scholarly journals Perbandingan Yurisdiksi Mahkamah Pidana Internasional dengan Pengadilan HAM

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Danel Aditia Situngkir

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis yurisdiksi Pengadilan Pidana Internasional dengan Pengadilan HAM Indonesia. Masalah penelitian Bagaimana yurisdiksi dibandingkan dengan pengadilan kriminal internasional dan pengadilan HAM di Indonesia? dan Apa Peluang untuk Pengenaan Yurisdiksi Pengadilan Pidana Internasional di Indonesia? Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan yurisdiksi Pengadilan Pidana Internasional dan Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia dapat dilihat dari yurisdiksi pidana, pribadi, temporal dan teritorial. Indonesia bukan negara pihak dan bukan negara yang menerima yurisdiksi Mahkamah Pidana Internasional. Meski begitu, Yurisdiksi Mahkamah Pidana Internasional dapat diterapkan di Indonesia mengingat perbedaan yurisdiksi pidana kedua pengadilan tersebut, karena ada 2 (dua) kejahatan yaitu kejahatan perang dan kejahatan agresi yang tidak diatur dalam Pengadilan HAM Indonesia. , jika ada situasi di Indonesia yang dirujuk oleh Dewan PBB dan keamanan Indonesia dianggap tidak mau dan tidak dapat membawa para pelaku kejahatan untuk diadili di pengadilan. This study aims to analyze the protection of labor rights in this case Indonesian migrant workers abroad within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community and Law no. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers' labor rights within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community. Research problems, First, What is the Form of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers, Second, What is the Form of Legal Efforts for Indonesian Migrant Workers who are disadvantaged? The research method uses socio-legal research by observing the ASEAN Declaration of Human Rights and Law No. 18 of 2017, as well as other Indonesian Laws and Regulations. The results showed that the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) is all efforts to protect the interests of prospective PMI and their families in realizing guaranteed fulfillment of rights in all their activities. The author will analyze the issue of the extent to which the state protects labor rights in this case Indonesian migrant workers abroad within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community and Law No. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-127
Posma Ramos Sitompul

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perlindungan hak buruh dalam hal ini Pekerja Migran Indonesia di luar negeri dalam kerangka Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN dan UU No. 18 tahun 2017 tentang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia hak buruh dalam kerangka masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. Permasalahan penelitian, Pertama, Bagaimanakah Bentuk Perlindungan Terhadap Pekerja Migran Indonesia, Kedua, Bagaimanakah Bentuk Upaya Hukum Pekerja Migran Indonesia yang dirugikan? Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian Sosio-Legal dengan mengamati dokumen Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia ASEAN dan Undang Undang No. 18 tahun 2017, serta Peraturan Perundang-undangan Indonesia lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) adalah segala upaya untuk melindungi kepentingan calon PMI dan keluarganya dalam mewujudkan terjaminnya pemenuhan hak dalam keseluruhan kegiatannya. Penulis akan menganalisis permasalahan sejauhmana negara melindungi hak buruh dalam hal ini Pekerja Migran Indonesia di luar negeri dalam kerangka Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN dan UU No. 18 tahun 2017 tentang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the protection of labor rights in this case Indonesian migrant workers abroad within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community and Law no. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers' labor rights within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community. Research problems, First, What is the Form of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers, Second, What is the Form of Legal Efforts for Indonesian Migrant Workers who are disadvantaged? The research method uses socio-legal research by observing the ASEAN Declaration of Human Rights and Law No. 18 of 2017, as well as other Indonesian Laws and Regulations. The results showed that the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) is all efforts to protect the interests of prospective PMI and their families in realizing guaranteed fulfillment of rights in all their activities. The author will analyze the issue of the extent to which the state protects labor rights in this case Indonesian migrant workers abroad within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community and Law No. 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
Putri Nur Hidayah

Social security is one of the basic rights of workers both local and migrant workers as stated on Art. 25 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The enactment of single markets and production based in the era of ASEAN Economic Community inevitably brings migrant workers particularly in Indonesia and Singapore. This must be in line with a proper legal instruments to protect migrant workers’ rights in a social security participation. This study aims to compare on how Indonesia and Singapore provide legal protection to migrant workers in the social security participation and what social security programs that can be followed in both countries. The research method used is a normative research method with a statute approach. The result of the study shows that Indonesia has provided protection for migrant workers the same way as local workers as stated on Art. 22 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whereas Singapore only provides the social security to local workers. Migrant workers get the protection through other ways, namely insurance and bilateral/multilateral agreements. For the social security programs followed by migrant workers, both Indonesia and Singapore do not provide the programs related to what has been regulated on Art. 25 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
Win Sherly Tan ◽  
Rina Shahriyani Shahrullah

AbstractThe AEC is good news for Indonesian migrant workers wanting to work overseas. Unfortunately, many Indonesian migrant workers have been deported from ASEAN countries because of having problems. This study adopts the normative legal research method. It argues that AICHR may be slow in resolving the problems of human rights. It is also argued that the ASEAN Committee on Migrant Workers works in the absence of the political commitment of ASEAN leaders to implement the Cebu Declaration. Therefore, the best solution is public participation in the ASEAN countries to protect migrant workers.IntisariKomunitas Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN adalah berita baik untuk Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) untuk bekerja di luar negeri. Namun, banyak TKI yang kembali dari negara-negara ASEAN dikarenakan mendapatkan berbagai permasalahan. Penelitian ini mengadopsi jenis penelitian hukum normatif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa AICHR lamban dalam menyelesaikan permaslahan tentang hak asasi manusia. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa komunitas ASEAN tentang Pekerja Migran bekerja dengan tidak adanya komitmen politik dari para pemimpim ASEAN dalam menerapkan Deklarasi Cebu. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan partisipasi ASEAN dalam melindungi TKI.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Prof. I Made Arya Utama

The challenges of current and future Law Theories are not solely derived from within the Law itself, but also from the external about the law's enforceability in society. Therefore, the legal theories are currently experiencing anomalies. Legal Theory currently faced with the need to be able to bring about justice, certainty, order, and the benefits of protecting human rights as well as the sustainability of living creatures and the environment.The method applied in this article is the normative legal research method with the source of legal material from the legislation and related literature. Library study became the technique of collecting the legal material and qualitative analysis applied to the legal material which has been described to produce the conclusion of the problems studied in this article.The legal theory undergoes a shift following the perspective of legal scholars from classical times, modern times, and postmodern thinkers. The Depelovment Law Theory and Progressive Law Theory that grew up in the Postmodern era seeks to free the minds of the status quo, adopt legal ideas that are in line with the needs of the Indonesian people and the state that is moving in the crossroads of modernization. Laws are required to promote conscience implemented through legal products established by competent authorities, just laws, and laws protecting people and the environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 165-183
Rachman Maulana Kafrawi ◽  
Bambang Ariyanto ◽  

The function and role of Indonesian immigration is to prevent, as a traffic controller people enter or leave the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with what is stated in the Law Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. This legal research focused on knowing the implications of prevention abroad for Indonesian citizens abroad based on a human rights perspective. The research method used is normative juridical. This research concludes that the regulations in Indonesia which regulate the prevention of Indonesian citizens abroad is in accordance with the values and norms contained in the in the state ideology, namely Pancasila and the state Constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution prevention carried out by immigration officers to people suspected of being involved in cases The law that will go outside the territory of the Indonesian state is in accordance with the applicable rules. Then related to prevention, it is also not a form of limiting human rights, because human rights are Indonesia is a human rights balance with its human obligations as a member of society. The use of human rights in Indonesia cannot be carried out without paying attention to human rights obligations, in other words, human rights cannot be used absolutely.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-59
Karinka ◽  
I Ketut Sukadana ◽  
I Nyoman Sutama

Smoking belongs to the right of all people, but smoking can interfere with Human Rights because the distribution of cigarette smoke produced by smokers can interfere with the health of people around. In Bali, tourist attractions are one of the non-smoking areas. This is stated in the Regional Regulation of Badung No. 10 of 2017 concerning Non-Smoking Areas. Related to this, the study examines two things, that is, the regulation of No-Smoking Areas in the tourist attractions in Badung Regency and the implementation of the Regional Regulation of Badung No. 10 of 2017 on the tourist attractions. The research method used is empirical legal research that is conducting a direct research followed by analyzing data and presented in qualitative manner. In its regulation, Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) as the enforcer of the regional regulation has conducted supervision on tourist attractions and sanctions given in accordance with the Article 21 Number (10) of 2017 of the Badung Regency Regional Regulation. Its application has been done through socialization to the manager of tourist attractions, but the lack of public knowledge about the non-smoking areas in tourist attractions has been appearing as an inhibiting factor.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Eka N.A.M Sihombing

This research tried to elaborate implementation of human rights and principles of suitability types, hierarchy, and material of regional regulation making. The main problem was whether in the making regional regulation of Nias Barat Regency, No. 8 / 2014 on Provisions of shift appeal of Civil Servants in Nias Barat Local Government neighbourhood, have paid attention to human rights and the principles of suitability types, hierarchy, and material of regional regulation making. It aimed to find out the implementation of human rights principles, especially right to develop their potency and its implementation. Hopefully, it also could contribute and have the benefit of knowledge of legislation and understanding for lawmakers related to the implementation of human rights and the principles of suitability types, hierarchy, and material of regional regulation making. It was a normative legal research method with analytical descriptive type. The result of this research showed that the provisions of regional regulation No.8/2014 did not show the interest in human rights principles, especially right to develop their potency and the principles of suitability types, hierarchy, and material of regional regulation making. Keywords: Civil Servants, Local Government ABSTRAKTulisan ini mencoba untuk menguraikan implementasi penerapan hak asasi manusia dan asas kesesuaianjenis, hierarki, dan materi muatan peraturan perundang-undangan dalam pembentukan peraturan daerah.Pokok permasalahan dalam tulisan ini adalah apakah dalam membentuk Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Nias Barat Nomor 8 Tahun 2014 tentang Ketentuan Usul Pindah Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Nias Barat telah memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip Hak Asasi Manusia dan asas kesesuaian antara jenis, hirarki dan materi muatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan prinsip hak asasi manusia khususnya hak untuk mengembangkan diri dan penerapan asas kesesuaian antara jenis, hirarki dan materi muatan peraturan perundang-undangan dalam pembentukan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Nias Barat tentang Ketentuan Usul Pindah Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Nias Barat. Tulisan ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dan berguna bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan perundang-undangan serta dapat memberikan pemahaman bagi organ pembentuk peraturan daerah terkait penerapan prinsip HAM maupun asas kesesuaian antara jenis, hirarki dan materi muatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan sifat deksriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketentuan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 8 Tahun 2014 tentang Ketentuan Usul Pindah Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Lingkungan Pemerintahan Nias Barat tidak memperhatikan prinsip HAM khususnya hak untuk mengembangkan diri dan tidak memperhatikan asas kesesuaian jenis, hierarki dan materi muatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Kata Kunci: Pegawai Negeri Sipil; Pemerintah Daerah

T. I. Otcheskaya

The article is devoted to topical issues of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms by an important state body — the prosecutor’s offi ce in two states — the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. The author investigated the issue of the formation of prosecutorial supervision in the European space in the mechanism of statehood on the example of the Russian Federation and in the Asian space on the example of the People’s Republic of China.At the same time, the approaches of the two states to the protection of human rights at the constitutional level, which are regulated by the Constitution of the PRC and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, have been studied. The achievements of the Russian prosecutor’s offi ce in protecting human and civil rights and freedoms, which are the responsibility of the state, including on issues of observance of the labor rights of citizens, the right of citizens to protect life and health, are consecrated.The state program of action in the fi eld of human rights adopted by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China has also been studied in detail. Achievements in the social sphere are shown, which are provided not only by the state, but also by the prosecutor’s offi ce. The approaches of legal science in the two states are consecrated not only in the regulation of human and civil rights and freedoms, but also in their provision.Based on the material studied, the author concluded that it is possible to use the positive experience of Russia and China, mutually in both states, in order to ensure the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in each of them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Ni Komang Dewi Novita Indriyani Weda ◽  
I Made Arjaya ◽  
I Putu Gede Seputra

In the judiciary the Judicial State Administration plays a more active role in the trial process in order to obtain material truth. The activist of the judge is intended to compensate for the unequal position of the parties, namely the Defendant is an entity or official of the State administration and the Plaintiff is an individual or civil legal entity. In this research there are two main problems, namely (1) how is the Procedure for Making a Gathering in the State Administrative Court? (2) How is the application of the principle of active judge (dominus litis) in the stage of proof at the trial? The research method used is normative legal research with a legal approach.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Muhammad Fachri Said

This study aims to analyze the problem of legal protection for children in the perspective of human rights. The type of this research is socio-juridical or including descriptive research with a non-doctrinal approach, which views law as a socio-empirical symptom observed in experience. The research method used is descriptive research with the type of incorporation of normative legal research with sociological legal research related to the implementation of legal protection for children in the perspective of human rights. The results of the study show that the results of this study are the legal protection of children in the perspective of human rights in essence is an effort made by parents, government and society to fulfill and guarantee all children's rights that have been guaranteed in the convention of children's rights and laws Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. Legal protection for children in the perspective of human rights is less implemented because the government has not implemented its obligations in fulfilling children's rights so that there are still legal violations of children. The recommendation of this research is to implement legal protection for children in the perspective of human rights, parents should be fully responsible for the behavior of children and the government establishes policies that are in line with the wishes of the community, so that the common perception between parents, government and society is realized in fulfilling the rights child.

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