Victoriya Makarchuk

The main components that make up the professional activity of a teacher are professional knowledge and skills, didactic, communicative, organizational, research and creative abilities. Among the mentioned components of the pedagogical activity, one of the most significant is creative, because today society needs a specialist who has not only a functional readiness for professional activity but also develops as a creative person with clear goals. The new Ukrainian school needs a primary school teacher, who is creative in his work with junior schoolchildren. The effectiveness of the activities largely depends on how creative their pedagogical position will be, the formation of which takes place in the higher education environment of the university. The article analyses pedagogical creativity as a significant component in the process of professional training of future primary school teachers. The concept of “creativity”, “pedagogical creativity” in the context of professional training of future primary school teachers of higher education institutions is considered. The paper reveals that the formation of pedagogical creativity is facilitated by the introduction of technological elements of personality-oriented learning in lectures, seminars and practical classes. The author emphasized that the foundation for the formation of pedagogical creativity of future primary school teachers is pedagogical interaction, in which the teacher and the applicant are subjects of the educational environment of the pedagogical institution of higher education, the formation of cognitive interests and needs of students, control and self-control. It was found that pedagogical creativity is a significant component in the professional activity of primary school teachers, and hence in the training of future primary school teachers in higher education, as it is a necessary condition for the educational process, which gives teachers the opportunity to act original and creative in different situations that optimizes the learning process of junior students. Keywords: creativity; pedagogical creativity; future primary school teacher; professional training; educational environment; higher education institution; professional competencies; junior schoolchildren; pedagogical interaction.

Volodymyr Markiv ◽  
Iryna Onishchenko

The article analyzes the features of the formation of motivation for professional activity in future primary school teachers by means of BYOD’s technology. The authors revealed the essence of the concepts «motivation», «motivation to professional activity», «BYOD’s technology». Motivation to professional activity was characterized as a set of motivating factors that determine the activity of an individual, system of motives, needs, interests, aspirations, incentives, guidelines, value orientations, aimed at conscious choice of profession and long-term responsibilities which are associated with this profession. The authors substantiate the necessity of introduction of BYOD’s technology in the educational process of higher education institutions, which will promote the formation of motivation for professional activity in future primary-school teachers. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the studing of the provisions of pedagogical science regarding the application of BYOD. BYOD’s technology is seen as an innovative technology that allows using personal mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, netbooks, e-book, iPhone, iPad, etc.) as learning tools. The functional possibilities and peculiarities of the introduction of BYOD’s technology in the educational process of higher learning institutions are clarified as an effective means of forming motivation for professional activity in future primary-school teachers. It is determined that the introduction of BYOD’s technology in the educational process of higher education allows to intensify the training of future primary-school teachers; differentiate and individualize the learning process; streamline forms of information; use teaching time effectively; integrate students' knowledge of fundamental, psychological, pedagogical and methodological disciplines; get quick feedback. It is proved that the use of BYOD’s technology creates favorable conditions for the formation of students' motivation for professional activity, successful mastery of the profession of a primary-school teacher.

Iryna Onyshchenko

The article provides a theoretical analysis of the scientific achievements of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the essence of professional subjectivity and its role in the formation of motivation for professional activity in future primary school teachers. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence of professional subjectivity as a factor in the formation of motivation for professional activity in future primary school teachers. The characteristics of the influence of professional subjectivity on motivation for professional activity are highlighted. The methodological basis of the study is a subjective approach to the formation of motivation for professional activity in future primary school teachers as subjects of cognitive and educational-professional activities in higher education institutions.The meaning of the concepts “subjectivity”, “professional subjectivity”, “professional subjectivity of an elementary school teacher”, “motivation for professional activity” are revealed. The professional subjectivity of a primary school teacher is interpreted as an integrative quality of personality, that is manifested in a conscious and active attitude to oneself, junior schoolchildren and professional activity. It allows teachers to transform one’s abilities into professionally meaningful personal qualities and carry out successful self-realization and self-fulfillment in various spheres of professional activity. The psychological and pedagogical principles of the formation of professional subjectivity of future primary school teachers are analyzed. The relationship between the motivation for professional activity of students and the level of their professional subjectivity is revealed. It was found that the level of development of professional subjectivity depends on the formation of motivation for professional activity, the success of mastering the profession of a primary school teacher and the productivity of the pedagogical activity. Keywords: subject; subjectivity; professional subjectivity; professional subjectivity of the primary school teacher; motivation; motivation for professional activity; professional activity; professional training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3A) ◽  
pp. 463-469
Myroslav Kryshtanovych ◽  
Olena Nevmerzhytska ◽  
Liudmyla Teletska ◽  
Inna Yankovska ◽  
Kateryna Shosh

Reforming the current sphere of primary education predetermines the need to modernize the process of training future teachers in pedagogical universities. In particular, there is an urgent need to adapt the traditionally established system of training future specialists in general secondary education institutions in the regulatory and organizational changes in the field of higher education, to the prospects for the development of the profession and the expectations of society. The article analyzes the studies that reveal the content and features of the formation of professional competence of a future primary school teacher in the context of today's educational realities. The results of research are presented, substantiating various approaches to defining the essence of this integrated concept. The conditions for the effective formation of professional competence are disclosed, in particular, the effectiveness of the educational environment for the professional training of a future primary school teacher.

Ліліана Хімчук ◽  

The article provides a theoretical analysis of the category of basic competencies of future primary school teachers in modern scientific and pedagogical studies. The current state of elaboration of the problem in scientific and pedagogical sources is generalized; the essence of the concepts “competence”, “competence approach”, “basic competences of future primary school teachers”, “features of basic competences formation” are highlighted. The content of competencies is analyzed on the basis of the educational-professional program of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 01 Education/Pedagogy in specialty 013 “Primary education” at the pedagogical faculty of Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk. An analysis of these definitions shows that most scholars consider competence to be an integral phenomenon that brings together the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of future teachers. Scientific sources highlight a variety of competencies that must be mastered by a future primary school teacher while studying at a higher education institution. However, a significant number of concepts defined as basic, distracts higher school teachers and complicates the process of forming the most important competencies for students. According to the author of the article, formation of basic competencies would be more effective if implemented on the basis of didactic principles, namely through: the Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2020, № 5–6 (99–100) 160 principle of cordocentrism, characterized by the priority of spiritual and moral dimensions of the educational process over pragmatic and organizational and functional and encourages students to understand pedagogical reality. not only through thinking, but also through the “heart”; the principle of constructive pedagogical interaction, which involves creation of a positive cognitive field in which each subject of the educational process feels comfortable; principles of gamification and early diagnosis and development of professional interests, on the basis of which students develop the ability to create play learning environments in accordance with the personal interests of pupils; the principle of sustainable professional development, introduction of which contributes to the formation of students’ ability to design their own professional image, to outline ways to improve it. The novelty of the author’s approach to this problem is that, taking into account the above principles, the didactic system of basic competencies, combining scientific and emotional components, will be aimed at enhancing creative scientific and pedagogical activities, will have a predictive nature and ensure sustainable professional development of future primary school teachers.

Olga Sergeevna Anisimova

The teacher is a significant figure in the formation and development of the student's personality. In this regard, the task of preparing a primary school teacher of a new type is relevant. This article discusses such a topic of educational development in the Russian Federation as conditions for increasing the professional competence of an elementary school teacher. The urgency of the problem is caused by the strengthening of the requirements in all spheres of labor activity for professional training in the conditions of a market economy. The author dwells on the analysis of those qualities that are necessary for a modern primary school teacher to meet the needs of society in bringing up an adaptive, highly intelligent and free individual with basic competences and capable of subsequent adequate self-determination in the professional sphere. The teacher’s figure in the work is viewed as a tutor and facilitator.

Nataliia V. Olkhova

The value system of the Organisation of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) aims to adapt the education system in Ukraine to progressive international standards in terms of prospects for Sustainable Development and lifelong education, while preserving the best traditions of national pedagogy. In the vector of such ambitious plans and positive prospects for qualitative transformations in education and other social existence areas, the NUS teacher's personality acquires central significance. The problem of developing a worldview culture become central. We propose to define it as a “positive worldview culture of the teacher”. The study aims to mutually integrate the concepts of the worldview culture of primary school teachers and the ideological, axiological and practical aspects of the NUS implementation. In preparing the study, the authors used observation, description, complex analysis, analysis of the regulatory framework for the implementation of the NUS and the updated standard of education, functional method, comparison method, System Analysis, generalisation and abstraction. As a result, the study analysed the concept of the worldview culture of primary school teachers, defined the directions and sources of developing worldview culture of future primary school teachers, and structured the main desirable features of the worldview culture of the future teacher of NUS formed during studying at HEI. The study found out that ideological culture is associated not only with the intellectual development and assimilation of universal knowledge in a ready-made form (uncritically, without rethinking), but also with the interpretation of this knowledge in the light of personal experience, personality-oriented values and attitudes. The article substantiates the importance of organising professional training of future primary school teachers to achieve a high academic indicator of mastering knowledge, practical skills, and a generalised higher level of competence readiness, which is a professionally determined worldview culture. The study actualises the necessity to pay increased attention to the part of organising the training of future NUS teachers to the fundamentally important concept of a positive worldview culture

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 1266-1276
Gulsum S. Ayapbergenova ◽  
Arna Zh. Aplashova ◽  
Nagima A. Bissembayeva ◽  
Nazymgul S. Assenova ◽  

The authors investigate the leading problem of the formation of future primary school teachers’ special competences in the process of professional training. This study was conducted to identify the initial level of special competences the future primary school teachers of Karaganda Buketov University have. The results of the study have shown that the students demonstrate a generally low level of formation of special competences, which can significantly complicate the process of improving the quality of training a future primary school teacher of a new type for the pedagogical activity in the 21st century. The study has revealed that the first-year students with low academic performance and lack of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for future pedagogical activity have a low level of formation of the components of future primary school teachers’ special competences, which confirms our hypothesis. The article argues that the low level of special competencies of students cannot contribute to the successful formation of the professional competence of graduates of higher educational institutions


The analysis of training a future primary school teacher for the formation of environmental culture of primary school children revealed certain drawbacks: in the professional training of students of higher educational establishments, namely to theory and methods of ecological education studying is paid little attention; among the forms of organization of the educational process are dominated traditional ones (lectures and practical classes) of a reproductive nature; the potential of ecology as an integrated science has not been used; the resource of psychological and pedagogical subjects for environmental training of primary school teachers is not fully involved. All this creates a significant gap between the achievements of science and practice of environmental education in the direction of preparing future primary school teachers for the formation of environmental culture of primary school children. The article is devoted to the search for effective pedagogical conditions for training future primary school teachers for the formation of ecological culture of pupils. The literature on this problem is analyzed, which allows us to conclude that the opinions of scientists are marked by a contradiction about what conditions should be created to ensure the greatest efficiency of the educational process. In general, they determine the pedagogical conditions depending on the direction of their research, in particular: environmental training of future teachers; environmental training of future primary school teachers; formation of the teacher's readiness to intensify the educational process in primary school; development of ecological culture (pupils, future teachers); formation of pupils' caring attitude to nature, a sense of responsibility of pupils. We attach the following meaning to the essence of the concept «pedagogical conditions of preparation of the future primary school teacher for formation of ecological culture of pupils»: it is purposeful and objective possibilities of educational process and the factors and circumstances providing the corresponding process in unity of traditional and innovative approaches. The following pedagogical condition is defined: the organization of the educational process by means of interrelation of theoretical and practical training on the basis of introduction of new educational technologies.

Володимир Марків ◽  
Ірина Онищенко

The article included a historical and pedagogical analysis of the primary school teachersʼ training in secondary education in eastern Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century. The search for new and effective theoretical and practical solutions to improve primary-school teachersʼ professional training has been accompanied by the study, generalization and creative rethinking of the historical and pedagogical experience of pedagogical education in Eastern Ukraine, in particular the impact on its genesis of pedagogical achievements at the beginning of the twentieth century, the scholarsʼ research on future elementary school teachersʼ training.The study of the history of primary school teachersʼ vocational training in the system of secondary education in Eastern Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century was carried out in the light of such methodological approaches: cultural, ethnopedagogical, axiological, personal, systemic, synergistic, and occupational.It was determined that in Eastern Ukraine in the early twentieth century the professional and pedagogical training of primary school teachers had its own national and socio-cultural specifics and features due to historical, cultural and socio-economic factors. The profession of the primary school teacher in the process of its formation has undergone certain changes in functional, semantic and organizational aspects. It was found that the primary school teachersʼ training in secondary education in Eastern Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century was in accordance with traditional and popular democratic approaches. The content and features of the teaching organization in pedagogical education institutions within a time defined frame have been described.It has been shown that an analysis of the historical and pedagogical sources of primary school teachersʼ training can be a valuable asset for planning the further development of a modern pedagogical education system.

T. Shanskova ◽  
I. Konovalchuk ◽  
N. Rudnytska ◽  
N. Kolesnyk ◽  
S. Maksymets

Abstract. The article analyzes the trends in the change of key competencies required by the labor market. It is stated that these changes determine the new competencies that must be formed in the pupils of the school, which in turn changes the requirements for the competencies of the teacher. The directions of economic reforms of the Ukrainian school are studied and it is shown that these reforms will lead to an increase in the requirements for primary school teachers and increase the level of control over his activities from communities, whose funds will be used to finance educational institutions of each community. Therefore, as a priority area of reforming the Ukrainian school, a systematic approach to the training of future teachers was proposed, details of the reassessment of the components of this approach, the content of components and outlined new requirements for the components of primary school teacher competence. It is proved that the psychological and pedagogical principles of primary school teacher training and acquisition of professional competence are a set of interconnected components of the educational process, which form the need for improvement and interest in the profession; stimulate the education of the individual. Not only the importance of knowledge and skills, but also the qualities that will ensure an effective pedagogical process; form a proper self-assessment of the teacher and his objective assessment of students. Negative factors that may reduce the effectiveness of complex psychological and pedagogical principles of future teacher training have also been studied. It is stated that the key prerequisite for these principles should be the formation of a teacher as a person who loves children, enjoys communication and friendship with them, is able to share their joys and sorrows, and does not forget how she was a child. The system of methodical approaches of teacher training is considered and it is specified that it should aim at formation at the future teacher of aspiration of innovative pedagogical work as a basis of its self-realization. The structure of methodical approaches in modern conditions is estimated and its transience is indicated. That is, methodological approaches are only tools in the work of a teacher, and the constant search for pedagogical innovations for the desire to improve will allow him to choose the right tools from the set offered to him. The results of the study and the developed proposals will increase the effectiveness of reforming the New Ukrainian school. Keywords: competencies, system approach, education reform, professional training, future primary school teachers. JEL Classification M53 Formulas: 0; fig.: 2; tabl.: 2; bibl.: 20.

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