scholarly journals Non-Epileptic Paroxysmal Events in Infants: stucture, manifestation and risk factors

V. V. Privorotskaya ◽  
A. B. Palchik ◽  
A. E. Ponyatishin ◽  
G. A. Mashevskiy

During 3 years we observed in specialized neurological department of St. Olga Children’s City Hospital 708 babies aged up to 42 months with different paroxysmal disorders. Non-epileptic paroxysmal events (NEPE) were diagnosed in 98 cases. These disorders were qualified (according to ILAE criteria) as differentiated and undifferentiated NEPE. In most cases neurophysiological assessment data, neurovisualization data, and neurological status of infants with NEPE and babies from comparison group varied marginally. It was shown that NEPE development correlated with perinatal factors, and with infants’ developmental diseases (functional gastrointestinal disorders, iron deficiency states, chronic or persistent infections). The obtained data was interpreted according to the developmental neurology principles (optimality concept, in particular).

1982 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-118 ◽  
T. V. Deshpande ◽  
P. G. R. Harding

1969 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 999-1007 ◽  
Luciano L'Abate ◽  
Elliot N. Gale

To match psychological test results and reports with neurological status, two studies involving different patient samples were conducted. Intellectual functioning, visual reproduction, speed, and ability to abstract were compared for two groups of neurological and control patients from a city hospital. In this sample, a “blind” global matching of psychological test results and neurological status was correct 65% of the time. With similar information for patients from a private psychiatric hospital, the same matching was 66% correct. Significant relationships between neurological status and psychological test results are discussed.

Karimov M.A. ◽  
Mamarasulova D.Z. ◽  
Sadykov R.R. ◽  
Nurmatova Kh.Kh.

Scientific work was carried out on the basis of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Department of Surgery (1st city hospital), and Andijan Medical Institute, Department of Oncology from 2015-2020.  Clinical material includes 175 patients.  The comparison group consisted of 100 patients who were treated in various hospitals in Tashkent and regions of Uzbekistan.  According to the classification of vascular anomalies, the majority of patients with benign vascular tumors (DBT) were diagnosed with infantile hemangioma (IG) - 82.0%, congenital hemangioma (VH) - 11.4%, pyogenic granuloma (PG) - 5.8%.  Average age of patients: children - 1.2 ± 0.4, adults - 27 ± 1.2 years.  The frequency of DSO in girls was 78%, in boys - 22%.  Localization area: lip - 57.6%, cheek 8%, tongue 26.3%.  Complications of DSO: anatomical disorders, edema, bleeding, pain, infection, respiratory disorders occurred in 83.7% of patients.

1999 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 314-318 ◽  
JA Fitch ◽  
CL Munro ◽  
CA Glass ◽  
JM Pellegrini

BACKGROUND: Nurses have not been formally trained in assessing the oral status of patients in intensive care units, and no oral care protocols for these patients are available. OBJECTIVES: To assess the oral status of patients in an intensive care unit, evaluate the effects of a defined oral care protocol on the oral health status of patients in an intensive care unit, and compare oral assessments of a dental hygienist with those of intensive care nurses. METHODS: A nonequivalent comparison group, longitudinal design with repeated measures was used. In phase 1, oral assessment data on the comparison group were collected by a dental hygienist. In phase 2, nurses were instructed in oral assessment and an oral care protocol. In phase 3, the oral care protocol was implemented in the treatment group, and oral assessment data were collected separately by the dental hygienist and by nurses. RESULTS: The mean inflammation score was significantly lower (t test P = .03) in the treatment group (mean, 3.9; SEM, 3.0) than in the comparison group (mean, 12.4; SEM, 2.2). Although not significant, the mean scores of the treatment group were also lower than those of the comparison group on scales of candidiasis, purulence, bleeding, and plaque. Correlations between scores for individual items on the oral assessment tool obtained by the dental hygienist and those obtained by nurses were all greater than 0.6386. CONCLUSION: Implementation of a well-developed oral care protocol by bedside nurses can improve oral health of patients in the intensive care unit.

2019 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Alexandra D Monzon ◽  
Christopher C Cushing ◽  
Craig A Friesen ◽  
Jennifer V Schurman

Abstract Objective Adolescents with chronic pain associated with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) experience negative impacts on their health behaviors (i.e., sleep) and are at risk for a range of problems related to negative affect, which may serve to exacerbate one another in a reciprocal fashion. This study aimed to determine if the strength of the relationship between affect and sleep differs across community adolescents and adolescents with FGIDs. It was hypothesized that shorter sleep durations would be associated with more negative affect and longer sleep durations would be associated with more positive affect, and that group membership would moderate these relationships. Methods Twenty-five adolescents with FGIDs were compared with 25 matched peers to examine the differential association between affect and total sleep time (TST). Models were estimated using SAS PROC MIXED for inter- and intraindividual differences. Results Models predicting TST revealed a significant three-way interaction among weekday, group status, and negative affect. Simple slopes indicated that when negative affect is one standard deviation below the child’s own average on weekends, participants with FGIDs obtained significantly more sleep than those in the comparison group (β = 47.67, p < .05). Conclusions The findings of the present study show that when adolescents with FGIDs have lower negative affect on the weekend, when demands are likely reduced, they are able to obtain more TST. These findings confirm that unique relationships exist between negative affect and sleep duration for youth with FGIDs, and their interaction may hold value in understanding and addressing these targets.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-111
V. V. Maslyakov ◽  
V. G. Barsukov ◽  
A. V. Uskov

Objectives. To make analysis of main types of surgeries performed at various neck wounds in civil medical institution in the conditions of the local military conflict.Patients and methods. The work is based on a retrospective analysis of the treatment of 241 patients with various neck wounds who were admitted in an urgent order to the surgical department of a city hospital in Chechen Republic from 1991 to 2000. All the wounded were divided into two groups: 129 with gunshot wounds (main group) and 112 with stab wounds of the neck (comparison group). The average age was 35 ± 5 years, dominated by males — 78%.Results. It was established that in 25 (19.3%) cases the operation was started under local anesthesia, in 45% of cases anesthesia was given to continue the surgery, in 84% intubation was made, in 16% — intravenous operations. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that for neck gunshot wounds the following operations were most often performed: a typical tracheostomy without a laryngeal and tracheal suture in 26.3% cases; atypical tracheostomy without suture of larynx and trachea — 16.2% cases; the laryngeal or tracheal suture with tracheostomy was performed in 13.1% cases, in 12.4% of cases was performed operative exploration of neck organs.In cases of concomitant chest wounds, in 10.8% of cases, in addition to operative exploration of neck organs, thoracot­omy was performed, in most cases for suturing wounds of the esophagus.Conclusion. The study confirmed that in the wounded with neck gunshot wounds, the amount of aid consisted primar­ily in restoring airway patency, stopping bleeding and anti-shock actions.

1999 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 421-425 ◽  
Naomi N. Bock ◽  
Mark J. Sotir ◽  
Patricia L. Parrott ◽  
Henry M. Blumberg

Objective:To evaluate the risk of tuberculosis (TB) transmission to patients potentially exposed to two healthcare providers who worked in outpatient settings for several weeks prior to being diagnosed with acid-fast bacilli smear-positive pulmonary TB.Design:Potentially exposed patients were notified by letter and television reports of the recommended evaluation for TB infection or disease and availability of free screening at the hospital. Prevalence of infection in the screened patients and the incidence rate of TB over the subsequent 2 years were compared to those of a control group of unexposed outpatients.Setting:An urban inner-city hospital.Patients:1,905 patients with potential exposure to the ill healthcare workers; 487 (25%) presented for evaluation. Controls consisted of 951 unexposed patients.Results:361 potentially exposed patients had their tuberculin test read; 97 (27%) had a purified protein derivative ≥10 mm. In the comparison group, 148 (25%) of 600 with test readings had a ≥10-mm reaction (risk ratio, 1.18; 95% confidence interval, 0.86-1.60). In multivariate analysis, male gender, non-white race, and older age were significantly associated with a positive tuberculin test; exposure was not. No TB cases were identified during screening. Two years after the exposure, 7 TB cases had been reported to the state registry among 1,905 potentially exposed patients (184 cases/100,000 person-years) versus 4 cases in the comparison group of 951 (210 cases/100,000 person-years).Conclusions:Evaluation of patients exposed to health-care workers with TB disease in ambulatory settings of an inner-city hospital revealed no evidence of transmission ofMycobacterium tuberculosisdue to the exposure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-20 ◽  
A.M. Netliukh ◽  
O.I. Hryshchuk ◽  
B.O. Mandzyuk ◽  
O.Ya. Kobyletskyi ◽  
O.V. Mandzyuk ◽  

Objective – to elaborate prognostic criteria of surgical treatment of patients with intracerebral hematomas.Materials and methods. Sixty nine patients with intracerebral hematomas were operated by craniotomy or craniectomy with encephalotomy in Lviv Emergency Hospital, 8th Lviv City Hospital and Chervonohrad Central City Hospital in 2013–2018. The results of radiological (computed tomography, cerebral angiography) and clinical examination (neurological status before and after surgery) of patients who were operated, with the use of Glasgo coma scale (GCS), Functional Outcome in Patients with Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage (FUNC), Intracerebral Hemorrhage Score (ICH Score) scales were analyzed. Such parameters as the duration and type of surgery, size and location of ICH, the level of consciousness, and neurological deficit at admission and the time of surgery were determined. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the degree of brain midline shift on computed tomograms obtained at the time of hospitalization: group I (≤5 mm) – 18 patients, group II (>5 mm) – 51 patients. There were 22 women (31.9 %), 47 men (68.1 %). Twenty nine (42.0 %) patients died. The age of patients was as follows: 25–44 years – 9 (13.1 %), 45–60 years – 36 (52.2 %), 60–75 years – 21 (30.4 %), 75–90 years – 3 (4.3 %). Localization of intracerebral hematomas was as follows: subcortical – 15 (21.7 %), putaminal (lateral) – 36 (52.2 %), thalamic (medial) – 12 (17.4 %), cerebellar – 6 (8.7 %). Results. For the most part, surgical treatment of ICH required craniectomy with encephalotomy. When choosing method and timing of surgery, the data of brain CT scans (midline shift, size and location of ICH) were taken into account, based on which patients were divided into 2 groups. Expected recovery of operated patients was analyzed with the FUNC and ICH Score scales. It was determined that, taking into account the neurological status and CT scan data, patients from group 2 were operated 12.2 hours earlier than patients from group 1. Delay of surgery, when the condition of patients in group 2 worsened, led to the worsening in the 90-day functional independence level, but did not affect the 30-day mortality rate.Conclusions. Surgery by craniotomy or craniectomy with encephalotomy remains the method of choice to treat the intracerebral hematomas. Early computed diagnostics and appropriate treatment strategy provide improvement, better functional recovery of patients in postoperative period.

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