scholarly journals Preservation and Development of National Languages and Cultures of the Indigenous Peoples of Russia as a Necessary Condition for Creating a Favorable Bilingual Educational Environment on the Territory of the Russian Federation

2020 ◽  
pp. 19-23
Oksana Vyacheslavovna Legostaeva

The article covers significance of cultural and educational events for development of the bilingual environment; gives definitions of the terms “bilingualism”, “bilingual educational environment” and “indigenous / small peoples”. The relevance of studying this issue is in changing approaches from 2017 in teaching national languages in bilingual and multilingual regions of the country, in changing the number of hours in teaching in native (national) languages in a secondary school, in taking into account the national-regional component in the education system of a multinational state. The subject of the research is rapidly disappearing ethnic groups and their languages according to the classification of languages of UNESCO. The article emphasizes the importance of preserving and promoting national languages and cultures for establishing intercultural dialogue and peaceful coexistence of ethnic groups in a multinational state. The purpose of the article is to identify and draw attention to the problem of disappearance of national languages and cultures through a set of measures in the field of culture, science, education. Research methods: study of literature on the research topic, analysis of educational programs and curricula, a comparative analysis method for describing the status of the languages. Results. In the study, we came to the conclusion that the availability of bilingual textbooks and teaching aids with assignments built on national-Russian bilingualism, the organization of various kinds of bilingual events and their popularization in the media will help to maintain a viable level of national languages and cultures of indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation.

Irene V. Chadnova

The article discusses the activities of modern libraries as memory institutions aimed to support multilingualism in cyberspace. The author characterizes electronic libraries and collections in national languages created by central libraries of subjects of the Russian Federation. Over the past few years libraries have stepped up work on the development of multilingualism on the Internet, creating electronic libraries in the languages of the peoples of Russia (besides Russian) and providing free access to them on their websites. National libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation play a leading role in this process, striving to create more and more electronic resources in their national languages (including Russian), with the support of state authorities at the regional and local levels, as well as international organizations. They have created such electronic libraries and collections as “Electronic library of the authors of Karelia”; “Finno-Ugric libraries of Russia”; “Bashkirika”; “National electronic libraries” of the Udmurt Republic, the Republic of Adygea and Komi Republic; “Electronic collection of books in languages of Erzya and Moksha” created by the Pushkin National Library of the Republic of Mordovia; Tatar electronic library; Electronic collection “Literary palette of the Chuvash Republic — 100 books for reading”; and Electronic library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Mainly the collections include electronic copies of publications that are not subject to copyright; however, there are works of modern authors as well. Electronic collections in national languages of regional libraries are few, among them there are such collections as “Indigenous ethnic groups of Sakhalin” of the Sakhalin regional universal scientific library and Electronic library “Kola North” of the Murmansk state regional universal scientific library. Thanks to the activities of the Central regional libraries, the presence of languages of the titular ethnic groups, as well as indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East in the Russian segment of the Internet has increased.

2014 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-193
Мидхат Хабибович Фарукшин

“The Status of Ethnic Minority Languages in the Russian Federation”, by Midkhat Khabibovich Farukshin (Kazan Federal University): The position of ethnic minority languages are influenced by two main factors that reduce their functionality: globalization and the social environment in which these languages function. This article focuses on the status of national languages of ethnic minorities living in the Russian Federation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 11021
Svetlana Skorniakova ◽  
Veronika Leontyeva ◽  
Dmitrii Popov ◽  
Veronika Fokina ◽  
Anna Safonova

The article provides a comparative analysis of the national strategy to improve the status of women in the Russian Federation and alternative legislation on gender equality, as well as the heated debate that has developed in the media on the implementation of equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men. The clash of opinions is considered from the point of view of correspondence of the discussion of the issue of gender equality to the specific actions of the actors involved in it. Shown are the changes in Russian gender policy, often quite formal, and, as a result, the deterioration of international indicators of Russia's place in the ranking of gender equality. Various approaches to the definition of the term “gender” in the public are shown.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-64
Alexander M Gaft

The concepts of "nation", "ethnicity", "ethnicity", "indigenous peoples" from the standpoint of different sciences. Determines main directions of the problem of preservation of the northern ethnic groups and their cultures. It expands to the current state of development of ethnic identity in the Russian Federation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-271
Elena Alekseevna Kondrashkina

This article attempts to predict the future condition and development of the languages of the Finno-Ugric peoples. The problem of language forecasting is not a priority area of linguistic studies. Some researchers are skeptical about the very possibility of predicting the development of a language as unforeseen extra-linguistic factors can affect it and accelerate decelerate its development. The Russian history saw a lot of such factors: the language building during the post-revolutionary years, repressions of the 1930s, struggle against “nationalism” and “panfinism”, liquidation of national schools, policy of building a “new historical community - the so-called “Soviet people” with Russian as a single language, various educational reforms, etc. In the Russian Federation, the Finno-Ugric peoples mostly reside in the five Finno-Ugric republics of Karelia, Komi, Mari El, Mordovia and Udmurtia and in the two autonomous districts of Khanty-Mansi (Ugra) and Yamalo-Nenets. The Finno-Ugric peoples living in the latter districts are small nations and will not be discussed in this article. There are also numerous Finno-Ugric diasporas in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and some other Russian regions. All of them differ by the following two demographic criteria: the ratio of Russians to the titular population and the number of state languages in the republics in question and the existence of laws governing those languages. This study, which is based on papers written by various linguistic scholars from both the Finno-Ugric republics and foreign countries, statistics and population census results, allows us to conclude that the process of giving the national languages the status of a state language had virtually no impact on the change in the language situation, nor did it slow down the language shift towards Russian - rather, it accelerated that shift. Such alarming situation with national languages should encourage linguistic scientists and authorities to pay special attention to the problems of planning, forecasting and preserving those languages.

Ю. Брыкин ◽  
Yu. Brykin ◽  
Д. Флорочкина ◽  
D. Florochkina

This article analyzes the features of the modern electronic educational environment as a necessary condition for the implementation of inclusive education in educational organizations of various types, taking into account the requirements of the current educational legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the current world trends in the development of education. The experience of introduction of e-learning by educational organizations as one of the priority directions of development of modern education, in particular, as an effective way of teaching people with disabilities and disabled people, is summarized.

Аnna А. Sharapova

Исследуются отдельные вопросы правового статуса коренных малочисленных народов Российской Федерации и примеры судебной практики оспаривания реализации правомочий представителями коренных народов. Автор приводит сравнительный анализ понятия «коренные народы» в международном праве, «коренные малочисленные народы», «коренные малочисленные народы Се-вера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока Российской Федерации» в российском праве, обосновывает необходимость применения Декларации Организации Объединенных Наций о правах коренных народов 2007 г. как акта непосредственного действия. В статье описана система правового регулирования статуса коренных малочисленных народов, сделан вывод о её многоуровневости и сложности. Автор отмечает практическую невозможность распространить действие названного международного акта на все коренные народы, населяющие территорию России. В работе исследуется судебная практика как судов общей юрисдикции, так и принятое в 2019 г. По-становление Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации № 21-П по делу гражданина Щукина Г. К. Автор делает вывод, что выведенный конституционно-правовой смысл статьи 19 Федерального закона «Об охоте и о сохранении охотничьих ресурсов», которая наряду с другими законами и подзаконными актами имеет значение для закрепления правового статуса коренных малочисленных народов, поможет не только единообразному применению названного закона, но и послужит образцом для распространения его на иные сферы традиционного природопользования общин коренных малочисленных народов, рыболовство, которые регулируются другими федеральными законами. Помимо проблем реализации правомочий, вытекающих из статуса коренных малочисленных народов, в судебном по-рядке зачастую устанавливается факт принадлежности к коренному народу в связи с отсутствием в Российской Федерации единого документа, подтверждающего национальность. В этой связи позитивным, по мнению автора, следует признать принятие 06.02.2020 изменений в Федеральный закон № 82-ФЗ «О гарантиях прав коренных малочисленных народов Российской Федерации», которые устанавливают централизованную систему учёта представителей коренных малочисленных народов РФ. Этот акт пока не вступил в силу, настоящая статья впервые описывает новеллы законодательства. The article explores certain issues of the legal status of the small indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation and examples of judicial practice in exercising indigenous rights. The author makes the comparative analysis of the concept «indigenous people» of international law, «indigenous small-numbered peoples», «indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation» in Russian law, proves the necessity of applying the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples of 2007 (UNDRIP) as the act of direct action. The article describes the system of the legal regulation of the status of small-numbered indigenous peoples, the author concludes about its complexity. The author notes the practical impossibility of extending the application of the said international act to all indigenous peoples who inhabit the territory of Russia. The work examines the judicial practice of both the courts of general jurisdiction and the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 21-P of 2019 in the case of citizen Schukin G.K. The author concludes that the constitutional and legal meaning of article 19 of the Federal Law "On Hunting and Conservation of Hunting Resources," which, together with other laws and regulations, is relevant to the legal status of small-numbered indigenous peoples, not only will the uniform application of the Act, but it will also serve as a model for extending to other areas of traditional environmental management of small-numbered indigenous communi-ties, fisheries regulated by the other federal laws. In addition to the problems of exercising the powers arising from the status of small-numbered indigenous peoples, the fact of belonging to an indigenous people is often established in court, because of the absence of the unified document confirming the nationality in the Russian Federation. In this regard as positive, according to the author, it is necessary to recognize acceptance on the 6th of February 2020 changes in federal law No. 82-FZ "About guarantees of the rights", which install the centralized system of accounting of representatives of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Russian Federation. This act has not yet entered into force, but this article for the first time describes the innovations of the legislation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-153
Eleonora Minaeva ◽  
Petr Panov

Abstract In the context of electoral authoritarianism, political mobilization is likely to be a more reasonable explanation of cross-regional variations in voting for the party of power than the diversity of the regions’ policy preferences. In the Russian Federation, the political machines which coordinate various activities aimed at mobilizing people to vote for United Russia demonstrate different degrees of effectiveness. This article examines the structural factors that facilitate machine politics focusing on ethnic networks. Although strong ethnic networks are more likely to arise if the members of an ethnic group live close to each other, and at the same time separately from other ethnic groups, so far researchers have neglected to consider the localization of ethnic groups within the territory of an administrative unit as a factor. In order to fill the gap, we have created an original geo-referenced dataset of the localization of non-Russian ethnic groups within every region of the Russian Federation, and developed special GIS (geographic information systems) techniques and tools to measure them in relation to the Russian population. This has made it possible to include the localization of ethnic groups as a variable in the study of cross-regional differences in voting for United Russia. Our analysis finds that the effect of non-Russians’ share of the population on voting for UR increases significantly if non-Russian groups are at least partially geographically segregated from Russians within a region.

Tetiana Liashenko

Attempts to build a “Russian world” within the former Soviet republics of Central Asia by introducing an idea of a single linguistic, cultural and political space with the Russian Federation are studied in the article. The threats to the Central Asian countries’ information space are analyzed. The data on gradual changing of orientations of the Central Asian states’ citizens when choosing sources of information is provided. It is concluded that the technologies of the Russian Federation’s propaganda in Central Asia are aimed primarily at the formation of the president of Russia positive image among the widest possible groups of population. Attempts to push so-called “the Russian world”, which already jeopardize global peaceful balance, are grounded, in particular, on a widespread use of the Russian language within the territories of the former USSR that serves to propagate an idea of a single linguistic, cultural and political space. At the same time, a revival and development of national languages and cultures are intensively ongoing in all new independent states. It provokes a confrontation that often causes points of tension and conflicts. A large number of the Russian media, including federal state editions, TV channels. the Sputnik news agency etc. operates in Central Asian information space. Using own controlled media, the Kremlin seeks to convince the Central Asian states’ citizens that the Russia’s foreign policy is a right one, as well as to form a positive image of Russia and president Putin as a politician who is capable to ensure stability and security in the Central Asian region. The Russian Federation pays a special attention to Eastern Kazakhstan, where a large number of ethnic Russians is concentrated. Kazakhstan has much in common with Ukraine on its ethnic population composition, economic situation and geographical proximity to Russia. As in Ukraine, the ethnic Russians make up about 1/5 of the population in Kazakhstan, meanwhile the Russian language is widely used in all spheres. Russia calls its initiative a “humanitarian project”, but there is no doubt that the Kremlin is fighting for minds of younger generation, trying to impose own culture and values on young people. Recently, while alternative sources of information have been spreading, more and more Central Asian habitants opt for online information in their national languages, considering Russianspeaking news resources to be a propaganda.

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