The Mediating Effect of the Job Engagement on Relation between Teachers’ Job Resources and Job Satisfaction, and the Difference according to Elementary and Secondary School Level

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-138
Sung Ja Lee ◽  
Eun Mi Lim
2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
Amir Zaman ◽  
Abdul Ghafar ◽  
Fazal Ur Rahman ◽  
Ishtiaq Hussain

Geometrical thinking is important for students to perform well inmathematics as a whole. This study aimed at assessing performance ofgrade 9th students in Geometrical thinking. Furthermore, comparisonamong students in different strata was made like sector wise, gender wiseand location wise. A test of reasoning was administered to a sample ofabove 500 hundred. Sample of the study was taken with proportionateapproach from the whole population. The test was properly validated andreliably checked using SPSS. Factor analysis of the test shows that allitems were statistically aligned with theoretical model. The results showthat the students perform in a variety of ways like performance of privateschools students was significantly better than students of public schools.Similarly, male and urban students performed well than female and ruralstudents respectively. However, the difference between score of thestudents in private and public schools were found significant. Interactionanalysis of gender, rural urban divide shows; that some items showinteraction effect by behaving differently in response to backgroundvariables. It was recommended for further research to replicated thisstudy on different level with tools suitable for their level and also can bebetter conducted using tools that involve diagrammatic reasoning.

Hanifah Nurus Sopiany

Penalaran matematis menggunakan pola pikir logis dalam menganalisa suatu masalah yang nanti pada akhirnya akan ditandai dengan aktivitas menyimpulkan atas masalah tersebut. Seseorang yang memiliki penalaran yang baik, tentunya akan berhati-hati dalam bertindak dan memutuskan sesuatu. Materi-materi pada kalkulus merupakan materi yang ada pada tingkat sekolah menengah yang nantinya menjadi lahan mengajar mahasiswa calon guru matematika S-1. Kemampuan penalaran yang dikaji mempengaruhi pembelajaran mahasiswa kedepannya karena berlaku pada matakuliah lanjut, contohnya pada kemampuan pembuktian akan selalu digunakan pada matakuliah persamaan diferensial, struktur aljabar, analisis  vektor, analisis real, dll. Sedangkan sebagai calon guru yang nantinya mengajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah, maka kemampuan penalaran ini menjadi salah satu capaian pembelajaran matematika bagi siswa sekolah menengah, maka oleh karena itu guru yang mengajarnya haruslah memiliki kemampuan penalaran yang baik. Analisis kesalahan sangat penting untuk melakukan evaluasi dan refleksi pada struktur soal maupun pada perlakuan dalam pembelajaran dalam upaya memperbaiki kemampuan penalarannya.   Mathematical reasoning uses a logical mindset in analyzing a problem that will eventually be marked by concluding activity on the problem. Someone who has good reason, will certainly be careful in acting and deciding something. The material content on the calculus is the material that exists at the secondary school level which will become the field of teaching the prospective master of math teacher bachelor. The reasoning ability studied influences student learning in the future as it applies to advanced courses, for example in the ability of proof will always be used in the course of differential equations, algebraic structure, vector analysis, real analysis, etc. While as a teacher candidate who will teach at the secondary school level, then this reasoning ability becomes one of the achievements of mathematics learning for high school students, therefore teachers who teach it must have good reasoning ability. Error analysis is very important to evaluate and reflect on the problem structure as well as on the treatment in learning in order to improve the reasoning ability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 41-69
Francis Muchenje ◽  
Pedzisai Goronga

The study sought to explore students' views on the utility of non-formal education in addressing the school dropout phenomenon at secondary school level. Qualitative research approach was adopted and a case study design was utilised. The population consisted of all the students in the non-formal programme at the school from which a sample of 11 students (2 male and 9 female) was selected through purposive stratified sampling technique. Data were gathered through structured in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Non-formal education was seen to address the school dropout phenomenon by providing school drop outs with an opportunity to continue their education and hence becomes a form of empowerment. A number of challenges such as lack of adequate tuition in some subjects, lack of conducive learning environment as well as negative perception of non-formal education held by pupils in the formal stream and community members were identified. The study recommends that the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education should review the staffing situation in schools to ensure the availability of teachers in the various subjects in the non-formal stream. Schools should make an effort to provide appropriate learning facilities for students in the nonformal stream. Furthermore, schools should conscientise their communities on the importance of non-formal education.

2014 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 1435-1442 ◽  
Denis A. Rychkov ◽  
Sergey G. Arkhipov ◽  
Elena V. Boldyreva

A number of modifications to traditional techniques are suggested in order to overcome problems that frequently arise when growing crystals from solution. These improvements, and their combination, help to avoid problems such as poor nucleation, the spontaneous precipitation of many poor-quality small powder-like crystals, crystals adhering to the crystallization vessel or to each other, and chemical degradation of the solution. The proposed techniques can be used to crystallize desirable metastable polymorphs reliably. None of the suggested methods demands the usage of any special or expensive equipment, or specific skills, and they can be implemented in the chemistry curriculum even at secondary school level. Examples are given for the crystallization of small organic molecules such as carboxylic acids, amino acids, pharmaceuticals etc., but the same techniques are applicable to other classes of compound.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002205742110323
Sonika Singh ◽  
Piar Chand Ryhal

This study examined the influence of teachers’ emotional intelligence (EI) on academic achievement and outlined the model with the mediating effect of job satisfaction (JS) between the EI and academic achievement. Survey method was employed to collect the information from 728 secondary school teachers belong to Himachal Pradesh, a state of Northern India, through various statistical tools. The results of the study showed that teachers’ emotional abilities were significantly and positively associated with academic achievement of students and showed R2 61% variance in academic achievement. The relationship between EI and academic achievement of students is partially mediated by JS.

2011 ◽  
Vol 113 (3) ◽  
pp. 529-560 ◽  
Jianzhong Xu

Background/Context For many children, doing homework becomes an emotionally charged event and one of the most disappointing aspects of school life. It is surprising to note, however, that homework emotion management is noticeably absent from much contemporary homework literature. Purpose The primary propose of the present study was to propose and test empirical models of variables posited to predict homework emotion management at the secondary school level, with the models informed by (a) research and theory on emotion regulation and (b) findings from homework research that alluded to a number of factors that may influence homework emotion management. Another purpose of the present study was to examine whether homework emotion management is related to homework completion, one of the major outcome variables in the homework process. Research Design The study reported here used cross-sectional survey data. The participants were 1,895 students from 111 classes in the southeastern United States, including 1,046 eighth graders from 63 classes and 849 11th graders from 48 classes. Results Results from the multilevel analyses revealed that most of the variance in homework emotion management occurred at the student level, with grade level appearing as the only significant predictor at the class level. At the student level, the variation in homework emotion management was positively associated with teacher feedback, peer-oriented reasons for doing homework, arranging the environment, managing time, and monitoring motivation. Girls reported statistically significant higher scores in managing homework emotion than did boys. Follow-up analyses further revealed that homework emotion management was positively associated with homework completion. Conclusion As most of the variance in homework emotion management occurred at the student level rather than at the class level, homework emotion management was largely a function of individual student characteristics and experiences. The present study further suggests that monitoring motivation and managing time play a predominant role in homework emotion management (compared with other variables included in the present study). Consequently, there is a critical need to conceptualize these variables in the process of emotion regulation in general, and in homework emotion management in particular. In addition, there is a critical need for secondary schools to strategically engage students in the homework process to better manage their emotion while doing homework.

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