Progressive inclusion of pearl millet herbage as a supplement for dairy cows fed mixed rations: Effects on methane emissions, dry matter intake, and milk production

M. Civiero ◽  
R. Delagarde ◽  
A. Berndt ◽  
Jusiane Rosseto ◽  
M.N. de Souza ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 59 (5) ◽  
pp. 891 ◽  
P. J. Moate ◽  
S. R. O. Williams ◽  
M. H. Deighton ◽  
M. C. Hannah ◽  
B. E. Ribaux ◽  

There has been little research that has quantified methane (CH4) yields when dairy cows consume diets containing wheat grain. Furthermore, although rumen-fistulated animals have been used in many experiments concerned with measuring CH4 emissions, no research has examined the effect of rumen fistulation on in vivo CH4 emissions and yield. This experiment examined the effects of including either wheat or corn grain in the diet and the effects of rumen fistulation on yields of milk and milk components, CH4 emissions, yields, and intensities. Eight rumen-fistulated and six non-fistulated Holstein dairy cows in late lactation were offered a wheat-based diet (WHT) and a corn-based diet (CRN) in a crossover design. For the WHT diet, cows were offered daily, 22.4 kg DM containing 45.5% lucerne hay, 8.9% canola meal, 0.5% mineral mix, 0.5% molasses powder and 44.6% rolled wheat. The CRN diet was similar to the WHT diet except that rolled corn replaced the wheat. There was no difference between the WHT and CRN diets on mean milk yields (27.8 vs 27.9 kg/day), but the WHT diet substantially reduced milk fat concentration (2.76 vs 4.23%) and milk fat yield (0.77 vs 1.18 kg/day). Methane emissions (218 vs 424 g/day), CH4 yield (11.1 vs 19.5 g/kg dry matter intake) and CH4 intensity (7.6 vs 15.7 g/kg milk) were all reduced ~45% by the WHT diet compared with the CRN diet. Rumen fistulation did not affect dry matter intake, milk production, milk composition or CH4 emissions, but decreased CH4 yield and intensity. Including wheat in the diet of dairy cows has the potential to be an effective strategy to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, rumen fistulation was associated with a small reduction in CH4 yield and intensity, and this should be considered when using rumen-fistulated cows in research concerned with CH4 emissions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 99 (10) ◽  
pp. 7945-7955 ◽  
C. Muñoz ◽  
P.A. Letelier ◽  
E.M. Ungerfeld ◽  
J.M. Morales ◽  
S. Hube ◽  

1999 ◽  
Vol 133 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-425 ◽  
Y. UNAL ◽  

Dry matter intake is one of the major factors limiting milk production in dairy cows, although the quantity of food consumed by an individual cow when housed and fed as part of a group is rarely known. Such information would permit more precise ration formulation, concentrate allocation and selection of cows according to efficiency of milk production. Alkanes have been used with sheep and cattle to estimate feed intake under grazing conditions and could provide a technique for measuring intake in housed dairy cows. The purpose of this study was to examine alkanes C32 and C36, in combination with alkane C33, as indigestible markers for estimating intake of housed dairy cows fed on different diets under experimental and commercial conditions. Three experiments were conducted with hay-based diets (Expt 1), silage only diets (Expt 2) and a diet consisting of a silage-based basal ration plus concentrates (Expt 3). Animals were dosed once daily with C32 and C36, either on filter papers (Expts 1 and 2) or as part of a specially prepared concentrate (Expt 3). Faecal recoveries of alkanes ranged from 0·88 to 0·99. Over the range of intakes found in the three experiments (6–24 kg DM/d), the r2 values for estimated versus actual dry matter intakes ranged from 0·81 to 0·99. It is concluded that alkanes could provide a useful technique for estimating intake in dairy cows housed and fed in groups.

2006 ◽  
Vol 77 (5) ◽  
pp. 503-509 ◽  
Kenji HOSODA ◽  
Hiroki MATSUYAMA ◽  
Woong-Yeoul PARK ◽  
Takehiro NISHIDA ◽  
Motohiko ISHIDA

1999 ◽  
Vol 39 (8) ◽  
pp. 923 ◽  
P. J. Moate ◽  
D. E. Dalley ◽  
J. R. Roche ◽  
C. Grainger

Summary. The effect of herbage allowance (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 kg DM/cow. day) on the consumption of nutrients from herbage and milk production by cows in early lactation, was examined. The experiment was conducted on rainfed perennial ryegrass pastures in September and October 1997 in south-eastern Victoria, Australia. The herbage on offer comprised 64% perennial ryegrass, 21% other grasses, 1% white clover, 5% weeds and 9% dead material on a dry matter (DM) basis. The average pregrazing herbage height was 13 cm, at an estimated pregrazing herbage mass of 3.6 t DM/ha. The herbage on offer was of high quality containing 11.6 MJ metabolisable energy/kg DM, 202 g crude protein/kg DM and 525 g neutral detergent fibre/kg DM. Concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and chloride were 4.4, 2.2, 4.4, 31.2, 3.5, 2.7 and 11.4 g/kg DM, respectively. As daily herbage allowance per cow increased, dry matter intake increased curvilinearly (P<0.01) from 11.2 to 18.7 kg DM/cow. day. This was associated with a decrease in utilisation of herbage from 54 to 26% and an increase in milk production from 25.9 to 29.1 kg/cow. day. The cows on all treatments grazed for less than 8.7 h/day. The increase in intake was achieved by an increase in the rate of herbage intake from 1.5 to 2.2 kg DM/h for herbage allowances of 20 and 70 kg/, respectively. Irrespective of herbage allowance, cows selected a diet that was approximately 10% higher in in vitro dry matter digestibility and 30% higher in crude protein than that in the herbage on offer. The neutral detergent fibre content of the herbage selected was lower (P<0.05) than that on offer. The herbage consumed contained more (P<0.05) magnesium, potassium and sulfur, the same amount of calcium and phosphorus and less (P<0.05) sodium and chloride than the herbage on offer. For rainfed perennial pastures in spring, herbage allowance is an important factor in determining voluntary feed intake and production of dairy cows. To achieve 30 L from herbage, without supplementation, high herbage allowances are required. The increase in herbage intake, with increasing herbage allowance, resulted from an increase in rate of dry matter intake and not an increase in grazing time. No relationship was evident between herbage allowance and the selection differentials for in vitro dry matter digestibility, crude protein and neutral detergent fibre. Selection differentials for rainfed perennial pastures in spring are similar to those reported for irrigated perennial pastures in northern Victoria in spring and autumn. When determining nutrient requirements it is important to consider the interaction between herbage intake and nutrient concentration in the herbage.

Animals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 925
Zhao ◽  
Min ◽  
Zheng ◽  

Heat stress negatively impacts the health and milk production of dairy cows, and ruminal microbial populations play an important role in dairy cattle’s milk production. Currently there are no available studies that investigate heat stress-associated changes in the rumen microbiome of lactating dairy cattle. Improved understanding of the link between heat stress and the ruminal microbiome may be beneficial in developing strategies for relieving the influence of heat stress on ruminants by manipulating ruminal microbial composition. In this study, we investigated the ruminal bacterial composition and metabolites in heat stressed and non-heat stressed dairy cows. Eighteen lactating dairy cows were divided into two treatment groups, one with heat stress and one without heat stress. Dry matter intake was measured and rumen fluid from all cows in both groups was collected. The bacterial 16S rRNA genes in the ruminal fluid were sequenced, and the rumen pH and the lactate and acetate of the bacterial metabolites were quantified. Heat stress was associated with significantly decreased dry matter intake and milk production. Rumen pH and rumen acetate concentrations were significantly decreased in the heat stressed group, while ruminal lactate concentration increased. The influence of heat stress on the microbial bacterial community structure was minor. However, heat stress was associated with an increase in lactate producing bacteria (e.g., Streptococcus and unclassified Enterobacteriaceae), and with an increase in Ruminobacter, Treponema, and unclassified Bacteroidaceae, all of which utilize soluble carbohydrates as an energy source. The relative abundance of acetate-producing bacterium Acetobacter decreased during heat stress. We concluded that heat stress is associated with changes in ruminal bacterial composition and metabolites, with more lactate and less acetate-producing species in the population, which potentially negatively affects milk production.

K W Agnew ◽  
C S Mayne

In a previous study at this Institute, significant increases in total dry matter intake were obtained with first lactation animals offered grass silage and concentrates as a complete diet rather than in separate feeds. However, the increased DM intake associated with complete diet feeding was not reflected in improved animal performance. Similar results have also been reported by Phipps, Bines, Fulford and Weller (1984) and Cassel, Merrill, Milligan and Guest (1984).The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect on animal performance of offering two types of concentrate in addition to grass silage, with concentrates offered either as a complete diet or in three feeds per day.

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