Embryo Developmental Potential in a Novel 2-step IVM System

Matthew L. Hall ◽  
Stephanie De Anda

Purpose The purposes of this study were (a) to introduce “language access profiles” as a viable alternative construct to “communication mode” for describing experience with language input during early childhood for deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) children; (b) to describe the development of a new tool for measuring DHH children's language access profiles during infancy and toddlerhood; and (c) to evaluate the novelty, reliability, and validity of this tool. Method We adapted an existing retrospective parent report measure of early language experience (the Language Exposure Assessment Tool) to make it suitable for use with DHH populations. We administered the adapted instrument (DHH Language Exposure Assessment Tool [D-LEAT]) to the caregivers of 105 DHH children aged 12 years and younger. To measure convergent validity, we also administered another novel instrument: the Language Access Profile Tool. To measure test–retest reliability, half of the participants were interviewed again after 1 month. We identified groups of children with similar language access profiles by using hierarchical cluster analysis. Results The D-LEAT revealed DHH children's diverse experiences with access to language during infancy and toddlerhood. Cluster analysis groupings were markedly different from those derived from more traditional grouping rules (e.g., communication modes). Test–retest reliability was good, especially for the same-interviewer condition. Content, convergent, and face validity were strong. Conclusions To optimize DHH children's developmental potential, stakeholders who work at the individual and population levels would benefit from replacing communication mode with language access profiles. The D-LEAT is the first tool that aims to measure this novel construct. Despite limitations that future work aims to address, the present results demonstrate that the D-LEAT represents progress over the status quo.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-109
Галина Радчук

Статтю  присвячено  проблемі  теоретичного  обґрунтування  діалогу  як  механізму  аксіогенезу  особистості в освітньому процесі та виокремлення сутнісних аспектів діалогізації освітнього середовища  вищої школи. Обґрунтовано, що провідними цілями сучасної вищої освіти в контексті її гуманітаризації є  загальнокультурні орієнтири, які дозволяють замінити власне  когнітивний  підхід на смислотворчий, де і  викладач, і студент є активними суб’єктами освітнього діалогу. Показано, що освітній діалог виступає  зовнішньою   спонукою   внутрішнього   ініціювання   особистісно-професійного   становлення   майбутнього  фахівця,  становлення  його  ціннісно-смислової  сфери,  а  рівень  діалогізації  освітнього  середовища  може  слугувати  мірилом  реалізації  особистісно-розвивального  потенціалу  освіти.  На  підставі  емпіричного  дослідження   визначено,  що  у   реальному   освітньому   процесі  найбільшою   перешкодою  у   діалогізації  освітнього   середовища   є      догматичність,   формалізованість   освітнього   процесу   та   закритість,  стереотипність рольової поведінки викладачів та студентів.  The  article  is  focused  on  theoretical  argumentation  of the  dialogue  as  a  mechanism  for  personality  axiogenesis in  educational process and separation of essential dialogue aspects in higher educational environment.  The author argues that general cultural orientations are main goals of modern higher education in the context of its  humanization. This allows to replace the actual cognitive approach with sense creation one, where both teacher and  student are active subjects of educational dialogue. It is shown that educational dialogue is an external stimulus of  internal initiation of personal and professional formation in future specialists, as well as formation of their value- semantic sphere. The level of dialogue in educational environment can serve as a measure of implementation of  personality and developmental potential in education. On the basis of empirical research it is determined that  dogmatism,  formalization  of  educational  process,  and  closeness,  stereotyped  role  of  teachers’  and  students’  behavior  are  the  greatest  obstacles  for  educational  environment  becoming  more  dialogue  driven  in  real-life  educational process.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  

Present status and use for educational purposes, technology is fulfilling an ever increasing role in both the traditional education field, and in other fields which are utilizing technology for educational purposes. Within the educational field we can see technology as a means of removing barriers for students and teachers alike. First, technology can remove financial and geographical barriers through distributed learning. This allows students and teachers to experience educational opportunities that they might have otherwise never been able to encounter. Second, technology is bringing about a new focus on problem and skill based learning. Information databases are being used to assist teachers in the acquisition of new knowledge and provide professional support outside of the traditional professional development seminar. In regards to future action, we should continue to utilize the successful trends in education as a means to fulfil their developmental potential and see increased impacts on our field. In particular, we should continue the use of distance learning as a means of professional development for teachers, by providing more opportunities aimed at improving their job related performance. Distance learning for students should also be an area of focus by providing software that allows for increasing authenticity in simulations, multimedia content, and social connections. We should continue to focus on technology that allows students to interact with other students and environments located outside of their current environment, locality, and culture. Information systems are also in need of continual investment. Information systems perform two important roles for the educational system: Focus on this paper, technology has already served an important role in education in multiple fields. Specifically, technology has been of great use to the educational field in terms of its focus on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational experiences of both students and teachers. Continued use and development of technology can serve to further benefit the educational field and recommendations based on the development of existing trends in education should be pursued for great gains in educational achievement..

Suman Verma

Effective social protection policies are crucial to realizing adolescents’ rights, ensuring their well-being, breaking the cycle of poverty and vulnerability, and helping them realize their full developmental potential. Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have extended social security coverage to ensure basic protections—while continuing to develop social protection systems. Social protection for LMIC adolescents in the context of gross violations of their basic rights is examined. Prevalence, consequences of protection rights violations, and the role and impact of social protection programs in ensuring enhanced opportunities for development and well-being among young people are discussed. Results demonstrate direct impacts (e.g., increased income, consumption, goods and services access; greater social inclusion; reduced household stress). LMICs need integrated social protection policy and program expansion if the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to be realized. With adolescent-centered policies and investments, governments can help adolescents realize their rights to a fulfilling and productive life.

Verónica Schiariti ◽  
Rune J. Simeonsson ◽  
Karen Hall

In the early years of life, children’s interactions with the physical and social environment- including families, schools and communities—play a defining role in developmental trajectories with long-term implications for their health, well-being and earning potential as they become adults. Importantly, failing to reach their developmental potential contributes to global cycles of poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. Guided by a rights-based approach, this narrative review synthesizes selected studies and global initiatives promoting early child development and proposes a universal intervention framework of child-environment interactions to optimize children’s developmental functioning and trajectories.

Pooja Khurana ◽  
Neil R. Smyth ◽  
Bhavwanti Sheth ◽  
Miguel A. Velazquez ◽  
Judith J. Eckert ◽  

Abstract Advanced maternal age (AMA) is known to reduce fertility, increases aneuploidy in oocytes and early embryos and leads to adverse developmental consequences which may associate with offspring lifetime health risks. However, investigating underlying effects of AMA on embryo developmental potential is confounded by the inherent senescence present in maternal body systems further affecting reproductive success. Here, we describe a new model for the analysis of early developmental mechanisms underlying AMA by the derivation and characterisation of mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC-like) lines from naturally conceived embryos. Young (7–8 weeks) and Old (7–8 months) C57BL/6 female mice were mated with young males. Preimplantation embryos from Old dams displayed developmental retardation in blastocyst morphogenesis. mESC lines established from these blastocysts using conventional techniques revealed differences in genetic, cellular and molecular criteria conserved over several passages in the standardised medium. mESCs from embryos from AMA dams displayed increased incidence of aneuploidy following Giemsa karyotyping compared with those from Young dams. Moreover, AMA caused an altered pattern of expression of pluripotency markers (Sox2, OCT4) in mESCs. AMA further diminished mESC survival and proliferation and reduced the expression of cell proliferation marker, Ki-67. These changes coincided with altered expression of the epigenetic marker, Dnmt3a and other developmental regulators in a sex-dependent manner. Collectively, our data demonstrate the feasibility to utilise mESCs to reveal developmental mechanisms underlying AMA in the absence of maternal senescence and with reduced animal use.

2012 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 68 ◽  
Olivier Sandra ◽  
Nadéra Mansouri-Attia ◽  
Richard G. Lea

Successful pregnancy depends on complex biological processes that are regulated temporally and spatially throughout gestation. The molecular basis of these processes have been examined in relation to gamete quality, early blastocyst development and placental function, and data have been generated showing perturbations of these developmental stages by environmental insults or embryo biotechnologies. The developmental period falling between the entry of the blastocyst into the uterine cavity to implantation has also been examined in terms of the biological function of the endometrium. Indeed several mechanisms underlying uterine receptivity, controlled by maternal factors, and the maternal recognition of pregnancy, requiring conceptus-produced signals, have been clarified. Nevertheless, recent data based on experimental perturbations have unveiled unexpected biological properties of the endometrium (sensor/driver) that make this tissue a dynamic and reactive entity. Persistent or transient modifications in organisation and functionality of the endometrium can dramatically affect pre-implantation embryo trajectory through epigenetic alterations with lasting consequences on later stages of pregnancy, including placentation, fetal development, pregnancy outcome and post-natal health. Developing diagnostic and prognostic tools based on endometrial factors may enable the assessment of maternal reproductive capacity and/or the developmental potential of the embryo, particularly when assisted reproductive technologies are applied.

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