scholarly journals Analisis Disiplin Aparatur Sipil Negara pada Badan Kepegawaian Dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kabupaten Aceh Timur

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-146
Muzanny Muzanny ◽  
Nina Siti Salmaniah Siregar ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

The purpose of this research is to analyze the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus at the Human Resources Development and Human Resources Development Agency in East Aceh Regency in terms of time discipline and work discipline and what are the obstacles. While the purpose of this study is to analyze the time discipline and work discipline of the state civil apparatus at the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency in East Aceh District and determine what obstacles are faced in improving the time discipline and work discipline of the state civil apparatus. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, with a focus of research that is time discipline and work discipline. Based on the results of research and discussion the authors conclude that time discipline and work discipline apparatus BKPSDM East Aceh in general is good. Barriers that occur are distant domicile, do not have standard work standards, lack of maximum vigilance, not all understand work ethics. Some things suggested are more cooperative, give penalties for violations, continuous supervision.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-126
Yeti Fatimah

Employee placement in Indonesia has not yet fully applied the principle of “The Right Man On The Right Place”. This causes the performance of government employees and organizations are not optimal. On this basis, the author wants to know the role of the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency in the placement of Structural Officials, the obstacles encountered and efforts to overcome these problems based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 5 of 2014 and the opinion of Soekanto 2009 (212-213) relating to the role of the Personnel Agency and the Development of Apparatus Resources in the placement of structural officials. This research uses a qualitative method with an inductive approach. Data collection uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. While in analyzing data, the authors use data eduction techniques, data display and verification. Results of the Discussion, the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency of Alor Regency of NTT has performed its role well, namely to propose the placement of employees according to their competence and educational background. However, there are still obstacles faced by the intervention of the authority of the Regional Head in the placement of employees. The Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency has made efforts to overcome these obstacles both formally and informally.

2020 ◽  
Angelly Rantika Putri

Indonesia is predicted to experience demographic dividend from 2020 to 2030, which means that the population of productive age will be greater than the population of non-productive age, so Indonesia needs to prepare quality human resources to optimize opportunities for demographic dividend. The writing of this article aims to analyze the things that must be done by Indonesia in optimizing human resources development to face the era of demographic dividend. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis of factors that support human resources development. The results of this study indicate that Indonesia needs to improve and strengthen the education system, social environment conditions, health and nutrition, infrastructure facilities, and jobs to create superior human resources. Human resources development also needs sensitivity from the community to be critical of every policy and to help the success of the government's program. That way, Indonesia can optimize opportunities from demographic dividend. Human resources development can be a solution to create superior human resources who are ready to face the era of demographic dividend, so that Indonesia can maximize opportunities to improve and strengthen the country's economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Paulus Tamaka

<p>Performance achievement is the result of work that has been achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties and functions. Performance can be a measure of the success of a regional apparatus or agency in carrying out its duties and functions. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out an apparatus performance appraisal, this assessment is intended to see whether the work results of the apparatus are in accordance with what is expected. One of the problems that occurs in the Regional Human Resources Development Agency is the slow service provided by the apparatus, one of the causes is that sometimes they do not follow the service procedures that have been set, such as not meeting complete requirements, and sometimes there are several letter services that require signature from the Head of the Agency so that when the Head of the Agency is not at the place of an affair, he must wait for the signature of the Head of the Agency so that the service is a little slow and other problems are due to no delegation. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in Public Service at the Regional Human Resources Development Agency. To achieve this goal, the method used in this research is qualitative. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The data sources used are primary and secondary data.<br />In this study, the conclusion is that the performance of the state civil apparatus in public services is generally good and is heading to a better level. Based on the performance indicators used, it can be said that the performance of the State Civil Apparatus is quite good. However, more or less the apparatus must improve and further improve their performance in public services.</p><p>Performance achievement is the result of work that has been achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties and functions. Performance can be a measure of the success of a regional apparatus or agency in carrying out its duties and functions. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out an apparatus performance appraisal, this assessment is intended to see whether the work results of the apparatus are in accordance with what is expected. One of the problems that occurs in the Regional Human Resources Development Agency is the slow service provided by the apparatus, one of the causes is that sometimes they do not follow the service procedures that have been set, such as not meeting complete requirements, and sometimes there are several letter services that require signature from the Head of the Agency so that when the Head of the Agency is not at the place of an affair, he must wait for the signature of the Head of the Agency so that the service is a little slow and other problems are due to no delegation. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in Public Service at the Regional Human Resources Development Agency. To achieve this goal, the method used in this research is qualitative. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. The data sources used are primary and secondary data.<br />In this study, the conclusion is that the performance of the state civil apparatus in public services is generally good and is heading to a better level. Based on the performance indicators used, it can be said that the performance of the State Civil Apparatus is quite good. However, more or less the apparatus must improve and further improve their performance in public services.</p><p>Prestasi Kinerja adalah merupakan hasil kerja yang telah dicapai oleh seseorang pegawai dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya. Kinerja dapat menjadi sebuah ukuran keberhasilan suatu perangkat daerah atau instansi dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penilaian kinerja aparatur, penilaian ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat apakah hasil kerja dari aparatur sudah sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Salah satu masalah yang terjadi di Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Daerah yaitu Lambatnya pelayanan yang diberikan aparatur, salah satu penyebabnya yaitu yang terkadang tidak mengikuti prosedur pelayanan yang telah ditetapkan, seperti tidak memenuhi persyaratan yang lengkap, dan terkadang ada beberapa pelayanan surat yang diperlukan tanda tangan dari Kepala Badan sehingga pada saat Kepala Badan tidak ada ditempat suatu urusan tersebut harus menunggu tanda tangan Kepala Badan sehingga pelayanan sedikit lambat serta masalah yang lainnya karena tidak ada pendelegasian. Adapun Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan Kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara Dalam Pelayanan Publik di Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Daerah. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kulitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sumber data yang digunakan berasal dari data primer dan sekunder. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kinerja Aparatur sipil negara dalam Pelayanan Publik secara umum dapat dikatakan baik dan sedang menuju pada level yang lebih baik lagi. Berdasarkan indikator kinerja yang digunakan dapat dikatakan bahwa kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara sudah cukup baik. Namun sedikit banyaknya aparatur harus lebih membenahi dan lebih meningkatkan lagi kinerjanya dalam pelayanan publik.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 30-38
Hence Erwin Tumiwan ◽  
Marthinus Mandagi ◽  
Itje Pangkey

The purpose of this study was to determine the system for placing employees in structural positions as well as the determinants of the placement of employees in structural positions in the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency of Southeast Minahasa Regency. Data collection techniques were collected through 1) Observation, 2) Interviews, 3) Documentation. The research results are the Employee Placement System in Structural Positions through a standard mechanism, namely using Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 concerning the Management of the State Civil Apparatus. Placement of employees in structural positions is carried out based on the principle of professionalism by the competence, work performance, ranks assigned to the position as well as other objective requirements regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, race, or class as well as the Determinant Factors on Employee Placement, namely: 1) Academic Achievement, 2) Experience, 3) Physical and Mental Health, 4) Marital Status, 5) Age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Herman Sismono

Increasing the quality of professionalism, an attitude of dedication and loyalty to the State and the development of insight into governance for Prospective Civil Servants to support the realization of good governance, namely through education and training guidance. Basic Training for 2019 Metro City Government Civil Servant Candidates was held by BKPSDM Metro City through the Human Resources Development Sector. The goal is to determine the role of the Metro City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency for the implementation of the Class III CPNS Basic Training Class I Year 2019. With this research, it is hoped that the implementation of Basic Training Training can run better. This study uses a qualitative method. The data sources used were primary and secondary data from interviews, observation and documentation. The data will be analyzed using descriptive analysis method. Based on the data analysis carried out, it was concluded that the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency of Metro City as the organizing committee has made every effort to smooth and successful the implementation of Basic Training Class III Class I Year 2019. This can be seen from the implementation of group dynamics activities to make participants become more comfortable during the Basic Training Training; providing modules and stationery to support learning activities during training; The provision of facilities and infrastructure is carried out in accordance with the budget constraints set by the Metro City Government; The determination of competent widyaiswara by submitting the results of the widyaiswara evaluation to the Lampung Province Education and Training Agency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (02) ◽  
Nosevira H. K. Rumondor ◽  
Lintje Kalangi ◽  
Dhullo Afandy

Income tax article 21 is the tax applicable for employee. The income of the employee is subject to withholding of Income Tax Article 21, for the company is authorized to withhold the employee’s income. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the system of calculation and reporting Income Tax Article 21 has been in accordance with the taxation law and regulation. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The results obtained are based on the provision of Object of Income Ta Article 21 according to DGT Regulation PER-16 / PJ / 2016, there is still object of Income Tax Article 21 which has not been collected by the Office of Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Kelas 1 Bitung. In terms of calculations are in accordance with the the Regulation of the Director General of Tax No. PER-16 / PJ? 2016. For the calculation of  final Income Tax Article 21 are based on Ministry of Finance (MoC) Decree PMK 262 in 2010 for the calculation of Article 21 tax for permanent employees who become the burden state budget. In terms of reporting of Periodic Tax Return, conducted by the State Treasury Office (KPN) through e-filling application on the website of the Directorate General of Taxes and has been in accordance with applicable provisions.Keywords : Income Tax Article 21, employee

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Suwarto Suwarto

The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) an overview of work discipline, and employee motivation at the Jambi Province Human Resources Development Agency. (2) To determine the effect of work discipline on employee motivation at the Jambi Province Human Resources Development Agency. This research is descriptive and verification. The population in this study are employees of the Jambi Province Human Resources Development Agency. The research sampling technique used Stratified Sampling technique. The total sample in this study was 50 respondents. Data were analyzed using 2 (two) ways, namely using descriptive analysis using a Likert scale. Descriptive research results indicate, the average level of respondents' answers to the variable work discipline (X) of 3,188. The average level of respondents' answers to the motivation variable (Y) was 3.113.

Rina Kusharyanti ◽  
Djoko Setyadi ◽  
Irsan Tricahyadinata

This study aims to determine what factors influence the increased effectiveness of the team at the Human Resources Development Agency of East Kalimantan Province. This study uses a cross-sectional design that is data collection that is conducted one time at a predetermined respondent with data analysis used is the partial least square (PLS) approach. A high level of trust will have a positive effect on the greater team effectiveness, so that at the same time team members will feel satisfaction in working with the group which will then affect the success of the team to achieve group goals. Thus, the more team members who are satisfied with the team, the better the performance of the interdependent team in completing the given task.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-261
Andri Cahyo Purnomo ◽  
Po. Abas Sunarya ◽  
Rise Wijoyo Jati

Organizational commitment is a person's attachment to the organization. Employees who are committed to the organization will have a strong desire to become members of the organization, the desire to strive according to the wishes of the organization, and have the trust and acceptance of the values and goals of the organization. Organizations will be more effective if their employees have a high commitment. This study aims to determine the effect of (1) job involvement, (2) work experience, (3) organizational commitment in the Bekasi District Education Office. In data analysis, this study uses causal survey method using Path Analysis Technique. This study used a sample of 97 employees in the Bekasi District Education Office who were selected using the Slovin formula. The results reveal that: first, work involvement has a direct positive effect on organizational commitment. This means that the increase in work involvement has resulted in an increase in the commitment of employee organizations at the Secretariat of the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, work experience has a direct positive effect on organizational commitment. This means that an increase in work experience has resulted in an increase in the commitment of employee organizations at the Secretariat of the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. Third, work involvement has a direct positive effect on work experience. This means that the increase in work involvement has resulted in an increase in work experience for employees at the Ministry of Transportation's Human Resources Development Agency Secretariat. From the results of the study also found that the most influential variables are work involvement on organizational commitment, this can be proven from the results of statistical calculations with a value of r13 = 0.426, p32 = 0.328 the highest compared to the influence of other variables. Follow-up of this study, employees are expected to have high work involvement and attitude of love for their work so that employees will be more sincere and sincere in doing their work. In addition, employees will also have a great sense of responsibility and a sense of ownership of the organization and the whole that will bring the desire of employees to do work beyond what is expected, to do work optimally and maximize themselves to be more useful for the organization.

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