scholarly journals Kesiapan Implementasi Knowledge Sharing & Transfer (KS&T) dalam pembelajaran di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Mochamad Budi Arief

Higher education as a sub-system of the national education system has a strategic role that includes educating the nation's life and advancing science and technology. Universities as an institution that has a strategic role in achieving a generation of excellence and quality in the development of Science and Technology, so as to compete in the global era and digital today. The purpose of this research is: to describe readiness implementation of Knowledge Sharing & Transfer (KS & T) in learning at Tarbiyah High School of Raden Wijaya Mojokerto. This research uses "Library Research" The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used by the authors in this study is the documentation. Data processing is done by conducting the activity of review, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. While data analysis in this research done during and after collecting data by using descriptive-critical-comparative method, and method of content analysis (content analysis). From the explanation described earlier, it was concluded: 1) Successful implementation of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer did not escape the selection of appropriate strategies in its application. 2) Implementation of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer is still hampered by human resources problems besides quality and quantity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Mochamad Budi Arief

Higher education as a sub-system of the national education system has a strategic role that includes educating the nation's life and advancing science and technology. Universities as an institution that has a strategic role in achieving a generation of excellence and quality in the development of Science and Technology, so as to compete in the global era and digital today. The purpose of this research is: to describe readiness implementation of Knowledge Sharing & Transfer (KS & T) in learning at Tarbiyah High School of Raden Wijaya Mojokerto. This research uses "Library Research" The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used by the authors in this study is the documentation. Data processing is done by conducting the activity of review, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. While data analysis in this research done during and after collecting data by using descriptive-critical-comparative method, and method of content analysis (content analysis). From the explanation described earlier, it was concluded: 1) Successful implementation of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer did not escape the selection of appropriate strategies in its application. 2) Implementation of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer is still hampered by human resources problems besides quality and quantity.

2019 ◽  

The purpose of this article was to describe the knowledge management in dharmaduta profession. Data were collected through various resources such as books and other primary and secondary references. The analysis method that used was content analysis descriptive explanations and had been narratively discussed in depth. The result of this article in form and knowledge management pattern in dharmaduta profession, which can be used to support the assignment and its function. Here are patterns and knowledge management form that have to be implemented by a dharmaduta: Learning for an instructor/ a dharma preacher, knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer for a dharmaduta preacher, knowledge storage and externalization, organisation environment and the implementation of dharmaduta knowledge, explicit knowledge become tacit knowledge and other supportive factor, such as human factor and Information Communication and Technology (ICT).

Asep Agus Handaka Suryana ◽  
Dhea Tiara Nurmahendra

The level of competitiveness is one of the parameters in the concept of sustainability. The fisheries sector has a strategic role in national development, one of which is aquaculture. Ponds aquaculture is the most widespread in the province of West Java. So that fishery production in West Java is mostly dominated by production from ponds and has the opportunity to be developed when viewed from the productivity achieved at this time which is already quite high. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitiveness profile of ponds aquaculture in the regency/city of West Java Province. The study was conducted in November 2020 – June 2021. The method used was a literature survey to determine the competitiveness of aquaculture in ponds in West Java Province. The data obtained in the form of primary data and secondary data were analyzed descriptively. Primary data in the form of expert opinions. Secondary data is in the form of aquaculture statistical data in ponds with the main indicators, namely human resources, facilities, facilities and infrastructure, production, and Science and Technology with time series data from 2004 – 2019 Department of Marine and Fisheries of West Java Province. The results showed that the competitiveness profile of aquaculture in ponds in 2019 in West Java Province with the first rank of very high competitiveness was occupied by Ciamis Regency because it was superior in human resources, facilities and infrastructure, and production, the second rank of high competitiveness is occupied by Bogor Regency because it was superior in production, the third rank of high competitiveness is occupied by Indramayu Regency because it was superior in production and the application of science and technology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Zaitun Zaitun

Abstract: Learning is an obligation as well as a spiritual need of human. Especially in the global era that all sophisticated has given various consequences and influence both positive and negative. The positive value must provide good for learners but the negative value with a series of moral decadence cases such as cheating in learning activities, plagiarism, lazy, immoral, free sex, deteriorating of polite values need to be handled by the return to a moral formation which oriented in motivation. This paper offers the motivation to learn based on the local wisdom of G12 as a motivator to learn because motivation and encouragement become something important in improving the learning effort in achieving the expected goals. The purpose of this paper was to foster and improve the motivation to learn based on local wisdom G12 as well as preserve the G12 and explore the values of motivation contained therein. The method used was descriptive qualitative with content analysis as well as Peirce's semiotics where collected primary and secondary data, then described, analyzed, and so found the result and conclusion that the benefits of learning motivation based on G12 include: fostering religious values in the students, moral formation, increase the spirit of learning, enrichment of learning for educators, educators as role models in learning and inheritance of local wisdom values.Keywords: the benefits of learning motivation,  local wisdom, G12 Abstrak: Belajar merupakan kewajiban sekaligus kebutuhan rohani manusia. Apalagi di era global yang serba canggih telah memberikan berbagai konsekuensi serta pengaruh baik itu positif maupun  negative. Nilai positif pastinya memberikan kebaikan bagi peserta didik namun nilai negative dengan serentetan kasus dekadensi moral seperti mencontek dalam aktivitas pembelajaran, plagiat,malas,asusila, free sex,pudarnya nilai sopan santun perlu ditangani dengan kembali pada pembinaan akhlak berorientasi pada motivasi. Tulisan ini menawarkan motivasi belajar berbasis kearifan local G12 sebagai pendorong dan penggerak untuk belajar karena motivasi dan dorongan menjadi sesuatu yang penting dalam meningkatkan usaha belajar dalam mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk menumbuhkan serta meningkatkan motivasi belajar  berbasis kearifan local G12 sekaligus melestarikan G12 serta menggali nilai-nilai bermuatan motivasi yang ada didalamnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatatif dengan dengan anaisis isi dan semiotic Pierce dimana dikumpulkan data primer dan skunder,selanjutnya di deskripsikan, dianalisis dan sehingga ditemukan hasil dan kesimpulan  bahwa manfaat motivasi belajar berbasis G12 antara lain : menumbuhkan nilai religious dalam diri peserta didik,  pembinaan akhlak mulia, meningkatkan semangat belajar, pengayaan pembelajaran bagi pendidik, pendidik sebagai role model dalam pembelajaran dan pewarisan nilai-nilai kearifan local..Kata kunci: Manfaat motivasi belajar, kearifan lokal, G12

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  

AbstractH.A.R. Tilaar emphasizes to the importance of education based on culture, because education is process of culture. Therefore, between the education and culture has been greatly relation, because the education is not able to be separated from culture that has reflected and grown up dynamically in Indonesian society.The purpose of this research is to determine how the education based on culture according to H.A.R. Tilaar’s perspective. The object of this research was H.A.R. Tilaar’s Perspective which concerns to the education based on culture.The approach of this research was literature review. The source of the data were a text book written by H.A.R. Tilaar and other literatures related to this research. The technique of analyzing data were the content analysis of the text book written by H.A.R. Tilaar and other literatures.The result of this research are : (a) H.A.R. Tilaar conceptualizes the education as an culturing processes; (b) the education process is an culturing process through the interactive process between teachers and students; (c) it is necessary to the Government of Indonesia to correct the National education concept by proposing several aspects such as ; (1) the basic value of education; (2) to notice the function of sociological education; (3) the relation between culture and education; (4) the education as The Agent ofChange, and (5) to get the equalization of education opportunity; and (d) to grow up the creative and adaptive thinking toward education phenomenawhich always move dynamically in the environment of the Indonesian community which has its complexity.Keyword: Education, Culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Hadijah Iberahim ◽  
Izmahariz Azman ◽  
Mohd Haniff Shahri ◽  
Nur Fara Ellyanie Abdul Hamid

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a method that helps an organization to maximize profit and minimize cost. One of the essential factors for a successful LSS project is the availability of employees who are willing to engage. Employee engagement brings about a strong sense of belonging and high productivity. Consequently, engaged employees will work harder to achieve the mission of the organization. This paper discusses a case of LSS project with a low level of employee engagement. As a result, LSS was less likely helpful in sustaining company’s performance. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that contribute to employee engagement in LSS practices. Review of the relevant literature suggests four variables, which include goal clarity, management support and trust, knowledge sharing and transfer, and teamwork. The questionnaire survey applied census in collecting feedback from 80 respondents. Statistical analysis results indicate that goal clarity, management support, and trust are significant to employee engagement. However, knowledge sharing and transfer as well as teamwork are not substantial. It is recommended for the organization to give attention to all the four factors. This paper extended understandings on critical inputs to a successful implementation of LSS for sustainable company’s performance and growth. Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, Employee Engagement, Goal Clarity, Management Support and Trust, Teamwork, Knowledge Sharing.

2020 ◽  
Lieber Po-Hung Li ◽  
Ji-Yan Han ◽  
Wei-Zhong Zheng ◽  
Ren-Jie Huang ◽  
Ying-Hui Lai

BACKGROUND The cochlear implant technology is a well-known approach to help deaf patients hear speech again. It can improve speech intelligibility in quiet conditions; however, it still has room for improvement in noisy conditions. More recently, it has been proven that deep learning–based noise reduction (NR), such as noise classification and deep denoising autoencoder (NC+DDAE), can benefit the intelligibility performance of patients with cochlear implants compared to classical noise reduction algorithms. OBJECTIVE Following the successful implementation of the NC+DDAE model in our previous study, this study aimed to (1) propose an advanced noise reduction system using knowledge transfer technology, called NC+DDAE_T, (2) examine the proposed NC+DDAE_T noise reduction system using objective evaluations and subjective listening tests, and (3) investigate which layer substitution of the knowledge transfer technology in the NC+DDAE_T noise reduction system provides the best outcome. METHODS The knowledge transfer technology was adopted to reduce the number of parameters of the NC+DDAE_T compared with the NC+DDAE. We investigated which layer should be substituted using short-time objective intelligibility (STOI) and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) scores, as well as t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding to visualize the features in each model layer. Moreover, we enrolled ten cochlear implant users for listening tests to evaluate the benefits of the newly developed NC+DDAE_T. RESULTS The experimental results showed that substituting the middle layer (ie, the second layer in this study) of the noise-independent DDAE (NI-DDAE) model achieved the best performance gain regarding STOI and PESQ scores. Therefore, the parameters of layer three in the NI-DDAE were chosen to be replaced, thereby establishing the NC+DDAE_T. Both objective and listening test results showed that the proposed NC+DDAE_T noise reduction system achieved similar performances compared with the previous NC+DDAE in several noisy test conditions. However, the proposed NC+DDAE_T only needs a quarter of the number of parameters compared to the NC+DDAE. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrated that knowledge transfer technology can help to reduce the number of parameters in an NC+DDAE while keeping similar performance rates. This suggests that the proposed NC+DDAE_T model may reduce the implementation costs of this noise reduction system and provide more benefits for cochlear implant users.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 107
Liudmyla I. Berezovska ◽  
Galyna D. Kondratska ◽  
Anna A. Zarytska ◽  
Kateryna S. Volkova ◽  
Taras M. Matsevko

This article sets sights on highlighting the effectiveness and efficiency of higher and vocational education and training, as well as exploring ways to address and implement the current reform agenda in the field. The research was conducted on the basis of a generalizing and comparative method, to identify the problems and development of vocational and higher education. Within the framework of the conducted research the current state of vocational and higher education has been characterized; the features of online learning at leading universities and its advantages has been clarified; the prospects of introduction of continuity of education have been studied, for the development of personality abilities, taking into account changes in society in the context of improvement of the system of vocational and higher education caused by the European integration process of education; directions for the development of vocational and higher education as part of the national education system and society in general have been outlined. It is determined, that at the present stage the domestic education system should be improved and transferred to an innovative way of development in accordance with developed countries. In the near future, such modern forms of education as: distance education, dual education, continuing vocational education and others, should be improved and implemented into the educational process.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 57 ◽  
Carol Perryman

A Review of: Brown, Cecilia M. and Ortega, Lina. “Information-Seeking Behavior of Physical Science Librarians: Does Research Inform Practice?” College & Research Libraries (2005). 66:231-47. Objective – As part of a larger study exploring the information environments of physical science librarians (Ortega & Brown), the authors’ overall objective for this study is to profile physical science librarians’ information behaviours. The authors’ two-part hypothesis was that first, peer-reviewed journals would be preferred over all other sources for research dissemination, resembling the preferences of scientists, and second, that peer-to-peer consultation would predominate for practice-oriented decisions. Design – Mixed methods: survey questionnaire followed by citation and content analysis. Setting – Five internationally disseminated professional association electronic mailing lists whose readership comprised those with interests in science librarianship: the American Library Association (ALA) Science and Technology Section; the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST) Science and Technology Information Special Interest Group; the Special Library Association (SLA) Chemistry Division and its Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics Division; and the American Geological Institute Geoscience Information Society. Subjects – Seventy-two physical science librarians voluntarily responding to an online survey. Methods – A questionnaire was distributed to inquire about physical science librarians’ professional reading practices as well as their perceptions about the applicability of research to their work. Participants were asked to rank preferences among 11 resource types as sources supporting daily business, including personal communication, conference attendance, electronic mailing lists, and scholarly journals. Differences between the mean rankings of preferences were tested for significance by applying the Friedman test with p>0.0005. Journals identified most frequently were analyzed using the Institute for Scientific Information’s (ISI) Web of Science index and Ulrich’s Periodical Index to measure proportions of research and non-research citations, as well as the general topic areas covered by the journals. Next, content analysis was performed for the years 1995, 1997, and 2000 in order to characterize research methodologies used in the previously identified journals according to a previously tested schema (Buscha & Harter). Results from this portion of the study were compared with participants’ responses about journal usage. Main Results – Librarians reported using personal communication (both face-to-face and electronic mailing lists) more frequently as a means of information gathering than professional journals, Web sites, conferences, trade publications, monographs, or ‘other’ resources. Variations in responses appeared to correlate with years in the profession and in the respondents’ time in their current positions, although there are indications that the importance of all information resources to practice and research declines over time. The relative importance of resources is also shown in time spent reading journal literature, less than 5 hours per week for 86% of participants. Conclusion – For the first hypothesis, the authors found that unlike scientists, survey participants did not prefer research publications as vehicles for dissemination of their research results. For the second, librarians ranked peer-reviewed journals third in preference after personal communication and electronic mailing lists as sources of information supporting daily practice, supporting the second hypothesis that respondents would emulate the information use practices of mathematicians.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sebastien Royal ◽  
Nadia Lehoux ◽  
Pierre Blanchet

PurposeThe housing construction industry is one of the most lucrative sectors for developed countries. However, homebuyers are often vulnerable when left with latent building defects in their new-build house. Many nations have thus implemented new home warranty schemes to protect consumers and stimulate residential production. These warranty programs vary excessively from state to state given the distinct nature of environments. Previous studies have attempted to compare one with another but did not apply a consistent comparative method when doing so. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics defining a new home warranty and to develop a standardised comparative framework.Design/methodology/approachAfter evaluating the characteristics outlined in multiple home warranty programs, a qualitative content analysis method was used to establish coding, categories and themes in order to create the framework. The methodology relied mostly on cross-referencing from academic papers, methodical reviews, government documents and professional consultant reports.FindingsThis paper reviewed warranty schemes from six countries: Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, France and Malaysia. The findings suggest that home warranty programs are defined by five main themes: political involvement; homeowner protection; financial sustainability; quality management; and dispute resolution. At the end, the research created a comparative framework of 101 codes that could be used to accurately measure the efficiency of a home warranty scheme.Originality/valueGathering all defining characteristics of new housing warranties into a unique comparative framework rectifies a gap in the literature. Such a flexible tool will aid future practitioners in the field to undertake comparative case study analysis through qualitative research methods.

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