Travel Quality Assessment of Urban Roads Based on International Roughness Index: Case Study in Colombia

Daniel Abudinen ◽  
Luis G. Fuentes ◽  
Juan S. Carvajal Muñoz

Roughness is the main feature of the pavement surface that defines user comfort. Pavement roughness is generally defined as irregularities in the pavement surface that adversely affect ride quality, specifically user perception of the road condition. This paper highlights the limitations associated with the evaluation and implementation of the international roughness index (IRI) on urban roads. The paper focuses on ( a) roughness evaluation with full-scale profilers and ( b) conditions particular to urban roads—namely, traffic, intersections, and operating speeds. Given that the speed of urban networks is typically less than the 80 km/h used in the IRI quarter-car model, the implementation of the IRI model on urban roads was evaluated. Even though a given pavement surface reported a unique IRI value, user experience of the profile depended on the travel speed. This result was evidence that user perceptions of road condition are highly influenced by travel speed. The results suggested the need to develop a roughness index that captures the unique characteristics of urban roads and can estimate the road condition as perceived by users. For that reason, this research study focused on establishing thresholds for IRI on the basis of the weighted vertical acceleration parameter as an aid to assessing user perception. The proposed method allows the maximum allowable IRI value for a given road to be established on the basis of the road’s operational speed. The results indicated that IRI thresholds agreed with international and local Colombian standards.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Rahmi Zurni ◽  
Welly Pradipta ◽  
Ganny Rian Kusnandar

ABSTRAK Kondisi jalan di Indonesia saat ini cukup mengkhawatirkan, banyak jalan di Indonesia yang mengalami kerusakan, oleh karena kondisi jalan tersebut memerlukan penanganan yang serius. Penanganan yang sesuai akan menjaga jalan tetap pada kondisi pelayanan mantap. Penanganan jalan dianalisis menggunakan metode AASHTO 1993, dimana hasilnya berupa nilai (Structural Number). Nilai SN sangat dipengaruhi oleh data lendutan dari alat FWD dan data International Roughness Index dari survei alat Mata Garuda.Perbandingan nilai dengan menghasilkan nilai (Stuctural Condition Index) yang menentukan penanganan jalan tersebut. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh nilai yang bervariasi, sehingga menghasilkan penanganan jalan yang berbeda-beda setiap segmennya. Nilai terendah adalah 0,18 dengan penanganan berupa rekontruksi, sedangkan untuk nilai terbesar adalah 1,19 dengan penanganan berupa pemeliharaan. Kata kunci: penanganan jalan, lendutan, mata garuda    ABSTRACT The road condition in Indonesia is quite alarming, many roads in Indonesia that was damaged, therefore that condition of the road require serious treatment. Proper treatment will keep the road stay in good service condition. Road treatment analyzed by using AASHTO 1993 method, where the result is the value of (Structural Number). The value of is very affected by deflection data from FWD tools and International Roughness Index data that surveyed from Mata Garuda tools. The comparison of value and value resulting (Structural Condition Index) value that determine the treatment of that road. The analysis resulting variated value, so the road  treated differently on each segment. The lowest value is 0.18 with the reconstruction road treatment, meanwhile the highest value is 1.19 with the maintenance road treatment. Keywords: road maintenance, deflection, mata garuda

2019 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 03019 ◽  
Rijal Psalmen Hasibuan ◽  
Medis Sejahtera Surbakti

Road is an infrastructure that built to support the movement of the vehicle from one place to another for different purposes. Today, it is often found damage to road infrastructure, both local roads, and arterial roads. Therefore, to keep the pavement condition to remain reliable, in Indonesia has a periodic program by conducting an objective functional inspection of roads regulated by Bina Marga using the International Roughness Index (IRI). However, the IRI examination is not sufficient to represent the actual field condition; it is necessary to perform subjective functional examination by appraising the road one of them is Pavement Condition Index (PCI, ASTM D 6433). This method has been widely applied in some countries because it has many advantages. However, to do this inspection requires considerable cost, then there needs to be a model to get the relationship between these two parameters of the road. The selected case study was arterial road segment in Medan City, that is in Medan inner ring road. Based on the results of the analysis, there is a difference between the functional conditions of PCI and IRI. The equation derived from these two parameters is by exponential regression equation, with equation IRI = 16.07exp-0.26PCI. with R2 of 59% with correlation coefficient value (r) of -0.768. The value of R2 indicates that PCI gives a strong influence on IRI value.

Craig T. Altmann ◽  
John B. Ferris

Modeling customer usage in vehicle applications is critical in performing durability simulations and analysis in early design stages. Currently, customer usage is typically based on road roughness (some measure of accumulated suspension travel), but vehicle damage does not vary linearly with the road roughness. Presently, a method for calculating a pseudo damage measure is developed based on the roughness of the road profile, specifically the International Roughness Index (IRI). The IRI and pseudo damage are combined to create a new measure referred to as the road roughness-insensitive pseudo damage. The road roughness-insensitive pseudo damage measure is tested using a weighted distribution of IRI values corresponding to the principal arterial (highways and freeways) road type from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) dataset. The weighted IRI distribution is determined using the number of unique IRI occurrences in the functional road type dataset and the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) provided in the FHWA HPMS data.

2018 ◽  
Vol 195 ◽  
pp. 04006 ◽  
Donny A. Putra ◽  
Mamok Suprapto

There are two methods of road assessment, ie, visually and using tools. Visual assessment makes use of the PCI (Pavement Condition Index), while assessment with the Roadroid app can be used to obtain the value of IRI (International Roughness Index) with less cost. Functional assessment of roads in the field more use of visual methods. This method is influenced by the subjectivity of surveyors. Therefore, the assessment using the visual method should be correlated with the assessment method using tools, in order to reduce the subjectivity of road assessment. The research location used is Magetan District Road consisting of 5 road segments. The result shows that the r road assessment using the PCI method has a very good condition, and using IRI Roadroid has a Medium condition. There is a negative (r) correlation between PCI and IRI Roadroid, valued at -0.23. The negative correlation shows that both judgments reversed. Comparison of PCI assessment with IRI Roadroid has a low correlation value and with ttest, yields no comparison of correlation. This result is because the PCI and IRI equally assess the pavement, using different methods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 543-552
Baihaqi Baihaqi ◽  
Sofyan M. Saleh ◽  
Renni Anggraini

Abstract: Takengon - Blangkejeren road is one of the cross national roads connecting Central Aceh Regency with Gayo Lues Regency. This road is in the mountainous terrain and often passed by heavy loaded vehicles so that often damaged. To overcome the frequent damage to this road segment, it is necessary to conduct a research on road pavement damage. The purpose of this research is to know the condition of road damage based on the combination of International Roughness Index (IRI) and Surface Distress Index (SDI). This study uses direct observation method in the field by conducting a visual survey of road pavement conditions. The result of the research shows that the total damage level of road surface is 30,54% while the road surface is not damaged by 69,46% from total of road that become research object, that is 12,63 Km divided into 6 road segment. For the overall condition of roads reviewed 45.02% good, 45.81% medium, 6.87% lightly damaged, 2.29% heavily damaged.Abstrak: Ruas jalan Takengon – Blangkejeren merupakan salah satu ruas jalan nasional lintas tengah yang menghubungkan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dengan Kabupaten Gayo Lues. Jalan ini berada pada medan pegunungan dan sering dilalui kendaraan dengan beban yang berat sehingga sering mengalami kerusakan. Untuk mengatasi kerusakan yang sering terjadi pada ruas jalan ini perlu diadakan suatu penelitian mengenai jenis kerusakan perkerasan jalan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi kerusakan jalan berdasarkan kombinasi nilai International Roughness Index (IRI) dan Surface Distress Index (SDI). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengamatan langsung dilapangan dengan melakukan survey secara visual terhadap kondisi perkerasan jalan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh tingkat kerusakan keseluruhan permukaan jalan adalah sebesar 30,54% sedangkan permukaan jalan yang tidak mengalami kerusakan sebesar 69,46 % dari total panjang jalan yang menjadi objek penelitian, yaitu 12,63 Km yang dibagi menjadi 6 buah segmen jalan. Untuk kondisi keseluruhan jalan yang ditinjau 45,02 % baik, 45,81 % sedang, 6,87 % rusak ringan, 2,29 % rusak berat.

2021 ◽  
Maryam Amir

The AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide requires local calibration to account for local conditions, materials, and engineering practices. Previous local calibration studies in Ontario focused mainly on permanent deformation models for pavement rutting. The objectives of this study are twofold. First, to provide an enhanced calibration for the rutting models by using more vigilantly cross-verified input data and updated observed rutting data. Second, to perform a trial calibration for the international roughness index (IRI) model by considering three different calibration methods. Cracking models calibration, being performed by another colleague, has not yet been finalized; therefore, the IRI model calibration cannot be finalized in this study. Based upon 63 Superpave sections, the local calibration coefficients were found to be βAC = 1.7692, βT = 1.0, βN = 0.6262, βGB = 0.0968 and βSG = 0.2787 , which reduced the standard deviation of residuals to a value of 1 mm. The IRI calibration study found that the initial IRI value plays an important role in the calibration. Keywords: International Roughness Index (IRI) model; local calibration; Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG); rutting model; Superpave.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 10536
Shong-Loong Chen ◽  
Chih-Hsien Lin ◽  
Chao-Wei Tang ◽  
Liang-Pin Chu ◽  
Chiu-Kuei Cheng

The International Roughness Index (IRI) is the standard scale for evaluating road roughness in many countries in the world. The Taipei City government actively promotes a Road Smoothing Project and plans to complete the rehabilitation of the main and minor roads within its jurisdiction. This study aims to detect the road surface roughness in Taipei City and recommend appropriate IRI thresholds for road rehabilitation. A total of 171 asphalt concrete pavement sections in Taipei City with a total length of 803.49 km were analyzed and compared by IRI. The longitudinal profile of the detected road sections was measured using an inertial profiler. The statistical analysis showed that the IRI value prior to road leveling was mainly distributed between 5 and 8 m/km, while the IRI value after road leveling was mainly distributed between 3 and 4.5 m/km. This confirms that the implementation of the Road Smoothing Project has a significant effect on improving road smoothness. Moreover, based on the analysis results, it is recommended that the IRI threshold value for road rehabilitation in Taipei City be set at 4.50 m/km.

Renato A. C. Capuruço ◽  
Tarek Hegazy ◽  
Susan L. Tighe ◽  
Sameh Zaghloul

The international roughness index (IRI) and the half-car roughness index (HRI) are the two commonly used roughness indices for pavement management, decision making, prioritization, budgeting, and planning. This work presents a new statistic, termed the full-car roughness index (FRI), for calculation of roughness from longitudinal pavement profiles. FRI is calculated from a single, equivalent profile that is a composite of four corner profiles based on both civil and mechanical engineering principles. More specifically, the full-car (four-wheel) model combines the rear and front suspension systems through an interdependent relation of motion with the longitudinal axle. To validate this model, the FRI values for different pavement sections are determined for sampling roughness measurements from several states and provinces. Then, the behavior of FRI is compared with that of IRI and HRI. The methodology of assessment uses a Monte Carlo simulation for calibration and validation of the index. Correlations derived from this sensitivity analysis on the basis of regression analysis arrive at a conversion chart to propose conversion values from these indices to FRIs. Overall, this paper suggests that the mechanical response of the proposed full-car model is more representative of the characteristics of a real vehicle than the response of a quarter- or half-car model. The results also indicate that FRI is less sensitive to the governing factors that account for the quarter-car simulation and thus provides an index that is unique, insightful, and more effective in the characterization of ride quality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Promothes Saha ◽  
Khaled Ksaibati

While approximately two-thirds of the total centerline miles are unpaved in the state of Wyoming, there is no optimization program for managing these roads. Unlike paved roads, unpaved roads deteriorate from excellent to failed conditions in sometimes less than a year. This deterioration rate necessitates developing a novel methodology for managing them efficiently. When funding is limited, it is important to identify the best mix of road preservation projects that provides the most benefits to society in terms of overall life cycle cost of the road network. This research intends to develop a management system using optimization techniques for managing unpaved roads within limited budget. The common factors that play the most important role for identifying projects are road condition parameters, unpaved road deterioration model, treatment types, cost-factors associated with selecting treatment types, traffic counts, budget, and treatment cost. Road condition parameters include cross section, roadside drainage, rutting, potholes, loose aggregate, dust, corrugation, and ride quality. This methodology will facilitate a statewide implementation of unpaved road management system for counties in Wyoming. The methodology can be easily adopted by other states interested in the management of gravel roads.

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