scholarly journals The Mass Balance of the Sea Ice of the Arctic Ocean

1973 ◽  
Vol 12 (65) ◽  
pp. 173-185 ◽  
R. M. Koerner

AbstractFrom data taken on the British Trans-Arctic Expedition it is calculated that 9% of the Arctic Ocean surface between the North Pole and Spitsbergen was hummocked or ridged ice, 17% was unridged ice less than a year old, 73% was unridged old ice and 0.6% was ice-free. The mode of 250 thickness measurements taken through level areas of old floes along the entire traverse lies between 2.25 and 2.75 m. The mean end-of-winter thickness of the ice is calculated to be 4.6 m in the Pacific Gyral and 3.9 m in the Trans-Polar Drift Stream. From measurements of the percentage coverage and thickness of the various ice forms, it is calculated that the total annual ice accumulation in the Arctic Ocean is equivalent to a continuous layer of ice 1.1 m thick. 47% of this accumulation occurs in ice-free areas and under ice less than 1 year old. 20% of the total ice production is either directly or indirectly related to ridging or hummocking. An ice-ablation rate of 500 kg m−2 measured on a level area of a multi-year floe is compared with the rate on deformed and ponded ice. Greatest melting occurs on new hummocks and least on old smooth hummocks. The annual balance of ice older than 1 year but younger than multi-year ice is calculated from a knowledge of ice-drift patterns and the percentage coverage of first-year ice. The same calculations give a mean-maximum drift period of 5 years for ice in the Trans-Polar Drift Stream and 16 years in the Pacific Gyral. It is calculated that for the period February 1968 to May 1969 the annual ice export was 5 580 km3.

1973 ◽  
Vol 12 (65) ◽  
pp. 173-185 ◽  
R. M. Koerner

Abstract From data taken on the British Trans-Arctic Expedition it is calculated that 9% of the Arctic Ocean surface between the North Pole and Spitsbergen was hummocked or ridged ice, 17% was unridged ice less than a year old, 73% was unridged old ice and 0.6% was ice-free. The mode of 250 thickness measurements taken through level areas of old floes along the entire traverse lies between 2.25 and 2.75 m. The mean end-of-winter thickness of the ice is calculated to be 4.6 m in the Pacific Gyral and 3.9 m in the Trans-Polar Drift Stream. From measurements of the percentage coverage and thickness of the various ice forms, it is calculated that the total annual ice accumulation in the Arctic Ocean is equivalent to a continuous layer of ice 1.1 m thick. 47% of this accumulation occurs in ice-free areas and under ice less than 1 year old. 20% of the total ice production is either directly or indirectly related to ridging or hummocking. An ice-ablation rate of 500 kg m−2 measured on a level area of a multi-year floe is compared with the rate on deformed and ponded ice. Greatest melting occurs on new hummocks and least on old smooth hummocks. The annual balance of ice older than 1 year but younger than multi-year ice is calculated from a knowledge of ice-drift patterns and the percentage coverage of first-year ice. The same calculations give a mean-maximum drift period of 5 years for ice in the Trans-Polar Drift Stream and 16 years in the Pacific Gyral. It is calculated that for the period February 1968 to May 1969 the annual ice export was 5 580 km3.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 2749-2792
B. Rabe ◽  
P. Dodd ◽  
E. Hansen ◽  
E. Falck ◽  
U. Schauer ◽  

Abstract. The East Greenland Current in the Western Fram Strait is an important pathway for liquid freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean to the Nordic Seas and the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. We analysed five hydrographic surveys and data from moored current meters around 79° N in the Western Fram Strait between 1998 and 2010. To estimate the composition of southward liquid freshwater transports, inventories of liquid freshwater and components from Dodd et al. (2012) were combined with transport estimates from an inverse model between 10.6° W and 4° E. The southward liquid freshwater transports through the section averaged to 92 mSv (2900 km3 yr−1), relative to a salinity of 34.9. The transports consisted of 123 mSv water from rivers and precipitation (meteoric water), 28 mSv freshwater from the Pacific and 60 mSv freshwater deficit due to brine from ice formation. Variability in liquid freshwater and component transports appear to have been partly due to advection of these water masses to the Fram Strait and partly due to variations in the local volume transport; an exception are Pacific Water transports, which showed little co-variability with volume transports. An increase in Pacific Water transports from 2005 to 2010 suggests a release of Pacific Water from the Beaufort Gyre, in line with an observed expansion of Pacific Water towards the Eurasian Basin. The co-variability of meteoric water and brine from ice formation suggests joint processes in the main sea ice formation regions on the Arctic Ocean shelves. In addition, enhanced levels of sea ice melt observed in 2009 likely led to reduced transports of brine from ice formation. At least part of this additional ice melt appears to have been advected from the Beaufort Gyre and from north of the Bering Strait towards the Fram Strait. The observed changes in liquid freshwater component transports are much larger than known trends in the Arctic liquid freshwater inflow from rivers and the Pacific. Instead, recent observations of an increased storage of liquid freshwater in the Arctic Ocean suggest a decreased export of liquid freshwater. This raises the question how fast the accumulated liquid freshwater will be exported from the Arctic Ocean to the deep water formation regions in the North Atlantic and if an increased export will occur through the Fram Strait.

1975 ◽  
Vol 15 (73) ◽  
pp. 349-362 ◽  
Williams Elizabeth ◽  
Swithinbank Charles ◽  
G.DE Q. Robin

AbstractA continuous profile of the Arctic Ocean ice canopy from Spitsbergen to the North Pole was made with 48 kHz echo sounders mourned on a nuclear submarine. A semi-automatic digitizer was used to measure coordinates from the records at a frequency of about 1 000 points per linear kilometre of track. Methods derived for the reconstruction of subglacial relief from 35 MHz radio-echo sounding records were applied to eliminate part of the distortion due to the 20° beam width of the sounders. A corrected profile was used to obtain ice drafts at 2 m intervals. Data were analysed in 10 km sections and figures were summarized for each degree of latitude. The results include: mean ice draft, percentage of ice less than 0.3 m draft, and percentage of level ice. Histograms show the level ice drafts which occur most frequently, and these may indicate the ratio of first-year to older ice. The number of ice keels is listed together with their mean draft and draft distribution. Definitions are found to be of overriding importance in the comparison of data from different areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 1321-1341
Ruibo Lei ◽  
Mario Hoppmann ◽  
Bin Cheng ◽  
Guangyu Zuo ◽  
Dawei Gui ◽  

Abstract. Arctic sea ice kinematics and deformation play significant roles in heat and momentum exchange between the atmosphere and ocean, and at the same time they have profound impacts on biological processes and biogeochemical cycles. However, the mechanisms regulating their changes on seasonal scales and their spatial variability remain poorly understood. Using position data recorded by 32 buoys in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean (PAO), we characterized the spatiotemporal variations in ice kinematics and deformation for autumn–winter 2018/19, during the transition from a melting sea ice regime to a nearly consolidated ice pack. In autumn, the response of the sea ice drift to wind and inertial forcing was stronger in the southern and western PAO compared to the northern and eastern PAO. These spatial heterogeneities gradually weakened from autumn to winter, in line with the seasonal increases in ice concentration and thickness. Correspondingly, ice deformation became much more localized as the sea ice mechanical strength increased, with the area proportion occupied by the strongest (15 %) ice deformation decreasing by about 50 % from autumn to winter. During the freezing season, ice deformation rate in the northern PAO was about 2.5 times higher than in the western PAO and probably related to the higher spatial heterogeneity of oceanic and atmospheric forcing in the north. North–south and east–west gradients in sea ice kinematics and deformation within the PAO, as observed especially during autumn in this study, are likely to become more pronounced in the future as a result of a longer melt season, especially in the western and southern parts.

1975 ◽  
Vol 15 (73) ◽  
pp. 349-362 ◽  
Williams Elizabeth ◽  
Swithinbank Charles ◽  
G.DE Q. Robin

Abstract A continuous profile of the Arctic Ocean ice canopy from Spitsbergen to the North Pole was made with 48 kHz echo sounders mourned on a nuclear submarine. A semi-automatic digitizer was used to measure coordinates from the records at a frequency of about 1 000 points per linear kilometre of track. Methods derived for the reconstruction of subglacial relief from 35 MHz radio-echo sounding records were applied to eliminate part of the distortion due to the 20° beam width of the sounders. A corrected profile was used to obtain ice drafts at 2 m intervals. Data were analysed in 10 km sections and figures were summarized for each degree of latitude. The results include: mean ice draft, percentage of ice less than 0.3 m draft, and percentage of level ice. Histograms show the level ice drafts which occur most frequently, and these may indicate the ratio of first-year to older ice. The number of ice keels is listed together with their mean draft and draft distribution. Definitions are found to be of overriding importance in the comparison of data from different areas.

1993 ◽  
Vol 67 (S35) ◽  
pp. 1-35 ◽  
Louie Marincovich

The marine molluscan fauna of the Prince Creek Formation near Ocean Point, northern Alaska, is of Danian age. It is the only diverse and abundant Danian molluscan fauna known from the Arctic Ocean realm, and is the first evidence for an indigenous Paleocene shallow-water biota within a discrete Arctic Ocean Basin faunal province.A high percentage of endemic species, and two endemic genera, emphasize the degree to which the Arctic Ocean was geographically isolated from the world ocean during the earliest Tertiary. Many of the well-preserved Ocean Point mollusks, however, also occur in Danian faunas of the North American Western Interior, the Canadian Arctic Islands, Svalbard, and northwestern Europe, and are the basis for relating this Arctic Ocean fauna to that of the Danian world ocean.The Arctic Ocean was a Danian refugium for some genera that became extinct elsewhere during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. At the same time, this nearly landlocked ocean fostered the evolution of new taxa that later in the Paleogene migrated into the world ocean by way of the northeastern Atlantic. The first Cenozoic occurrences are reported for the bivalves Integricardium (Integricardium), Oxytoma (Hypoxytoma), Placunopsis, Tancredia (Tancredia), and Tellinimera, and the oldest Cenozoic records given for the bivalves Gari (Garum), Neilo, and Yoldia (Cnesterium). Among the 25 species in the molluscan fauna are four new gastropod species, Amauropsis fetteri, Ellipsoscapha sohli, Mathilda (Fimbriatella) amundseni, and Polinices (Euspira) repenningi, two new bivalve genera, Arcticlam and Mytilon, and 15 new bivalve species, Arcticlam nanseni, Corbula (Caryocorbula) betsyae, Crenella kannoi, Cyrtodaria katieae, Gari (Garum) brouwersae, Integricardium (Integricardium) keenae, Mytilon theresae, Neilo gryci, Nucula (Nucula) micheleae, Nuculana (Jupiteria) moriyai, Oxytoma (Hypoxytoma) hargrovei, Placunopsis rothi, Tancredia (Tancredia) slavichi, Tellinimera kauffmani, and Yoldia (Cnesterium) gladenkovi.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Jian Liu ◽  
Liyang Zhan ◽  
Qingkai Wang ◽  
Man Wu ◽  
Wangwang Ye ◽  

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the third most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, and the ocean is an important source of N2O. As the Arctic Ocean is strongly affected by global warming, rapid ice melting can have a significant impact on the N2O pattern in the Arctic environment. To better understand this impact, N2O concentration in ice core and underlying seawater (USW) was measured during the seventh Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (CHINARE2016). The results showed that the average N2O concentration in first-year ice (FYI) was 4.5 ± 1.0 nmol kg−1, and that in multi-year ice (MYI) was 4.8 ± 1.9 nmol kg−1. Under the influence of exchange among atmosphere-sea ice-seawater systems, brine dynamics and possible N2O generation processes at the bottom of sea ice, the FYI showed higher N2O concentrations at the bottom and surface, while lower N2O concentrations were seen inside sea ice. Due to the melting of sea ice and biogeochemical processes, USW presented as the sink of N2O, and the saturation varied from 47.2% to 102.2%. However, the observed N2O concentrations in USW were higher than that of T-N2OUSW due to the sea–air exchange, diffusion process, possible N2O generation mechanism, and the influence of precipitation, and a more detailed mechanism is needed to understand this process in the Arctic Ocean.

2019 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 544-552
A. A. Vetrov ◽  
E. A. Romankevich

Particulate organic carbon (POC) is one of main component of carbon cycle in the Ocean. In this study an attempt to construct a picture of the distribution and fluxes of POC in the Arctic Ocean adjusting for interchange with the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans has been made. The specificity of this construction is associated with an irregular distribution of POC measurements and complicated structure and hydrodynamics of the waters masses. To overcome these difficulties, Multiple Linear Regression technic (MLR) was performed to test the significant relation between POC, temperature, salinity, as well depth, horizon, latitude and offshore distance. The mapping of POC distribution and its fluxes was carrying out at 38 horizons from 5 to 4150 m (resolution 1°×1°). Data on temperature, salinity, meridional and zonal components of current velocities were obtained from ORA S4 database (Integrated Climate Data Center, The import-export of POC between the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as between Arctic Seas was precomputed by summer fluxes. The import of POC in the Arctic Ocean is estimated to be 38±8Tg Cyr-1, and the export is -9.5±4.4Tg Cyr-1.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 971-994 ◽  
E. H. Shadwick ◽  
T. Papakyriakou ◽  
A. E. F. Prowe ◽  
D. Leong ◽  
S. A. Moore ◽  

Abstract. The Arctic Ocean is expected to be disproportionately sensitive to climatic changes, and is thought to be an area where such changes might be detected. The Arctic hydrological cycle is influenced by: runoff and precipitation, sea ice formation/melting, and the inflow of saline waters from Bering and Fram Straits and the Barents Sea Shelf. Pacific water is recognizable as intermediate salinity water, with high concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), flowing from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic via the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. We present DIC data from an east-west section through the Archipelago, as part of the Canadian International Polar Year initiatives. The fractions of Pacific and Arctic Ocean waters leaving the Archipelago and entering Baffin Bay, and subsequently the North Atlantic, are computed. The eastward transport of carbon from the Pacific, via the Arctic, to the North Atlantic is estimated. Altered mixing ratios of Pacific and freshwater in the Arctic Ocean have been recorded in recent decades. Any climatically driven alterations in the composition of waters leaving the Arctic Archipelago may have implications for anthropogenic CO2 uptake, and hence ocean acidification, in the subpolar and temperate North Atlantic.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 7853-7896 ◽  
M. Roy-Barman

Abstract. The "boundary scavenging" box model is a cornerstone of our understanding of the particle-reactive radionuclide fluxes between the open ocean and the ocean margins. However, it does not describe the radionuclide profiles in the water column. Here, I present the transport-reaction equations for radionuclides transported vertically by reversible scavenging on settling particles and laterally by horizontal currents between the margin and the open ocean. Analytical solutions of these equations are compared with existing data. In the Pacific Ocean, the model produces "almost" linear 230Th profiles (as observed in the data) despite lateral transport. However, omitting lateral transport biased the 230Th based particle flux estimates by as much as 50%. 231Pa profiles are well reproduced in the whole water column of the Pacific Margin and from the surface down to 3000 m in the Pacific subtropical gyre. Enhanced bottom scavenging or inflow of 231Pa-poor equatorial water may account for the model-data discrepancy below 3000 m. The lithogenic 232Th is modelled using the same transport parameters as 230Th but a different source function. The main source of 232Th scavenged in the open Pacific is advection from the ocean margin, whereas a net flux of 230Th produced in the open Pacific is advected and scavenged at the margin, illustrating boundary exchange. In the Arctic Ocean, the model reproduces 230Th measured profiles that the uni-dimensional scavenging model or the scavenging-ventilation model failed to explain. Moreover, if lateral transport is ignored, the 230Th based particle settling speed may by underestimated by a factor 4 at the Arctic Ocean margin. The very low scavenging rate in the open Arctic Ocean combined with the enhanced scavenging at the margin accounts for the lack of high 231Pa/230Th ratio in arctic sediments.

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