scholarly journals Identification of Fake Video Using Smart Contracts and SHA Algorithm

2021 ◽  
SwapnaliTambe ◽  
Anil Pawar ◽  
S K Yadav

Deepfake is as a matter of fact a medium where one individual is supplanted by another who appears as though him. The profound bogus demonstration has been continuing for quite a long while. Profound phony uses incredible strategies, for example, AI and man-made consciousness to create and control visual and sound substance with high potential for the gadget. Profound misrepresentation relies upon the sort of impartial association called and the programmed encoder. These are essential for an encoder, which lessens a picture to a lower dimensional ideal and an ideal introduction picture. I examined various answers on various advances via web-based media stages like twitter and face book. From these examinations we are roused to extend this objective. In our proposed framework, we centre around identifying profound phony recordings utilizing blockchains, keen agreements, and secure hashing calculations. We utilize a few calculations to relieve the issue, for example, the SHA string

Sensi Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-246
Ilamsyah Ilamsyah ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Tri Vita Febriani

The right and appropriate system of receiving and transferring goods is needed by the company. In the process of receiving and transferring goods from the central warehouse to the branch warehouse at PDAM Tirta Kerta Raharja, Tangerang Regency, which is currently done manually is still ineffective and inaccurate because the Head of Subdivision uses receipt documents, namely PPBP and mutation of goods, namely MPPW in the form of paper as a submission media. The Head of Subdivision enters the data of receipt and mutation of goods manually and requires a relatively long time because at the time of demand for the transfer of goods the Head of Subdivision must check the inventory of goods in the central warehouse first. Therefore, it is necessary to hold a design of information systems for the receipt and transfer of goods from the central warehouse to a web-based branch warehouse that is already database so that it is more effective, efficient and accurate. With the web-based system of receiving and transferring goods that are already datatabed, it can facilitate the Head of Subdivision in inputing data on the receipt and transfer of goods and control of stock inventory so that the Sub Head of Subdivision can do it periodically to make it more effective, efficient and accurate. The method of data collection is done by observing, interviewing and studying literature from various previous studies, while the system analysis method uses the Waterfall method which aims to solve a problem and uses design methods with visual modeling that is object oriented with UML while programming using PHP and MySQL as a database.

2010 ◽  
Vol 130 (12) ◽  
pp. 2276-2285
Shintaro Yanagihara ◽  
Akira Ishihara ◽  
Toshinao Ishii ◽  
Junichi Kitsuki ◽  
Kazuo Seo

Epidemiologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-94
Mst. Marium Begum ◽  
Osman Ulvi ◽  
Ajlina Karamehic-Muratovic ◽  
Mallory R. Walsh ◽  
Hasan Tarek ◽  

Background: Chikungunya is a vector-borne disease, mostly present in tropical and subtropical regions. The virus is spread by Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitos and symptoms include high fever to severe joint pain. Dhaka, Bangladesh, suffered an outbreak of chikungunya in 2017 lasting from April to September. With the goal of reducing cases, social media was at the forefront during this outbreak and educated the public about symptoms, prevention, and control of the virus. Popular web-based sources such as the top dailies in Bangladesh, local news outlets, and Facebook spread awareness of the outbreak. Objective: This study sought to investigate the role of social and mainstream media during the chikungunya epidemic. The study objective was to determine if social media can improve awareness of and practice associated with reducing cases of chikungunya. Methods: We collected chikungunya-related information circulated from the top nine television channels in Dhaka, Bangladesh, airing from 1st April–20th August 2017. All the news published in the top six dailies in Bangladesh were also compiled. The 50 most viewed chikungunya-related Bengali videos were manually coded and analyzed. Other social media outlets, such as Facebook, were also analyzed to determine the number of chikungunya-related posts and responses to these posts. Results: Our study showed that media outlets were associated with reducing cases of chikungunya, indicating that media has the potential to impact future outbreaks of these alpha viruses. Each media outlet (e.g., web, television) had an impact on the human response to an individual’s healthcare during this outbreak. Conclusions: To prevent future outbreaks of chikungunya, media outlets and social media can be used to educate the public regarding prevention strategies such as encouraging safe travel, removing stagnant water sources, and assisting with tracking cases globally to determine where future outbreaks may occur.

Meer Shadman Shafkat Tanjim ◽  
Ashrafun Nushra Oishi ◽  
Ali Azam Sojib ◽  
Md. Bashir Ahmmad ◽  
Md. Shaiful Islam ◽  

Fenne Verhoeven ◽  
Ron M.G. Hendrix ◽  
Inka Daniels-Haardt ◽  
Alexander W. Friedrich ◽  
Michael F. Steehouder ◽  

Naoufel Khayati ◽  
Wided Lejouad-Chaari

In this paper, we present a distributed collaborative system assisting physicians in diagnosis when processing medical images. This is a Web-based solution since the different participants and resources are on various sites. It is collaborative because these participants (physicians, radiologists, knowledgebasesdesigners, program developers for medical image processing, etc.) can work collaboratively to enhance the quality of programs and then the quality of the diagnosis results. It is intelligent since it is a knowledge-based system including, but not only, a knowledge base, an inference engine said supervision engine and ontologies. The current work deals with the osteoporosis detection in bone radiographies. We rely on program supervision techniques that aim to automatically plan and control complex software usage. Our main contribution is to allow physicians, who are not experts in computing, to benefit from technological advances made by experts in image processing, and then to efficiently use various osteoporosis detection programs in a distributed environment.

Ada Scupola

This article investigates the competences deemed necessary both at top managerial and individual levels for the successful adoption and assimilation of business-to-business e-services in small and medium size enterprises. To this end, an in-depth case study of a business-to-business e-service system, a Web-based travel reservation system, was conducted. The results show that three main competences, namely vision, value and control, are important at top management level for the primary adoption of e-services. For secondary adoption and assimilation, three categories of competences were identified as being important either to have or to develop at the individual level, namely technical, interpersonal and conceptual skills.

2009 ◽  
Vol 132 (1) ◽  
Nalin Navarathna ◽  
Vitalij Fedulov ◽  
Andrew Martin ◽  
Torsten Fransson

Remote laboratory exercises are gaining popularity due to advances in communication technologies along with the need to provide realistic yet flexible educational tools for tomorrow’s engineers. Laboratory exercises in turbomachinery aerodynamics generally involve substantial equipment in both size and power, so the development of remotely controlled facilities has perhaps not occurred as quickly as in other fields. This paper presents an overview of a new interactive laboratory exercise involving aerodynamics in a linear cascade of stator blades. The laboratory facility consists of a high-speed fan that delivers a maximum of 2.5 kg/s of air to the cascade. Traversing pneumatic probes are used to determine pressure profiles at upstream and downstream locations, and loss coefficients are later computed. Newly added equipment includes cameras, stepper motors, and a data acquisition and control system for remote operation. This paper presents the laboratory facility in more detail and includes discussions related to user interface issues, the development of a virtual laboratory exercise as a complement to experiments, and comparative evaluation of virtual, remote, and local laboratory exercises.

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