2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Umi Salamah

Abstract Task-Centered Models include Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Task-Centered Therapy begins with light Cognitive Therapy  focuses on thoughts, next Behavioral Therapy focus on act and reward application. Behavioural therapy also as a preface into task-centered therapy as conditioning. Comorbid symptoms of anxiety, aggression, and depression are target of changes. Using methods of action research, with Single Subject Design with pattern model of A-B at one baseline period (control) and two intervention period (treatments phase). The purpose of this study is to proof main hypothesis H1 = Task-Centered Models can reduce symptoms of anxiety, aggression and depression of  respondent Y or H0 = Task-Centered Models can not reduce symptoms of anxiety, aggression and depression of respondent Y. Related with research setting, qualitative analysis of the research subjects should also be included. Hypothesis is tested by using the formula of 2 standard deviation (2 SD), visual analysis within and between conditions. Test result shows that the entire hypothesis is accepted  with  and fulfill criterias of visual analysis significant. Its concluded that intervention effectiveness define by motivation, participation and discipline,parent commitment is vital for therapy that demands action and consistency, maintaining cognitive of respondent are essential for reducing stressors of recurrence through recreational activity and positive emotion building.Key words: Psychiatric Social Worker, Psychiatric Disorder, Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, Task- Centered TherapyAbstrak Model Task-Centered meliputi Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT) dan Terapi Berpusat Tugas (Task-Centered), dimulai oleh Terapi Kognitif ringan yang fokus pada pikiran, kemudian Terapi Behavioral fokus pada kegiatan (tindakan) tujuan dan penentuan bentuk imbalan (rewards). Terapi Behavioural menjadi pengantar terapi berpusat-tugas yang bersifat conditioning. Gejala penyerta anxiety (kegelisahan), aggression (agresifitas), dan depression (depresi) merupakan target perubahan. Pilihan metode penelitian yaitu penelitian tindakan (action research) dengan Desain Subjek Tunggal (Single Subject Design) dengan pola A-B dalam satu periode baseline (kontrol) dan dua periode intervensi (treatment phase). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan hipotesis utama; H1= task-centered model dapat menurunkan gejala anxiety, aggression dan depression responden Y atau H0= task-centered model tidak dapat menurunkan gejala anxiety, aggression dan depression responden Y. Berkaitan dengan setting penelitian, penjelasan kualitatif cukup penting untuk dilakukan. Secara kuantitatif, pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus 2 standard deviation (2 SD) dan analisis visual dalam kondisi. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, diperoleh hasil bahwa hipotesis diterima ( ) dan memenuhi kriteria signifikansi dalam analisis visual. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah efektifitas intervensi ditentukan motivasi, peran serta dan tingkat kedisiplinan, komitmen orangtua penting dalam terapi yang menuntut aksi dan konsistensi responden, penekanan kognitif responden menurunkan stressor kekambuhan melalui kegiatan rekreatif dan positive emotion building.Kata kunci: Pekerja Sosial Medis Setting Kesehatan Mental, Gangguan Kejiwaan, Terapi Kognitif-Behavior, Terapi Berpusat Tugas

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Mutmainah .

Abstract This research aims to examine the implementation of cognitive behaviour therapy to self-confidence of people with disability at Wyata Guna Social Institution for People with Visual Impaired, the subject is 1 person, total visual impaired (IK), 20 years old, has low confidence according to the observation conducted in accordance with confidence characteristic by Peter Lauster (2002) related to stuttering, less participate in starting talk, aloof behaviour and supported by the score of Peter Lauster (2002) self-confidence test translated by Gulo that IK has low confidence characteristic. The method used action research with Single Subject Design ABA model which is aimed to monitor IK behaviour on baseline (A1), intervention and baseline (A2) phase.The result showed that the Cognitive Behavior Therapy intervention proved to enhance self-confidence of people with visual impaired. According to the observation there is a change in positive and significant that is proven from the hypothesis result to the bahavior where the deviation gained is greater than 2 standard deviant (2SD). Moreover it is also supported by the score of self-confidence test of Peter Lauster (2002) on the post-test that has increased with strong average category. Researcher also performed epsilon variable measurement to know the determination coefficient level with a score of 94% while the 6% is the epsilon variable outside factor of Cognitive Behavior Therapy such as influence from family especially parents and peer influence in the environment of subject that contributes to self-confidence of research subject (IK). The interview result showed that IK experienced positive benefit by following the intervention program. Key words: Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Self-Confidence Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji penerapan cognitive behavior therapy terhadap kepercayaan diri penyandang disabilitas netra di Panti Sosial Bina Netra Wyata Guna Bandung. Subjek penelitian berjumlah satu orang, penyandang disabilitas netra total (IK), usia 20 tahun, memiliki kepercayaan diri rendah berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan sesuai dengan karakterisitik kepercayaan diri menurut Peter Lauster (2002) yang berkaitan dengan perilaku gagap, perilaku kurang berinisiatif dalam memulai pembicaraan, perilaku menyendiri, dan didukung juga berdasarkan skor Tes Kepercayaan Diri Peter Lauster (2002) diterjemahkan oleh Gulo bahwa IK memiliki kategori kepercayaan diri rata-rata lemah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan (action reseach), dengan desain penelitian Single Subject Design model ABA yang bertujuan memonitor perilaku IK pada fase baseline (A1), fase intervensi, dan fase baseline (A2).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan intervensi Cognitive Behavior Therapy terbukti dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri penyandang disabilitas netra. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan mengalami perubahan yang positif dan signifikan, hal tersebut terbukti pada hasil uji hipotesis terhadap perilaku di mana nilai selisih yang diperoleh lebih besar dari 2 standard deviant (2SD). Selain itu didukung pula dengan hasil skor tes kepercayaan diri Peter Lauster (2002) pada post-test yang mengalami peningkatan dengan kategori rata-rata kuat. Peneliti juga melaksanakan pengukuran variabel epsilon untuk mengetahu tingkat koefisien determinasi dengan nilai 94%, sedangkan 6% lagi adalah nilai dari variabel epsilon yaitu faktor di luar penerapan Cognitive Behavior Therapy berupa pengaruh dari keluarga terutama orangtua dan pengaruh teman sebaya dari lingkungan subjek yang berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan kepercayaan diri subjek penelitian (IK). Hasil wawancara juga menunjukkan bahwa IK merasakan manfaat positif dengan mengikuti program intervensi. Kata kunci: Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Kepercayaan Diri

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Puspa Sari Muraidandini

Abstrak  PUSPA SARI M. Penerapan Cognitive Behaviour Therapy terhadap perilaku menarik diri klien “B” penyandang disabilitas tubuh Kelurahan Campaka Kecamatan Andir Kota Bandung. Penyandang disabilitas tubuh merupakan salah satu penyandang masalah kesejahteraan sosial  yang memiliki kecenderungan memiliki perilaku menarik diri. Dengan banyak nya pola pikir yang terdistorsi yang menyebabkan perilaku mereka pun menjadi mal adaptif. Menarik diri yang nampak pada pada penelitian ini adalah perilaku menarik diri dengan aspek-aspek di dalamnya seperti : mengasingkan diri, membesar-besarkan kekurangan dirinya, mudah tersinggung dan apatis terhadap aktivitas kegiatan di masyarakat atau di sekolah.  Cognitive Behaviour Therapy adalah terapi yang  efektif  dapat menolong klien untuk dapat merubah kognitif yang terdistorsi dan mengakibatkan perilaku yang mal adapif. Penyandingan  terapi realitas dan positive reinforcement dalam menerapkan cognitive behavior therapy pada klien dengan masalah menarik diri dirasakan sangat membantu klien untuk menemukan permasalahan dirinya, apa yang sudah dilakukannya, rencana klien kedepannya, evaluasi dan komitmen klien terhadap masa depannya. Positive reinforcement merupakan pembentukan tingkah laku dengan memberikan ganjaran atau perkuatan segera setelah tingkah laku yang diharapkan muncul. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuatitatif dengan metode penelitian single subject design dengan model A-B-A. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara angket atau kuisioner, observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan cara perhitungan rumus dua standart deviasi (2SD). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan cognitive behavior therapy yang dikolaborasikan dengan terapi realitas dan positive reinforcement untuk menolong klien B dengan masalah menarik diri sangat efektif dilakukan dan dapat mengurangi perilaku menarik diri tersebut.  Kata Kunci : Menarik Diri, Penyandang Disabilitas Tubuh, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Terapi Realitas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-51
Sira Te'dang Patandean

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to  reduce inmates’ prerelease anxiety in Narcotics Prison Class II A Pamekasan using a  quasi-experimental single subject design (A-B) in 5 inmates. Instrument used is Taylor  Manifest Anxiety Scale (TMAS) of Janet Taylor Spence which has been widely used in  Indonesia, including in prisons. Analysis of data using visual analysis and Wilcoxon  Signed Rank Test and calculating the value of r to determine effect size. The trend line  on the visual analysis showed a decrease in inmates’ prerelease anxiety after the  intervention Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is given. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test  showed that there are significant differences in inmates’ prerelease anxiety levels before  and after Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is given (p = 0.042). Wilcoxon Signed Rank  Test results in post test 1 and post test 2 showed that no significant differences in  inmates’ prerelease anxiety levels (p = 0.785). This means that the results of intervention  is likely to be maintained. The results of effect size calculation is done by calculating the  value of r (r = 0.65) showed that CBT provides large effect to reduce the level of inmates’  prerelease anxiety. It can be concluded that CBT is effective to reduce the level of  inmates'prerelease anxiety with large effect. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Martina Rohama ◽  
Esty Aryani Safithry

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of content mastery services with social modelling techniques to reduce off-task behaviour of Islamic students. The design of this study uses Single Subject Design (SSD) with multiple large cross variables. The subjects in this study were 5 class II MI HIdayatul students in the 2015/2016 academic year indicated as students who were off task behaving tending to be high and moderate, each of which was identified from the rubric of freedom of observation, intervention, and experimental control. Data analysis uses visual analysis by paying attention to changes in levels and trends.

2002 ◽  
Vol 82 (7) ◽  
pp. 658-669 ◽  
Sherri L Cadenhead ◽  
Irene R McEwen ◽  
David M Thompson

Abstract Background and Purpose. People with spastic cerebral palsy often receive passive stretching that is intended to maintain or increase joint passive range of motion (PROM) even though the effectiveness of these exercises has not been definitively demonstrated. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of PROM exercises on 6 adults with spastic quadriplegia and contractures. Participants. Four men and 2 women (X̄=31 years of age, range=20–44 years) who lived in an institution for people with mental retardation participated in the study. Methods. The authors used 2 multiple baseline designs. Three participants (group 1) received lower-extremity PROM exercises during phase A; PROM exercises were discontinued during phase B. Three participants (group 2) did not receive PROM exercises during phase A; PROM exercises were initiated during phase B. Data were analyzed using visual analysis and the C statistic. Results. Results varied with the method of analysis; however, phase A and phase B measurements, overall, did not differ for either group. Discussion and Conclusion. This study demonstrated use of a single-subject design to measure the effect of PROM exercises on adults with cerebral palsy. The authors concluded that the PROM exercise protocol did not have an effect on the lower-extremity goniometric measurements of the participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Virgian Ferda Sari ◽  
Ni Wayan Sukerti

This research aimed to identify the effects of PECS on the social skills of a student with ADHD, who experienced delayed in communication and social interaction. This research used Single Subject Design, with A-B-A design as the research design. The data were presented using graphics and analyzed using visual analysis. The subject of this research was a first grader with ADHD in an Inclusive Elementary School.  The result of this research showed that there was an effect on the implementation of PECS on the social skill of a student with ADHD; the student’s tendency to refuse the invitation to play together with others decreased. Moreover, the implementation of PECS enabled the student to understand the kinds of social skills that could be done together through PECS’s interactive pictures. Furthermore, it was found that PECS could optimize the student’s communicative and cognitive aspects.

Children ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Bryan M. Gee ◽  
Kimberly Lloyd ◽  
Jesse Sutton ◽  
Tyler McOmber

The purpose of the study was to explore the efficacy of weighted blanket applications and sleep quality in children with autism spectrum disorder and behavioral manifestations of sensory processing deficits. Two 4-year-old participants diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder who also experienced sleep disturbances took part in a single-subject design study. Objective sleep measures and caregiver surveys were tracked for a baseline period of eight days, followed by a 14-day weighted blanket intervention and a seven-day withdrawal phase. Caregiver reports and objective data were evaluated using visual analysis and the percentage of non-overlapping data methods. The results suggest minimal changes in sleep patterns as a result of the weighted blanket intervention. The findings based on using a weighted blanket intervention were enhanced morning mood after night use and a significantly decreased time to fall asleep for participants, though they were not strong enough to recommend for clinical use. Future directions include single-subject and cohort-designed studies exploring the efficacy of weighted blankets with increasing sleep quality among children with autism.

Anna Wikman ◽  
Laura Kukkola ◽  
Helene Börjesson ◽  
Martin Cernvall ◽  
Joanne Woodford ◽  

BACKGROUND Parenting a child through cancer is a distressing experience, and a subgroup of parents report negative long-term psychological consequences years after treatment completion. However, there is a lack of evidence-based psychological interventions for parents who experience distress in relation to a child’s cancer disease after end of treatment. OBJECTIVE One aim of this study was to develop an internet-administered, cognitive behavior therapy–based, psychological, guided, self-help intervention (ENGAGE) for parents of children previously treated for cancer. Another aim was to identify acceptable procedures for future feasibility and efficacy studies testing and evaluating the intervention. METHODS Participatory action research methodology was used. The study included face-to-face workshops and related Web-based exercises. A total of 6 parents (4 mothers, 2 fathers) of children previously treated for cancer were involved as parent research partners. Moreover, 2 clinical psychologists were involved as expert research partners. Research partners and research group members worked collaboratively throughout the study. Data were analyzed iteratively using written summaries of the workshops and Web-based exercises parallel to data collection. RESULTS A 10-week, internet-administered, cognitive behavior therapy–based, psychological, guided, self-help intervention (ENGAGE) was developed in collaboration with parent research partners and expert research partners. The content of the intervention, mode and frequency of e-therapist support, and the individualized approach for feedback were modified based on the research partner input. Shared solutions were reached regarding the type and timing of support from an e-therapist (eg, initial video or telephone call, multiple methods of e-therapist contact), duration and timing of intervention (eg, 10 weeks, 30-min assessments), and the removal of unnecessary support functions (eg, removal of chat and forum functions). Preferences for study procedures in future studies testing and evaluating the intervention were discussed; consensus was not reached for all aspects. CONCLUSIONS To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first use of a participatory action research approach to develop a psychological intervention for parents of children previously treated for cancer and to identify acceptable study procedures. Involvement of parents with lived experience was vital in the development of a potentially relevant and acceptable intervention for this population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-134
Nafisa Alif Amalia

Self-esteem accorded a prominent role in the transition adolescence to adulthood. High self-esteem was associated with life satisfaction and predicts success and well-being in life domains. Otherwise, low self-esteem predicted depressive symptoms and as an indicator of various forms of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. This study aimed to determine effectiveness the principles of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to increase self-esteem. This study uses single-subject research design. The participant of this study is a 13 years 8 months old girl who has low self-esteem. Self-esteem was measured by a Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI) from Coopersmith (1967), adolescent’s behavior was measured by Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL), and supported by interview with adolescent and parent. This intervention consists of three stages, such as the pre-intervention that consists of one session, the intervention that consists of eight sessions, and the post-intervention that consist of one session. The result of this study indicates that CBT can increase self-esteem, especially in certain domains, such as school and general self. Meanwhile, adolescent’s behavior also changes, especially in thought problem aspect. However, other problem experienced by adolescent can be obstacle to effectiveness the principles of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to increase self-esteem.

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