scholarly journals The Employee Associations and their Relations with the Overall Management of Universities in Peshawar: Issues and Barriers

2020 ◽  
Vol V (II) ◽  
pp. 22-31
Waqar Un Nisa Faizi ◽  
Anila Fatima Shakil ◽  
Wilayat Bibi

Employee associations serve as resources of interested employees in helping the advisory committees and the staff task forces. Besides, they may also help in publicizing information of interest, procedures, and policy to employees and participate actively in the process of academic review. In universities, a significant role is played by employees unions. Unlike Employee unions, the existence of employee associations differs a lot. Many benefits can be gained from the relationship between the management of the University and employee association. It has been found that in the past, universities in Pakistan have failed to revive and engage with their employees, due to which effectiveness was lost majorly by the associations present in the universities. This research paper will critically reflect upon the relationship between the employee association and the overall management of the universities of Peshawar. Further, it will also identify the significant barriers and issues faced by the employees associations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Francesca Iurlaro

Riassunto: Il presente contributo cercherà di gettare luce sulla ricezione della Repubblica di Platone (e, insieme, della Poetica di Aristotele) nel dibattito sulla poesia che in Età moderna vide protagonisti, fra gli altri, due importanti giuristi: i fratelli Alberico (1552-1608) e Scipione Gentili (1563-1616). Come giustificano questi autori l’affinità fra poesia e diritto? A quali auctoritates del passato fanno riferimento? Si mostrerà, in primo luogo, in che modo concepiscano tale rapporto; poi, attraverso quali fonti del dibattito cinquecentesco sulla poesia ne articolino gli estremi concettuali e, infine, come la lezione della Repubblica platonica possa chiarire la natura di tale dibattito, generalmente definito di matrice aristotelica piuttosto che platonica. Si vedrà come il rapporto fra poesia e diritto sia articolato, da un lato, attraverso una qualificazione dell’atto poético come analogo al procedimento retorico, proprio in aperta polemica con Platone; e dall’altro, come il rifiuto omerico espresso da Platone nella Repubblica apra una breccia ai due fratelli Gentili per affermare il primato di un altro poeta: Virgilio. Si concluderà suggerendo che l’analogia fra giustizia e poesia presente nella Repubblica costituisca una possibile chiave interpretativa del rapporto fra diritto e poesia, poiché è la presenza (non dichiarata) di un criterio platonico di giustizia a conferire validità normativa all’exemplum poetico.Parole chiave: poesia, ius gentium, retorica, Repubblica di Platone, Alberico Gentili, Scipione GentiliAbstract: The present contribution will shed light on the reception of Plato’s Republic (as well as of Aristotle’s Poetics) within the context of the early modern debate concerning poetry and poetic theory. Among the protagonists of this vivid debate, the two brothers and jurists Alberico (1552-1608) and Scipio Gentili (1563-1616) played a significant role in vindicating the existence of a strong relationship between law and poetry. In order to address this question, it has first to be assessed to which auctoritates of the past they relied upon to justify this relationship (and how they conceive of it); secondly, this article will read this phenomenon within the context of the 16th century debate concerning poetic theory. In this respect, Plato’s Republic plays a fundamental role in clarifying the conceptual stakes of such debate. In this perspective, I will argue that the relationship between law and poetry is addressed by both the Gentili brothers in terms of an analogy between poetry and rhetoric, and between rhetoric and law (in an anti-Platonic vein); on the other hand, the Gentilis seem to support Plato’s rejection of Homeric poetry in order to assess the primacy of another poet: Virgil. To conclude with, I will suggest that the parallel between poetry and justice (drawn by Plato in his Republic) might provide a possible interpretation of the relationship between law and poetry in the thoughts of Alberico and Scipio Gentili, where an implicit platonic criterion of justice seems to validate the legitimacy of the poetic exemplum.Keywords: poetry, ius gentium, rhetoric, Plato's Republic, Alberico Gentili, Scipio Gentili

Criminologie ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-52
Denis Szabo

The author describes the relationship that has been established over the past 25 years between university centres doing research in criminology and the Federal Government, pointing out both areas of agreement and as an expert and participant in the field, advocates a pluralistic type of collaboration between the University and the public authorities.

Selim Gunuc ◽  
Huseyin Artun ◽  
Emrullah Yigit ◽  
Hafize Keser

Several variables have been examined in relation to student engagement at universities in the past decades. However, the number of studies conducted especially with larger groups of participants to examine certain variables such as gender, accommodation, transportation to campus, and reasons for university choice is limited. In addition, there is almost no such research carried out in the context of the Turkish society. The study aimed to examine the relationship between student engagement and campus climate with a large group of participants from all over Turkey. The study was carried out using the survey research design. The research sample covered all the geographical regions in Turkey. The sample included 7,802 students in total. In the study, the Demographic Variable Form, Student Engagement Scale, and Campus Climate Checklist were used as the measurement tools. Finally, a significant correlation was found between the university campus climate and student engagement.

1999 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 301-307 ◽  
Victoria Stewart

A recurring strand over the past few years in New Theatre Quarterly has been the relationship between the nature of theatricality and scientific conceptions rooted in quantum mechanics – notably Chaos Theory and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. This approach is questioned by scientists, who doubt the possibility of bridging the scientific and the literary uses of the metaphorical language being deployed. Michael Frayn's recent play, Copenhagen, used the crucial wartime visit paid by Heisenberg to Niels Bohr, his fellow architect of the Uncertainty Principle, to explore the scientific concepts involved through the work's own form and content. Victoria Stewart here assesses the nature and the success of Frayn's techniques in relation to the wider uncertainties of live theatrical performance as well as to the relationship between the scientific and artistic use of metaphor. The outcome, she concludes, is ‘a dialogue between two fields of discourse – science and theatre – which reveals that both necessarily deal in ambiguity and uncertainty of outcome’. Victoria Stewart lectures in English and Drama at the University of the West of England, Bristol.

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Raymond Pun

Purpose – This paper aims to explore the library’s on-going relationship with the academic resource center (ARC), and how over the past two years, there have been new services and programs thriving as a result of this collaboration. The paper presents three case studies that demonstrate the library’s collaboration with the ARC and assesses the opportunities and challenges in working with this department in a new university. Design/methodology/approach – The approach of this paper is to explore three case studies on how the library collaborated with the ARC in supporting students. The case studies explore the opportunities for partnerships in developing innovative services, programs and resources. Librarians are integral members of the ARC and are embedded in this community by providing support to the department as well. Findings – The paper finds that collaborations between the library and the ARC are mutually beneficial: academic libraries may consider partnering with tutoring centers to create synergies in enhancing the students’ research experience. However, not all collaborative projects or programs are successful or repeatable in success. They are still opportunities to build and strengthen the relationship between the library and the ARC. Originality/value – This paper presents three case studies on how the library works closely with the “Global Academic Fellows” (GAF) from the ARC. The GAFs work closely with faculty and librarians as they teach, tutor and collaborate with different university departments to create programs or initiatives that enrich the student experience and the university. Their roles have been instrumental in collaborating with the library to create innovative programs, events and support services throughout the two years since the university opened in 2013.

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 160-163
Muhammed Haron

Turkish-African relations began with the formation of the Ottoman Empire.Early relations were confined to parts of modern-day Tunisia, Libya andEgypt, which the empire ruled for centuries. Later on, the empire spread toother parts of Africa, as shown by such emerging scholars as Hatice Ugur,who wrote Osmanli Afrikasi’nda Bir Sultanlik Zengibar (Istanbul: 2005),and the scholarly works of Eric Germaine and others. Their research hasbeen bolstered by the variety of extant documents that still need to be studied and explored (cf. A. Kavas, ed. Solidarity of Ottoman-African Muslims:Under the Light of the Documents [Istanbul: 2006]). However, emergingAfrican scholars interested in these manuscripts will have to be trained inand come to grips with Ottoman Turkish before making any headway.Renewed efforts are now undeway to forge links with Africa’s Muslimcommunities and representatives. The Research Center for Islamic History,Art, and Culture (IRCICA), an international institution that falls under theauspices of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), has created thenecessary opportunities to cement and strengthen links with African Muslimcommunities via specific structures, such as the Islamic University of Ugandaand the University of Johannesburg. In the wake of these significant efforts,the Presidency of Religious Affairs (more popularly known in Turkey as theDiyanat [hereinafter Presidency]) has also shown its desire to pursue externalrelations with religious communities outside Turkey. Over the past fewyears, the Presidency has played a significant role in “religious affairs” bothin and beyond Turkey in order to pursue its religious portfolio and religiousagenda. Although the predominantly Muslim societies of the Muslim heartlandsview Turkey, in general, as the most secular Muslim society, a strand ofreligiosity has been observed in its various social levels and sectors.Therefore, Turkish society cannot be said to be exclusively secular ...

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 221
Edward Rosenberg ◽  
Mark Hughes ◽  
Jessica Wood

Over the past ten years research at the University of Montana in collaboration with Purity Systems Inc, both located in Missoula, Montana, has resulted in a novel class of chelator materials composed of amorphous, nanoporous silica gels and modified polyamines. These materials offer some distinct advantages over conventional polystyrene based resins especially for applications in the mining industry. This paper will report on the relationship between polymer structure and metal selectivity, the relationship between chelator structure and metal selectivity and further comparisons with polystyrene analogs.

Manuskripta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Fajar Hardi Muhammad ◽  
Jefrizal Jefrizal

Abstract: Sjair Iblis is one of the manuscripts which is a religious group containing the teachings and beliefs of Muslims. Poetry of the Devil is included in one of the manuscripts that the author and the author do not know about, or better known as "Anonymous". The original Devil Poetry text is still stored well at the University of Leiden Netherlands with KITLV 219. However, the code is not found in any catalog such as the catalog of Maleische Handschriften Musem van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wefenschappen dan catalogus of Malay, Minangkabau and South Sumatran Manuscripts In The Netherlands, even that catalog was not identified KITLV 219 code. This study refers to the study of HG Gadamer hermeneutics using descriptive qualitative methods. Interestingly this Devil Poetry script because there are several things to be analyzed with the concept of Gadamer hermeneutics, this study also aims at how to find out the interpretation of the text of the Devil Poetry itself then this study provides treasures in the fields of religion, communication, language and understanding to the relationship between the past and the present. --- Abstrak: Syair Iblis salah satu naskah yang merupakan golongan keagamaan berisi tentang ajaran serta kepercayaan umat Islam. Syair Iblis termasuk dari salah satu naskah yang tidak diketahui pengarang dan penulisnya, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan “Anonymous”. Naskah Syair Iblis yang asli masih tersimpan baik di Universitas Leiden Netherlands dengan kode KITLV 219. Akan tetapi kode tersebut tidak ditemukan pada katalog manapun seperti katalogus Maleische Handschriften Musem van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wefenschappen dan catalogus of Malay, Minangkabau and South Sumatran Manuscripts In The Netherlands, katalog itupun tidak teridentifikasi kode KITLV 219. Penelitian ini mengacu kepada kajian hermeneutika H.G Gadamer dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Menariknya naskah Syair Iblis ini karena ada beberapa perihal untuk dapat di analisis dengan konsep hermeneutika Gadamer, Penelitian ini juga bertujuan bagaimana mengetahui interpretasi teks terhadap Syair Iblis itu sendiri kemudian penelitian ini memberikan khazanah dalam bidang keagamaan, pernaskahan, bahasa dan pemahaman hingga hubungan antara masa lalu dan masa kini.  

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 386-391 ◽  
Laveena Mehta ◽  
Meenakshi Malhotra

In present scenario, Indian banks are struggling with challenges related with NPA’s. Some years before these banks were in Flourishing heights.but health of these banks deteriorated because of non performing assets. Many Indian banks have been controlled their non performing assets up to a level, but some banks still have been failed to control their NPA’s status, as a result, NPA hitting the profitability of these banks. Through this research paper we have examined the trend of NPA’s over the past 8 years and the relationship between NPA’s and profitability of private sector banks. According to the Reserve bank of India priority sector lending must be promoted so that those sectors who can’t approach the organized market for lending purposes and can’t afford the higher commercial rate of interest, can get loans in an easy way. RBI specified the percentage of loans to priority sectors out of the total money lent by the banks.  This paper examines the NPA in Priority Sector Lending and the impact of priority sector lending on the gross NPA of private sector banks. The result showed the significant impact of priority sector lending on gross NPA of private Sector banks. This study revolves between the period 2005 and 2012.

2003 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 256-258
David Mitch

One strain of French structuralism has argued for the existence of long-run economic cycles driven by Marxist class and economic dynamics. Vincent Carpentier employs this approach in his study of the relationship between economic and educational change in the United Kingdom over the past two centuries. The basic framework was developed by Carpentier's mentor, Louis Fontvielle of the University of Montpellier, who has used it to examine the same relationship for France. According to this framework, leading modern economies such as those of France and the United Kingdom over the past two centuries have experienced four Kondratieff cycles of 50 years duration each. During the first three cycles, the level of resources devoted to education tended to move counter-cyclically; in the fourth cycle, the relationship reversed to move pro-cyclically. Fontvielle's explanation of this pattern is that during the first three cycles, during expansionary phases, high returns to physical capital implied pressures to cut back on public educational investments while during downturns, social stresses and contradictions in the system led to expanding educational investments. However in the fourth cycle, since 1945, both the rise of the welfare state and the increasing contribution of an educated labor force to productivity due to the increasing importance of science-based technical change resulted in the level of educational investments moving pro-cyclically.

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