2. Perception of Language: Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the Phenomenology of Perception

2010 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-125
Frank Ruda

Der Beitrag untersucht Merleau-Pontys Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung als eine Phänomenologie der Kunst. Die dominante Rolle, die Beispiele aus den Künsten in dem Text einnehmen, läßt sich zunächst daraus erklären, daß Kunstwerke eben diejenige Dynamik und Verfaßtheit eines Reflexionsgeschehens zeigen, die das phänomenologische Projekt als solches zu entfalten sucht. Darüber hinaus wird es durch die Konfrontation mit künstlerischen Werken über sich selbst hinaus – oder besser: zu einer Reflexion seiner selbst getrieben. Dieser von der Kunst ausgehend entwickelte »neue Stil« der Reflexivität wird als »ästhetische Inkorporation« diskutiert.<br><br>The paper discusses Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception as a phenomenology of art. The prevalence of examples from the arts in his text indicates that works of art possess the very same dynamic of reflexivity that the phenomenological project as a whole seeks to develop. Furthermore, by way of confrontation with works of art, the project is driven to transcend itself – or more precisely: to reflect itself. This »new style« of reflexivity may be discussed as »aesthetic incorporation.«

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-54
Jörg Zimmer

In classical philosophy of time, present time mainly has been considered in its fleetingness: it is transition, in the Platonic meaning of the sudden or in the Aristotelian sense of discreet moment and isolated intensity that escapes possible perception. Through the idea of subjective constitution of time, Husserl’s phenomenology tries to spread the moment. He transcends the idea of linear and empty time in modern philosophy. Phenomenological description of time experience analyses the filled character of the moment that can be detained in the performance of consciousness. As a consequence of the temporality of consciousness, he nevertheless remains in the temporal conception of presence. The phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, however, is able to grasp the spacial meaning of presence. In his perspective of a phenomenology of perception, presence can be understood as a space surrounding the body, as a field of present things given in perception. Merleau-Ponty recovers the ancient sense of ‘praesentia’ as a fundamental concept of being in the world.

Chris A. Suijker ◽  
Corijn van Mazijk ◽  
Fred A. Keijzer ◽  
Boaz Meijer

AbstractThe current medical approach to erectile dysfunction (ED) consists of physiological, psychological and social components. This paper proposes an additional framework for thinking about ED based on phenomenology, by focusing on the theory of sexual projection. This framework will be complementary to the current medical approach to ED. Our phenomenological analysis of ED provides philosophical depth and illuminates overlooked aspects in the study of ED. Mainly by appealing to Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, we suggest considering an additional etiology of ED in terms of a weakening of a function of sexual projection. We argue that sexual projection can be problematized through cognitive interferences, changes in the ‘intentional arc’, and modifications in the subject’s ‘body schema’. Our approach further highlights the importance of considering the ‘existential situation’ of patients with ED. We close by reflecting briefly on some of the implications of this phenomenological framework for diagnosis and treatment of ED.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Tanya Kristine Howard ◽  
Rebecca Lloyd

This phenomenological reflection invites us to consider what it feels like to be looked at, as a visibly pierced and tattooed pre-service teacher, by a supervising principal. Drawing from Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception, theories of the look in education forwarded by Madeleine Grumet, Michel Foucault’s notion of the disciplinary gaze and Luce Irigaray’s work on intersubjectivity, this article delves into the layers of meaning within a piercing moment. This inquiry thus fleshes out what it feels like to be seen as a body-modified teacher in comparison to that of the “expected teacher” image during a time of struggle when one’s newly-forming teacher identity clashes with one’s personal self-identity. It also provides context for better understanding, both palpably and politically, the sense of vision in education from various perspectives: looking within, looking down, the uniform look, the stereotypical look and the mutual look

2012 ◽  
pp. 157-171
Angelica Nuzzo

This essay discusses Merleau-Ponty's assessment of Kant's philosophy looking first at his critique of Kant's transcendental idealism in the preface to the 1945 Phenomenology of Perception, and second at his account of the duality of the concepts of nature in the 1956-57 lecture notes on Nature at the Collčge de France. In both cases, Merleau-Ponty points to the encounter with the issue of the living/lived body as the stumbling block that halts the transcendental inquiry leading to his transcendental phenomenology. Along this itinerary, countering Merleau-Ponty's reading a different interpretation of Kant is offered. The claim is made that Kant did not evade the problem of the human body but made it functional to his own transcendental inquiry. Task of this essay is to measure the distance that separates the two accounts of Kant's view of sensibility, namely, the critical account that inspires Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of the lived body leading him beyond the alleged impasse of Kant's transcendental idealism, and what the author claims to be Kant's own transcendental view of sensibility.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Solveig Nordtømme

Abstract: This article is a theoretical exploration with the aim of discussing an ontological basis for space and materiality as educational resources in kindergarten. Attention is directed on children’s play experiences interacting with space and materiality, and how children use and create space. The metaphors front stage, space in between, and backstage (inspired from Erving Goffman, 1969), which form the study's main findings, are used as the backdrop for the issue and analyzes. The empirical material used in this exploration has been collected with an ethnographic methodological approach in two kindergartens. Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s (1962) focus on bodily experience and presence in space, along with concepts from Latour’s (2005) actor-network theory, is used to explore the data. The article contributes with theoretical tools for professionals in kindergarten teaching, to shed light on the importance of space, materiality and play in children's everyday life in kindergarten.Sammendrag: Denne artikkelen diskuterer et ontologisk grunnlag og er en teoretisk utforskning av rom og materialitet som en pedagogisk ressurs i barnehagen. Oppmerksomheten er rettet mot barns lekeerfaringer i samspill med rom og materialitet, og hvordan barn bruker og skaper rom. Metaforene hovedrom, mellomrom, og bakrom (inspirert fra Erving Goffman, 1969), som danner studiens hovedfunn, blir brukt som et bakteppe for problemstilling og analyser av det empiriske materialet fra to barnehager. Maurice Merleau-Ponty publikasjoner The Phenomenology of Perception (Merleau-Ponty, 1962) med sitt fokus på kroppslig erfaring i levd rom, blir brukt sammen med begreper fra Latours aktør-nettverksteori (Latour 2005) til å utforske hvordan rom og materialitet kan være pedagogiske ressurser. Artikkelens kunnskapsbidrag er å presentere et teoretisk verktøy for barnehageprofesjonen og kunnskaper om lekens betydning i barns hverdag i barnehagen.

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-163
Shiloh Whitney

Abstract While Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception relies on the descriptive register of the body proper, his Sorbonne lectures on child psychology investigate the genesis of the experience of a body as one’s own. I demonstrate the uniqueness of Merleau-Ponty’s account of the narcissistic affect and sociality involved in this developmental process, distinguishing his account vis-à-vis Wallon’s and Lacan’s studies of the mirror stage. I conclude that in Merleau-Ponty’s account, (1) the experience of the body proper is not singular, but encompasses a range of phenomenological variation; and (2) the genesis of the body proper is not confined to the mirror stage. The production of bodily boundaries is an ongoing process identified not only with its advent in childhood, but also with adult emotional life. The boundaries between inner and outer domains of perception are not merely discovered, but must be negotiated and cultivated in the intercorporeal affective dramas of adult life.

2009 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-54
Maria Virginia Filomena CREMASCO

This essay consists of the author’s theoretical examination in the Selection Process of Assistant Professor for the Department of Psychology at the Federal University of Paraná, submitted in June, 2002. It succinctly presents contributions to psychology in Merleau-Ponty’s doctoral thesis of 1945, entitled “Phenomenology of Perception.” Merleau-Ponty sets out to discover original meanings as a road for perceiving human understanding. In his proposal, rationality takes on the status of science by preserving both subject and object. In other words, one finds in the world what it is fact and, on this basis, what perceptions can be confirmed or denied. Merleau-Ponty re-posits Husserl’s transcendental question: based on the natural and the social we discover the ambiguity of life, of being “in the” world and being “of the” world. We are questioned by it and we are free to choose. Contributions to psychology are discussed based on Merleau-Ponty’s perspective of the organization of the perspective field carried out by subject-body in situation.

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