A critical analysis of information society conceptualizations from an STS point of view
2010 ◽
Vol 8
pp. 177-182
Science and Technology Studies (STS) have developed over the last four decades very rich and deep analysis of the interaction between science, technology and society. This paper uses some STS theoretical and methodological insights and findings to identify persistent misconceptions in the specific literature on ICTs and society. Technological deterministic views, the taken-for-granted image of technological designs, the prospective character of many studies that focus mainly on potential effects, a simplistic view of uses and users, and an uncritical distinction between the technical and the social, are discussed as some of the most remarkable theoretical flaws in the field.
2010 ◽
Vol 8
pp. 177-182
2018 ◽
Vol 4
pp. 179
2016 ◽
Vol 2
pp. 227
2018 ◽
Vol 12
pp. 503-518
2018 ◽
Vol 44
pp. 938-964
2003 ◽
Vol 2
pp. 94-123