Target-oriented Petri Net Synthesis

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 97-122
Eike Best ◽  
Raymond Devillers ◽  
Evgeny Erofeev ◽  
Harro Wimmel

When a Petri net is synthesised from a labelled transition system, it is frequently desirable that certain additional constraints are fulfilled. For example, in circuit design, one is often interested in constructing safe Petri nets. Targeting such subclasses of Petri nets is not necessarily computationally more efficient than targeting the whole class. For example, targeting safe nets is known to be NP-complete while targeting the full class of place/transition nets is polynomial, in the size of the transition system. In this paper, several classes of Petri nets are examined, and their suitability for being targeted through efficient synthesis from labelled transition systems is studied and assessed. The focus is on choice-free Petri nets and some of their subclasses. It is described how they can be synthesised efficiently from persistent transition systems, summarising and streamlining in tutorial style some of the authors’ and their groups’ work over the past few years.

Eike Best ◽  
Raymond Devillers ◽  
Evgeny Erofeev ◽  
Harro Wimmel

When a Petri net is synthesised from a labelled transition system, it is frequently desirable that certain additional constraints are fulfilled. For example, in circuit design, one is often interested in constructing safe Petri nets. Targeting such subclasses of Petri nets is not necessarily computationally more efficient than targeting the whole class. For example, targeting safe nets is known to be NP-complete while targeting the full class of place/transition nets is polynomial, in the size of the transition system. In this paper, several classes of Petri nets are examined, and their suitability for being targeted through efficient synthesis from labelled transition systems is studied and assessed. The focus is on choice-free Petri nets and some of their subclasses. It is described how they can be synthesised efficiently from persistent transition systems, summarising and streamlining in tutorial style some of the authors’ and their groups’ work over the past few years.

1992 ◽  
Vol 03 (04) ◽  
pp. 443-478 ◽  

Labelled transition systems are a simple yet powerful formalism for describing the operational behaviour of computing systems. They can be extended to model concurrency faithfully by permitting transitions between states to be labelled by a collection of actions, denoting a concurrent step. Petri nets (or Place/Transition nets) give rise to such step transition systems in a natural way—the marking diagram of a Petri net is the canonical transition system associated with it. In this paper, we characterize the class of PN-transition systems, which are precisely those step transition systems generated by Petri nets. We express the correspondence between PN-transition systems and Petri nets in terms of an adjunction between a category of PN-transition systems and a category of Petri nets in which the associated morphisms are behaviour-preserving in a strong and natural sense.

2022 ◽  
Vol 183 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-31
Raymond Devillers

In order to speed up the synthesis of Petri nets from labelled transition systems, a divide and conquer strategy consists in defining decompositions of labelled transition systems, such that each component is synthesisable iff so is the original system. Then corresponding Petri Net composition operators are searched to combine the solutions of the various components into a solution of the original system. The paper presents two such techniques, which may be combined: products and articulations. They may also be used to structure transition systems, and to analyse the performance of synthesis techniques when applied to such structures.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Dang Van Hung

The present paper introduces the  notion of  distributed transition systems for modeling, designing and  understanding distributed computing systems. The concurrency can be expressed explicitly in the model. Some of  the  global properties of the  systems are discussed and determined. It is  shown in the paper that  by keeping knowledge of other processes in each process of a system, some of its global properties can be synthesized from only few local process states.

1999 ◽  
Vol 6 (54) ◽  
Peter D. Mosses

A novel form of labelled transition system is proposed, where<br />the labels are the arrows of a category, and adjacent labels in computations<br /> are required to be composable. Such transition systems provide the<br />foundations for modular SOS descriptions of programming languages.<br />Three fundamental ways of transforming label categories, analogous to<br />monad transformers, are provided, and it is shown that their applications<br />preserve computations in modular SOS. The approach is illustrated with<br />fragments taken from a modular SOS for ML concurrency primitives.

1992 ◽  
Vol 21 (399) ◽  
Madhavan Mukund

<p>Labelled transition systems can be extended to faithfully model concurrency by permitting transitions between states to be labelled by a collection of actions, denoting a concurrent step, We can characterize a subclass of these <em>step transition systems</em>, called PN-transition systems, which describe the behaviour of Petri nets.</p><p>This correspondence is formally described in terms of a coreflection between a category of <em>PN</em>-transition systems and a category of Petri nets.</p><p>In this paper, we show that we can define subcategories of <em>PN</em>-transition systems whose objects are <em> safe PN-transition systems and elementary PN-transition systems</em> such that there is a coreflection between these subcategories and subcategories of our category of Petri nets corresponding to safe nets and elementary net systems.</p><p>We also prove that our category of elementary <em>PN</em>-transition systems is equivalent to the category of (sequential) <em> elementary transition systems</em> defined by Nielsen, Rozenberg and Thiagarajan, thereby establishing that the concurrent behaviour of an elementary net system can be completely recovered from a description of its sequential behaviour. Finally, we establish a coreflection between our category of safe <em>PN</em>-transition system and a subcategory of <em>asynchronous transition systems</em> which has been shown by Winskel and Nielsen to be closely linked to safe nets.</p>

2004 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 469-505 ◽  

A reactive system can be specified by a labelled transition system, which indicates static structure, along with temporal-logic formulas, which assert dynamic behaviour. But refining the former while preserving the latter can be difficult, because:(i) Labelled transition systems are ‘total’ – characterised up to bisimulation – meaning that no new transition structure can appear in a refinement.(ii) Alternatively, a refinement criterion not based on bisimulation might generate a refined transition system that violates the temporal properties.In response, Larsen and Thomson proposed modal transition systems, which are ‘partial’, and defined a refinement criterion that preserved formulas in Hennessy–Milner logic. We show that modal transition systems are, up to a saturation condition, exactly the mixed transition systems of Dams that meet a mix condition, and we extend such systems to non-flat state sets. We then solve a domain equation over the mixed powerdomain whose solution is a bifinite domain that is universal for all saturated modal transition systems and is itself fully abstract when considered as a modal transition system. We demonstrate that many frameworks of partial systems can be translated into the domain: partial Kripke structures, partial bisimulation structures, Kripke modal transition systems, and pointer-shape-analysis graphs.

1998 ◽  
Vol 5 (17) ◽  
Roberto Bruni ◽  
José Meseguer ◽  
Ugo Montanari ◽  
Vladimiro Sassone

In recent years, several semantics for place/transition Petri nets have been proposed that adopt the collective token philosophy. We investigate distinctions and similarities between three such models, namely configuration structures, concurrent transition systems, and (strictly) symmetric (strict) monoidal categories. We use the notion of adjunction to express each connection. We also present a purely logical description of the collective token interpretation of net behaviours in terms of theories and theory morphisms in partial membership equational logic.

Piotr Kulicki ◽  
Robert Trypuz ◽  
Marek Sergot

AbstractThe paper tackles the problem of the relation between rights and obligations. Two examples of situations in which such a relation occurs are discussed. One concerns the abortion regulations in Polish law, the other one—a clash between freedom of expression and freedom of enterprise occurring in the context of discrimination. The examples are analysed and formalised using labelled transition systems in the $$n\mathcal {C}+$$ n C + framework. Rights are introduced to the system as procedures allowing for their fulfilment. Obligations are based on the requirement of cooperation in the realisation of the goals of the agent that has a right. If the right of an agent cannot be fulfilled without an action of another agent, then that action is obligatory for that agent. If there are many potential contributors who are individually allowed to refuse, then the last of them is obliged to help when all the others have already refused. By means of formalisation this account of the relation under consideration is precisely expressed and shown consistent.

2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  

We provide motivation for and then study the synthesis of Petri nets. Synthesis can avoid the state exploration problem by guaranteeing correctness for the Petri net. We propose conditions to be imposed on a synthesis shared pb-type subnet for systems specified in Petri nets that ensure the preservation of the liveness and boundedness structural properties. Specifically, we propose a group of sufficient conditions, or both sufficient and necessary conditions, for liveness preservation and boundedness preservation. Possible applications of this synthesis method are illustrated through an example in the form of a flexible manufacturing system. These results are useful for studying the static and dynamic properties of Petri nets for analysing the properties of large complex systems.

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