2019 ◽  
pp. 54-61
A. G. Leonov ◽  
Yu. А. Pervin ◽  
Ya. N. Zaidelman

The article analyzes the necessity and possibility of studying the basics of programming in preschool and primary school. A well-known technology for studying programming based on software executors is considered, while it is proposed to significantly reduce the age at which teaching begins. The possibility of this decrease is justified by changes in the environment in which modern children live, their early acquaintance with a variety of software-controlled devices, accumulated experience in managing such devices. The article discusses specific training systems that implement this approach: PiktoMir, Robotlandia, KuMir. A gradual transition from non-text programming using pictograms (PiktoMir) through text management using a minimal set of constructions (Robotlandia) to a full-fledged programming language (KuMir) is shown. At the same time, work in the Kumir environment also begins with the management of performers, thereby ensuring continuity of approaches and the gradual assimilation of increasingly complex programming methods. The article summarizes the authors ’experience in the development and pedagogical testing of the application of the above systems, the conclusion is made about the possibility, methodological preparedness and educational soundness of the early study of the basics of programming using software-controlled executors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 375-381
Alejandro Sánchez-Pay ◽  
Gema Torres-Luque ◽  
David Sanz-Rivas ◽  
Javier Courel-Ibáñez

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the use of bounce on performance in wheelchair tennis. Data pertaining to all the hits on the ball ( n = 4021) were recorded from 16 men’s singles professional matches. Performance parameters regarding to players’ skill level (high- and low-ranked) the game situation (players and the serve-return situation), technical-tactical aspects (hitting side), and outcome (stroke and point outcome) were included in multivariate regression and decision tree models. The results determined that the skill level ([Formula: see text] = 7.164, p >  0.01) and stroke outcome ([Formula: see text] = 14.099, p >  0.01) were the main predictors of the number of bounces, with high-ranked players using more bounces than the low-ranked. Stroke outcome was the main distinguishing factor of the use of bounce ([Formula: see text] = 51.424, p <  0.01, V =  0.08), with a greater use of zero bounces in winners and errors, one bounce in rallies, and two bounces in winners. These findings should be taken into consideration by coaches to design specific training systems according to the requirements from wheelchair tennis.

Lina Vaškelienė ◽  
Antanina Grabauskienė

With reference to educational documents and articles of scholars and teachers-practitioners, this arti-cle analyzes the tendencies and problems of the alternation of the assessment of pupils’ achievements and progress in primary school in the plane of education reform; the aim is also to reveal the input of Lithuanian scholars and teachers-practitioners on purpose of creating a new system of assessment. The analysis of the stages of education reform demonstrated that all stages emphasize the necessity to democratize pupils’ as-sessment system with a gradual transition towards idiographic assessment and a refusal to assess primary school children with marks. In response to the requirements of the education reform, in 1998–2004 the scholars gave most attention to a theoretical grounding of the assessment of pupils’ progress. In the third stage of Lithuanian education reform (2003–2008) methodical articles prevail which offer various versions of assessment, achievement books, whereas the attention of the scholars towards the system of assessment is decreasing. With reference to this, we make an assumption that the removal of scholars in the third stage of the reform was the main reason for teachers and students to be unsatisfied with the modern system of as-sessment. Key words: primary education, pupils’ learning achievements, progress, assessment, alternation of the as-sessment.

1986 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36 ◽  
Roy D. Pea

This article argues for the existence of persistent conceptual “bugs” in how novices program and understand programs. These bugs are not specific to a given programming language, but appear to be language-independent. Furthermore, such bugs occur for novices from primary school to college age. Three different classes of bugs—parallelism, intentionality, and egocentrism—are identified, and exemplified through student errors. It is suggested that these classes of conceptual bugs are rooted in a “superbug,” the default strategy that there is a hidden mind somewhere in the programming language that has intelligent interpretive powers.

Sylvia Dixon

Survey evidence suggests that the majority of New Zealanders would prefer to make a gradual transition from work to retirement, rather than move abruptly from full-time work to non-employment. This study describes the employment patterns and transitions of people who were aged in their 60s and moved from wage or salary employment to inactivity during the 1999-2005 period, using longitudinal data from the Linked Employer-Employee Dataset. Four different types o f transition to retirement were defined and the relative frequency o f each explored. We find that phased transitions, involving either part-time work or a number of transitions in and out of employment before the final exit, were far more common than discrete transitions from full-time work to non-employment. Men were more likely than women to take a traditional path from work to retirement. There were some significant variations in the frequency of different work-to-retirement paths across major industries, but phased transitions were more prevalent than traditional in all major industries.

2021 ◽  
Mathias Sablé-Meyer ◽  
Kevin Ellis ◽  
Joshua Tenenbaum ◽  
Stanislas Dehaene

Why do geometric shapes such as lines, circles, zig-zags or spirals appear in all human cultures, but are never produced by other animals? Here, we formalize and test the hypothesis that all humans possess a compositional language of thought that can produce line drawings as recursive combinations of a minimal set of geometric primitives. We present a programming language, similar to Logo, that combines discrete numbers and continuous integration in higher-level structures based on repetition, concatenation and embedding, and show that the simplest programs in this language generate the fundamental geometric shapes observed in human cultures. On the perceptual side, we propose that shape perception in humans involves searching for the shortest program that correctly draws the image (program induction). A consequence of this framework is that the mental difficulty of remembering a shape should depend on its minimum description length (MDL) in the proposed language. In two experiments, we show that encoding and processing of geometric shapes is well predicted by MDL. Furthermore, our hypotheses predict additive laws for the psychological complexity of repeated, concatenated or embedded shapes, which are experimentally validated.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 13-24 ◽  
Michael DOLINSKY ◽  

This article describes the authors’ approach to start teaching programming at the primary school, which is based on using distance learning site DL.GSU.BY for sequential leaning seven keywords (program, var, longint, begin, readln, writeln, end) of programming language Pascal. Then these words are using to write the simplest programs that read some numbers, do necessary calculations and write the answer.

O.G. Avrunin ◽  
M.Y. Tymkovych ◽  
H. Farouk Ismail Saed ◽  
A.V. Loburets ◽  
I.A. Krivoruchko ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-129
Per Anderhag ◽  
Madeleine Björn ◽  
Birgit Fahrman ◽  
Annika Lundholm-Bergström ◽  
Maria Weiland ◽  

This study examines primary school students’ perception of functionality in their spontaneous programminglanguage for controlling a simple robot. Classroom activities were designed in order to create opportunitiesfor the students (year 1 and year 4) to discuss and develop together with their teachers a sharedprogramming language for controlling a simple robot. The students spontaneously used (a) natural language,(b) images or (c) symbols when they created their programming language. The findings show thatthe students primarily perceived a code’s functionality as a question of readability, rather than how wellit fit the purpose of controlling the robot. Possible consequences of the findings for teaching in technologyeducation are discussed.

2019 ◽  

This article presents the dynamics of the primary school pupils’ linguocultural competence developed by means of Chinese artistic works. The complex hierarchical structure of the pupils’ linguocultural competence was unified, since it served as the standard for assessing the effectiveness of the teaching process aimed at developing the designated competence within the experimental education at secondary schools. The criterial apparatus for assessing pupils’ learning outcomes is specified. The control exercises and tasks / assignments used as components of the experimental methodology facilitating the formation of the primary school pupils’ linguocultural competence in the framework of learning Chinese are described. The difficulties of mastering the Chinese language are indicated. The author substantiates the dynamics of the developed competence according to specific criteria, taking into account the Ukrainian-Chinese relations, in accordance with: 1) educative and accumulative (indicators: philosophical and fundamental, Confucianism-centric) artistic and authentic (with indicators: ethnically patriotic, epic-folkloric and prose-lyrical); contrastive-comparative (with indicators: general cultural and cultural-specific); operational-interactive (with indicators: culture- and resource-centred, perceptual-cognitive, productive and demonstrative) competencies. Identifying changes in the transformation of the above criteria contents in the context of developing sets of exercises and tasks / assignments for a specific training / education level as well as reviewing the content of the relevant exercises and tasks at each stage of education (primary, secondary, high school) are considered to be the prospects for further research.

Hidekuni Tsukamoto ◽  
Yasuhiro Takemura ◽  
Hideo Nagumo ◽  
Isamu Ikeda ◽  
Akito Monden ◽  

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