scholarly journals Implementation of TQM Pillars in A Manufacturing Factory: An Empirical Case Study

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-134
Md. Sagar Islam Khan ◽  
Sourav Paul ◽  
Sanatan Sushil

The process of detection and elimination of errors on a continuous basis from any system is known as TQM. This helps in improvement of productivity, efficiency, cost reduction by improving the methods and minimizing waste materials. This study aims at identifying the basis pillars in RMG industry through application of TQM principles. RMG is the highest productive industrial sector in Bangladesh economy and improvement in the product quality will have direct effect on the economic stability. Tools such as flow charts, Pareto charts, Check sheets, Cause & Effect diagrams, Histograms and scatter diagrams are utilized from variety of industries in Banglaesh to analyse the data collected. The outcome shows that the process has helped in elimination and reduction in waste scrap materials. This has also help reducing the costs and enable the organization to enhance the utilization of available resources without further investment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-16 ◽  
Agus Wijaya

This is a case study to  explain the causal relationship between the variables in the research model, namely product quality, service quality, price perceptions, and brand association to customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 130 people who have two or more Honda motorcycles in the last 5 years in Surabaya, then processed using Stuctural Equation Modeling (SEM) method with the help of AMOS 20.0 software. The result of research indicated that the direct effect of product quality to customer loyalty is 0.270, while the influence of product quality to customer loyalty indirectly through customer satisfaction mediation is 0.102. The value of the direct effect of product quality on customer loyalty is greater than the indirect effect. The results showed that there is no direct effect of service quality on customer loyalty because the value is very small that is 0,065, while the influence of service quality to customer loyalty indirectly through customer satisfaction mediation is also very small that is equal to 0.049. The direct effect of price perception on customer loyalty is 0.236, while the effect of price perception on customer loyalty indirectly through customer satisfaction mediation is 0.064. The direct influence of brand association to customer loyalty is 0.318, while the influence of brand association to customer loyalty indirectly through customer satisfaction mediation is 0.041.

А.С. Лановой ◽  
В.Н. Чумаченко ◽  
А.М. Иванов ◽  
А.С. Яковенко

С момента перехода государства на новую экономическую модель развития социально значимые отрасли остались в тени «локомотивов» экономического развития – топливно-энергетического и минерально-сырьевого комплексов. Отрасли народного хозяйства, не имеющие коммерческого интереса, отмирали полностью или сжимались до размеров возможной минимальной окупаемости. Данные изменения затронули и отрасль жилищно-коммунального хозяйства, в частности водопроводно-канализационное хозяйство. Катастрофическое состояние отрасли в настоящее время требует особого внимания и особых решений со стороны всех участвующих и заинтересованных сторон: органов государственной и муниципальной власти, органов контроля и надзора, операторов систем водопроводно-канализационного хозяйства, коммерческих организаций, высшей школы, профильного научного сообщества и населения. Одна из базовых отраслей народного хозяйства не должна находиться в таком состоянии и, несмотря на отсутствие экономической стабильности, необходимо сделать ее восстановление приоритетной государственной задачей, направив на это максимальные материальные и интеллектуальные ресурсы страны. Приведен пример концессионного соглашения, которое иллюстрирует один из возможных путей продления ресурса городского канализационного хозяйства с предельным износом. Since the transition of Russian Federation to a new economic model of development, socially significant industries have remained in the shadow of the «locomotives» of the economic development, i. e., the fuel and energy and mineral resource sectors. Branches of the national economy that had no commercial interest died out completely or shrank to the size of a possible minimum payback. These changes also affected the housing and utilities sector, in particular, the water supply and wastewater disposal systems. The catastrophic state of the industry currently requires special attention and special decisions on the part of all the stake holders: the state and municipal authorities, control and supervision bodies, operators of water and wastewater utilities, commercial organizations, higher education, the relevant scientific community and population. One of the basic sectors of the national economy should not be in such a state and, despite the lack of the economic stability, its restoration should be a priority state task directing the maximum material and intellectual resources of the country. An example of a concession agreement is given that can be a possible way to extend the resource of an urban wastewater disposal system with a wear limit.

R. Anderson ◽  
R. Sturges

Extended value engineering techniques provide an efficient, systematic approach to expose unnecessary costs, spur innovation, and direct efforts toward product and process improvement. Extended value engineering involves the comprehensive application of function diagramming, cost/cycle analysis, process diagramming, and competitive cost comparison. The application of these techniques to a mining equipment manufacturer, specifically to an ore haulage vehicle, is described in terms of cost reduction and manufacturing process improvement.

2009 ◽  
Vol 53 (1-2) ◽  
Eike W. Schamp

The financial centre - a cluster? A multiscalar approach and evidence from a case study of Frankfurt/Main: The cluster approach has recently been applied in various studies of financial centres, for example of London or Frankfurt. Its current use in financial geography, however, seems to be more metaphorical than analytical. This paper firstly discusses specific sectoral characteristics which make it difficult to simply apply a concept which was developed for the industrial sector to the financial economy. Secondly, value networks in the production processes of financial products indicate that only certain parts of the production process, i.e. knowledge-based, non-repetitive transactions in the network, require local proximities. Following Gordon/McCann in their reasoning on industrial clusters, it is argued that the cluster approach to financial centres calls for a multi-scalar perspective combining the juridical national territory, the advantages of a large urban agglomeration, and, finally, the network externalities of a district within the urban agglomeration, i.e. the “financial district”. This is demonstrated using the example of the financial centre of Frankfurt/RhineMain, a term which stands for the larger urban agglomeration.

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