstie Hettinga ◽  
Elizabeth Smith

The New York Times “streamlined” its editing process in 2017 and reduced the editing staff by nearly half. Through content analysis on corrections (N = 1,149), this research examines the effects of these cuts. Analysis revealed the Times published more corrections before the changes, but that corrections appeared more quickly after the original error occurred and there were more corrections for content in the A section following the staffing cuts. The A section includes national and international news and thus often contains political content, which is rife for heightened scrutiny in an age of media distrust. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.

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