scholarly journals Translating Product Innovation into a Potential Retail Business and Service Start-up through the Student GradCap Event

Sheri Lynn Dragoo ◽  
Deborah Young
2016 ◽  
Vol 58 (7/8) ◽  
Robin Bell ◽  
Heather Bell

Purpose This research investigates the effectiveness of an experiential learning approach, available to students in all disciplines that combined a hands-on entrepreneurial and enterprise experience with professional consultant mentoring by using a competition to win business start-up funding. Design/methodology/approach Students at a UK university had the chance to enter a competition in which they developed an entrepreneurial idea and then designed and presented a business plan to win business start-up capital. Students who were entrepreneurially motivated, but who lacked capital to start up their business, were targeted, as these students have been argued to benefit the most from a combination of business plan training and entrepreneurial development. Feedback and data was obtained from the students at each stage of the process and was thematically analysed to assess the development of students’ entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through the experience. Findings The research found that the benefits gained from this approach included both enterprising and entrepreneurial skills, with the greatest impact being on student confidence and belief in their ability to start a business. The practical skills had a ‘demystifying’ effect on students that made them feel like entrepreneurship and enterprise start-up were attainable. Research limitations/implications The research focused on students at one UK University and centered on entrepreneurship in a retail business. The competition thus appealed mainly to students who were interested in retail start-up, thus leaving out some enterprising students whose feedback may have been different. In addition, while entrepreneurial skills are assessed in the data, the students who would be interested in the competition would be assumed to be proactive, and this skill was not able to be analyzed. This research is a single case, and thus could be enhanced by more cases and looking at other enterprise start-up means beyond retail. Originality/value This research makes a case that, in light of literature critical of the use of business plan training in entrepreneurship education, certain students are appropriate candidates for this approach. Specific skills and knowledge can be developed in university students using a live enterprise experience, supported by entrepreneurial mentoring. By making the event extracurricular, the study sought to capture the feedback of students who self-selected into the program, who can benefit most from combined entrepreneurial and business-plan development experience.

Putra Fajar Alam ◽  
Asti Amalia Nur Fajrillah ◽  
Anik Hanifatul Azizah ◽  
Ahmad Almaarif

[Id] Techno Park merupakan salah satu jenis dari organisasi/perusahaan yang membutuhkan inovasi yang berkelanjutan dalam memenuhi fungsinya sebagai lembaga riset dan komersialisasi produk. Namun hingga saat ini proses inovasi produk yang dijalankan Techno Park belum berhasil menciptakan produk yang optimal dan belum memanfaatkan pengetahuan yang tercipta di dalam proses pengembangan produk sebelumnya. Pada penelitian ini diajukan suatu model tata kelola pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas inovasi produk yang dikembangkan. Perancangan model tata kelola pengetahuan dibentuk berdasarkan sistem tata kelola COBIT 5.0 dan tata kelola pengetahuan berbasis inovasi terbuka. Untuk melihat pencapaian level kapabilitas tata kelola pengetahuan, dilakukan penilaian melalui Process Assesement berdasarkan model tata kelola pengetahuan yang telah disusun. Proses riset dan komersialisasi adalah fokus utama dalam pembentukan model tata kelola pengetahuan pada Techno Park. Proses - proses pendukung seperti peningkatan jejaring serta proses inkubasi start-up juga diperhatikan peranannya dalam mendukung proses riset dan pengembangan bisnis. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah membuat model tata kelola pengetahuan pada proses inovasi produk di Techno Park. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa model tata kelola dengan 3 komponen berupa: enabler tata kelola pengetahuan; lingkup tata kelola pengetahuan; peran, aktivitas dan tata kelola pengetahuan. Model ini diharapkan dapat membantu Techno Park untuk menciptakan produk inovasi yang lebih optimal dengan memanfaatkan pengelolaan pengetahuan yang tercipta sebelumnya melalui suatu model tata kelola pengetahuan. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas model agar semakin relevan dengan tujuan pengembangan produk inovasi pada Techno Park. Kata kunci :Techno Park, riset & komersialisasi, tata kelola pengetahuan [En] Techno Park is an organization in need of continuous innovation because of it functions a research facility and product commercialization. To date, their products of innovations haven successfully been commercialized. Their product isn being optimized properly. They also not utilizing their previous knowledge of developing product fully yet. This research proposed a knowledge governance model to increase the quality of product that being developed. The model is designed based on COBIT 5.0 governance system and an open innovation based of knowledge governance. To see an achievement level of knowledge governance capability a rating is made. The rating made through Assessment Process based on knowledge governance system that has been made earlier. Research process and commercialization is the main focus in making a knowledge governance system on Techno Park. Other supporting process such as networking and start-up incubation is also observed closely of their role in research support and business development. The objective of this research is to create a model of knowledge governance in product innovation process in Techno Park. The result of this research in form of governance model with 3 components: the enablers of knowledge governance; the scope of knowledge governance; role and activity of knowledge governance. This model is expected to help Techno Park to create a more optimized product innovation by utilizing the knowledge management that was created before through a model of knowledge governance. Further research is needed to improve the effectiveness of the model to be more relevant to the purpose of innovation product development in Techno Park.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-113
Nefo Indra Nizar

Perkembangan bisnis dengan platform e-Commerce di Indonesia sudah maju pesat. Pemerintah sangat mendukung pertumbuhan  bisnis dengan platform e-Commerce, dengan paket kebijakan ekonomi dan memberikan panduan dan peta jalan industri e-Commerce. Salah satu transaksi perdagangan yang potensial dapat digarap melalui platform e-Commerce adalah UMKM. Barang dan jasa UMKM memberikan kontribusi besar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan domestik dan ekspor. GerobakOnline.Com sebagai perusahaan start up e-Commerce memiliki visi dan misi untuk menjadi perusahaan marketplace terkemuka melayani UMKM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi  dan model bisnis GerobakOnline sebagai perusahaan start up e-Commerce. Analisis model bisnis menggunakan kerangka e-model bisnis Osterwalder dan Pigneur. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan teknik wawancara. Penelitian kualitatif bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dan gambaran secara menyeluruh mengenai model bisnis dan strategi GerobakOnline. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa GerobakOnline sebagai perusahaan start up e-Commerce memiliki 6 strategi inti pengembangan bisnis untuk meraih visi dan misi yang memberi solusi dan nilai tambah kepada pasar UMKM. Model bisnis GerobakOnline sejalan dengan 6 strategi inti perusahaan. Tiga pilar model bisnis : Infrastructure Management, Product Innovation, dan Customers Relationship menunjukkan bagaimana perusahaan melalui semua aspek memberikan value sebesar-besarnya kepada UMKM sebagai target mitra bisnis. Financial Aspect sebagai pilar ke empat menunjukkan struktur biaya lebih besar dari aliran pendapatan yang disebabkan oleh beban biaya penyusutan dan biaya pengembangan TI

Agung Made Kurnianto ◽  
Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah ◽  
Semerdanta Pusaka ◽  
Dadan Ramdhani

Garage Shop, Ltd  is a distribution company of all types of goods for the needs of cooperatives located in Tangerang which has a mission of maintaining customer satisfaction, providing an easy shopping process for cooperatives and participating in developing the country to advance the development of cooperatives. The background of the establishment of this business is to provide convenience for cooperatives in obtaining goods, facilitate cooperatives to manage and record the amount of goods, encourage cooperatives to be more advanced and to accommodate the desires of consumers who cannot shop on credit because they do not have a Garage Shop, Ltd for credit card, which concentrate on distributing goods for the needs of cooperatives that will be at the start of the cooperative members, in the early stages the Garage Shop, Ltd Company will start up in Tangerang Regency, Banten Province. In the operational process, the Garage Shop, Ltd company will cooperate with non-banking financial institutions. Garage Shop, Ltd needs funds for this business plan of around Rp. 2.5 billion, with working capital as much as 27% of the total capital while for capital expenditure and initial capital amounting to 73% of the total capital. The plan for funding capital will be 80% from the founder and 20% from the other party. The company maintains a gross profit of around 57% of first-year sales with 270 cooperative partners, with a return on investment (payback period) in year 1 of the 10th month with a Return of Investment (ROI) of 21.28%.

José António Porfírio ◽  
Luís Ganhão

Retail was born in 1879 with the first Five & Dime Stores. 130 years after, we still live in the era of Retail 1.5, this means, no real Quantum Leap was made in Customer Experience. However, we strongly believe that, starting half of the first decade of the 21st Century, a new Retail Era began. This change is due to the fact that, not only Classic Retailers like Wal-Mart, Tesco and Carrefour started to look to the Persona, instead of a Person among Persons, but also eCommerce Retailers, such as Amazon or eBay showed that eCommerce Retail it’s more than a Start-Up, which is something that we can observe by the continued and sustained Double Digit Revenue growths year after year. Social Retail hit the mainstream, when Time Magazine awarded Social Shopping Experience as one of the Best Inventions of 2007. The objective of the present study is to understand what have been done in the field of New Customer Experiences since the beginning of the Classic Retailers, and try to devise what will be the strategic implications for the future, arising from the changes foreseen in the field of retail business. The authors will emphasize the emerging new Trends, and try to foresee what in Social Retail and Online / Shop Customer Experience could be the mainstream for the next decade.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-48

Abstract Product innovation has become increasingly important as a means for ensuring a competitive advantage, growth and financial success in today’s ultracompetitive business environment. To build a competitive advantage, pay off development and start-up costs and to generate cash, it is desirable to be successful from the start. In B2B markets, in particular, the sales force plays a key role in making sales grow quickly and generating cash to fuel further growth. It is therefore in companies’ interest to support their sales force as effectively as possible to enable them to fulfill this key task. According to a study on the sales of two different innovations at a global industrial company, the recipe for high sales performance is fairly straightforward: if salespeople are willing to try harder, their higher levels of effort lead to higher performance. But the simplest and most frequently used attempt to motivate is not the most effective: producing considerable management attention and promotion opportunities for salespeople who meet and exceed established expectations both show limited success. Rather, increased sales are facilitated by an approach that builds on the principle of intrinsic motivation. If management puts emphasis on increasing the inherent attractiveness of selling the new product, as well as on increasing a salesperson’s belief in his or her ability to sell the product, the positive impact on sales is stronger. Therefore, managers should apply normative incentives judiciously. For better new product performance, it seems more advisable to treat salespeople as the first “customers” and reinforce a positive attitude towards the task in early selling attempts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 365-374
Agus Sukarno ◽  
Yuni Istanto ◽  
Gunawan Nusanto ◽  
Iwan Kresna Setiadi ◽  
Nuruni Ika Kusuma Wardani

The Covid-19 pandemic has destroyed many SMEs throughout Indonesia, even in Sleman. This study aims to test the product innovation model on start-up SMEs in Sleman in overcoming the challenges of digital transformation. The technology analyzed in this study is digital technology in start-up SMEs for product marketing and creating new innovative products. The population in this study were all start-up SMEs in Sleman. Sampling using purposive sampling. The number of samples in this study was 75 respondents. This study uses a respondent survey approach. The data analysis technique used qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis was conducted to create a cluster map of the distribution of start-ups and technology clusters used by start-ups in Sleman. Quantitative analysis is used to test the product innovation model at start-ups in Sleman.

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