scholarly journals Purpose of the use of technologies in the contemporary models of Corporate University

Solange Maria da Silva ◽  
Gertrudes A. Dandolini ◽  
Patricia De Sá Freire ◽  
João Artur de Souza ◽  
Willian Rochadel ◽  

This paper aims to identify the purpose of the use of technologies in the contemporary models of corporate university: Stakeholder University (SU) and Networked Corporate University (NCU). To accomplish it, we carried out a systematic search in the main electronic bases of scientific documents, categorizing the studies by means of the revised Bloom's Taxonomy. This search enabled to distinguish the purpose of the use of technologies in corporate universities, such as the purpose of integration between different stakeholders in relation to knowledge. The research highlights the Corporate University in addition to an environment of education; but an area of innovation in which the integration of stakeholders, university and organization constitutes an important interaction and sharing networks. By identifying the technological characteristics and tools, it points out new approaches of technological integration in the mediation between stakeholders in order to promote networked learning. That is, to remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create (Bloom's Taxonomy), but, especially, to generate value from these relationships. The conclusion is that the distance education technologies, the knowledge media, and the engineering and knowledge management tools arise as enablers of the purpose of creating technologies to generate shared knowledge and stakeholder interaction, according to the models of SU and NCU.

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Tita Sunggarani ◽  
Euis Nursa’adah ◽  
Yunita Yunita

Abstrak: Ilmu kimia sebagai ilmu yang berdasarkan pada  penelitian (induktif), yang seharusnya mampu menyajikan soal yang menantang dan tersebar dalam enam level kognitif, hanya saja kondisi sebenarnya soal-soal kimia masih dibuat tradisional dengan berada pada level kognitif rendah. Soal olimpiade sebagai ajang kompetisi nasional siswa-siswa berprestasi di Indonesia pun belum diketahui level kognitif yang terkandung di dalamnya. Maka tujuan penelitian ini yakni, mendeskripsikan komposisi penyebaran soal terhadap tabel Taksonomi Bloom revisi, mendeskripsikan perbandingan soal OSN dan IChO (International Chemistry Olympiad) pada materi yang sama, dan  memetakan soal-soal tersebut terhadap standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar SMA/MA. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2012 tersebar pada prosedural-mengaplikasikan dan konseptual-memahami. Pada tahun 2013 tersebar pada dimensi prosedural-mengaplikasikan dan faktual-memahami. Berdasarkan konten materi dalam satu soal IChO  menuntut siswa dapat menemukan keterkaitan suatu materi dengan materi lainnya guna menyelesaikan soal tersebut sedangkan OSN tidak, tetapi keduanya  memiliki dimensi pengetahuan dan dimensi proses kognitif yang tidak terlalu berbeda yakni pada lingkup prosedural-mengaplikasikan dan prosedural-menganalisis. Hasil pemetaan terhadap SK-KD SMA/MA menunjukkan sebesar setengah dari jumlah ksesluruhan soal dapat dipetakan. Adanya analisis ini diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi guru untuk memberikan penguatan konsep kimia pada pembelajaran, agar siswa mampu mengerjakan berbagai macam soal, salah satunya soal OSN. Penelitian ini masih terbatas pada tahun 2012 dan 2013, sehingga dapat dikembangkan analisis untuk tahun-tahun lainnya. Kata-kata Kunci : Analisis, Taksonomi Bloom revisi, Dimensi Pengetahuan, Dimensi Proses Kognitif Abstract: Chemistry as a science that is based on research (inductive), which is supposed to be able to present a challenging problem and scattered in six cognitive levels, it's just that the actual conditions of chemical problems are still made traditionally with low cognitive level. Olympics as a matter of national competition top students in Indonesia is not yet known cognitive level contained therein. So the purpose of this study, describing the composition of matter of the spread of the revised Bloom's Taxonomy tables, describing the comparison about OSN and IChO (International Chemistry Olympiad) on the same material, and to map these problems to the standards of competence and basic competences SMA/MA. The analysis showed that in 2012 spread over-apply procedural and conceptual understanding. In 2013 spread to the dimension-apply procedural and factual-understand. Based on the content of the material in a matter of IChO requires students to be able to find a material relationship with the other materials in order to resolve these problems while OSN does not, but both have dimensions of knowledge and cognitive process dimensions are not too different from that in the scope of procedural-procedural-applying and analyzing. The results of the mapping of the SK-KD SMA / MA shows only half the number of ksesluruhan matter can be mapped. The existence of this analysis are expected to be the input for the teacher to provide reinforcement in learning chemistry concepts, so that students are able to do a variety of problems, one of which is a matter of OSN. This study was limited in 2012 and 2013, so that the analysis can be developed for other years. Key Words: Analysis, revised Bloom's Taxonomy, Knowledge Dimension, The Cognitive Process Dimension

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Putri Kamalia Hakim

Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the coverage of Revised Bloom’s taxonomy in the English Standar Kompetensi (SK), Kompetensi Dasar (KD) and the English test items of Ujian Nasional for SMA. Content analysis method was chosen as the research design for this study. The writer analyzed the data by categorizing the verbs and the nouns of the data in relation to the categories and dimension of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. The results of this study revealed that 53% of SKs and KDs cover Understand category and the rest cover Analyze category. All of the SKs and KDs cover conceptual knowledge and other knowledge dimensions are not covered. Moreover, the coverage of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in English test items of Ujian Nasional for SMA is not aligned with the coverage of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in English SK and KD. The SKs and KDs only cover Remember, Understand, Apply and Analyze categories while the test items were associated with Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, and Evaluate categories. More than 90% of English test items of Ujian Nasional for SMA only covered low order of cognitive categories (Remember, Understand, and Apply). Most of the test items covered factual knowledge and the rest of them covered conceptual knowledge and none of them covered procedural and metacognitive knowledge. 

Emtinan Alqurashi ◽  
Ariel R. Siegelman

Formative assessments aligned with learning goals can improve student learning. Integrating technology into formative assessments can further enhance and transform the learning experience. This chapter focuses on how instructors can design and evaluate formative assessment activities that incorporate technology. It provides a practical guide for understanding how to apply the revised Bloom's taxonomy framework and the substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition (SAMR) model to create meaningful technology-based formative assessments. This chapter includes evaluations of example technology-based formative assessments that align with learning goals based on Bloom's taxonomy. It determines if the technology used to either substitute or improve the functionality of the activity, enables the redesign of an entire activity, or yields a new activity that is impossible without the technology. This information can be applied to ensure the integrity of technology-based formative assessments and to determine if using a technology tool in a formative assessment is worthwhile.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1720939
Samira Baghaei ◽  
Mohammad Sadegh Bagheri ◽  
Mortaza Yamini

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