scholarly journals Outcomes of endoscopic suturectomy with postoperative helmet therapy in bilateral coronal craniosynostosis

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 281-286 ◽  
S. Alex Rottgers ◽  
Subash Lohani ◽  
Mark R. Proctor

OBJECTIVE Historically, bilateral frontoorbital advancement (FOA) has been the keystone for treatment of turribrachycephaly caused by bilateral coronal synostosis. Early endoscopic suturectomy has become a popular technique for treatment of single-suture synostosis, with acceptable results and minimal perioperative morbidity. Boston Children's Hospital has adopted this method of treating early-presenting cases of bilateral coronal synostosis. METHODS A retrospective review of patients with bilateral coronal craniosynostosis who were treated with endoscopic suturectomy between 2005 and 2012 was completed. Patients were operated on between 1 and 4 months of age. Hospital records were reviewed for perioperative morbidity, length of stay, head circumference and cephalic indices, and the need for further surgery. RESULTS Eighteen patients were identified, 8 males and 10 females, with a mean age at surgery of 2.6 months (range 1–4 months). Nine patients had syndromic craniosynostosis. The mean duration of surgery was 73.3 minutes (range 50–93 minutes). The mean blood loss was 40 ml (range 20–100 ml), and 2 patients needed a blood transfusion. The mean duration of hospital stay was 1.2 days (range 1–2 days). There was 1 major complication in the form of a CSF leak. The mean follow-up was 37 months (range 6–102 months). Eleven percent of nonsyndromic patients required a subsequent FOA; 55.6% of syndromic patients underwent FOA. The head circumference percentiles and cephalic indices improved significantly. CONCLUSIONS Early endoscopic suturectomy successfully treats the majority of patients with bilateral coronal synostosis, and affords a short procedure time, a brief hospital stay, and an expedited recovery. Close follow-up is needed to detect patients who will require a secondary FOA due to progressive suture fusion or resynostosis of the released coronal sutures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
pp. 01-05
Pedro Rolando Lòpez Rodrìguez ◽  
Eduardo Garcia Castillo ◽  
Olga Caridad Leòn Gonzàlez ◽  
Jorge Agustin Satorre Rocha ◽  
Luis Marrero Quiala ◽  

Introduction: The objective of this study is to compare the outcomes of Desarda repair no mesh and Lichtenstein repair for inguinal hernia. Methods: This is a prospective randomized controlled trial study of 2793 patients having 2936 hernias operated from January 2002 to December 2020.1434 patients were operated using Lichtenstein repair and 1359 using Desarda repair. The variables like age, sex, location, type of hernia, tolerance to local anesthesia, duration of surgery, pain on the first, third and fifth day, hospital stay, complications, re-explorations, morbidity and time to return to normal activities were analyzed. Follow up period was from 1-10 years (median 6.5 years). Results: There were no significant differences regarding age, sex, location, type of hernia, and pain in both the groups. The operation time was 53 minutes in Desarda group and 43 minutes in the Lichtenstein group that is significant (p<0.05).The recurrence was 0.4 % in Desarda group and 0.4 % in Lichtenstein group. But, there were 14 cases of infection to the polypropylene mesh in the Lichtenstein group, 7 of this required re-exploration. The morbidity was also significantly more in Lichtenstein group (5,1 %) as compared to Desarda group (3.1 %). The mean time to return to work in the Desarda group was 8.26 days while a mean of 12.58 days was in the Lichtenstein group. The mean hospital stay was 29 hrs. In Desarda group while it was 49 hours in the Lichtenstein group in those patients who were hospitalized. Conclusions: Desarda repair scores significantly over the Lichtenstein repair in all respects including re-explorations and morbidity. Desarda repair is a better choice as compared with Lichtenstein repair.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  

Introduction: The objective of this study is to compare the outcomes of Desarda repair no mesh and Lichtenstein repair for inguinal hernia. Methods: This is a prospective randomized controlled trial study of 2793 patients having 2936 hernias operated from January 2002 to December 2020.1434 patients were operated using Lichtenstein repair and 1359 using Desarda repair. The variables like age, sex, location, type of hernia, tolerance to local anesthesia, duration of surgery, pain on the first, third and fifth day, hospital stay, complications, re-explorations, morbidity and time to return to normal activities were analyzed. Follow up period was from 1-10 years (median 6.5 years). Results: There were no significant differences regarding age, sex, location, type of hernia, and pain in both the groups. The operation time was 53 minutes in Desarda group and 43 minutes in the Lichtenstein group that is significant (p<0.05). The recurrence was 0.4 % in Desarda group and 0.4 % in Lichtenstein group. But, there were 14 cases of infection to the polypropylene mesh in the Lichtenstein group, 7 of this required re-exploration. The morbidity was also significantly more in Lichtenstein group (5,1 %) as compared to Desarda group (3.1 %). The mean time to return to work in the Desarda group was 8.26 days while a mean of 12.58 days was in the Lichtenstein group. The mean hospital stay was 29 hrs. In Desarda group while it was 49 hours in the Lichtenstein group in those patients who were hospitalized. Conclusions: Desarda repair scores significantly over the Lichtenstein repair in all respects including re-explorations and morbidity. Desarda repair is a better choice as compared with Lichtenstein repair

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Abubakar Umar ◽  
Salisu Ismail ◽  
Abdullahi Abdulkarim Aitek ◽  
Aliyu Abdulrahman ◽  
Ibrahim Galadima ◽  

Empyema thoracis is defined as the presence of pus in the pleural space or a purulent pleural effusion. Chronic empyema is characterized by thickened visceral and parietal peels, which hamper the ability of the affected lung to re-expand and require definitive surgical intervention. In a resource constraint environment like ours, open thoracotomy and decortication is the treatment of choice. We review our experience with cases of chronic empyema thoracis that had thoracotomy and decortication. This is a descriptive, retrospective, and observational study. Medical records of patients who had thoracotomy and decortication on account of chronic empyema thoracis in the Cardiothoracic surgery unit of our hospital between 2012 and 2020 were retrieved and reviewed. The information obtained from the records included sex, age, premorbid conditions, aetiology of empyema, cultures of pleural fluids, histology results of the cortex removed, duration of chest tube drainage, duration of hospital stay, postoperative complications, and outcome. One hundred and eighty-five patients diagnosed with empyema thoracis were seen in the study period. Sixty-five patients had thoracotomy and decortication on account of chronic empyema thoracis while the remaining 120 (64.9%) had closed tube thoracostomy drain insertion. Male: female was 5:1, mean age at presentation 24.24 years with age ranging from 2 years to 70 years. Fourteen (23.33%) were in the paediatric age group while the remaining (76.67%) were adults. The aetiology of empyema was pneumonia in 36 (60%). Strept pneumoniae was the commonest organism isolated from pleural fluids of these patients accounting for 23.33%. All patients underwent thoracotomy and decortication. The mean duration before surgery was 17 days with a range of 2 days to 40 days. The average duration of surgery was 2 hours. Chest tube was removed after an average of 7 days (range 5 to 33 days. Twenty-one patients (35%) had complications. The average duration of drainage was 18.87 days and that of hospital stay was 36.74 days. There were 3 mortalities (5%). The mean duration of follow-up was 3 months. Chronic empyema thoracis is still common in our environment and presentation is usually very late. In our series, open thoracotomy and decortication was found to be an excellent procedure with low morbidity and mortality. The majority of our patients had good functional outcome with few complications.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 472 ◽  
Idoor D. Sachin ◽  
Om Prakash Muruganathan

Background: Hemorrhoids are usually managed by surgical hemorrhoidectomy which is associated with postoperative pain, long hospital stay and a longer convalescence. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is a newer alternative for the treatment of hemorrhoids. In this study, the two methods were compared for short term outcomes.Methods: Hundred patients having grade 3 or 4 hemorrhoids and who fulfilled the criteria were included in the study from June 2012 to May 2014. Fifty patients underwent stapled hemorrhoidopexy and other fifty underwent open hemorrhoidectomy. All patients were reviewed immediately after surgery and at 1, 3, 6 weeks and 6 months post-operatively. The two groups were compared for duration of surgery, hospital stay, return to work and post-operative complications.Results: The mean (S.D.) age was 40.06 (10.33) in our study. The majority of patients in the study were males and had grade 4 haemorrhoids. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy group had shorter duration of surgery, less postoperative pain and need for analgesia, shorter duration of hospital stay and earlier return to work and a high patient satisfaction as compared with open hemorrhoidectomy group. There were no major post-operative complications, recurrence, residual prolapse or incontinence in the follow up period of six months in the stapled group.Conclusions: Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is a safer alternative to open hemorrhoidectomy with many short-term benefits.

Swiss Surgery ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 255-258 ◽  
Perruchoud ◽  
Vuilleumier ◽  

Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate excision and open granulation versus excision and primary closure as treatments for pilonidal sinus. Subjects and methods: We evaluated a group of 141 patients operated on for a pilonidal sinus between 1991 and 1995. Ninety patients were treated by excision and open granulation, 34 patients by excision and primary closure and 17 patients by incision and drainage, as a unique treatment of an infected pilonidal sinus. Results: The first group, receiving treatment of excision and open granulation, experienced the following outcomes: average length of hospital stay, four days; average healing time; 72 days; average number of post-operative ambulatory visits, 40; average off-work delay, 38 days; and average follow-up time, 43 months. There were five recurrences (6%) in this group during the follow-up period. For the second group treated by excision and primary closure, the corresponding outcome measurements were as follows: average length of hospital stay, four days; average healing time, 23 days; primary healing failure rate, 9%; average number of post-operative ambulatory visits, 6; average off-work delay, 21 days. The average follow-up time was 34 months, and two recurrences (6%) were observed during the follow-up period. In the third group, seventeen patients benefited from an incision and drainage as unique treatment. The mean follow-up was 37 months. Five recurrences (29%) were noticed, requiring a new operation in all the cases. Discussion and conclusion: This series of 141 patients is too limited to permit final conclusions to be drawn concerning significant advantages of one form of treatment compared to the other. Nevertheless, primary closure offers the advantages of quicker healing time, fewer post-operative visits and shorter time off work. When a primary closure can be carried out, it should be routinely considered for socio-economical and comfort reasons.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 549-557
Malia McAvoy ◽  
Heather J. McCrea ◽  
Vamsidhar Chavakula ◽  
Hoon Choi ◽  
Wenya Linda Bi ◽  

OBJECTIVEFew studies describe long-term functional outcomes of pediatric patients who have undergone lumbar microdiscectomy (LMD) because of the rarity of pediatric disc herniation and the short follow-up periods. The authors analyzed risk factors, clinical presentation, complications, and functional outcomes of a single-institution series of LMD patients over a 19-year period.METHODSA retrospective case series was conducted of pediatric LMD patients at a large pediatric academic hospital from 1998 to 2017. The authors examined premorbid risk factors, clinical presentation, physical examination findings, type and duration of conservative management, indications for surgical intervention, complications, and postoperative outcomes.RESULTSOver the 19-year study period, 199 patients underwent LMD at the authors’ institution. The mean age at presentation was 16.0 years (range 12–18 years), and 55.8% were female. Of these patients, 70.9% participated in competitive sports, and among those who did not play sports, 65.0% had a body mass index greater than 25 kg/m2. Prior to surgery, conservative management had failed in 98.0% of the patients. Only 3 patients (1.5%) presented with cauda equina syndrome requiring emergent microdiscectomy. Complications included 4 cases of postoperative CSF leak (2.0%), 1 case of a noted intraoperative CSF leak, and 3 cases of wound infection (1.5%). At the first postoperative follow-up appointment, minimal or no pain was reported by 93.3% of patients. The mean time to return to sports was 9.8 weeks. During a mean follow-up duration of 8.2 years, 72.9% of patients did not present again after routine postoperative appointments. The total risk of reoperation was a rate of 7.5% (3.5% of patients underwent reoperation for the same level; 4.5% underwent adjacent-level decompression, and one patient [0.5%] ultimately underwent a fusion).CONCLUSIONSMicrodiscectomy is a safe and effective treatment for long-term relief of pain and return to daily activities among pediatric patients with symptomatic lumbar disc disease in whom conservative management has failed.

2012 ◽  
pp. 79-85
Van Lieu Nguyen ◽  
Doan Van Phu Nguyen ◽  
Thanh Phuc Nguyen

Introduction: Since Longo First described it in 1998, Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy has been emerging as the procedure of choice for symtomatic hemorrhoid. Several studies have shown it to be a safe, effective and relative complication free procedure. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of (SH) as a day cas procedure at Hue University Hospital. Methods: From Decembre 2009 to April 2012, 384 patients with third- degree and fourth-degree hemorrhoids who underwent Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy were included in this study. Parameters recorded included postoperative complications, analegic requirements, duration of hospital stay and patient satisfaction. Follow-up was performed at 1 month and 3 months post-operative. Results: Of the 384 patients that underwent a Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy 252 (65,7%) were male and 132 (34,3%) were female. The mean age was 47,5 years (range 17-76 years. Duration of hospital stay: The mean day was 2,82 ± 1,15 days (range 1-6 days). There were no perioperative complications. There was one case postoperative complication: hemorrhage; Follow-up after surgery: 286 (74,4%) patients had less anal pain, 78 (20,3%) patients had moderate anal pain, 3 (0,8%) patients had urinary retention; Follow-up after one month: good for 325 (84,6%) patients, average for 59 (15,4%) patients; Follow-up after three months: good for 362 (94,3%) patients, average for 22 (5,7%) patients. Conclusion: Our present study shows that Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy is a safe, reduced postoperative pain, shorter hospital stay and a faster return to unrestricted daily activity

2000 ◽  
Vol 109 (3) ◽  
pp. 334-339 ◽  
Joseph M. Serletti ◽  
John U. Coniglio ◽  
Salvatore J. Pacella ◽  
John D. Norante

Vertical midline mandibulotomy has provided a relatively simple and efficient means of obtaining access to intraoral tumors that are too large or too posterior to be removed transorally. Midline mandibulotomy has had the advantage of nerve and muscle preservation and places the osteotomy outside the typical field of radiotherapy, in contrast to lateral and paramedian osteotomies. Plate and screw fixation has been the usual means of osteosynthesis for these mandibulotomies; however, plate contouring over the symphyseal surface has been a time-consuming process. Unless the plate was contoured exactly, mandibular malalignment and malocclusion in dentulous patients has occurred. Use of parallel transverse lag screws has become a popular method of osteosynthesis for parasymphyseal fractures, and we have extended their use for mandibulotomy fixation. This paper reports our clinical experience with transverse lag screw fixation of midline mandibulotomies in 9 patients from 1994 to 1997. There were 7 men and 2 women with a mean age of 56 (range 35 to 71 years). The pathological diagnosis in all patients was squamous cell carcinoma; 8 cases were primary, and 1 patient presented with recurrent tumor. No tumors involved the mandibular periosteum. One patient had had previous radiotherapy, and 3 patients underwent postoperative radiotherapy. The mean follow-up has been 17 months (range 9 to 27). There was 1 minor complication and 1 major complication related to our technique. The major complication was a delayed nonunion of the mandibulotomy. This occurred because the 2 parallel screws were placed too close to one another, and this placement resulted in a delayed sagittal fracture of the anterior cortex and subsequent nonunion. Transverse lag screw fixation has not affected occlusion in our dentulous patients. Speech and diet were normal in the majority of our patients. Transverse lag screw fixation of the midline mandibulotomy has been a relatively safe, rapid, and reliable method for tumor access and postextirpation mandibular stabilization and has significant advantages over other current methods of mandibulotomy and fixation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_2) ◽  
O Fashina ◽  
A Rajimwale

Abstract Introduction The gold standard procedure for pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction has been the Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty; involving the repositioning of the ureter and ureteropelvic anastomosis. However, the Hellstroem 'Vascular Hitch Procedure’ dictates the superior translocation of the accessory vessel and its fixation to the anterior pelvic wall. The latter has an estimated success rate &gt;90%. Method During 2016-2020, at Leicester Royal Infirmary, 16 operations occurred on paediatric patients with pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction. The dismembered pyeloplasty was performed on 5 patients, 9 patients underwent the vascular hitch procedure, and 2 patients are currently awaiting the latter operation. All patients had a pre-operative functional magnetic resonance urography (fMRU) to identify and localise the accessory lower pole vessel. Results The mean hospital stay for the vascular hitch procedure was 1.5 days (range=1-2) in comparison to 4 days (range=3-5) for the dismembered pyeloplasty. The follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 3 years. Overall, it was noted that the patients were asymptomatic, had markedly reduced hydronephrosis on imaging as well as stable renal function noted on the MAG 3 renogram scan. Conclusions The laparoscopic vascular hitch procedure appears to be the superior operation for the management of pelvi-uteric junction obstruction as the patients had notably reduced hospital stay lengths.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (12) ◽  
pp. 1333-1342 ◽  
Prashant N. Gedam ◽  
Faizaan M. Rushnaiwala

Background: The objective of this study was to report the results of a new minimally invasive Achilles reconstruction technique and to assess the perioperative morbidity, medium- to long-term outcomes, and functional results. Methods: Our series was comprised 14 patients (11 men and 3 women), with a mean age of 45.6 years at surgery. Each patient had a chronic Achilles tendon rupture. The mean interval from rupture to surgery was 5.5 months (range, 2-10). The mean total follow-up was 30.1 months (range, 12-78). All patients were operated with a central turndown flap augmented with free semitendinosus tendon graft and percutaneous sutures in a minimally invasive approach assisted by endoscopy. The patients underwent retrospective assessment by clinical examination, the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle and hindfoot score, and the Achilles Tendon Total Rupture Score (ATRS). Paired t tests were used to assess the preoperative and postoperative AOFAS scores, ATRS scores, and ankle range of motion. Results: The length of the defect ranged from 3 to 8 cm (mean, 5.1), while the length of the turndown flap ranged from 8 to 13 cm (mean, 10.1). The mean AOFAS score improved from 64.5 points preoperatively to 96.9 points at last follow-up. The mean ATRS score improved from 49.4 preoperatively to 91.4 points at last follow-up. None of the patients developed a wound complication. No patient had a rerupture or sural nerve damage. Conclusion: All patients in our study had a favorable outcome with no complications. We believe that with this triple-repair technique, one can achieve a strong and robust repair such as in open surgery while at the same time reducing the incidence of complications. Level of Evidence: Level III, retrospective comparative study.

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