Sciatic nerve injury model in the axolotl: functional, electrophysiological, and radiographic outcomes

2010 ◽  
Vol 112 (4) ◽  
pp. 880-889 ◽  
Nina Kropf ◽  
Kartik Krishnan ◽  
Moses Chao ◽  
Mark Schweitzer ◽  
Zehava Rosenberg ◽  

Object The 2 aims of this study were as follows: 1) to establish outcome measures of nerve regeneration in an axolotl model of peripheral nerve injury; and 2) to define the timing and completeness of reinnervation in the axolotl following different types of sciatic nerve injury. Methods The sciatic nerves in 36 axolotls were exposed bilaterally in 3 groups containing 12 animals each: Group 1, left side sham, right side crush; Group 2, left side sham, right side nerve resected and proximal stump buried; and Group 3 left side cut and sutured, right side cut and sutured with tibial and peroneal divisions reversed. Outcome measures included the following: 1) an axolotl sciatic functional index (ASFI) derived from video swim analysis; 2) motor latencies; and 3) MR imaging evaluation of nerve and muscle edema. Results For crush injuries, the ASFI returned to baseline by 2 weeks, as did MR imaging parameters and motor latencies. For buried nerves, the ASFI returned to 20% below baseline by 8 weeks, with motor evoked potentials present. On MR imaging, nerve edema peaked at 3 days postintervention and gradually normalized over 12 weeks, whereas muscle denervation was present until a gradual decrease was seen between 4 and 12 weeks. For cut nerves, the ASFI returned to 20% below baseline by Week 4, where it plateaued. Motor evoked potentials were observed at 2–4 weeks, but with an increased latency until Week 6, and MR imaging analysis revealed muscle denervation for 4 weeks. Conclusions Multiple outcome measures in which an axolotl model of peripheral nerve injury is used have been established. Based on historical controls, recovery after nerve injury appears to occur earlier and is more complete than in rodents. Further investigation using this model as a successful “blueprint” for nerve regeneration in humans is warranted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 174480692097191
Yuanyuan Jia ◽  
Ming Zhang ◽  
Pei Li ◽  
Wenbo Tang ◽  
Yao Liu ◽  

Little is known about the role of epigenetic modification in axon regeneration following peripheral nerve injury. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the regulation of axon regeneration. We used bioinformatics to perform microarray analysis and screened total 476 lncRNAs and 129 microRNAs (miRNAs) of differentially expressed genes after sciatic nerve injury in mice. lncRNA-GM4208 and lncRNA-GM30085 were examined, and the changes in lncRNA expression in the L4–L6 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) following sciatic nerve crush injury were analyzed by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The expression of lncRNAs in the DRG changed, indicating that they might be related to nerve regeneration in the DRG following peripheral nerve injury.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (5) ◽  
pp. 897-906 ◽  
Alexander W. Aleem ◽  
W. Bryan Wilent ◽  
Alexa C. Narzikul ◽  
Andrew F. Kuntz ◽  
Edward S. Chang ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 116 (2) ◽  
pp. 432-444 ◽  
Meei-Ling Sheu ◽  
Fu-Chou Cheng ◽  
Hong-Lin Su ◽  
Ying-Ju Chen ◽  
Chun-Jung Chen ◽  

Object Increased integration of CD34+ cells in injured nerve significantly promotes nerve regeneration, but this effect can be counteracted by limited migration and short survival of CD34+ cells. SDF-1α and its receptor mediate the recruitment of CD34+ cells involved in the repair mechanism of several neurological diseases. In this study, the authors investigate the potentiation of CD34+ cell recruitment triggered by SDF-1α and the involvement of CD34+ cells in peripheral nerve regeneration. Methods Peripheral nerve injury was induced in 147 Sprague-Dawley rats by crushing the left sciatic nerve with a vessel clamp. The animals were allocated to 3 groups: Group 1, crush injury (controls); Group 2, crush injury and local application of SDF-1α recombinant proteins; and Group 3, crush injury and local application of SDF-1α antibody. Electrophysiological studies and assessment of regeneration markers were conducted at 4 weeks after injury; neurobehavioral studies were conducted at 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after injury. The expression of SDF-1α, accumulation of CD34+ cells, immune cells, and angiogenesis factors in injured nerves were evaluated at 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28 days after injury. Results Application of SDF-1α increased the migration of CD34+ cells in vitro, and this effect was dose dependent. Crush injury induced the expression of SDF-1α, with a peak of 10–14 days postinjury, and this increased expression of SDF-1α paralleled the deposition of CD34+ cells, expression of VEGF, and expression of neurofilament. These effects were further enhanced by the administration of SDF-1α recombinant protein and abolished by administration of SDF-1α antibody. Furthermore, these effects were consistent with improvement in measures of neurological function such as sciatic function index, electrophysiological parameters, muscle weight, and myelination of regenerative nerve. Conclusions Expression of SDF-1α facilitates recruitment of CD34+ cells in peripheral nerve injury. The increased deposition of CD34+ cells paralleled significant expression of angiogenesis factors and was consistent with improvement of neurological function. Utilization of SDF-1α for enhancing the recruitment of CD34+ cells involved in peripheral nerve regeneration may be considered as an alternative treatment strategy in peripheral nerve disorders.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Feng Rao ◽  
Dianying Zhang ◽  
Tengjiaozi Fang ◽  
Changfeng Lu ◽  
Bo Wang ◽  

At present, repair methods for peripheral nerve injury often fail to get satisfactory result. Although various strategies have been adopted to investigate the microenvironment after peripheral nerve injury, the underlying molecular mechanisms of neurite outgrowth remain unclear. In this study, we evaluate the effects of exosomes from gingival mesenchymal stem cells (GMSCs) combined with biodegradable chitin conduits on peripheral nerve regeneration. GMSCs were isolated from human gingival tissue and characterized by surface antigen analysis and in vitro multipotent differentiation. The cell supernatant was collected to isolate the exosomes. The exosomes were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, Western blot, and size distribution analysis. The effects of exosomes on peripheral nerve regeneration in vitro were evaluated by coculture with Schwann cells and DRGs. The chitin conduit was prepared and combined with the exosomes to repair rat sciatic nerve defect. Histology, electrophysiology, and gait analysis were used to test the effects of exosomes on sciatic nerve function recovery in vivo. We have successfully cultured GMSCs and isolated exosomes. The exosomes from GMSCs could significantly promote Schwann cell proliferation and DRG axon growth. The in vivo studies showed that chitin conduit combined with exosomes from GMSCs could significantly increase the number and diameter of nerve fibers and promote myelin formation. In addition, muscle function, nerve conduction function, and motor function were also obviously recovered. In summary, this study suggests that GMSC-derived exosomes combined with biodegradable chitin conduits are a useful and novel therapeutic intervention in peripheral nerve repair.

2002 ◽  
Vol 87 (4) ◽  
pp. 1763-1771 ◽  
Antoni Valero-Cabré ◽  
Xavier Navarro

We investigated the changes induced in crossed extensor reflex responses after peripheral nerve injury and repair in the rat. Adults rats were submitted to non repaired sciatic nerve crush (CRH, n = 9), section repaired by either aligned epineurial suture (CS, n = 11) or silicone tube (SIL4, n = 13), and 8 mm resection repaired by tubulization (SIL8, n = 12). To assess reinnervation, the sciatic nerve was stimulated proximal to the injury site, and the evoked compound muscle action potential (M and H waves) from tibialis anterior and plantar muscles and nerve action potential (CNAP) from the tibial nerve and the 4th digital nerve were recorded at monthly intervals for 3 mo postoperation. Nociceptive reinnervation to the hindpaw was also assessed by plantar algesimetry. Crossed extensor reflexes were evoked by stimulation of the tibial nerve at the ankle and recorded from the contralateral tibialis anterior muscle. Reinnervation of the hindpaw increased progressively with time during the 3 mo after lesion. The degree of muscle and sensory target reinnervation was dependent on the severity of the injury and the nerve gap created. The crossed extensor reflex consisted of three bursts of activity (C1, C2, and C3) of gradually longer latency, lower amplitude, and higher threshold in control rats. During follow-up after sciatic nerve injury, all animals in the operated groups showed recovery of components C1 and C2 and of the reflex H wave, whereas component C3 was detected in a significantly lower proportion of animals in groups with tube repair. The maximal amplitude of components C1 and C2 recovered to values higher than preoperative values, reaching final levels between 150 and 245% at the end of the follow-up in groups CRH, CS, and SIL4. When reflex amplitude was normalized by the CNAP amplitude of the regenerated tibial nerve, components C1 (300–400%) and C2 (150–350%) showed highly increased responses, while C3 was similar to baseline levels. In conclusion, reflexes mediated by myelinated sensory afferents showed, after nerve injuries, a higher degree of facilitation than those mediated by unmyelinated fibers. These changes tended to decline toward baseline values with progressive reinnervation but still remained significant 3 mo after injury.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 174480692110066
Orest Tsymbalyuk ◽  
Volodymyr Gerzanich ◽  
Aaida Mumtaz ◽  
Sanketh Andhavarapu ◽  
Svetlana Ivanova ◽  

Background Neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury (PNI) is linked to neuroinflammation in the spinal cord marked by astrocyte activation and upregulation of interleukin 6 (IL -6 ), chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (CXCL1), with inhibition of each individually being beneficial in pain models. Methods Wild type (WT) mice and mice with global or pGfap-cre- or pGFAP-cre/ERT2-driven Abcc8/SUR1 deletion or global Trpm4 deletion underwent unilateral sciatic nerve cuffing. WT mice received prophylactic (starting on post-operative day [pod]-0) or therapeutic (starting on pod-21) administration of the SUR1 antagonist, glibenclamide (10 µg IP) daily. We measured mechanical and thermal sensitivity using von Frey filaments and an automated Hargreaves method. Spinal cord tissues were evaluated for SUR1-TRPM4, IL-6, CCL2 and CXCL1. Results Sciatic nerve cuffing in WT mice resulted in pain behaviors (mechanical allodynia, thermal hyperalgesia) and newly upregulated SUR1-TRPM4 in dorsal horn astrocytes. Global and pGfap-cre-driven Abcc8 deletion and global Trpm4 deletion prevented development of pain behaviors. In mice with Abcc8 deletion regulated by pGFAP-cre/ERT2, after pain behaviors were established, delayed silencing of Abcc8 by tamoxifen resulted in gradual improvement over the next 14 days. After PNI, leakage of the blood-spinal barrier allowed entry of glibenclamide into the affected dorsal horn. Daily repeated administration of glibenclamide, both prophylactically and after allodynia was established, prevented or reduced allodynia. The salutary effects of glibenclamide on pain behaviors correlated with reduced expression of IL-6, CCL2 and CXCL1 by dorsal horn astrocytes. Conclusion SUR1-TRPM4 may represent a novel non-addicting target for neuropathic pain.

2013 ◽  
Vol 119 (3) ◽  
pp. 720-732 ◽  
Yerko A. Berrocal ◽  
Vania W. Almeida ◽  
Ranjan Gupta ◽  
Allan D. Levi

Object Segmental nerve defects pose a daunting clinical challenge, as peripheral nerve injury studies have established that there is a critical nerve gap length for which the distance cannot be successfully bridged with current techniques. Construction of a neural prosthesis filled with Schwann cells (SCs) could provide an alternative treatment to successfully repair these long segmental gaps in the peripheral nervous system. The object of this study was to evaluate the ability of autologous SCs to increase the length at which segmental nerve defects can be bridged using a collagen tube. Methods The authors studied the use of absorbable collagen conduits in combination with autologous SCs (200,000 cells/μl) to promote axonal growth across a critical size defect (13 mm) in the sciatic nerve of male Fischer rats. Control groups were treated with serum only–filled conduits of reversed sciatic nerve autografts. Animals were assessed for survival of the transplanted SCs as well as the quantity of myelinated axons in the proximal, middle, and distal portions of the channel. Results Schwann cell survival was confirmed at 4 and 16 weeks postsurgery by the presence of prelabeled green fluorescent protein–positive SCs within the regenerated cable. The addition of SCs to the nerve guide significantly enhanced the regeneration of myelinated axons from the nerve stump into the proximal (p < 0.001) and middle points (p < 0.01) of the tube at 4 weeks. The regeneration of myelinated axons at 16 weeks was significantly enhanced throughout the entire length of the nerve guide (p < 0.001) as compared with their number in a serum–only filled tube and was similar in number compared with the reversed autograft. Autotomy scores were significantly lower in the animals whose sciatic nerve was repaired with a collagen conduit either without (p < 0.01) or with SCs (p < 0.001) when compared with a reversed autograft. Conclusions The technique of adding SCs to a guidance channel significantly enhanced the gap distance that can be repaired after peripheral nerve injury with long segmental defects and holds promise in humans. Most importantly, this study represents some of the first essential steps in bringing autologous SC-based therapies to the domain of peripheral nerve injuries with long segmental defects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (5) ◽  
pp. 1879-1894 ◽  
Wei Tang ◽  
Xiangfang Chen ◽  
Haoqi Liu ◽  
Qian Lv ◽  
Junjie Zou ◽  

Background/Aims: High glucose-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory responses play an important role in painful diabetic neuropathy by activating the TLR4/NFκB signal pathway. Schwann cells (SCs) are integral to peripheral nerve biology, contributing to saltatory conduction along axons, nerve and axon development, and axonal regeneration. SCs provide a microenvironment favoring vascular regeneration but their low survival ratio in hyperglycemic conditions suppress the function to promote nerve growth. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) promotes remyelination after peripheral nerve injury. The aim of this study was to identify the role of Nrf2 in SC-mediated functional recovery after sciatic nerve injury. Methods: We compared plasma inflammatory factors in diabetic patients (DN) with/without diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and assessed whether Nrf2 expression in SCs could repair peripheral nerve injury in a rat model. Nrf2, TLR4/NFκB signal pathway and apoptosis relative protein expression were detected by western blot. Apoptosis and angiogenesis were determined by immunofluorescence and tubule formation assay, respectively. Regenerated nerves were determined by transmission electron microscope. Results: Higher levels of inflammatory factors and VEGF expression were found in DPN patients. Cellular experiments indicate that Nrf2 expression inhibits hyperglycemia-induced apoptosis and promotes angiogenesis by regulating the TLR4/NFκB signal pathway. Animal experiments show that nerve conduction velocity, myelin sheath thickness, and sciatic vasa nervorum are restored with transplantation of SCs overexpressing Nrf2. Conclusions: Taken together, the high survival ratio of SCs in a DPN rat model indicates that overexpression of Nrf2 restores nerve injury.

Neurosurgery ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 66 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Umang Khandpur ◽  
Ying Yan ◽  
Wilson Zachary Ray ◽  
Matthew R MacEwan

Abstract INTRODUCTION Patients who have experienced major tissue loss with peripheral nerve injury (eg, limb amputation) may be offered composite tissue allotransplantation (CTA). The return of sensory ability and cosmetic component of CTAs make them an attractive alternative to prosthetic devices. Unfortunately, robust reinnervation especially over great distances remains an issue for hand allotransplants. In this study, we introduce a preregenerated nerve graft to shorten the distance and therefore time to terminal tissue reinnervation, which could improve the utility of CTAs. METHODS A total of 18 rats weighing 250 to 300 gm each were randomized into 1 of 3 groups: baseline, fresh, or preregenerated. The baseline group underwent sham surgery to obtain baseline functional data. The fresh and preregenerated groups both underwent grafting of the sciatic nerve but the preregenerated group utilized 8-wk preregenerated grafts. At postperative week 8 from distal neurorrhaphy, both groups underwent terminal functional testing via EMG and evoked muscle force. RESULTS The preregenerated group had significantly greater mean EMG (P < .05) and maximum tetanic muscle force values (P < .05) than the fresh group. Mean percent recovery in EMG for the fresh group was 21.95% compared with 81.79% in the preregenerated group. Mean percent recovery in muscle force was 9.46% and 33.15%, respectively. CONCLUSION The results of this study provide a novel approach to enhance final functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury. The current practice of constructing a nerve stump may be improved by grafting a nerve segment at the time of injury and allowing it to preregenerate into local musculature so that if a CTA is later performed, an expedited and more robust reinnervation could be accomplished.

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