І. Hordieieva
Севостьянов ◽  
D. Sevostyanov

This article analyzes the manifestation of the inversive relationship in the life cycle of the organization. Inversion is an internal contradiction in the hierarchy between the position of the hierarchical element, and its role. The reason for inversions is the discrepancy between the orientation of the organizational principles of hierarchy. The development of inversive relations leads the organization toward completion of its life cycle. Analysis of the inversive relationship in the hierarchy allows the comparative assessment of different models of the organizational life cycle.

1994 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-29 ◽  
Steven H. Hanks ◽  
Collin J. Watson ◽  
Erik Jansen ◽  
Gaylen N. Chandler

Over the years much has been written about the organization life cycle, yet there has been remarkably little attention given to the underlying construct of a life-cycle stage. It is proposed in this study that each life-cycle stage consists of a unique configuration of variables related to organization context and structure. Cluster analysis is used to derive a taxonomy of growth stage configurations in a sample of 126 high-technology organizations. The derived configurations suggest a sequence of four growth stages.

2012 ◽  
pp. 7-37
Laura Zoni ◽  
Marco Morelli ◽  
Andrea Dossi

Drawing from previous research on accounting change and on the impacts of organizational life-cycle on MAS, the paper aims at discussing how the MAS change process differentiates at birth, at growth, at maturity, at revival and at decline stages of an organization. Using a framework developed by Zoni et al (2012) the paper documents key phases and features of the management accounting change process to highlight its organizational nature in five longitudinal case studies of design and implementation of MAS changes. The field study shows how accounting systems are difficult to change despite the formally acknowledged need for change. Findings highlight that the success of change depends on how effectively organizations managed key phases in the MAS change, which in turn depends on the stage of the organization life cycle. Conclusions posit that in order to manage MAS change successfully the organization would pay more attention to the design phase at birth and at revival stages and more attention to the implementation phase at growth, at maturity and at decline ones. Furthermore, we could conclude that the main aim of MAS change spans from selection to variation of MAS along the stages of organizational life cycle: variations are more frequent at birth and at revival stages , selections are more frequent at growth and at decline ones.

The article is devoted to the classification of types of corporate cultures on the basis of the works of foreign researchers ‒ R. Harrison, T. Deal and A. Kennedy, V. Schneider, K. Cameron and R. Quinn, E. Schein, who, in spite of the diversity and uniqueness of corporate cultures, identified and classified culture according to the processes taken place within the organization, the managerial aspect, organization orientation, organizational forms and management theory, values, beliefs and basic assumptions. The author describes the existing classifications of types of corporate cultures in the article, as well as determines that corporate culture as an instrument of corporate governance. The recognized classifications of corporate cultures were analyzed. Based on the classification of corporate cultures proposed by K. Cameron and R. Quinn, the author proposed her own classification of Leadership Cultures ‒ the classification of leadership characteristics that dominate on the various stages of the organization’s life cycle. In the article the author has traced changes in corporate culture in the process of the organization development: from its initial stage (the stage of birth) to the end of the life cycle (dying). The author proposed her own classification of corporate culture based the model of the organization life cycle, developed by I. Adizes. The choice of the author of I. Adizes’s model lies in the fact that the focus of this model is on both the growth of the organization and its regression. The key parameters of this model are the degree of flexibility and controllability (control). It is proposed to characterize corporate culture of the enterprise in the context of organization culture classification using the following parameters: ideas and innovations, structure, communication, mission and goals, people, conflicts, growth.

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