I bambini e l'aerosol. Studio per valutare la compliance della terapia aerosolica associata all'uso di un computer didattico in bambini in etŕ scolastica
- A study has been carried out in order to evaluate the possibility of overcoming children aversion to aerosol therapy as well as facilitating their parents' task. Starting point of this study was the investigation, which was performed through focus groups, clinical interviews and a playful approach, on how children and parents perceive the aerosol therapy. After having identified critical issues and spontaneous proposals to ameliorate aerosol administration, the Authors evaluated the results obtained by the association of the traditional aerosol therapy with a device equipped with educational games. An experimental environment was set up in a school together with a procedure aiming at evaluating the children behavior towards aerosol therapy administered with and without the device equipped with educational games. The results of this monocentric, randomized, cross-over study demonstrated a statistically significant increase of the compliance index when aerosol therapy was administered with the device equipped with educational games, increasing interest, satisfaction and pleasure during the aerosol administration, which was accepted for a longer time.