Target-oriented Petri Net Synthesis
When a Petri net is synthesised from a labelled transition system, it is frequently desirable that certain additional constraints are fulfilled. For example, in circuit design, one is often interested in constructing safe Petri nets. Targeting such subclasses of Petri nets is not necessarily computationally more efficient than targeting the whole class. For example, targeting safe nets is known to be NP-complete while targeting the full class of place/transition nets is polynomial, in the size of the transition system. In this paper, several classes of Petri nets are examined, and their suitability for being targeted through efficient synthesis from labelled transition systems is studied and assessed. The focus is on choice-free Petri nets and some of their subclasses. It is described how they can be synthesised efficiently from persistent transition systems, summarising and streamlining in tutorial style some of the authors’ and their groups’ work over the past few years.